‫ليكن عامك الجديد استثنائياً مع هاتف رينو6 برو 5G

– ابدأ العام الجديد مع آخر ميزات التقنيات الحديثة الموجودة في هاتف رينو 6 برو 5G من أوبو

– مزيد من الصور الرائعة بشحن أقل للبطارية مع تقنية الشحن فائق السرعة”SuperVOOC Flash Charge” الحصرية من أوبو، والتي تشحن هاتفك بالكامل في غضون 30 دقيقة فقط

– ذكريات ولحظات لا تُنسى مع ميزات تصوير الفيديو والصور السهلة والمتطورة                     

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة،, 13 يناير / كانون الثاني 2022 /PRNewswire/ — إن لم يُحضر لك سانتا هديتك للعام الجديد، فعليك إحضارها بنفسك. هاتف رينو 6 برو 5G من أوبو هو أفضل هدية تكافئ بها نفسك في العام الجديد.

OPPO Reno6 Pro 5G

مجهزاً بكاميرا رباعيةدقتها 50 ميغابكسل مُزودة بتقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي وميزاتها المبتكرة الأخرى التي تمنح هواة التصوير الفوتوغرافي القدرة على التقاط صور كالمصورين المحترفين بسهولة تامة، يعد هاتف رينو 6 برو 5G الأفضل لهؤلاء الذين يتطلعون لصنع ذكريات جديدة مليئة بالمتعة والبهجة في العام الجديد.

يأتيكم بتصميمه العصري الذي يخطف الأنظار وميزات الصور والفيديو المتطورة، بما في ذلك الخاصية الأولى من نوعها في العالم “فيديو بورتريه البوكيه Bokeh Flare Portrait Video” وميزة “الفيديو المعزز بالذكاء الاصطناعيAI Highlight Video” التي تم تطويرها وتحسينها ليتيح للمستخدمين التقاط مقاطع فيديو لا تُنسى مع تأثير سينمائي ساحر، سواء عند استخدام الكاميرات الأمامية أو الخلفية، حيث يُمكن تطبيق تأثيرات “البوكيه” التي تشبه تأثير الكاميرات الاحترافية على مقاطع الفيديو بضغطة واحدة فقط.

تأتي كاميرا الهاتف الأساسية مزودةً بحساس الصور سوني IMX766 فائق القوة لتعزيز النطاق الديناميكي للصورة خاصةً في ظروف الإضاءة المنخفضة، مما ينتج عنه لقطات ليلية احترافية، مثالية للاستمتاع بالطقس البارد في رحلات الصحراء المذهلة.


بالإضافة إلى كل ذلك، تضمن إمكانات وميزات التركيز التلقائي المتقدمة للهاتف أن يكون الجسم المُراد تصويره في بؤرة تركيز العدسة بشكل دائم، مما يجعله الهاتف المثالي للصور الجماعية والعائلية. يوفر هاتف رينو6 برو  5Gأيضاً أدوات تحرير الصور بشكل إبداعي وسهل في نفس الوقت، مثل “لوحة ألوان بقوة الذكاء الاصطناعي AI Palette” لسهولة ضبط وتعديل المحتوى الذي تم تصويره.

اللحظات السعيدة والمهمة لن تضيع في انتظار شحن الهاتف، حيث يتميز هاتف رينو6 برو  5G بأعلى أداء للبطارية، بالإضافة لتقنية الشحن السريع “SuperVOOC Flash Charge” الجديرة بالثقة من أوبو، والتي تمنحك شحناً كاملاً في 30 دقيقة فقط. كل هذا مع التصميم الأنيق للهاتف، حيث يأتي بسُمك 7.99 مم، ووزن يبلغ 188 غراماً فقط. فكن جاهزاً لالتقاط كل المغامرات، واللحظات السعيدة والذكريات في عام 2022 بسلاسة وخفّة.

 لمحة عن أوبو

تأسستأوبو في عام 2004، وتعد من أبرز الأسماء الرائدة عالمياً في مجال التكنولوجيا، حيث تشتهر بتركيزها على التقنيات المبتكرة واللمسات الفنية المتميزة في التصميم.

