Viasat Ramps Satellite Services in the Middle East and Western Europe Ahead of ViaSat-3 Launch; Signs Ka-Band Capacity Lease Deal with Avanti Communications

CARLSBAD, Calif., and LONDON, June 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Viasat Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT), a global communications company, today announced it signed a Ka-band capacity lease agreement with Avanti Communications Group plc (Avanti) to provide additional coverage and capacity across the Middle East and Western Europe—ahead of its ViaSat-3 global constellation—to support Viasat’s expanding global mobility and enterprise businesses, specifically across aviation, maritime and energy.

Viasat and Avanti have a long-standing relationship, having signed prior Ka-band capacity lease agreements. This new agreement augments Viasat’s KA-SAT satellite coverage and capacity and will initially be leveraged to serve new mobility customers in the region.

Avanti’s CEO, Kyle Whitehill said, “We are delighted to extend our relationship with Viasat and provide them support in the delivery of broadband connectivity across Europe and the Middle East. In-flight connectivity, in particular, is a high growth segment for satellite connectivity, and will serve Viasat well, enabling them to offer seamless connectivity capabilities across geographies.”

Jimmy Dodd, president, Viasat Global Enterprise and Mobility added, “In working with Avanti, we can bring additional short-term capacity to the mobility and enterprise markets, enabling us to serve more customers, win new business and establish deeper market presence and penetration ahead of our ViaSat-3 satellite launch aimed over Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA).”

Viasat plans to leverage Avanti’s HYLAS 4 and HYLAS 2 satellites beginning in October 2021.

About Avanti

Avanti Communications is the leading Ka-band high throughput satellite capacity partner to the communications industry in EMEA – extending and guaranteeing coverage for defence missions, enterprise solutions and critical public services.

Through the HYLAS satellite fleet and partners in 118 countries, Avanti provides dedicated fixed and flexible-beam satellite connectivity, with extensive coverage across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The Group has invested $1.2bn in a network that incorporates orbital slots in Ka-band spectrum, satellites, ground stations, datacentres and a fibre ring.

About Viasat

Viasat is a global communications company that believes everyone and everything in the world can be connected. For 35 years, Viasat has helped shape how consumers, businesses, governments and militaries around the world communicate. Today, the Company is developing the ultimate global communications network to power high-quality, secure, affordable, fast connections to impact people’s lives anywhere they are—on the ground, in the air or at sea. To learn more about Viasat, visit:, go to Viasat’s Corporate Blog, or follow the Company on social media at: FacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitter or YouTube.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to the safe harbors created under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward looking statements include among others, statements about the agreement between Viasat and Avanti, its business prospects, the capacity availability date and coverage areas, the expansion and growth of the global mobility and enterprise businesses, specifically across aviation, maritime and energy, and the ViaSat-3 satellite launch over EMEA. Readers are cautioned that actual results could differ materially and adversely from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include: the parties’ ability to successfully integrate and operate the new strategic agreement, and achieve expected synergies and other benefits; the ability to attract and retain key employees for the new strategic agreement; the impact of competition; the ability to develop products and technologies; the impact of changes in the financial markets and global economic conditions; risks associated with the operation of Viasat’s ground segment infrastructure; risks associated with the construction, launch and operation of satellites, including the Avanti satellites, which will be used to supply new internet services, including the effect of any anomaly, operational failure or degradation in satellite performance; reduced demand for products as a result of constraints on capital spending by customers; changes in relationships with, or the financial condition of, key customers or suppliers; reliance on a limited number of third parties to manufacture and supply products; Viasat’s level of indebtedness and ability to comply with applicable debt covenants; and other factors affecting the communications industry generally. In addition, please refer to the risk factors contained in Viasat’s SEC filings available at, including Viasat’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. Viasat undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements for any reason.

Copyright © 2021 Viasat, Inc. All rights reserved. Viasat, the Viasat logo and the Viasat signal are registered trademarks of Viasat, Inc. All other product or company names mentioned are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

‫الاعتراف بشركة LTI Syncordis كشريك خدمة لـ Temenos للعام

تم تقديم الجائزة عبر الملتقى الافتراضي Temenos Community 2021  

مومباي، الهند، 3 يونيو، 2021/PRNewswire/ — حازت شركة LTI Syncordis -وهي شريك عالمي في تنفيذ أعمال Temenos وإحدى الشركات التابعة لشركة Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. (المدرجة في بورصة مومباي برمز: 540005) (والمدرجة في سوق الأوراق المالية الوطنية الهندية تحت رمز: LTI)- لقب شريك الخدمة للعام من قبل شركة Temenos وذلك عبر الملتقى الافتراضي TCF 2021.

