‫شركة فينجروب تؤسس منظومة المشاريع الاجتماعية في فيتنام

تعمل مجموعة فينجروب، وهي تكتل تجاري رائد في فيتنام، على تطوير دور مؤسسات الأعمال في المجتمع، وتعمل المجموعة بنشاط على إنشاء منظومة تعزز التأثير الاجتماعي الإيجابي من خلال إنشاء مشاريع في مجالات متنوعة والالتزام العميق بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية.


هانوي، فيتنام – Media OutReach Newswire– 23 سبتمبر 2024 – في أعقاب التأثير المدمر لإعصار ياجي، شركة فينجروب، وهي تكتل تجاري فيتنامي رائد يدير أعمالًا في مجالات متنوعة تشمل العقارات والتكنولوجيا والمؤسسات الاجتماعية، سارعت إلى التعهد بالتبرع بمبلغ ضخم قدره 250 مليار دونج (أي ما يساوي نحو 10,6 مليون دولار أمريكي) لجهود الإغاثة، وهذا التبرع السخي، الذي يُعد أكبر مساهمة من الشركات حتى الآن، يشهد على مسيرتها الطويلة في مجال العمل الخيري.

صندوق ثين تام الخيري (التابع لمجموعة فينجروب) يدعم بناء “مدرسة الأحلام” في قرية أبانه 1، بلدية تريهي، منطقة تاي جيانج، كوانج نام.

مع ذلك، التزام فينجروب وقيادتها بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية يتجاوز الإغاثة من الكوارث بكثير، فهذه المسؤولية جزء لا يتجزأ من هويتها المؤسسية، ولذلك خصصت أحد مجالاتها التشغيلية الأساسية الثلاثة بالكامل للمشاريع الاجتماعية، وهو ما يدل على إيمانها بأن نجاح الأعمال والتقدم المجتمعي مرتبطان ارتباطًا وثيقًا.

يتجلى أيضًا هذا الالتزام في مؤسسة كايند هارت، التي تأسست في عام 2006، واعتمدت فينجروب على هذه المؤسسة لقيادة عدة مبادرات تهدف إلى تحسين مستوى المعيشة في المجتمعات المحرومة في جميع أنحاء فيتنام. تجسد هذه المؤسسة الفلسفة القائمة على أن “الإحسان لا يقتصر على العطاء، بل يؤدي كذلك إلى التغيير” لذا تشمل إنجازاتها إنشاء صندوق دعم الفيتناميين الموهوبين في كرة القدم، وتأسيس مراكز لرعاية كبار السن والأيتام، وتقديم المنح الدراسية والرعاية الطبية الأساسية.

علاوة على ذلك، تُظهر قيادة فينجروب التزامها بالتقدم العالمي من خلال مؤسسة فين فيوتشر، التي شارك في تأسيسها رئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة فينجروب فام نات فونج وزوجته. تتلقى هذه المؤسسة سنويًا منح قدرها 4,5 مليون دولار أمريكي، وتدعم الأبحاث والابتكارات الرائدة في مختلف المجالات القادرة على تغيير حياة الناس إلى الأفضل وتهيئة مستقبل أكثر استدامة مثل مجالات الذكاء الاصطناعي والطاقة المتجددة والتكنولوجيا الحيوية.

إدراكًا للحاجة الملحة إلى اتخاذ إجراءات لحماية البيئة، أنشأت فينجروب مؤسسة فور أجرين فيوتشر في عام 2023، ومُوِّلَت هذه المؤسسة جزئيًا من خلال مبادرات مبتكرة مثل حملة Xanh SM، وهي تدعم البرامج الرئيسية التي تعزز الاستدامة في مختلف القطاعات، بداية ًمن تطوير البنية التحتية للطاقة المتجددة وتعزيز الزراعة المستدامة حتى تطوير التوعية والبحوث البيئية.

كما أن مشروعي فينجروب في مجالي الرعاية الصحية والتعليم، وهما Vinmec وVinschool على التوالي، لا يستهدفان الربح؛ فهما يفضلان تقديم خدماتهما لكل أفراد المجتمع ومراعاة الجودة على جني أرباح طائلة، ولذلك تقدم مستشفيات Vinmec رعاية طبية متطورة بأسعار معقولة، ويوفر Vinschool نظامًا تعليميًا بمستوى عالمي مع التركيز على تنمية الشخصية والخدمة المجتمعية.

