Hazy, Fine Weather Expected Tonight

Doha: Weather inshore tonight until 6:00 am on Sunday will be hazy at places at times, the Department of Meteorology said in its daily weather report.

Offshore, it will be fine, the report added.

Wind inshore will be northwesterly to northeasterly at a speed of 03 to 12 knot, becomes variable.

Offshore, it will be northwesterly to northeasterly at a speed of 03 to 13 knot becomes variable later.

Visibility will be 04 to 08 kilometers.

Sea state inshore will be 1 to 2 feet. Offshore will be 1 to 3 feet.

Area High Tide Low Tide Mini Messaid 09:17 20:06 02:31 15:56 27 Wakrah: 08:28 19:41 01:59 15:22 30 Doha: 07:46 18:26 01:20 14:37 32 Al Khor: 18:10 07:39 13:32 01:43 29 Ruwais 00:26 12:46 01:43 14:09 31 Dukhan: 00:26 12:46 06:41 18:56 27 Sunrise: 05:22 LT Sunset: 17:29 LT

Source: Qatar News Agency

Royal Guard Presidency Organizes Parades in Riyadh, Jeddah to Celebrate 94th National Day

The Presidency of the Royal Guard is preparing to organize parades in Riyadh and Jeddah as part of the 94th National Day celebrations, scheduled to take place from September 22 to 23, 2024. The events are part of the national activities program organized by the General Entertainment Authority, with the participation of several government and national sectors.

The events will kick off tomorrow in Riyadh, where the parade will start from Prince Mohammed bin Saad bin Abdulaziz Road at 4:00 p.m., heading towards Umm Ajlan Park in the Al-Qirawan district. The parade will include the Royal Guard musical bands, cavalry, the military police battalion, motorcycles, and military vehicles.

In Jeddah, on the same day, another Royal Guard parade will begin at 4:00 p.m., featuring the musical band and an honor guard display, along with motorcycle cavalcades, cavalry, and many accompanying events.

On Monday, the main roads in Riyadh will witness a four-hour tour of the Royal Guard motorcade, while in Jeddah, it will set
off along the Corniche towards Palestine Street Fountain, including displays of classic cars and motorcycles.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

History of Establishment, Significance, Duties of UN, Its Emerging Agencies /report/

Doha: The United Nations (UN) is the most representative international organization around the globe, with 193 member states since its founding in 1945 after the end of World War II. Its main goal was preventing the recurrence of war, promoting international peace and security and sustainable development, protecting human rights, upholding international law and providing humanitarian assistance.

The UN is based on a founding charter that was approved during a historic meeting of about 50 countries in San Francisco State, US, on April 25, 1945, in addition to two countries that have observer status, in which the Holy See enjoys sovereignty over Vatican City, and the State of Palestine.

Amid the last century, the UN developed to keep pace with international changes, and its membership expanded, especially in the late 1960s, when dozens of countries gained their independence from the colonial era. The organization opened several regional branches in a number of countries, including Switzerland, Kenya, Austria
and the Netherlands, to serve as headquarters for some of its organizations and institutions specialized in international affairs.

Since the organization’s founding, member states have signed the UN Charter on June 26, 1945, which has become a reference for its work and tasks. The Charter has been amended three times in 1963, 1965 and 1973.

The Charter defines the obligations of member states and establishes the basic organs and procedures of the organization, codifying the main principles of international relations, from the sovereign equality of states to the prohibition of the use of force in ways inconsistent with the purposes of the UN.

The Charter seeks to improve the living standards of peoples, address related economic, social and health issues, and promote universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, gender, language or religion.

During the 1970s and 1980s, the organization witnessed a state of political polarization driven by a wave of inter
nal debates between two prominent camps on the international scene, led by the US and the former Soviet Union.

This conflict created the term “Cold War,” which reflected the mutual interventions between the two camps in different parts of the world. With the onset of the 1990s, the world witnessed major separatist repercussions, most notably the disintegration of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, which led to the outbreak of national and ethnic wars in parts of Europe and Africa.

Despite the UN’s intervention in these conflicts, its efforts were not sufficient to contain these conflicts, causing the death of many people. As a result, the UN faced a wave if criticism about its role and the effectiveness of its missions and soldiers in conflict areas.

The United Nations consists of six main bodies, which are: the UN General Assembly (UNGA), UN Security Council (UNSC), UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), UN Trusteeship Council, UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the UN General Secretariat. It als
o has specialized agencies, funds and programs such as the World Bank Group (WBG), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Food Program (WFP), UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), along with a range of non-governmental organizations involved with its work. In November 1994, the Trusteeship Council was suspended, a month after the independence of Palau, the last remaining Trust Territory of the UN.