LTI Logo

حافظت شركة LTI Syncordis منذ إنشائها على الالتزام بتحقيق النجاح لمجتمع Temenos وتطورت لتصبح شريكًا عالميًا لتنفيذ الحلول المتكاملة وتكامل الأنظمة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن LTI Syncordis هي أول شركة حاصلة على ترخيص “شركة متخصصة في القطاع المصرفي” (PSF) في لوكسمبورغ وهي مخصصة بالكامل لخدمات Temenos مع إمكانات لدعم جميع برامج Temenos ويتم تصنيفها باستمرار مع درجات عالية من الرضا من قبل شركاء خدمات Temenos. اختارت LTI Syncordis شركة Temenos في عام 2020 لإطلاق منصتها المبتكرة لتقديم الخدمات المصرفية كخدمة في سوق بلدان الشمال الأوروبي والتي تمكن البنوك من تحديث الأنظمة المصرفية الأساسية القديمة بسرعة وكفاءة. وبفضل أكثر من 600 من خبراء Temenos في Syncordis وأكثر من 35000 متخصص في مجال التكنولوجيا في LTI، تتربع LTI Syncordis على عرش الشركاء المفضلين لدى عملاء Temenos في جميع أنحاء العالم الذين يبحثون عن الابتكار سريع الوتيرة.

وقد صرح السيد Sudhir Chaturvedi، الذي يشغل منصب الرئيس وعضو مجلس الإدارة التنفيذي في شركة LTI  قائلاً:

“نحن نؤمن بتقديم التميز ونعمل دائمًا على المضي قدمًا لما هو في صالح عملائنا. إن الاعتراف بالتزامنا لهو أمر رائع ونحن في LTI Syncordis نقدر ذلك كثيرًا. بصفتنا شريكًا مخصصًا لـ Temenos، نتطلع إلى تعزيز شراكتنا المثمرة مع Temenos بشكل أكبر ودفع التحول الرقمي المبتكر في القطاع المصرفي لسنوات عديدة قادمة.”

Syncordis Logo

في حين علق السيد Guillaume Desjonqueres، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Syncordis  بقوله:

“إنه لمن دواعي سروري تسلم هذه الجائزة نيابة عن جميع موظفينا الذين أسهموا بشكل أساسي في تحقيق هذا الإنجاز. والآن أصبح من الضروري التركيز على التعاون وتقديم أعلى معدلات الجودة للمشاريع الشاملة للمؤسسات المالية ذات الأحجام المختلفة أكثر من أي وقت مضى. إن من شأن تقاسم المسؤولية وتمكين برامج التحول الرقمي المبتكرة الوصول بالخدمات المصرفية إلى مستوى أفضل. وهذا التقدير يعد بمثابة مصدر إلهام لنا. وبالتوازي مع شراكتنا طويلة الأجل مع Temenos، سنظل ملتزمين – لكل من البنوك وعملائها الكرام.”

كما صرحت Alexa Guenoun، الرئيس التنفيذي للعمليات في شركة Temenos قائلة:

“يتمتع الشركاء بتأثير مذهل في النظام البيئي الذي طورناه على مدار 27 عامًا في مجال الخدمات المصرفية – فهم يساعدوننا على الابتكار والتوسع وتحسين الخدمات المصرفية لعملائنا والعالم بأسره. وإنه ليسعدني أن أشيد بشركة LTI Syncordis لدورها في تقديم التكنولوجيا التي تخلق تجارب أفضل وأسرع وأكثر ذكاءً، مع زيادة المرونة لمواكبة عالم دائم التغير. وبفضل شركاء مثل LTI Syncordis، أصبح لدينا واحدًا من أقوى المجتمعات وأكثرها ديناميكية ومرونة في هذا القطاع.”