التزام فينجروب الراسخ بالمساهمة في المشاريع الاجتماعية أكسبها احترام وإعجاب الناس في فيتنام، ومهد الطريق أيضًا لتوسعها العالمي. إن انتشار فينجروب في الأسواق العالمية، وخاصة الشرق الأوسط، بعلامتها التجارية للمركبات الكهربائية، فينفاست، يدل على سعيها إلى تحقيق مهمتها الكبرى المتعلقة بتهيئة مستقبل أفضل وأكثر حفاظًا على البيئة للجميع، وليس لشعب فيتنام فقط.

عندما سُئل فام نات فونج عن رؤيته لمستقبل فينجروب قال: “أتصور أن فينجروب ستصير تكتلًا تكنولوجيًا وصناعيًا معترف به عالميًا. ستحظى خدماتنا التجارية وجهودنا الخيرية في فيتنام باعتزاز وتقدير الشعب الفيتنامي. أتمنى أن يقتنع الناس مستقبلًا أن فينجروب شركة تسعى دائمًا إلى الخير، من أجل المجتمع”.

تُعد مسيرة مجموعة فينجروب شاهدًا قويًا على قدرة مؤسسات الأعمال على دعم الخير وتحفيز الابتكار والتقدم والنهوض بالمجتمعات والدفاع عن الاستدامة. لذلك لا تقتصر إنجازات المجموعة على النجاح التجاري، بل تشمل أيضًا دعمها للتراحم والممارسات الأخلاقية والالتزام الراسخ بتهيئة عالم أفضل للجميع.

HRH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister congratulated by HM King’s personal representative

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, received a cable of congratulations from the Personal Representative of HM the King and President of the Supreme Council for the Environment (SCE), His Highness Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, on the occasion of McLaren winning first and third place at the Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix 2024.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

European Stocks Close Higher

European stocks closed higher Tuesday after the People’s Bank of China (the central bank) unveiled wide-ranging stimulus measures to help the Chinese economy out of its slump.

The European Stoxx 600 index closed up 0.7 percent, while the French index rose by about 1.3 percent, supported by the rise in luxury goods stocks.

The luxury goods sub-index, which relies heavily on Chinese consumer spending, was among the most supportive of the European index after rising 2.5 percent.

In turn, LVMH shares rose 3.2 percent and Richemont, owner of Cartier, rose 4.1 percent.

The commodity sub-index was the biggest gainer among the main sectors on the European Stoxx 600 index, up 4.4 percent, the biggest one-day gain in more than 22 months, after primary metals prices rose as demand prospects in China improved.

Other China-sensitive sectors, such as autos, rose 1.1 percent and industrials 0.6 percent. Most European stock markets ended higher, although the FTSE 250 index of mid-cap companies in Britain fell 0.4 percent.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Ministry of Education completes full transition to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Manama, Nawal Ibrahim Ahmed Al Khater, Undersecretary for Policies, Strategies and Performance at the Ministry of Education, confirmed that the ministry has completed the full migration of its digital infrastructure to Amazon Web Services (AWS), in line with its digital transformation plan and the Kingdom of Bahrain’s strategic “cloud-first” policy.

Al Khater explained that this shift represents a significant step, enabling the ministry to quickly adopt advanced technologies, update systems and services efficiently, and provide a flexible and user-friendly environment for staff and users. It also enhances data and information security.

The assigned team has managed the transition of a complex technical environment with multiple systems and services to ensure maximum efficiency.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Qatar Chamber signs MoU with Czech Confederation of Industry

Doha: The Qatar Chamber and the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Monday aimed at bolstering cooperation between them and strengthening relations between the private sectors of both countries.

This came during the Qatar-Czech Business Meeting, attended by QC First Vice-Chairman Mohamed bin Twar Al Kuwari and HE Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Jozef Sikela.

The MoU was signed by QC Board Member Abdulla bin Mohamed Al Emadi and Petr Jonak, Board Member of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.

The business meeting focused on ways to enhance cooperation relations between both entities and to promote trade volume between the two countries.