Four of its principal organs are based at UN Headquarters in New York City, while the ICJ is based in The Hague, and the other principal agencies are based at the UN offices in Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi. The organization’s publications are published in the six official languages used in intergovernmental meetings and documents: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

The UNSC is the most important organ of the international organization, considering that it is responsible for maintaining international peace
and security. It also adopts binding resolutions that member states have agreed to implement under the provisions of Article 25 of the Charter, and it includes 15 members, including 5 permanent members with veto power, and 10 members elected for a rotating term.

The UNSC is supposed to take the initiative in determining the existence of a threat to peace or an act of aggression, call on the parties of the conflicts to settle the dispute by peaceful means and recommend methods of accommodation or terms of settlement, In some cases, the UNSC may resort to imposing sanctions or having to use force to maintain or restore international peace and security.

The ECOSOC is responsible for cooperation among countries in economic and social matters, and coordinates cooperation among the many specialized agencies of the UN. It has 54 member states, elected by the UNGA to serve successive three-year terms.

The highest office in the organization is based in the UN Secretariat, which is responsible for carrying out the d
ay-to-day work, and includes tens of thousands of international civil servants around the globe, and is headed by the UN Secretary-General and assisted by the Deputy Secretary-General.

The duties of the Secretariat include providing the information and facilities required by UN bodies for their meetings, through the guidance of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and other bodies.

The Secretary-General acts as the de facto spokesperson and head of the UN. The UN Charter refers to the position of the Secretary-General as the chief administrative officer of the organization, as Article 99 of it states that the Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in their opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for a renewable five-year term. The position is currently held by Ant
onio Guterres, former Prime Minister of Portugal, who began his first five-year term on Jan. 1, 2017, and was re-elected on June, 8, 2021 for a new term. He is the ninth Secretary-General to hold this position.

Guterres’s predecessors begin with the Norwegian politician Trygve Halvdan Lie (1946-1952), who is the first UN Secretary-General to hold the position, followed by Dag Hammarskjold (1953-1961) from Sweden, then U Thant (1961-1971) from Myanmar -formerly known as Burma- after whom Austrian Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981) filled the position, followed by the Peruvian Javier Perez de Cuellar (1982-1991). The Egyptian Boutros Boutros-Ghali (1992-1996) then holds the position, followed by the Ghanaian Kofi Annan (1997-2006), and finally the Korean Ban Ki-moon (2007-2016), who is the last person to hold the position before Guterres.

Based in The Hague, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) was established in 1945. ICJ is considered the principal judicial organ of the UN. Its main function is to settle dispute
s between states, and to handle cases related to war crimes, violations of state sovereignty and crimes of ethnic cleansing. The international court can also be called upon to provide advisory opinions on matters of international law.

The decisions of the ICJ are binding on the parties and constitute (along with its advisory opinions) sources of international law. It consists of 15 judges elected by the General Assembly and Security Council for a nine-year term, and each judge must be from a different country.

The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) provisions were adopted by the Rome Statute of July 17, 1998, approved by 120 countries, and considered as a basis for establishing a permanent international criminal court. The statute, however, entered into force on April 11, 2002, and the court was legally established on July 1, 2002.

ICC is supposed to stop human rights violations by investigating crimes of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

On the other hand, UN International Children’s Em
ergency Fund (UNICEF) was established on Dec. 11, 1946, and its job is protecting the rights of children and promoting their welfare. UNICEF is also supposed to achieve development, education, health and protection for children all over the world, and focus in particular on children’s issues such as education, health, nutrition and child protection from displacement, violence and child exploitation, and it is active in about 190 countries and territories.

Founded in 1945, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) focuses on improving education, promoting science, culture and communication, and specializes in history, civilizations and heritage. It is supposed to protect the world’s cultural heritage and promote cultural cooperation between countries, as well as different cultures and sustainable development.

In addition to its main bodies, the UN Charter mandates it to establish independent specialized agencies to work with the UN through a coordination mechanism of the Economic and
Social Council, each of which is integrated into the UN system under Article 57 of the Charter. There are 15 specialized agencies performing various functions, namely the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), World Health Organization (WHO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and many others.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which was founded in 1863 and granted observer status at the UN in October 1990, is considered as one of the most important international organizations. The ICRC is supposed to seek and preserve a degree of humanity in the midst of wars, and it is guided by international humanitarian law, of which the Geneva Conventions form the cornerstone.

The UN and its agencies are linked in coordination with some global bodies, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which operate independently of the UN but maintain form
al partnership agreements.

Source: Qatar News Agency

MWL Condemns Israeli Airstrike on Gaza School Sheltering Displaced Civilians

The Muslim World League (MWL) has condemned an Israeli airstrike on a school in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood, south of Gaza City, which was sheltering displaced civilians. The bombing also leveled nearby residential blocks, killing 15 people and leaving many others, mostly women and children, injured or trapped under the rubble.