نبذة عن Syncordis:  

تقدم Syncordis -وهي إحدى شركات LTI التي يقع مقرها في لوكسمبورغ- مشاريع تكامل أنظمة وتنفيذ حلول متكاملة عالية الجودة مع التركيز حصريًا على برامج الخدمات المصرفية لشركة Temenos مثل Temenos Infinity و Temenos Transact وTemenos Fund Administration وTemenos Wealth و Temenos Payments و Temenos Financial Crime Mitigation   بالإضافة إلى Temenos DataSource. Syncordis هي أيضًا الشريك العالمي الوحيد لشركة Temenos المخصص بالكامل لتقديم خدمات Temenos مع إمكانات لدعم جميع مجموعات برامج Temenos. ومع وجود 12 مقرًا لها في جميع أنحاء العالم، وأكثر من 600 خبير بالإضافة إلى الخدمات التكميلية مثل البرمجيات كخدمة (SaaS) وخدمات دعم الإنتاج المنظمة، تمكن Syncordis عملاءها الدوليين من إتقان تجربة التحول الرقمي لديهم. وهذا يجعل من Syncordis أحد شركاء الخدمات المتكاملة لعملاء Temenos في جميع أنحاء العالم. للتعرف على المزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني

نبذة حول LTI:  

LTI (المدرجة في بورصة مومباي برمز: LTI) هي شركة استشارات تقنية وحلول رقمية عالمية تساعد أكثر من 400 عميل على النجاح في عالم متداخل. ومن خلال تنفيذ المشروعات في 31 دولة، فإننا نقطع شوطًا إضافيًا لعملائنا ونعمل على تسريع تحولهم الرقمي من خلال منصة Mosaic من LTI التي تمكنهم من القيام برحلاتهم عبر الأجهزة المحمولة ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي والتحليلات وإنترنت الأشياء والسحابة. وقد تأسست في عام 1997 كشركة تابعة لشركة Larsen & Toubro Limited، وتتميز بما يمنحه لها تراثها الفريد من خبرات واقعية لا مثيل لها لحل أكثر التحديات تعقيدًا أمام المؤسسات في جميع القطاعات. ويسعى فريقنا المكون من أكثر من 35000 موظف لتمكين عملائنا يوميًا إلى تحسين فعالية أعمالهم وعملياتهم التي تعتمد على التكنولوجيا وتقديم أفضل قيمة لعملائهم وموظفيهم ومساهميهم. تابعونا عبر @LTI_Global

التواصل مع LTI  :

قراءة المزيد  :

شعار Syncordis:



Dual National Pakistani Students Have ‘Brighter’ Chances of Securing Visas

LONDON, June 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — There are hundreds and thousands of Pakistani students who travel abroad each year to attain higher education. According to a Lahore-based education consultancy, those with dual citizenship have “brighter chances” to be granted study visas abroad. Currently, Pakistani citizens can travel to a small handful of destinations visa-free or visa-on-arrival, resulting in extensive paperwork and time and money costs when applying for study permits in North America or Europe.

In 2016, a British ranking agency recorded Pakistan as the weakest higher education system out of 50 examined nations while the US and UK topped the list. Pakistani students are increasingly interested in pursuing higher education from abroad because of the better quality education, career growth, and future opportunities available in different countries said Dr Syed Shujaat Ali Shah from FES Higher Education Consultants. For Pakistani students, the most favoured destinations to continue a higher education include the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, and Ireland.

Micha Emmett, the CEO of a London-based second citizenship firm CS Global Partners, says that many Pakistani applicants look to citizenship by investment (CBI) programmes to ensure their child can access the world’s most esteemed schools. “Parents want to give their children the tools to succeed in learning and life, and attaining second citizenship through investment is the fastest and easiest route to make that happen,” she said.

Second citizenship from St Kitts and Nevis increases the mobility of Pakistani students and parents needing to travel to international education hubs, she said. “With citizenship of a European or Commonwealth nation like the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis, you can enrol in some of the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities, perhaps to complete the Masters’ degree you’ve always wanted to pursue.”

With CBI, new citizens can also take advantage of St Kitts and Nevis’ many internationally-recognised universities like the University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UMHS), which confers upon its graduates the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. Since March 2011, students at UMHS have participated in residency matches every year by being placed into various specialities across the US and Canada. The institution is recognised by the Accreditation Commission on Colleges of Medicine, an international body listed by the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation, part of the US Department of Education.

Through CBI programmes, vetted applicants can legally acquire a second nationality in return for an investment in the host country. St Kitts and Nevis is known as the ‘Platinum Standard’ in the industry for its longest-standing offering globally. It acknowledges the growing importance to investors to obtain citizenship for their families too, which is why, for a limited time, families of up to four can get citizenship for US$150,000 instead of US$195,000 through the fund option. Moreover, St Kitts and Nevis allows future generations of successful applicants to inherit citizenship as well.