وتهدف أوبو إلى بناء منظومة متعددة المستويات من الأجهزة الذكية، تواكب من خلالها عصر الاتصالات الذكية الذي نعيشه. وتعتبر الهواتف الذكية التي تنتجها أوبو منصةً لتقديم محفظة متنوعة من الحلول الذكية والرائدة، على مستوى الأجهزة والنظام والبرمجيات. ولتحقيق هذا الهدف، أطلقت أوبو في عام 2019 خطة على مدى ثلاثة أعوام، لاستثمار 7 مليار دولار أمريكي في مجال الأبحاث والتطوير، لابتكار تقنيات تسهم في تعزيز إمكانيات التصميم.

وتبذل أوبو جهوداً دائمةً لوضع منتجات تتميز بأعلى مستويات التطور التكنولوجي ضمن تصاميم جمالية مميزة وفريدة في متناول المستخدمين في مختلف أرجاء العالم، استناداً إلى فلسفة العلامة التي تتمحور حول الريادة والشباب والقيم الجمالية، حيث تلتزم أوبو بتحقيق هدفها في منح المستخدمين الاستثنائيين إمكانية الإحساس بجمال التكنولوجيا.

وركزت أوبو، خلال العقد الماضي، على تصنيع هواتف ذكية تتميز بإمكانيات تصوير غير مسبوقة، حيث أطلقت أول هواتفها في 2008، وأطلقت عليه اسم سمايل فون، وكان بداية انطلاقها في سعيها الدائم نحو الريادة والابتكار. ووجهت العلامة اهتمامها على الدوام على احتلال مركز الصدارة، وهو ما نجحت في تحقيقه عبر تقديم أول هاتف ذكي مزود بكاميرا دوارة في عام 2013، فضلاً عن إطلاق أنحف هاتف ذكي في عام 2014، كما كانت أول شركة تقدم تكنولوجيا بيريسكوب في كاميرا الموبايل، أتاحت لها تقديم خاصية التقريب خمس مرات وتطوير أول هاتف ذكي تجاري متوافق مع شبكات اتصالات الجيل الخامس في أوروبا.

وتحتل أوبو اليوم المرتبة الرابعة بين علامات الهواتف الذكية، عبر الأجهزة الذكية وواجهة المستخدم ColorOS وخدماتها الإلكترونية مثل أوبو كلاود وأوبو+.

وتقدم أوبو خدماتها ومنتجاتها في أكثر من 40 دولة، كما تدير ستة معاهد للأبحاث وخمسة مراكز للبحث والتطوير موزعة في مختلف أنحاء العالم، من سان فرانسيسكو غرباً وصولاً إلى شنجن شرقاً. كما افتتحت الشركة مركزاً دولياً للتصميم في لندن، وتلعب هذه المراكز كافة دوراً محورياً في ابتكار أحدث الحلول التقنية التي تسهم في رسم ملامح مستقبل الهواتف الذكية وقطاع الاتصالات الذكية.

لمحة عن أوبو الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا

دخلت أوبو سوق منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا في عام 2015، عبر تأسيس مكتب إقليمي لها في العاصمة المصرية القاهرة. وبعد النجاح الكبير الذي حققته مبيعات الشركة خلال عامها الأول من وجودها في القاهرة، أطلقت أوبو خطط توسع طموحة في المنطقة، حيث أطلقت عملياتها في الإمارات العربية المتحدة في عام 2019. تتمتع أوبو حالياً بحضور فعلي في أكثر من 13 سوقاً في المنطقة، بما فيها مصر والجزائر وتونس والمغرب والبحرين والإمارات العربية المتحدة والمملكة العربية السعودية وسلطنة عُمان والكويت وقطر والبحرين وكينيا ونيجيريا وجنوب إفريقيا ودول شرق البحر المتوسط.

وسعياً لتعزيز حضورها في المنطقة وتماشياً مع استراتيجيتها لتكييف منتجاتها مع متطلبات الأسواق المحلية، زادت أوبو من استثماراتها في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا عبر تأسيس معمل في الجزائر في عام 2017. وأصبحت الشركة بذلك أول علامة تجارية صينية تؤسس منشأة صناعية في منطقة شمال إفريقيا. وعملت أوبو على تطوير وتحسين منتجاتها بناء على متطلبات الجمهور المستهدف وآرائه في كل منطقة، كما حرصت دوماً على تخصيص حملاتها الترويجية وفقاً للثقافة المحلية، وما يناسب فئة المستهلكين الشباب في كل دولة. كما تحرص الشركة على الدوام على العمل مع فرق محلية للتعرف بشكل أفضل على المستهلكين المحليين وتوفير خدمات على أعلى مستوى من الجودة.