In a statement, Secretary-General of the Makkah-based Muslim World League and Chairman of the Association of Muslim Scholars Sheikh Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa denounced the attack as part of a series of ongoing crimes targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure. He said these acts represent clear violations of international and humanitarian laws.

Sheikh Al-Issa called for urgent international action to halt what he described as “massacres” committed by Israeli forces and to put an end to the suffering of innocent civilians.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

UDST Sparks Athletic Enthusiasm in the International University Sport Week

Doha: University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) celebrated the International University Sport Week (IUSW) for the third year in a row by hosting a range of interactive sports events across campus. This initiative offered students and staff an opportunity to engage in team-based games and physical activities, emphasizing the importance of regular exercise in fostering a healthy and active lifestyle.

The five-day event was strategically planned to lead up to the International Day of University Sport (IDUS), celebrated by UNESCO and the International University Sports Federation which has awarded UDST Platinum status as a healthy campus. With extended festivities, UDST highlighted its dedication to promoting sport for all and strengthening its ties with the global university sports network.

Dr. Salem Al Naemi, President of UDST, commented: “IUSW goes beyond showcasing athleticism; it’s about creating a space where our University community and the public can unite, engage in physical activity, and en
joy themselves. Sports play an integral role in every culture, promoting positivity, performance, and collaboration. The vibrant spirit at UDST inspired us to extend the event to a full week, ensuring more people could get involved. As a FISU Healthy Campus, we aim to continue bridging the worlds of sport and academia, fostering an environment where future generations can thrive through active and healthy lifestyles”.

Building on the success and excitement of last year’s IUSW, this year’s event proved to be equally inclusive and engaging with over 1000 participants. The Fun Olympics stood out as one of the main highlights, with participants representing each of their countries in games like tug of war, water bottle challenge and red light, green light. The event concluded with the presentation of the Global Champions Trophy to the winning team and a special trophy for the best and loudest crowd. The “Game of the Month” brought additional energy, featuring a basketball game between the UDST Wolves and Stallio
n Hoopers. Throughout the week, participants were introduced to UDST’s extensive fitness offerings through FusionFit sessions and classes. Sports education sessions were held to promote the importance of physical activity. The week also witnessed friendly competitions across a range of sports, including football, padel, volleyball, and futsal ensuring there was something for everyone to enjoy.

UDST’s competitive spirit extends beyond campus, with the Male Football Wolves currently competing in the 2nd Asian Universities Sports Federation (AUSF) Football Competition in Yanbian, China. Additionally, the University is set to participate in another global event, the World InterUniversities Championship 2024 in Rome, where our student-athletes will compete against top universities from around the world in a variety of sports. These competitions provide invaluable experiences, helping students build confidence and enhance their athletic skills along the way.

UDST’s sports week showcased the vibrant connections an
d enthusiasm of the community, with the insights and excitement from this year’s participants setting the stage for an even more inclusive and engaging event next year.

Source: Qatar News Agency

UDST Sparks Athletic Enthusiasm in the International University Sport Week

Doha: University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) celebrated the International University Sport Week (IUSW) for the third year in a row by hosting a range of interactive sports events across campus. This initiative offered students and staff an opportunity to engage in team-based games and physical activities, emphasizing the importance of regular exercise in fostering a healthy and active lifestyle.

The five-day event was strategically planned to lead up to the International Day of University Sport (IDUS), celebrated by UNESCO and the International University Sports Federation which has awarded UDST Platinum status as a healthy campus. With extended festivities, UDST highlighted its dedication to promoting sport for all and strengthening its ties with the global university sports network.

Dr. Salem Al Naemi, President of UDST, commented: “IUSW goes beyond showcasing athleticism; it’s about creating a space where our University community and the public can unite, engage in physical activity, and en
joy themselves. Sports play an integral role in every culture, promoting positivity, performance, and collaboration. The vibrant spirit at UDST inspired us to extend the event to a full week, ensuring more people could get involved. As a FISU Healthy Campus, we aim to continue bridging the worlds of sport and academia, fostering an environment where future generations can thrive through active and healthy lifestyles”.

Building on the success and excitement of last year’s IUSW, this year’s event proved to be equally inclusive and engaging with over 1000 participants. The Fun Olympics stood out as one of the main highlights, with participants representing each of their countries in games like tug of war, water bottle challenge and red light, green light. The event concluded with the presentation of the Global Champions Trophy to the winning team and a special trophy for the best and loudest crowd. The “Game of the Month” brought additional energy, featuring a basketball game between the UDST Wolves and Stallio
n Hoopers. Throughout the week, participants were introduced to UDST’s extensive fitness offerings through FusionFit sessions and classes. Sports education sessions were held to promote the importance of physical activity. The week also witnessed friendly competitions across a range of sports, including football, padel, volleyball, and futsal ensuring there was something for everyone to enjoy.

UDST’s competitive spirit extends beyond campus, with the Male Football Wolves currently competing in the 2nd Asian Universities Sports Federation (AUSF) Football Competition in Yanbian, China. Additionally, the University is set to participate in another global event, the World InterUniversities Championship 2024 in Rome, where our student-athletes will compete against top universities from around the world in a variety of sports. These competitions provide invaluable experiences, helping students build confidence and enhance their athletic skills along the way.

UDST’s sports week showcased the vibrant connections an
d enthusiasm of the community, with the insights and excitement from this year’s participants setting the stage for an even more inclusive and engaging event next year.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Historic Jeddah Hosts Jeddah Green Spirit Run Event for 94th National Day

Historic Jeddah has witnessed the launch of the “Jeddah Green Spirit Run” as part of the 94th National Day celebrations. Organized by the Jeddah Historic District Program under the Ministry of Culture and the branch of the Ministry of Sport in the Makkah region, the event highlighted a blend of sport and cultural heritage.

Participants followed a race path through Historic Jeddah’s most iconic landmarks, offering them a unique opportunity to explore the ancient city’s heritage while celebrating National Day. Key locations on the route included Bab Jadid, the historic Hajj Route, Bab Al-Bunt, Beit Nassief, and Al-Falah School.

The event, organized in collaboration with the Masafat Club, the Saudi Sports for All Federation, and the branch of the Ministry of Sport in Makkah, attracted runners from both inside and outside the Kingdom. It featured races for both professionals and amateurs, as well as a children’s race, allowing participants of all ages to engage with the Kingdom’s history through an immersive ex
perience in Historic Jeddah’s streets and alleys.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Qatar Wins 2024 Global Innovation Award at Cloud City Forum in Moscow

Doha: The State of Qatar has won the 2024 Global Innovation Award from the World Organization for Development in the “Good Health and Well-being” category at the Cloud City Forum dedicated to the future of major cities within the BRICS group, held on September 18-19 in Moscow.

Director General of Doha Municipality, Mansour Ajran Al Buainain, received the award and was honored for his outstanding contributions to achieving sustainable development goals.

Al Buainain stated that Qatar’s win reflects its ambitious vision to achieve sustainable development goals and promote health and well-being for all members of society.

Qatar’s achievement reflects its commitment to integrating sustainable development into its national policies, aligned with Qatar National Vision 2030, and its efforts in sustainable urban development, investment in smart and sustainable cities, infrastructure projects adhering to sustainability standards, renewable energy, expanding green spaces, and enhancing waste management and recycling
and transforming it to energy. Also, Qatar made great efforts to enhance the start-up environment and develop technology, which can provide valuable insights and models for BRICS countries.

The “Good Health and Well-being” award is dedicated to projects aimed at achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”

Source: Qatar News Agency

Jubail Aqua Park: An Ideal Tourist Destination in Industrial City

Jubail Industrial City’s Aqua Park stands as a prime tourist attraction, drawing both visitors and citizens with its perfect blend of relaxation and entertainment. Managed by the Royal Commission for Jubail, the park spans an impressive 250,000 square meters and features expansive green spaces, making it an excellent spot for family outings, walking, or jogging.

The park offers a designated children’s amusement area, thoughtfully designed to ensure safety while providing fun and entertainment. Its spacious layout caters to all demographics-men, women, adults, and children-offering opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities.

In addition to its recreational spaces, the Aqua Park is equipped with modern amenities such as restrooms, seating, and picnic areas, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all visitors. This makes it one of the top tourist destinations for those visiting Jubail Industrial City.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Gaza Field Hospitals Director to QNA: 65% of Medicine Stock, 85% of Medical Supplies Depleted

Director of Field Hospitals at the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Dr. Marwan Al Hams, confirmed that the medical sector is suffering severely from a critical shortage of fuel, medicines, and medical equipment.

Speaking to the Qatar News Agency , Al Hams revealed that 65 percent of the drug stock has been depleted from Gaza’s Ministry of Health warehouses, along with over 85 percent of medical supplies, impacting the entire healthcare system, including intensive care units and operating rooms.

He also highlighted that all burn units in hospitals have been destroyed by the occupation forces, leaving Gaza without a comprehensive burn treatment facility despite the urgent need due to injuries caused by the airstrikes.

Furthermore, Al Hams noted the absence of essential medical devices due to the targeted destruction of hospitals by Israeli attacks.

Al Hams emphasized the lack of any field hospitals in northern Gaza, despite ongoing threats to government hospitals from repeated Israeli ground incursions. He stres
sed the urgent need for more field hospitals to help cope with the overwhelming burdens, as the occupation forces deliberately destroy the health infrastructure and impose a blockade on the medical sector.

Source: Qatar News Agency