Hubs established in Qatar and Rwanda for final vaccination opportunity for Olympic and Paralympic Games participants

Doha- The IOC, together with the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and government authorities of Qatar and Rwanda, has established two further pre-Games vaccination opportunities for Olympic and Paralympic Games participants.

These two vaccination hubs allow Games participants who will be unable to be vaccinated in their home countries in advance of travelling to Japan for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 to get inoculated.

The two hubs will both offer the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, in line with the IOC announcement on 6 May 2021 of the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE to donate doses of the companies’ COVID-19 vaccine to Games participants from National Olympic and Paralympic Committees around the world.

The IOC is in contact with a few NOCs whose athletes are not yet able to access vaccination programmes and who would therefore be eligible to travel to either the hub in Doha (Qatar) or Kigali (Rwanda). They have been set up respectively by the Qatar Olympic Committee and the Rwanda Olympic Committee in relation with the relevant government and medical authorities in their regions and with Pfizer’s support. Concerned NOCs can apply for travel support from Olympic Solidarity should they need it.

On this important development, IOC NOC Relations and Olympic Solidarity Director James Macleod said: “We cannot thank enough the two NOCs, their national governments and Pfizer for their generosity and great show of willingness and support. The progress in preparation of work on the ground has been outstanding, and these additional vaccination opportunities are enabling the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 to be safe and secure not only for the participants, but also for the Japanese people.”

H.E. Sheikh Joaan Bin Hamad Al-Thani, President of the Qatar Olympic Committee, said: “We are delighted to be a part of this excellent initiative and to contribute to safe Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. We are grateful to our colleagues in Japan and the IOC for their tremendous efforts in ensuring the Games can go ahead safely. We all have a responsibility to repay this hard work by doing everything we can to protect the health of the Japanese people and all Games participants.”

The Doha vaccination hub comes in addition to the Qatar Olympic Committee’s confirmation that it will also host the Refugee Olympic Team in early July in a training camp in Doha prior to the team travelling to Tokyo.

Meanwhile, IOC Member in Rwanda Felicite Rwemarika explained the rationale behind the decision to create a hub in Rwanda: “We were also driven to join this initiative in solidarity with our friends at the Japan Olympic Committee, who have constantly supported our NOC by generously hosting training camps for our athletes.”

This is yet another example of the spirit of solidarity that has been witnessed between NOCs, and one that the IOC is supporting in every possible way. From the outset, the IOC has underlined the importance of solidarity in the fight against the virus, and to see this become a reality is testament to the commitment of Olympic Movement stakeholders to making the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 safe and secure for all involved.

Currently as many as 75 per cent of the residents of the Olympic Village are already vaccinated or have secured vaccination; and there is good reason to believe that this figure will be well over 80 per cent at the time of the Games.

Source: Qatar Olympic Committee

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed meets US Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and US Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa reviewed the strategic relations between the two nations in addition to the latest developments in the African continent.

This came as the UAE top diplomat met with Jeffrey Feltman at the Ministry’s HQ here today, wherein they deliberated the prospects of strengthening security and stability in the Horn of Africa.

During the meeting, Sheikh Abdullah reaffirmed the UAE’s determination to solidify security and stability in the Horn of Africa and to support the efforts made by the US in this respect.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed chairs meeting of Higher Committee on anti-money laundering, countering financing of terrorism

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, has chaired the 8th virtual meeting of the Higher Committee Overseeing the National Strategy on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism.

The members of the committee reviewed the latest developments pertaining to the implementation of the UAE’s action plan for anti-money laundering and countering financing of terrorism, in addition to the committee’s future plans to achieve the desirable .

The attendees also discussed the progress made by concerned authorities and strides made since the committee’s last meeting.

The meeting covered priorities and next steps to be taken by the authorities to meet all the requirements and recommendations submitted by the Financial Action Task Force.

The meeting was attended by Obaid bin Humaid Al Tayer, Minister of State for Financial Affairs; Sultan bin Saeed Al Badi Al Dhaheri, Minister of Justice; Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh, Minister of State; Khalid Mohammed Salem Balama, Governor of the UAE Central Bank; Ahmed Al Dhaheri, Chief of State Security Apparatus; Major General Talal Al Falasi, Director-General of the State Security Department in Dubai; in addition to a number of senior officials.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation

H.E. Minister of Commerce & Industry and the Acting Minister of Finance participates in the opening ceremony of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2021

His Excellency Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari, Minister of Commerce & Industry and Acting Minister of Finance, participated in the opening ceremony of the 24th edition of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2021, in the presence and with the participation of a group of international dignitaries, including H.E. Mr. Andrey Belousov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. Edouard Ngirente, Prime Minister of the Republic of Rwanda, and Mr. Tran Tuan Anh, Chairman of the Vietnamese Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission and H.E. Mr. David Malpass, President of the World Bank Group.