وبدأت أوبو خلال العام الماضي بتعديل خط منتجاتها بما يتلاءم مع منطقة الشرق الأوسط تحديداً، حيث أطلقت هاتفها الذكي الرائد ضمن سلسلة أوبو فايند X وطرحت سلسلة هواتف أوبو رينو. وستواصل أوبو تطوير خط منتجاتها المحلية لتوفير المزيد من سلاسل الهواتف الممتازة للمستهلكين في المنطقة.

وتعمل أوبو، انطلاقاً من مكانتها كشركة عالمية رائدة في مجال الابتكار والتكنولوجيا، على اتباع أعلى معايير الاستدامة للحفاظ على البيئة لأجيال المستقبل، وسعت إلى إحداث تغييرات إيجابية عبر إطلاق مبادرات اجتماعية وإنسانية محلية، فضلاً عن الحملات الخيرية.

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More Evidence Links a Virus to Multiple Sclerosis, Study Finds

There’s more evidence that one of the world’s most common viruses may set some people on the path to developing multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis is a potentially disabling disease that occurs when immune system cells mistakenly attack the protective coating on nerve fibers, gradually eroding them.

The Epstein-Barr virus has long been suspected of playing a role in the development of MS. It’s a connection that’s hard to prove because just about everybody gets infected with Epstein-Barr, usually as kids or young adults, but only a tiny fraction develop MS.

On Thursday, Harvard researchers reported one of the largest studies yet to back the Epstein-Barr theory.

They tracked blood samples stored from more than 10 million people in the U.S. military and found the risk of MS increased 32-fold following Epstein-Barr infection.

The military regularly administers blood tests to its members, and the researchers checked samples stored from 1993-2013, looking for antibodies signaling viral infection.

Just 5.3% of recruits showed no sign of Epstein-Barr when they joined the military. The researchers compared 801 MS cases subsequently diagnosed over the 20-year period with 1,566 service members who never got MS.

Only one of the MS patients had no evidence of the Epstein-Barr virus before the MS diagnosis. And despite intensive searching, the researchers found no evidence that other viral infections played a role.

The findings “strongly suggest” that Epstein-Barr infection is “a cause and not a consequence of MS,” study author Dr. Alberto Ascherio of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and colleagues reported in the journal Science.

It’s clearly not the only factor, considering that about 90% of adults have antibodies showing they’ve had Epstein-Barr, while nearly 1 million people in the U.S. are living with MS, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

The virus appears to be “the initial trigger,” Drs. William H. Robinson and Lawrence Steinman of Stanford University wrote in an editorial accompanying Thursday’s study. But they cautioned, “additional fuses must be ignited,” such as genes that may make people more vulnerable.

Epstein-Barr is best known for causing “mono,” or infectious mononucleosis, in teens and young adults but often occurs with no symptoms. A virus that remains inactive in the body after initial infection, it also has been linked to later development of some autoimmune diseases and rare cancers.

It’s not clear why. Among the possibilities is what’s called “molecular mimicry,” meaning viral proteins may look so similar to some nervous system proteins that it induces the mistaken immune attack.

Regardless, the new study is “the strongest evidence to date that Epstein-Barr contributes to cause MS,” said Mark Allegretta, vice president for research at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

And that, he added, “opens the door to potentially prevent MS by preventing Epstein-Barr infection.”

Attempts are underway to develop Epstein-Barr vaccines including a small study just started by Moderna Inc., best known for its COVID-19 vaccine.

Source: Voice of America

Masks Rules Get Tighter in Europe in winter’s COVID-19 Wave

To mask or not to mask is a question Italy settled early in the COVID-19 outbreak with a vigorous “yes.” Now the onetime epicenter of the pandemic in Europe hopes even stricter mask rules will help it beat the latest infection surge.

Other countries are taking similar action as the more transmissible — yet, apparently, less virulent — omicron variant spreads through the continent.

With Italy’s hospital ICUs rapidly filling with mostly unvaccinated COVID-19 patients, the government announced on Christmas Eve that FFP2 masks — which offer users more protection than cloth or surgical masks — must be worn on public transport, including planes, trains, ferries and subways.

That’s even though all passengers in Italy, as of this week, must be vaccinated or recently recovered from COVID-19. FFP2s also must now be worn at theaters, cinemas and sports events, indoors or out, and can’t be removed even for their wearers to eat or drink.

Italy re-introduced an outdoor mask mandate. It had never lifted its indoor mandate — even when infections sharply dropped in the summer.