QC First Vice-Chairman said that Qatar and the Czech Republic enjoyed strong relations across various fields, emphasizing a shared desired to further enhance these relations, especially in the commercial and economic fields.

He pointed out that the trade exchange between both countries amounted to about QR 630 million last year. HE expressed his hope to increase the two countries’ trade, which he believes can be achieved through strengthened cooperation between the private sector of both countries.

Al Kuwari also indicated that there are many companies from the Czech Republic operating in Qatar across various sectors, including services, hospitality, sports consultancy, food trade, and others.

Elaborating on Qatar’s investment climate, he pointed out that the state offers an attractive environment for foreign investors, supported by integrated infrastructure and a strategic location that provides a significant access to global markets. He stressed that it provides a wide range of incentives to attract foreign investments, including allowing foreign investors to own up to 100% in various sectors and economic activities. Furthermore, it boasts advanced infrastructure, and favorable economic laws and legislation.

QC First Vice-Chairman called on Czech companies to invest in Qatar and capitalise on its attractive investment climate and the incentives it offers to foreign investors, emphasizing that Qatar has become a global logistic hub.

Al Kuwari added, “Qatar Chamber encourages Qatari businessmen to invest in the Czech Republic, which enjoys a privileged location in within Europe, making it a significant market that links the European Union countries. Furthermore, Czech products are known for their quality, and the country offers innovative projects in many fields.” HE Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Jozef Sikela said that Qatar is an important trade partner for his country, noting that it is one of the top five importers for Czech exports in the Middle East.

HE Sikela also said that the two countries’ trade volume has doubled in recent years, stressing the private sector’s key role in developing trade between both sides.

HE emphasized the interest of Czech companies in boosting cooperation with their counterparts from Qatar and forming economic alliances across various sectors, including energy, smart cities, infrastructure, and more.

The Czech Minister further praised the advancements Qatar is witnessing in all fields in lien with Qatar National Vision 2030, especially in cutting-edge technology, infrastructure, and tourism.

For his part, Petr Jonak said that his country’s economy depends on innovative industries, stressing the need for both sides to focus on these areas and integrate Czech technology into Qatari industries.

He also noted that Czech companies have a strong presence in the Qatari market, especially in high-value goods.

Jonak indicated that the Czech delegation included representatives of 12 companies specializing in sectors like mining, energy, agriculture, cyber security, healthcare, and pharmaceutical, emphasizing that these companies are eager to strengthen cooperation with Qatari companies and establish economic alliances.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Deputy chief of Supreme Judicial Council meets head of NIHR

Manama, Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa, Deputy Chief of the Supreme Judicial Council and President of the Court of Cassation, met with Ali Ahmed Al Derazi, Chairman of the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR), at the council’s headquarters in Manama. The meeting was attended by Dr. Houria Abbas Hasan, member of the Board of Commissioners and Child Rights Commissioner for at the institution.

The discussion focused on cooperation in human rights protection, particularly in supporting fair trial guarantees and safeguarding the rights of defendants, victims, and witnesses.

Shaikh Khalid bin Ali commended the efforts of the NIHR in monitoring human rights issues, contributing to enhanced institutional communication.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

QDB Offers Three New Advisory Services to Support Entrepreneurs

Doha: Qatar Development Bank announced the launch of three new advisory bundles designed to support entrepreneurs and startups at various stages of their development. The new bundles provide comprehensive support for startups from the onset and empower small and medium-sized companies seeking to expand or improve their performance.

The new Advisory bundles feature field consultations and a comprehensive assessment of the company’s operations, with the aim of developing detailed business plans and improving overall performance, with a focus on the use of technical solutions to increase efficiency and competitiveness.

As part of its endeavor to support startups, QDB launched the dedicated Starting Up Advisory bundle that was specifically designed to meet the needs of entrepreneurs and startups. The bundle features a set of specialized consulting services that aim to ensure strong foundations for the successful launch of a business.

These services include detailed market reports, guidelines, and practical models to build an integrated business plan that takes into account best practices and guidance based on real data. The bundle also features direct consultations to familiarize companies with the required government procedures to establish and manage their businesses, streamlining the launch process and reducing associated risks.