During his intervention in the session, H.E. Mr. Al Kuwari touched on Qatar’s achievements during the global economic recovery, pointing to the success of the proactive and rapid measures taken by the State to reduce the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

H.E. highlighted the progress of the vaccination campaigns, as Qatar has surpassed the 2.6 million dose mark, and it is expected to have vaccinated 75% of its population by the end of next month.

H.E. Mr. Al Kuwari spoke of the quality of Qatar’s healthcare system, which has contributed to making the death rate caused by COVID-19 in the State of Qatar among the lowest in the world.

Qatar has sought to back the private sector by providing financial incentives amounting to QAR 75 billion, H.E. Mr. Al Kuwari stated, referring to the new support plans approved by the Council of Ministers in April 2021, which constituted an important addition to the private sector funding package.

In this context, H.E. referred to the initiative to extend the Qatar Development Bank’s National Guarantee Program until the end of September 2021.

On the prospects for the global economy in the future, H.E. Mr. Al Kuwari explained that the pandemic had shown the fragility of development systems prevalent around the world. H.E. Mr. Al Kuwari called in this regard for devising a comprehensive approach based in essence on international cooperation and solidarity.

The next stage will not be easy economically and financially for any of the countries involved in the global economy, especially since the desired financial recovery can only be achieved by opening broader horizons for cooperation between nations and peoples at all levels, H.E. Mr. Al Kuwari stated.

At the conclusion of his speech, H.E. the Minister of Commerce & Industry and the Acting Minister of Finance called on governments and businesspeople to unite and provide solutions that contribute to restoring investor confidence, as well as to open prospects for building a better future for all peoples.

The opening ceremony of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2021 featured showing speeches by several State leaders and official figures, including H.E. Mr. Alexander Beglov, Governor of St. Petersburg.

On the sidelines of SPIEF, H.E. Mr. Al Kuwari, held separate meetings with H.E. Mr. Maxim Reshetnikov, Minister of Economic Development in the Russian Federation, Mr. Ivan Glasenberg CEO of Glencore and Mr. Andrey Kostin, President and Chairman of VTB Bank Management Board.

During the meeting, there was an exchange of views on several economic and investment issues and developments of common interest, in addition to looking into means to enhance cooperation and coordination with the Russian Federation in facing the repercussions of the pandemic.

It is worth noting that Qatar is participating in the 24th edition of the prestigious St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2021 with a pavilion that includes several government agencies, as well as national bodies and institutions, in aims at shining a spotlight at the State of Qatar and its leading economic position regionally and internationally. Qatar’s participation also seeks introducing the attractive investment environment that the State provides to businesspeople and investors from all over the world.

Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Mindray Launches Resona I9 Ultrasound System, Revolutionizing General Imaging

SHENZHEN, China, June 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Mindray (SZSE: 300760), a global leading developer and provider of medical devices and solutions, has announced the release of its latest general imaging diagnostic ultrasound system, Resona I9, to its suite of general imaging solutions. With innovations both inside and out, Resona I9 provides accurate and timely answers for clinicians, while delivering outstanding efficiency and a remarkable user experience.

Mindray Launches Resona I9 Ultrasound System, Revolutionizing General Imaging

Resona I9 was developed based on Mindray’s in-depth insights into complex clinical scenarios and is a state-of-the-art ultrasound system equipped with all the latest technologies. Delivering innovation in every facet, Resona I9 features a customizable control panel, foldable structure to a height of one-meter, extended battery life and super silent design — all of which help reduce fatigue to a minimum during scans. Mindray’s revolutionary ZST+ platform powers the system and elevates it to an unparalleled level in its class by delivering exceptional image quality for infinite imaging solutions.

“At Mindray, we are constantly striving to provide better healthcare solutions for clinicians. To do this, we need to deeply understand our customers, be inspired by their daily work, and harness these insights to deliver innovations that make a difference to their workflow. Resona I9 has evolved with the changing demands of diagnostic imaging and includes a suite of innovative features, all powered by our advanced ZST+ platform,” said He Xujin, General Manager of Mindray Imaging System Division.

