Arab News Headlines

May 3, 2024

Poland President Meets with Saudi Ambassador

Warsaw, Republic of Poland President Andrzej Duda met at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw with the Saudi ambassador to Poland, Saad bin Saleh Al-Saleh, to celebrate Polish Constitution Day, which falls on May 3.

On this occasion, Ambassador Al-Sale…

KSrelief Distributes 300 Food Baskets in Sudan

Khartoum, The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) distributed 300 food baskets to the neediest and displaced families in the Khartoum Bahri district of the Republic of Sudan on Thursday, benefiting 2,383 individuals, as part of t…

A citizen was killed in a shooting in Silat Al-Harithiya

A citizen was killed, on Thursday evening, and others were injured in gunfire west of Jenin.

Police spokesman Colonel Louay Irziqat said that a citizen was killed and others were injured in a shooting in the town of Silat al-Harithiya, west of Jenin…

KSrelief Distributes Bread Daily to Refugee Families in Lebanon

Beirut, The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) continues to implement Al-Amal Charitable Bakery project in Akkar Governorate and Miniyeh District in Lebanon.

Last week, the project distributed 25,000 bundles of bread daily to …