The Scaling Up Advisory bundle targets companies seeking to enhance their performance and expand the scope of their operations. The bundle provides comprehensive advisory support for companies that wish to grow and expand locally and internationally. Under this bundle, a careful analysis of the company’s current situation is conducted, including an assessment of the gaps in the administrative, technical, and financial processes. Based on this analysis, a comprehensive strategic plan is developed to improve the company’s overall performance and internal operations, enhance the quality of products and services, and boost competitiveness in local and international markets.

The bundle also helps companies prepare for the export phase by assessing export readiness and developing a strategic roadmap to succeed in global markets.

The Business Turnaround Advisory bundle targets companies that face major challenges and require restructuring or a radical shift in their strategies. Through this bundle, Qatar Development Bank provides specialized consultations aimed at identifying the fundamental issues that these companies face and developing practical solutions to restructure the business and achieve sustainability.

The bundle features support from specialized experts to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the company’s current situation and provide recommendations based on global best practices to enable the company to grow. The bundle provides applicable solutions that help companies improve their financial and administrative balance and become profitable. The bundle also includes consultations on how to enhance the company’s market value and how to plan for a successful exit from the market if necessary.

On the occasion of the launch of the new advisory services, QDB CEO Abdulrahman Hesham Al Sowaidi, said: “By re-offering our advisory services in the form of specialized bundles, we aim to build long-term relationships with our clients, enable clients to access the advisory services that best suit their needs. The launch of these new bundles reflects our firm commitment to providing comprehensive and specialized support to SMEs in Qatar, enhance their ability to grow and expand, address challenges and achieve sustainable success.” The advisory bundles build on QDB’s strategy to enhance brand awareness among target customers and foster customer loyalty by providing advice that empower companies to succeed and grow, which in turn prompts businesses to benefit from the bank’s various financial products and services.

These bundles also contribute to expanding QDB’s customer base by attracting companies looking for specialized consultations. They also enable QDB to gain a deeper understanding of the needs of customers and entrepreneurs, which helps the bank develop services and initiatives that will improve the growth and sustainability of the private sector.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Foreign Minister participates in 17th Ministerial Meeting of Global Governance Group (3GMM)

New York, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Minister of Foreign Affairs, took part in the 17th Ministerial Meeting of the Global Governance Group (3G) at Singapore’s Permanent Mission in New York. The meeting, chaired by Singapore’s Foreign Minister Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, included G20 participation and took place on the sidelines of the 79th UN General Assembly.

Dr. Al Zayani highlighted that these meetings offer a valuable platform for constructive dialogue with G20 nations, stressing that global challenges have intensified over the past year, making international cooperation more urgent. He underscored that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires a stable and peaceful environment, emphasising the need for a ceasefire in Gaza, the release of hostages, and humanitarian aid to civilians as the region’s most critical issue.

He mentioned the Arab Summit hosted by Bahrain in May, which called for an international peace conference to resolve the Palestinian issue based on the two-state solutio
n, advocating for Palestine’s recognition and full UN membership. The summit also endorsed an initiative on education and healthcare for conflict-affected individuals, urging the G20 to prioritise these efforts to provide hope for the region’s youth.

The minister welcomed the G20’s continued constructive role in promoting multilateral efforts for global peace, stability, and security, noting that multilateralism is key to achieving lasting solutions to the world’s challenges.

The meeting aimed to foster inclusive dialogue among UN member states on international issues affecting global peace, security, stability, and sustainable development, including the situation in Gaza. It also explored ways for 3G and G20 to enhance cooperation to tackle current global crises and strengthen the global governance framework.

Ambassador Jamal Faris Al Rowaiei, Bahrain’s Permanent Representative to the UN, and Ambassador Fatima Abdullah Al Dhaen, Director General of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affa
irs, also attended the meeting.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

QatarEnergy Announces Establishment of Qatar Salt Products Company

Doha: QatarEnergy announced on Monday the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish Qatar Salt Products Company (QSalt), as an initiative by QatarEnergy’s TAWTEEN localization program.

According to its press release, this strategic partnership brought together Mesaieed Petrochemical Holding Company “MPHC” (40 percent share), Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Co. “QIMC” (30 percent share), and the Turkiye’s Atlas Yatirim Planlama (30 percent share).