Resona I9’s iConsole control panel features a breakthrough design and adaptive layout for different clinical scenarios. Its E-ink keys are customizable for functions that are most frequently used during scans, while the full-space floating control panel can be adjusted for better space utilization allowing Resona I9 to easily meet various scanning needs for patients. These revolutionary design elements enable new possibilities for ultrasound exams and improve workflow efficiency from the beginning.

The solution’s high frame-rate (HiFR) STE delivers consistent shear waves and precise tissue stiffness access to bring more sensitive motion detection for greater stability and accuracy during scans. Resona I9 is also equipped with Smart Breast and Smart Thyroid automatic standard lesion analysis, which shortens examination times for more effective scanning.

With its innovative features and unlimited scanning flexibility, Mindray’s Resona I9 provides clinicians with the comprehensive tools required for more precise diagnostic treatment – enabling enhanced diagnostic confidence for better patient care.

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The Impact of Science to Create a Movement; the Case of Fooditive, Pioneer in Plant-Based Upcycled Ingredients

Fooditive Products

Fooditive Product Line

ROTTERDAM, June 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The challenging year 2020 saw the blossoming of plant-based ingredient manufacturer Fooditive BV, a Dutch company set on revolutionising healthy eating. Through upcycling third – grade and side-streams of fruit and vegetables into 100% natural products, it has created one of the keys to a more sustainable future. It all started with a Jordanian man and his hate for waste and want for change.

Having experienced scarce availability of food during his childhood in Jordan, founder and food scientist Moayad Abushokhedim vowed to create healthy and affordable food for all.

Packed with a strong food science and business background, he developed his own unique process of creating affordable plant-based ingredients, simply using the science of fermentation.

In recognition of his drive for success in the food and beverage industry, Abushokhedim was named as one of the Food100 2020, an award that celebrates changemakers who are working towards transitioning to a sustainable food system.

“For a Jordanian guy like me, who cannot believe he is living his dream of changing the world, receiving this award made me realise that if you can dream it, you can achieve it. And it reminded me that I am not alone in this endeavour because there are so many others in the world who believe in making a difference,” said Moayad Abushokhedim.

Moayad Abushokhedim

Food Scientist and Founder of Fooditive Group

Fooditive’s first product, the game-changing zero-calorie sweetener made from apples and pears, was only just the beginning. Since launching the sweetener, the company has expanded its range of creative products, including a thickening agent made from banana skins, a carrot-based preservative, and an emulsifier made from potato extracts.

The innovation behind Fooditive’s products and its dedication to delivering what consumers deserve have led to the company being nominated for the Foodvalley Champions 2020 award in the category Food & Health. The new collaboration with Frutco AG in Switzerland, which will use Fooditive’s unique continuous fermentation process to produce a sweetener from banana side-streams, is the company’s latest step towards making the world greener and more sustainable.

As pioneers of healthy eating, Fooditive’s actions have also a-peel-ed to Gary Clarke, former general manager of Mars International Travel Retail. With more than 20 years of consumer packaged goods experience, Clarke felt that “as a next step, joining Fooditive as a partner seemed like such an obvious thing to do.”

“When I learned about Fooditive’s approach to developing a circular economy and producing foods that are better for you, I really thought they were leading the charge to evolve the food industry. I believe that Fooditive really can drive the industry to a new future for food. One that is not only good for people but also good for the planet, and should we be able to scale this idea then the difference can be enormous”, added Clarke.

Fooditive is currently funding up to €6.5M for the year of 2021 to revolutionize the plant-based food business and create healthy and affordable food for everyone.

Later this year, the company will share its exciting new products, a healthy fat replacer from avocado seeds and a vegan milk formation from peas, so be sure to keep an eye out for Fooditive.

Now that it is backed by even more committed partners and equipped with un-pear-alleled competitively priced ingredients, the Fooditive fever is catching on and inspiring others along the way to think more about what they eat.

About Fooditive BV

In 2018, the plant-based ingredient manufacturer Fooditive BV was established in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The company is committed to making healthy food available for all with its 100% natural ingredients. Since its launch, Fooditive has received several awards for its innovative ideas, sustainable approaches, and contributions to a circular economy, including being nominated for the Index Award 2021.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

Niki Karatza
+31 10 3216167

Miami International Holdings Reports May 2021 Trading Results, MIAX Exchange Group Sets New Market Share Records

PRINCETON, N.J., June 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Miami International Holdings, Inc. today reported May 2021 trading results for its U.S. exchange subsidiaries – MIAX®, MIAX Pearl® and MIAX Emerald® (together, the MIAX Exchange Group™) and the Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX).