On a chilly morning in Rome this week, Lillo D’Amico, 84, sported a wool cap and white FFP2 as he bought a newspaper at his neighborhood newsstand.

“(Masks) cost little money, they cost you a small sacrifice,” he said. “When you do the math, it costs far less than hospitalization.”

When he sees someone from the unmasked minority walking by, he keeps a distance. “They see (masks) as an affront to their freedom,” D’Amico said, shrugging.

Spain reinstated its outdoor mask rule on Christmas Eve. After the 14-day contagion rate soared to 2,722 new infections per 100,000 people by the end of last week — from 40 per 100,000 in mid-October — Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez was asked whether the outdoor mask mandate was helping.

“Of course, it is. It’s not me saying it. It’s science itself saying it because (it’s) a virus that is contracted when one exhales,” Sanchez said.

Portugal brought masks back at the end of November, after having largely dropped the requirement when it hit its goal of vaccinating 86% of the population.

Greece has also restored its outdoor mask mandate, while requiring an FFP2 or double surgical mask on public transport and in indoor public spaces.

This week the Dutch government’s outbreak management team recommended a mask mandate for people over 13 in busy public indoor areas such as restaurants, museums and theaters, and for spectators at indoor sports events. Those places are currently closed under a lockdown until at least Friday.

In France, the outdoor mask mandate was partially re-instated in December in many cities, including Paris. The age for children to start wearing masks in public places was lowered to 6 from 11.

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer announced last week that people must wear FFP2 masks outdoors if they can’t keep at least 2 meters apart.

In Italy, with more than 2 million people currently positive for the virus in a nation of 60 million and workplace absences curtailing train and bus runs, the government also sees masks as a way to let society more fully function.

People with booster shots or recent second vaccine doses can now avoid quarantine after coming into contact with an infected person if they wear a FFP2 mask for 10 days.

The government has ordered shops to make FFP masks available for 85 U.S. cents. In the pandemic’s first year, FFP2s cost up to $11.50 — whenever they could be found.

Italians wear them in a palette of colors. The father of a baby baptized this week by Pope Francis in the Sistine Chapel wore one in burgundy, with matching tie and jacket pocket square. But the pontiff, who has practically shunned a mask in public, was maskless.

On Monday, Vatican City State mandated FFP2s in all indoor places. The tiny, walled independent state across the Tiber from the heart of Rome also stipulated that Vatican employees can go to work without quarantining after coming into contact with someone testing positive if, in addition to being fully vaccinated or having received a booster shot, they wear FFP2s.

Francis did appear to be wearing a FFP2 when, startling shoppers in Rome on Tuesday evening, he emerged from a music store near the Pantheon before being driven back to the Vatican.

In Britain, where Prime Minister Boris Johnson has focused on vaccination, masks have never been required outdoors.

This month, though, the government said secondary school students should wear face coverings in class. But Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi said that rule wouldn’t apply “for a day longer than necessary.”

When the British government lifted pandemic restrictions in July 2021, turning mask-wearing from a requirement to a suggestion, mask use fell markedly.

Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Bologna-based GIMBE foundation, which monitors health care in Italy, says Britain points to what can happen when measures like mask-wearing aren’t valued.

“The situation in the U.K, showed that use of vaccination alone wasn’t enough” to get ahead of the pandemic, even though Britain was one of the first countries to begin vaccination, he said in a video interview.

Source: Voice of America

CDC Encourages More Americans to Consider N95 Masks

U.S. health officials on Friday encouraged more Americans to wear the kind of N95 or KN95 masks used by health care workers to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Those kinds of masks are considered better at filtering the air. But they were in short supply previously, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials had previously said they should be prioritized for health care workers.

In updated guidance posted late Friday afternoon, CDC officials removed concerns related to supply shortages and more clearly said that properly fitted N95 and KN95 masks offer the most protection.

However, agency officials noted some masks are harder to tolerate than others and urged people to choose good-fitting masks that they will wear consistently.

“Our main message continues to be that any mask is better than no mask,” Kristen Nordlund, a CDC spokesperson, said in a statement.

The CDC has evolved its mask guidance throughout the pandemic.

In its last update, in September, CDC officials became more encouraging of disposable N95 masks, saying they could be used in certain situations if supplies were available. Examples included being near a lot of people for extended periods of time on a train, bus or airplane; taking care of someone in poor health; or being more susceptible to severe illness.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced that his administration was planning to make “high-quality masks,” including N95s, available for free. He said more details were coming next week. The federal government has a stockpile of more than 750 million N95 masks, the White House said.