The new joint venture will build a salt production plant in the Um Al Houl area in Qatar, to be operated by Qatar Petrochemical Company (QAPCO) and Qatar Vinyl Company (QVC).

HE Minister of State for Energy Affairs, President and CEO of QatarEnergy Eng. Saad bin Sherida Al Kaabi attended the MoU signing during a special ceremony held on Monday, in the presence of senior executives from QatarEnergy and the participating companies.

Commenting on the occasion, HE Minister Al Kaabi said, “We are pleased to witness the establishment of this very important joint venture that will help enhance Qatar’s self-sufficiency by producing both industrial and table salts to meet local demand and to support regional and international exports.” His Excellency added, “I would like to congratulate all partners and stakeholders in Qatar Salt Products Company on this achievement, which I believe will further support the supply chain and industrial localization in the State of Qatar, as well as promote sustainable environmental practices.” On his part, HE Chairman of Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Company Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Mohammed bin Jabr Al-Thani expressed delight at being part of this pioneering project, the first of its kind in the region, which employs advanced technology to utilize brine from the desalination process. He praised QatarEnergy’s role in boosting private sector contribution to the national economy.

Also, in comments on the signing, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atlas Yatirim Planlama Nusret Argun said, “We are proud to have come to the realization phase of this project, which we have taken part in every stage. This facility will be the first facility of the Middle East region and it will serve localization and supply security by meeting both Industrial and Food-grade Salt needs. As a Turkish company in Qatar, we are pleased to be involved in such a project.” The new plant, which will be built at an estimated cost of about one billion Qatari Riyals, will also produce industrial salts essential for the petrochemical industry, along with Bromine, Potassium Chlorides, and demineralized water, which will be produced at a later stage, contributing to product diversification and economic growth.

This innovative facility will utilize reject water recovery from reverse osmosis (RO) desalination units, transforming waste from desalination processes into a valuable resource. With a production capacity of one million tons per annum, the plant will significantly reduce Qatar’s reliance on imported raw materials, addressing the current import of approximately 850,000 tons of table and industrial salts annually.

As part of the TAWTEEN program, the project will benefit from initiatives designed to enhance local content and support the growth of domestic industries. This collaboration highlights a strong public-private partnership aimed at achieving key national objectives.

QatarEnergy is an integrated energy company committed to the sustainable development of cleaner energy resources as part of the energy transition in the State of Qatar and beyond.

Source: Qatar News Agency

MoFA Undersecretary for Political Affairs highlights Bahrain’s vision for peace at UN

New York, Dr. Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Undersecretary for Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, affirmed Bahrain’s commitment, under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and with the support of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, to enhancing multilateral international cooperation in promoting regional and global security, stability, and peace, as well as fostering the active participation of women and youth for a safer, more inclusive, and sustainable world.

This came during his participation in the second interactive dialogue on “Enhancing Multilateralism for International Peace and Security” as part of the Summit of the Future held on the sidelines of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The event was attended by heads of state, government officials, ministers, and senior representatives, including António Guterres, UN Secretary-General.

Dr. Shaikh Abdullah outline
d the royal vision for peace that is based on strong foundations of multilateralism and constructive regional and international cooperation, in line with the principles of international law and the UN Charter. He highlighted Bahrain’s proposal, presented during the Arab Summit hosted by the Kingdom in May, to hold an international peace conference to resolve the Palestinian issue through a two-state solution, aligned with the Arab Peace Initiative and international legitimacy.

He also expressed Bahrain’s pride in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as a model of regional cooperation, contributing to stability and crisis management. Additionally, he affirmed Bahrain’s support for the UN Secretary-General’s initiative, “A New Agenda for Peace,” aimed at creating a world free from the scourge of war, and for reforms of international institutions, including the Security Council and the General Assembly, to strengthen their role in conflict resolution and decision-making.

Dr. Shaikh Abdullah affirmed Bahrain’s co
mmitment to enhancing the role of women and youth in peacebuilding, promoting the responsible use of modern technologies such as artificial intelligence and cybersecurity tools, and deepening international solidarity to protect human rights and foster global peace and security for present and future generations.

Shaikh Abdullah bin Ali Al Khalifa, Director General of Bilateral Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Fatima Abdullah Al Dhaen, Director General of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, attended the meeting.

Source: Bahrain News Agency