The MIAX Exchange Group reported a number of new volume and market share records for multi-list options trading including a 16.56% market share record on May 28, 2021 and a monthly market share record of 14.71% in May 2021. In addition, the MIAX Options Exchange reported a record 1-day total contract volume of 3,094,601 on May 28, 2021 and a record 42,859,476 contracts traded in May 2021.

In U.S. options, the MIAX Exchange Group collectively executed over 99.6 million multi-listed options contracts for a combined average daily volume (ADV) of 4,984,909 contracts, representing a total U.S. multi-listed options market share of 14.71%, representing an increase of 235 basis points from May 2020.

In U.S. equities, MIAX Pearl Equities™ executed 565,296,056 shares.

In U.S. futures, MGEX executed 261,078 contracts, the best May volume total in MGEX history and 44.4% higher than the prior record total reported in May 2018.  Total volume through May reached 1,371,447 contracts, a 24.0% increase from the same period in 2020, while open interest totaled 93,610 contracts on May 31, 2021, an increase of 18.0% from May 2020.  SPIKES® futures volume reached a record 4,256 contracts in May 2021.

Multi-Listed Options Trading Volume for

 MIAX Exchange Group, Current Month

Year-to-Date Comparison
Multi-Listed Options Contracts May-21 May-20 % Chg. Apr-21 % Chg. May-21 May-20 % Chg.
Trading Days 20 20 21 102 103
U.S. Multi-Listed Options Industry 677,836,592 511,622,104 32.5% 674,204,936 0.5% 3,795,275,392 2,597,965,368 46.1%
MIAX Exchange Group 99,698,170 63,216,613 57.7% 95,374,791 4.5% 518,330,920 299,248,499 73.2%
MIAX 42,859,476 26,091,147 64.3% 39,922,649 7.4% 188,409,968 116,474,567 61.8%
MIAX Pearl 37,559,901 24,860,957 51.1% 35,721,054 5.1% 194,952,431 122,380,963 59.3%
MIAX Emerald 19,278,793 12,264,509 57.2% 19,731,088 -2.3% 134,968,521 60,392,969 123.5%
Multi-Listed Options ADV May-21 May-20 % Chg. Apr-21 % Chg. May-21 May-20 % Chg.
U.S. Multi-Listed Options Industry 33,891,830 25,581,105 32.5% 32,104,997 5.6% 37,208,582 25,222,965 47.5%
MIAX Exchange Group 4,984,909 3,160,831 57.7% 4,541,657 9.8% 5,081,676 2,905,325 74.9%
MIAX 2,142,974 1,304,557 64.3% 1,901,079 12.7% 1,847,157 1,130,821 63.3%
MIAX Pearl 1,877,995 1,243,048 51.1% 1,701,003 10.4% 1,911,298 1,188,165 60.9%
MIAX Emerald 963,940 613,225 57.2% 939,576 2.6% 1,323,221 586,340 125.7%
Multi-Listed Options Market Share for

MIAX Exchange Group, Current Month

Year-to-Date Comparison
Multi-Listed Options Market Share May-21 May-20 % Chg. Apr-21 % Chg. May-21 May-20 % Chg.
MIAX Exchange Group 14.71% 12.36% 19.0% 14.15% 4.0% 13.66% 11.52% 18.6%
MIAX 6.32% 5.10% 24.0% 5.92% 6.8% 4.96% 4.48% 10.7%
MIAX Pearl 5.54% 4.86% 14.0% 5.30% 4.6% 5.14% 4.71% 9.0%
MIAX Emerald 2.84% 2.40% 18.6% 2.93% -2.8% 3.56% 2.32% 53.0%
Equities Trading Volume for

MIAX Pearl Equities, Current Month

Year-to-Date Comparison
Equities Shares (millions) May-21 May-20 % Chg. Apr-21 % Chg. May-21 May-20 % Chg.
Trading Days 20 N/A N/A 21 102 N/A N/A
U.S. Equities Volume – Industry 212,728 N/A N/A 207,994 2.3% 1,314,390 N/A N/A
MIAX Pearl Volume 565 N/A N/A 452 25.1% 2,488 N/A N/A
MIAX Pearl ADV 28 N/A N/A 22 31.3% 24 N/A N/A
MIAX Pearl Market Share 0.27% N/A N/A 0.22% 22.3% 0.19% N/A N/A
Futures & Options Trading Volume for

MGEX, Current Month

Year-to-Date Comparison
Futures & Options


May-21 May-20 % Chg. Apr-21 % Chg. May-21 May-20 % Chg.
Trading Days 20 20 21 102 103
MGEX Volume 261,078 134,909 93.5% 322,207 -19.0% 1,371,447 1,106,310 24.0%
MGEX ADV 13,054 6,745 93.5% 15,343 -14.9% 13,446 10,741 25.2%

May 2021 Market Share and Volume Records:

 MIAX Options MIAX Exchange Group Multi-Listed Options Records
Single Day Market Share 16.56% May 28, 2021
Monthly Market Share 14.71% May 2021
 MIAX Options MIAX Multi-Listed Options Records
Single Day Volume 3,094,601 May 28, 2021
Monthly Volume 42,859,476 May 2021

May 2021 operational achievements and announcements include:


  • Announced the successful first day of trading in Corporate Tax Rate Futures on May 24, 2021. The cash-settled futures contracts are listed on MGEX via the CME Globex® platform and cleared by MGEX. Corporate Tax Futures are based on the SIL U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Index (CTAX) developed by SIG Index Licensing, LLC. The index is published and distributed by Bloomberg each day at 9:00 a.m. ET.
  • Announced that the Bermuda Stock Exchange, a wholly owned subsidiary of MIH, has joined the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative as a Partner Exchange. The SSE initiative is a peer-to-peer learning platform for exploring how exchanges can enhance corporate transparency on ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) issues and encourage sustainable investment.

For further information regarding MIAX, please visit or contact MIAX Trading Operations at

Corporate Communications Contacts:

Andy Nybo, SVP, Chief Communications Officer
(609) 955-2091

Natalie Kay, Karma Agency

About MIAX
MIAX’s parent holding company, Miami International Holdings (MIH), operates and manages Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC (MIAX®), MIAX Pearl, LLC (MIAX Pearl®) and MIAX Emerald, LLC (MIAX Emerald® and together with MIAX and MIAX Pearl, the MIAX Exchange Group™), the Minneapolis Grain Exchange, LLC, a Designated Contract Market (DCM) and Derivatives Clearing Organization (DCO), and the Bermuda Stock Exchange.

The MIAX, MIAX Pearl and MIAX Emerald options exchanges leverage MIAX’s industry-leading technology and infrastructure to provide their member firms with traditional pricing and pro rata allocation (MIAX), maker-taker pricing and price-time allocation (MIAX Pearl) market structures, and a hybrid market structure with maker-taker pricing and pro rata allocation (MIAX Emerald).

MIAX serves as the exclusive exchange venue for cash-settled options on the SPIKES® Volatility Index (Ticker: SPIKE), a measure of the expected 30-day volatility in the SPDR® S&P 500® ETF (SPY).

Under MIAX Pearl’s exchange license, MIAX Pearl Equities™ provides its members with best-in-class performance through a combination of high determinism, low latency and high throughput. MIAX Pearl Equities has maker-taker pricing and a price-time allocation model.

MGEX was established in 1881 and is the only market for Hard Red Spring Wheat (HRSW), SPIKES Futures, National Corn Index (NCI), National Soybean Index (NSI), Hard Red Winter Wheat Index (HRWI), Hard Red Spring Wheat Index (HRSI), and Soft Red Winter Wheat Index (SRWI) futures and options, as well as for HRSW calendar spread options (CSOs). In addition, MGEX provides DCM, DCO and cash market services to business partners in an array of asset classes. MGEX is also a Notice Registered Securities Future Product Exchange with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

MIAX’s executive offices and National Operations Center are located in Princeton, NJ, with additional offices located in Miami, FL, Minneapolis, MN, and Hamilton, Bermuda.

To learn more about MIAX visit

To learn more about MGEX visit

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The press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any securities of Miami International Holdings, Inc. (together with its subsidiaries, the Company), and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation or sale in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer; solicitation or sale would be unlawful. This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as “may”, “future”, “plan” or “planned”, “will” or “should”, “expected,” “anticipates”, “draft”, “eventually” or “projected”. You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.

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