The latest CDC guidance notes that there is a special category of “surgical N95” masks, that are specially designed for protection against blood splashes and other operating room hazards. Those are not generally available for sale to the public and should continue to be reserved for health care workers, the agency said.

Source: Voice of America

WHO Approves Two New Drugs to Treat COVID-19

The World Health Organization is recommending two new drugs for the treatment of COVID-19, adding to a growing list of therapeutic remedies for the deadly disease.

Baricitinib is an oral medication recommended for patients with severe or critical COVID-19.It is part of a class of drugs that suppresses the overstimulation of the immune system and is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

WHO team lead for clinical care, Janet Diaz, says the drug should be given along with corticosteroids, a type of anti-inflammatory treatment. She notes three clinical trials of 2,600 people showed a drop in the mortality of patients with coronavirus infections once they received baricitinib.

She says WHO has also conditionally recommended the use of a monoclonal antibody drug called sotrovimab for treating patients with COVID-19 who have mild or moderate disease.

“Conditional for those patients that are of the highest risk for complications,” Diaz said. “This would include patients who are older age, unvaccinated or have underlying conditions. This recommendation is based upon one trial, a well-done trial with just over 1,000 patients. And this trial showed a reduction for the need for hospitalization.”

Studies are ongoing on the effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies against the omicron variant. While Diaz says early laboratory studies show that sotrovimab continues to be effective against the new coronavirus strain, she says she would not call the drug a game changer.

“I think we have multiple therapeutic options right now for COVID-19 and more are on the way,” she said. “Unfortunately, viruses are known to develop resistance to certain drugs. So, SARS COVID-2 is not different in that respect … and if something happens where the resistance does develop, we try to hopefully reduce the chances that happens.”

The WHO official says other therapeutics are in the pipeline.

She says WHO is committed to equitable and affordable access for all member-states to COVID-19 drugs, and the agency and partners are meeting with pharmaceutical companies to negotiate fair prices and access for low- and middle-income countries to life-saving treatments.

Source: Voice of America

Sheikh Shakhbout bin Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan heads UAE delegation at World Youth Forum in Sharm El Sheikh

Sheikh Shakhbout bin Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of State, headed the UAE’s delegation participating in the World Youth Forum, held under the theme “Back Together”, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

Sheikh Shakhbout said Egypt’s hosting of the fourth World Youth Forum confirms the significant attention given by the Egyptian leadership to youth, as it believes in their capabilities in dealing with global challenges, noting that the forum is a platform for dialogue for youth from around the world.

He also lauded the historical relations between the UAE and Egypt, which are supported by their leaderships’ keenness to serve their mutual interests.

He expressed his happiness at participating in the conference and added that Egypt is a hub for cultural convergence and a beacon of peace and security. He said that the forum underscores Egypt’s ability to organise international conferences amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Shamma bint Suhail Al Mazrouei, Minister of State for Youth Affairs, said the majority of youth are looking forward to the future. The current global pandemic has proven that the community can achieve development, solidarity, cooperation and partnerships in the face of challenges and crises, she explained.

During the forum’s inauguration ceremony, Al Mazrouei said, “During the pandemic, we became aware of how everything can be changed, and of the infinite ways we can work, learn, and steer the global economy.”

She also highlighted the Emirati model of youth empowerment and stressed that the UAE aims to institutionalise youth empowerment programmes and initiatives, including establishing the Emirates Youth Councils.

“We have launched over 30 initiatives and platforms to encourage youth participation, engagement and empowerment. We have also set a clear strategy aimed at investing in youth. Three months ago, the UAE Cabinet approved the first youth empowerment index in the world,” she added.

Egypt held the World Youth Forum for the first time in 2017, featuring young talent and leaders from around the world, as well as international leaders and influential figures also attended the event.

Source: UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, Brazilian FM discuss advancing strategic relations

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Brazil’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos Alberto Franca reviewed the prospects of boosting the bilateral relations, in the light of the strategic partnership between the two friendly countries.

This came in a phone call, wherein Sheikh Abdullah and Franca discussed the situation in the region in addition to issues of interest, including ways of supporting the international efforts to address the impact of COVID-19 pandemic.

Sheikh Abdullah underlined the excellent ties between the two countries and UAE’s keenness to reinforce them across all fronts, in a way that will serve the common interests of the two friendly peoples.

Source: UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs