AMEC Announces New Chair

AMEC Chair Official Handover 2024

AMEC Chair Official Handover 2024 during the Global Summit on Measurement

LONDON, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) has announced the new incoming Chair of the association.

AMEC, the world’s largest media intelligence and insights professional body announced Raina Lazarova, Co-Founder of global media intelligence organisation Ruepoint, will take over the position for a two-year term commencing June 2024. As Chair, Raina Lazarova will lead the AMEC Board of Directors to continue to deliver on its mission to define, promote and advance best practice in communication measurement and evaluation, research, analysis, evaluation, data and insights in a fast-changing communication landscape.

The official handover took place at the 2024 AMEC Global Summit on Measurement, in Sofia 21-23 May which welcomed over 200 in-person attendees including communicators, public relations professionals, academics and those involved in the research and analytics industry.

Outgoing Chair Aseem Sood, CEO, Impact Research and Measurement Pvt said, After a successful two-year tenure as the AMEC Chair, I am pleased to hand over the reins of leadership to Ms. Raina Lazarova. Her vision and innovative ideas make her the ideal person to guide AMEC into its next chapter of growth and success. I am confident that under her leadership, AMEC will continue to thrive and achieve even greater accomplishments. During the recent board meeting in Sofia, the AMEC Board deliberated and established the key areas of focus and strategic plan for the upcoming two years. I will continue to serve as an engaged member of the AMEC Board of Directors, with a specific focus on spearheading the development of a thought leadership editorial calendar for the board.”

New Chair elect Raina Lazarova said, “It is a great honour to have been elected Chair of AMEC’s board of directors. As a leading industry body, we will continue to promote the benefits of communication measurement and evaluation, while delivering value to our members and the extended communication community. The advent of generative AI has meant that we are in a very interesting time for the communication sector, and AMEC recognises its role in providing both thought leadership and support to the profession in leveraging new technologies.”

AMEC CEO, Johna Burke added, We have International Board Director elections every year which assures members are engaged and represented as we consider the complex and important industry initiatives. It’s only every two years we hold a special election for the Chair role. During this transition, we celebrate Aseem’s leadership and contributions as Chair and welcome Raina who is a champion of the AMEC community. Raina is already working on collaborations allowing AMEC Members to navigate the known and unknown during the next two years as a collective to learn from each other and benefit from the global experience of the broadest ecosystem in the media intelligence industry.”

AMEC represents a global membership community of over 200 organizations including media monitoring and analysis companies, PR and communications agencies, brand owners and market research companies. The association has chapters across four continents – EMEA, Asia Pacific, North America and Latin America.

AMEC strives to support to the global communication industry with free educational resources and best practice guidance on how to plan, measure and evaluate performance to raise standards and promote the value of PR and Communication globally.

It is the founding organisation of the prominently accepted, adopted and applied best practice resources, including the Barcelona Principles (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0) and the globally used Integrated Evaluation Framework (IEF).

For more information about AMEC, please visit

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Mediktor Acquires Sensely and Consolidates Its Position as a Leader in AI Healthcare Solutions

BARCELONA, Spain and SAN FRANCISCO, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mediktor, the leading digital healthcare company, has announced the acquisition of Sensely, a San Francisco-based digital healthcare provider that pioneered an empathy-driven conversational platform to support hospital systems and insurance services with world-class member engagement. This consolidation of two world-leading artificial intelligence-driven solutions providers marks a major medical technology milestone, extending Mediktor’s global presence to more than 35 countries and expanding its footprint in the United States.

Adam Odessky and Cristian Pascual

The merger creates one of the largest global providers of AI-based solutions in the healthcare ecosystem. The new organisation will be driven by an enriched conversational healthcare platform to help increase efficiency and reduce costs through its complementary technologies, including the company’s AI medical assistant. According to a recent survey of insurance customers, 54% of patients who used it were satisfied with the medical advice it provided and did not need additional services or follow-up from a physician.

“This acquisition is a transformative step for Mediktor, reinforcing our commitment to digital health innovation. By joining forces with Sensely, we will be able to offer a leading, best-in-class AI solution to multiple companies, ultimately improving access to healthcare for millions of people,” said Cristian Pascual, Chief Executive Officer of Mediktor.

As a result of the integration, Mediktor will acquire Mayo Clinic’s educational healthcare content developed under a pre-existing agreement with Sensely. Mayo Clinic will also become a shareholder in the combined company and will have an observer seat on the board of directors.

MTIP, a leading Swiss-based growth equity firm and long-time partner of Mediktor, has reaffirmed its confidence in the company’s vision and direction. As a member of Mediktor’s Board of Directors, MTIP has communicated its unwavering financial and strategic support for the company’s acquisition of Sensely and its overall growth strategy.

At the same time, Aliath Bioventures, a venture capital firm that has been supporting Mediktor since 2018, also played a significant role in facilitating this acquisition. Aliath remains deeply committed to supporting Mediktor’s strategic growth, strengthening its market leadership, and long-term success.

“Mediktor and Sensely represent the perfect synergy between AI-based symptom assessment and empathy-driven, patient-centric virtual assistance,” said Adam Odessky, co-founder and CEO of Sensely. “The combination of these two organisations provides customers with a strong, comprehensive suite of technology services that are proven to increase efficiency and reduce overhead costs for institutions, while delivering unparalleled personalised engagement services to patients and plan members. We’re excited to share Mediktor’s vision of becoming a leading player in an evolving and competitive digital healthcare environment.

Mediktor plans to integrate Sensely’s current staff and management team into the new organisation, with Mr. Odessky taking on the role of Chief Product Officer, bringing his extensive experience and leadership to the team.

About Mediktor

Mediktor is the most advanced AI-based medical chatbot for triage and pre-diagnosis, guiding patients to the right level of care at the right time – improving access while enabling more efficient care navigation. Powered by a sophisticated AI engine that allows users to converse naturally in multiple languages, Mediktor’s white-labelled SaaS is omnichannel and can be easily embedded into any interface (web, mobile, desktop). Mediktor’s customers include health plans, hospitals and health systems, telemedicine and pharmaceutical companies. For further information please visit

About Sensely

Sensely is a leading innovator of avatar- and chatbot-based platforms designed to assist insurance plan members and patients with insurance services and healthcare resources whenever they need them. With offices in San Francisco and London, Sensely’s global teams provide virtual assistant solutions to a range of diverse healthcare sectors, including insurance companies, hospital systems and pharmaceutical clients worldwide. For more information, please visit

About MTIP
MTIP is a Swiss-based growth equity firm investing in European healthtech companies that aim to revolutionise global healthcare. The team leverages deep sector expertise to help scale up successful and sustainable healthtech businesses. For more information, visit

About Aliath Bioventures
Aliath Bioventures, formerly known as Alta Life Sciences, is a life sciences venture capital firm part of the AltamarCAM group. Aliath aims to provide solutions to the most pressing healthcare challenges by targeting therapeutics and HealthTech companies built on innovative and disruptive trends. For more information visit

Media Relations Contact
David Patti
Telephone: +1 908.421.5971

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9148388

‫Mediktor تستحوذ على Sensely وتعزز موقعها كرائدة في حلول الرعاية الصحية بالذكاء الاصطناعي

برشلونة وسان فرانسيسكو, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — برشلونة، إسبانيا، وسان فرانسيسكو، كاليفورنيا، في 4 حزيران ٢٠٢٤Mediktor، الشركة الرائدة في مجال الرعاية الصحية الرقمية، تعلن عن استحواذها على Sensely، مزود الرعاية الصحية الرقمية المقرَّ في سان فرانسيسكو، والذي أبتكر منصة محادثات تتميز بالتعاطف لدعم نظم المستشفيات وخدمات التأمين بتفاعل عالمي للأعضاء. يعتبر هذا الاندماج بين مزودين رائدين عالميًا لحلول الذكاء الاصطناعي إنجازًا كبيرًا في مجال التقنيات الطبية، حيث يمتد تواجد Mediktor العالمي لأكثر من ٣٥ دولة ويوسع آثاره في الولايات المتحدة.

يؤدي الاندماج إلى إنشاء واحدة من أكبر مزودي الحلول العالمية المعتمدة على الذكاء الاصطناعي في نظام الرعاية الصحية. سيُدير المنظمة الجديدة منصة الرعاية الصحية التفاعلية المحسَّنة للمساعدة في زيادة الكفاءة وتقليل التكاليف باستخدام تقنياته المكملة، بما في ذلك مساعد الطبي الذكي للشركة. وفقًا لاستطلاع حديث لعملاء التأمين، كان ٥٤٪ من المرضى الذين استخدموها راضين عن الإرشاد الطبي الذي قدمته ولم يحتاجوا إلى خدمات إضافية أو متابعة من الطبيب.

يقول كريستيان باسكوال، الرئيس التنفيذي لMediktor: “يعتبر هذا الاستحواذ خطوة تحويلية لMediktor ويؤكد التزامنا بالابتكار في مجال الصحة الرقمية. من خلال الانضمام إلىSensely، نحن مستعدون لتقديم حلاً ذكيًا رائدًا للعديد من الشركات، مما يؤدي في نهاية المطاف إلى تحسين وصول الملايين من الأشخاص إلى الرعاية الصحية.”

نتيجة للدمج، ستقتني Mediktor محتوى تعليميًا صحيًا من Mayo Clinic، الذي تم تطويره كجزء من اتفاق موجود مسبقًا مع Sensely. ستصبح Mayo Clinic أيضًا مساهمًا في الشركة المدمجة حديثًا وستحتل مقعدًا في مجلس الإدارة كمراقب.

أكدت شركة MTIP، وهي شركة أسهم نمو مقرها سويسرا وشريك موثوق به منذ فترة طويلة لشركة Mediktor، ثقتها في رؤية الشركة واتجاهها. بصفته عضوًا في مجلس إدارة Mediktor، سلط الضوء على دعمه المالي والاستراتيجي الثابت لعملية الاستحواذ على Sensely والنمو الإجمالي للشركة.

في الوقت نفسه، كانت شركة Aliath Bioventures البيولوجية، وهي شركة رأس مال تدعم ميديكتور منذ عام 2018، لعبت أيضًا دورًا كبيرًا في تيسير هذا الاستحواذ. تظل ألياث ملتزمة بدعم النمو الاستراتيجي لميديكتور، وتعزيز قيادتها في السوق، والنجاح على المدى الطويل.

يقول آدم أوديسكي، مؤسسSensely والرئيس التنفيذي: “Mediktor وSensely يمثلان التآزر المثالي بين تقييم الأعراض على أساس الذكاء الاصطناعي والمساعدة الافتراضية التي تتسم بالتعاطف والتي تضع المرضى في المركز. يوفر اندماج هذين المؤسستين للعملاء مجموعة قوية وشاملة من الخدمات التكنولوجية التي ثبتت أنها تزيد من الكفاءة وتقلل التكاليف الإدارية للمؤسسات، مع توفير خدمات متخصصة للمرضى وأعضاء التأمين دون مثيل. نحن متحمسون لمشاركة رؤية Mediktor في أن تصبح لاعبًا رئيسيًا في بيئة الرعاية الصحية الرقمية المتطورة والتنافسية.”

تخطط Mediktor لدمج فريق عمل وإدارة Sensely الحاليين في المنظمة الجديدة، حيث سيتولى السيد أوديسكي دور رئيس المنتج، محملا بخبرته الواسعة وقيادته للفريق.

حول Mediktor

Mediktor هو أحدث تطبيق للدردشة الطبية المعتمد على الذكاء الاصطناعي للتقييم المبدئي والتوجيه، حيث يوجِّه المرضى إلى المستوى المناسب من الرعاية في الوقت المناسب، مما يعزز الوصول إلى الرعاية بينما يمكِّن من تسهيل الملاحة الفعَّالة في الرعاية. يعمل Mediktor بواسطة محرك ذكاء اصطناعي متطور يمكِّن المستخدمين من التحدث بشكل طبيعي بعدة لغات، ويتميز بكونهسوفتوير كخدمةمتعدد القنوات والذي يمكن إدماجه بسهولة في أي واجهة (ويب، جوال، سطح المكتب). وتشمل عملاء Mediktor خطط الصحة والمستشفيات ونظم الصحة، وخدمات الرعاية الصحية عن بُعد، وشركات الأدوية. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة

حول Sensely
Senselyهي رائدة في مجال منصات الأفاتار والشات بوت التي تهدف إلى مساعدة أعضاء خطط التأمين والمرضى في الحصول على خدمات التأمين والموارد الصحية عند الحاجة إليها. مع مكاتب في سان فرانسيسكو ولندن، تقدم فرق Sensely العالمية حلول المساعد الافتراضي لمجموعة متنوعة من قطاعات الرعاية الصحية، بما في ذلك شركات التأمين، وأنظمة المستشفيات، وعملاء الصناعة الدوائية في جميع أنحاء العالم. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة

حول MTIP
MTIP هي شركة أسهم نمو مقرها سويسرا تستثمر في شركات تكنولوجيا الرعاية الصحية الأوروبية التي تهدف إلى إحداث ثورة في الرعاية الصحية العالمية. يستفيد الفريق من خبرته الواسعة في الصناعة للمساعدة في توسيع نطاق شركات تكنولوجيا الرعاية الصحية الناجحة والمستدامة. لمزيد من المعلومات، قم بزيارة

حول Aliath Bioventures
ألياث بيوفنتشرز، المعروفة سابقًا باسم ألتا لايف ساينسز، هي شركة رأس مال في مجال علوم الحياة تتبع مجموعة ألتاماركام. تهدف ألياث إلى تقديم حلول لأصعب التحديات في مجال الرعاية الصحية من خلال استهداف الشركات العلاجية وتكنولوجيا الرعاية الصحية التي تستند إلى الاتجاهات المبتكرة والمحطمة. لمزيد من المعلومات يمكن زيارة

للتواصل مع العلاقات الإعلامية

David Patti

الهاتف: +1 908.421.597 :البريد الإلكتروني

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID9148388

eXp Realty Enhances International Connections with Global Agent Referral Platform

Platform offers agents improved networking and business connections on a worldwide scale

eXp Realty Enhances International Connections with Global Agent Referral Platform

Platform offers agents improved networking and business connections on a worldwide scale

BELLINGHAM, Wash., June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, the largest real estate brokerage on the planet and the core subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), is proud to announce the launch of its Global Agent Referral Platform, designed to simplify and accelerate the real estate referral process. This innovative tool empowers its agents worldwide to effortlessly connect and collaborate, contributing to a robust and interconnected global marketplace

With a user-friendly platform and seamless search functionality, eXp’s Global Agent Referral Platform streamlines the entire process, reducing referral times to a matter of seconds. eXp Realty agents can complete a simple form, select a preferred referral partner from anywhere in the world, and electronically sign the agreement — all within one centralized location.

“At eXp, we understand that potential buyers are just as easily found in a seller’s hometown as they are in another country,” said Leo Pareja, CEO, eXp Realty. “With the launch of the Global Agent Referral Network, we are leveraging the depth and power of our worldwide network of more than 85,000 agents across 24 countries and revolutionizing how agents connect and collaborate, paving the way for smoother transactions and enhanced client experiences. We remain focused on building industry-leading resources by providing agents unparalleled access to advanced tools for expanding their businesses globally.”

The introduction of the Global Agent Referral Platform underscores eXp Realty’s commitment to fostering global innovation and growth. This cutting-edge tool not only enhances the efficiency of referral processes but also opens new avenues for agents to expand their reach and tap into international markets. By fostering a more interconnected global network, eXp Realty is setting a new standard in the real estate industry, ensuring that its agents are well-equipped to meet the diverse needs of clients around the world.

In addition to its technological advancements, eXp Realty continues to prioritize agent education and support. The company regularly offers training sessions and resources to help agents maximize the potential of the Global Agent Referral Platform. This holistic approach ensures that eXp agents are not only connected but also proficient in using the latest tools to deliver exceptional service to their clients.

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty®, and SUCCESS® Enterprises.

eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 85,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud-based brokerage is powered by, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS® Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS® magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit

Safe Harbor Statement

The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. These statements include, but are not limited to, expectations related to referral and incentive programs. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update them. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in forward-looking statements include the Company’s ability to implement its strategic initiatives and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K.

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eXp World Holdings, Inc.

Investor Relations Contact:

Denise Garcia

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9148732

Surge in Foreign Interest in Chinese Investments: EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd CEO David Barrett Shares Insights with Yi Cai

David Barrett, CEO of EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, as one of the speakers on Yi Cai’s Chief Strategy Forum on Chinese investment opportunities
David Barrett, CEO of EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, shares insights with Yi Cai on the surge in foreign interest in Chinese investments. He explores the factors driving major investors to Chinese markets and offers his outlook on their future growth.

LONDON, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — David Barrett, CEO of EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, recently shared his insights on the burgeoning interest in Chinese investments during an in-depth interview with Yi Cai. Barrett explored the factors driving major investors toward Chinese markets and offered his outlook on the future of these investments.

David Barrett, CEO of EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, as one of the speakers on Yi Cai's Chief Strategy Forum on Chinese investment opportunities

Surge in Foreign Interest

In recent months, there has been a notable increase in foreign interest in Chinese stocks, driven by high-profile investors. Michael Burry, well-known for his predictions during ‘The Big Short,’ has significantly raised his investments in and Alibaba. Similarly, David Tepper’s hedge fund has heavily invested in technology and Chinese markets. This growing interest is reflected in the performance of the Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index, which surged by 14.86% from April 22 to May 3, achieving its largest two-week gain since January 2023. On May 16, the Index closed up by 2.49%, marking its highest level since September 2023.

Barrett attributes this renewed interest to the relative value Chinese markets offer. “Chinese indexes have struggled since the property-led bust in 2021, causing a significant dip in foreign direct investment and domestic confidence. However, this has led to extreme pricing discrepancies, making Chinese stocks an attractive option for value-focused investors,” Barrett explained. “Investors like Burry and Tepper are known for their strategic focus on high-concentration portfolios, and their significant investments in Chinese companies signal strong confidence in the potential upside of these markets.”

Future Prospects of Chinese Investments

Looking ahead, Barrett remains optimistic about the continued growth of Chinese markets. “There are several indicators suggesting that the Chinese government is taking effective measures to stimulate economic growth and restore market confidence,” Barrett noted. “Efforts to support vulnerable areas of the economy, encourage domestic investments, and stabilize the financial landscape are beginning to show positive results.”

He emphasized the crucial role of domestic policy in sustaining this growth. “Policies aimed at reducing property-related risks, supporting the semiconductor industry, and encouraging state-owned enterprises to strengthen their financial positions are essential. Additionally, initiatives to increase dividend payouts among Chinese companies are likely to attract more foreign investors seeking yield in a higher interest rate environment.”

Promising Sectors and Global Asset Allocation

Barrett highlighted the technology sector as a key area for investment within the A-share and Hong Kong stock markets. “Chinese tech companies are at the forefront of innovation, and with substantial government backing, they are well-positioned to navigate global challenges,” Barrett asserted. “For instance, if China faces headwinds in purchasing semiconductors, they have the capability to develop their own. Given the impressive profit margins seen in companies like NVIDIA, there is a strong incentive for Chinese firms to produce competitive, lower-cost chips. With significant government support and investment, the resilience and growth potential in this sector are considerable.”

He also identified the electric vehicle (EV) industry as a promising sector. “EVs as a topic has been grabbing a lot of column inches of late,” Barrett observed. “However, it’s uncertain how well Western brands will perform in mainland China, and vice versa, how Chinese brands will fare in the global market. Despite these challenges, Chinese tech remains on the cutting edge, and any progress, especially amid geopolitical tensions, will likely bolster domestic investment. This increased focus on local innovation and development will enhance the industry’s growth prospects.”

From a global perspective, Barrett advises a diversified asset allocation strategy, cautioning against overreliance on US stocks. “While US markets have experienced substantial growth, it is crucial to consider opportunities elsewhere, such as in China, where valuations are compelling,” he explained. “Given the recent run-up in US stocks, there is a need to be cautious and diversify. Commodities like gold remain attractive as a store of value and a hedge against economic and geopolitical uncertainties. As central banks continue to manage liquidity and interest rates, maintaining a balanced portfolio that includes undervalued international assets and tangible commodities could provide stability and growth potential.”

About EBC Financial Group
Founded in the esteemed financial district of London, EBC Financial Group (EBC) is renowned for its comprehensive suite of services that includes financial brokerage, asset management, and comprehensive investment solutions. With offices strategically located in prominent financial centres, such as London, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, the Cayman Islands, Bangkok, Limassol, and more, EBC caters to a diverse clientele of retail, professional, and institutional investors worldwide.

Recognised by multiple awards, EBC prides itself on adhering to the highest levels of ethical standards and international regulation. EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited is regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd is regulated by Australia’s Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), and EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited is regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA).

At the core of EBC Group are seasoned professionals with over 30 years of profound experience in major financial institutions, having adeptly navigated through significant economic cycles from the Plaza Accord to the 2015 Swiss franc crisis. EBC champions a culture where integrity, respect, and client asset security are paramount, ensuring that every investor engagement is treated with the utmost seriousness it deserves.

EBC is the Official Foreign Exchange Partner of FC Barcelona, offering specialised services in regions such as Asia, LATAM, the Middle East, Africa, and Oceania. EBC is also a partner of United to Beat Malaria, a campaign of the United Nations Foundation, aiming to improve global health outcomes. Starting February 2024, EBC supports the ‘What Economists Really Do’ public engagement series by Oxford University’s Department of Economics, demystifying economics, and its application to major societal challenges to enhance public understanding and dialogue.

Media Contact:
Douglas Chew
Global Public Relations Manager

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9149086

Orange Middle East and Africa strengthens its social and environmental commitment by involving its employees through the Engage for Change program

CASABLANCA, MOROCCO – EQS Newswire – 5 June 2024 – For several years now, Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) ( has been taking concrete action to reduce its environmental impact. Today, it is employees who are taking over by getting directly involved in various ecological initiatives on International Environment Day, as part of the new Orange Engage for Change program.

OMEA and its employees are reaffirming their ongoing commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) by launching the Orange Engage for Change platform. This initiative aims to have a positive impact on society and the environment, while strengthening team cohesion.

A collective commitment for a lasting impact

Climatic events, societal upheavals and changing work patterns have created a pressing need for reference points and meaning among citizens, and our employees are no exception. We firmly believe that employee engagement is an essential key to meeting these challenges. The Orange Engage for Change program enables each employee to devote three working days a year to projects with a societal impact.

A platform to mobilize and inspire

Orange Engage for Change is a web platform that provides a space for discovering, sharing and getting involved in societal projects. It is accessible to all Orange Group employees to volunteer, and to the general public for a better understanding of our commitments. This multi-country initiative draws on the programs of the Orange Foundation and the Orange Digital Centers network, offering a structured framework, a solid infrastructure and varied opportunities to support and develop volunteer actions with our committed employees.

Concrete actions for real impact

The platform offers environmental and social initiatives, solidly backed by the active commitment of our employees. Throughout the day on June 5, a number of local initiatives are being organized across our region to demonstrate the concrete impact of this platform. In Mali, for example, a team of 200 Orange employee volunteers is taking part in the reforestation of an urban park dedicated to children by planting 1,000 trees, while in Côte d’Ivoire, 43 kilometers from Abidjan, 30 hectares in the Azaguié forest will be reforested thanks to 150 employees. These examples symbolize Orange’s commitment to supporting local projects that strengthen social ties and protect the environment.

Jérôme Hénique, CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa: “The launch of Orange Engage for Change symbolizes our deep commitment to corporate social responsibility. By empowering our employees to get directly involved in positive impact projects, we are contributing to the sustainable development of communities in the countries where we operate.”

Asma Ennaifer, Executive Director of CSR and Communications at Orange Middle East and Africa and Secretary General of the Orange Digital Center Foundation adds: “This platform is a powerful tool for uniting our teams around shared values. Every initiative, every action taken by our employees demonstrates our collective ability to bring about significant change. We’re proud to see this commitment come to fruition and to witness the positive impact it generates.”

With Orange Engage for Change, Orange gets closer to people by investing in and actively supporting local initiatives in favor of inclusion and the environment.

To find out more about the Orange Engage for Change platform and the social projects deployed by the Orange Group, log on to Discover the testimonials of beneficiaries and employee volunteers, and join us in this social adventure.

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About Orange Middle-East and Africa (OMEA):

Orange is present in 18 countries in Africa and the Middle East and has 149 million customers at 31 December 2023. With 7.1 billion euros of revenues in 2023, Orange MEA is the first growth area in the Orange group. Orange Money, its flagship mobile-based money transfer and financial services offer is available in 17 countries and has more than 90 million customers. Orange, multi-services operator, key partner of the digital transformation provides its expertise to support the development of new digital services in Africa and the Middle East.

‫«التعمير العربية» تتعاقد مع Swiss-Belhotel International ذات العلامة التجارية العالمية لتنفيذ المرحلة الثالثة لمشروع «Swiss-Belresidences Rivan» بمنطقة R7

المهندس مرزوق منصور رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة التعمير العربية:

  • مشروعاتنا السكنية تساهم في وضع مصر على الخريطة السياحية العالمية

المهندس سالم السديس:

  • الإصلاحات والحوافز التي قامت بها الحكومة المصرية تشجعنا على مزيد من الاستثمارات
  • نعتمد على أفضل الاستشاريين حول العالم لضمان أعلى معايير الجودة والتصاميم في مشاريعنا

القاهرة في 5 يونيو 2024:
وقعت شركة «التعمير العربية» الرائدة عالميا في مجال التطوير العقاري عقد شراكة مع مجموعة

«Swiss-Belhotel International» العلامة التجارية العالمية الرائدة في إدارة المجتمعات الفندقية، للإشراف على تنفيذ وتصميم مشروع <<Swiss-Belresidences Rivan>> الفندقي الفاخر في العاصمة الإدارية الجديدة.

تم توقيع عقد الشراكة بحضور كلا من المهندس مرزوق منصور رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة التعمير العربية، والمهندس سالم السديس الشريك السعودي بالشركة والسيد Laurent ” vice president-EMEA”، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة « <<Swiss-Belhotel Internationalبالشرق الأوسط والقارة الإفريقية، حيث تعتمد شركة التعمير العربية على أفضل الاستشاريين حول العالم لضمان أعلى معايير الجودة والتصميم في مشروعاتها، في إطار استراتيجية الشركة التي تستهدف وضع مشروع <<Swiss-Belresidences Rivan>> على خارطة المشروعات العقارية العالمية ذات الصبغة الفندقية في التصميمات المبتكرة، مما يساهم في جذب المزيد من الاستثمارات الأجنبية إلى مصر وتوفير المزيد من فرص العمل.

يُعد مشروع <<Swiss-Belresidences Rivan>>، أحد أهم المشروعات العقارية في العاصمة الإدارية الجديدة بمنطقةR7 على مساحة 16 فدانًا ويضم 15 عمارة سكنية أعلى كلًا منها «Club House» تم تصميمه بشكل مبتكر، يضم حمام سباحة وجيم وسباه وجاكوزي.

يضم مشروع <<Swiss-Belresidences Rivan>> حوالي 500 وحدة سكنية فندقية يتم تنفيذها في المرحلة الثالثة، وقد تم الانتهاء من ٧٥٪ من أعمال إنشاءات المرحلة الأولى والمرحلة الثانية من مشروع ريفان، حيث بدأ تسليم الوحدات للحاجزين ويجري العمل حاليًا على استكمال التشطيبات التي راعت الشركة فيها أن يتم الاستعانة بأفضل الشركات العالمية مثل شركة سامسونج التي ستقوم بتنفيذ أعمال التكييفات المركزية، وشركة ديورا فيت لتوفير أطقم الحمامات التي توفر استخدام المياه وغيرها.

تقدم شركة “Swiss-Belhotel International” خدمات تطوير وإدارة متخصصة ومتميزة للفنادق والمنتجعات والشقق الخدمية، وتضم محفظتها العقارية أكثر من 135 فندقاً ومنتجعاً ومشروعاً في الصين وإندونيسيا ودولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وغيرها.

تمتلك الشركة مكاتب استراتيجية في هونغ كونغ ونيوزيلندا وأستراليا وآسيا والشرق الأوسط. تتميز الشركة بمزيجها الفريد من الضيافة السويسرية والخدمة المستوحاة من آسيا، وتحمل كل منشأة العلامة التجارية لشركة “Swiss-Belhotel International”، مما يرمز إلى الجودة والالتزام بالقيمة. ما يعكس فلسفة الشركة المبنية على “الشغف والاحترافية”، مما يجعلها شريكًا مثاليًا لشركة التعمير العربية في <<Swiss-Belresidences Rivan>>.

يتميز المشروع بتصميمه الفاخر وتشطيباته الراقية، حيث يضم وحدات سكنية فندقية تبدأ من استوديو وغرفة نوم، مع خدمات فندقية متكاملة، كما يضم المشروع مول تجاري طبي إداري يلبي جميع الخدمات للسكان، على مساحة ٤٢٠٠ متر مربع مكون من 4 ادوار تضم العديد من المحال التجارية والبراندات العالمية والعيادات الطبية في كل التخصصات فضلا عن مكاتب إدارية متميزة تقدمها شركة <<Swiss-Belhotel International>> العالمية، مما يجعله وجهة مثالية للسائحين والباحثين عن تجربة سكنية فاخرة، والتي تتشابه مع النموذج السويسري.

أكد المهندس مرزوق منصور رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة التعمير العربية أن شركة التعمير العربية تولي اهتمامًا كبيرًا بجودة البناء والتشطيبات، حيث تحرص على استخدام أفضل المواد وأحدث التقنيات في تشييد <<Swiss-Belresidences Rivan>> كما تُولي اهتمامًا كبيرًا بتقديم خدمات متميزة لعملائها، من خلال التعاقد مع شركات عالمية رائدة في مجال الخدمات الفندقية.

أشار المهندس مرزوق منصور إلى أن شركة التعمير العربية تعمل على تعزيز مكانتها في السوق من خلال إبرام الشراكات الاستراتيجية مع الشركات العالمية الرائدة، وقد وقعت الشركة مؤخرًا مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة بريطانية متخصصة في مجال إدارة المباني، بهدف تقديم خدمات متميزة لعملاء <<Swiss-Belresidences Rivan>>.

أكد مرزوق أن شركة التعمير العربية تلتزم بتسليم مشاريعها في المواعيد المحددة، فقد انتهت الشركة من 75% من أعمال البناء في المرحلة الأولى والثانية من مشروعها وجاري بدء تسليم الوحدات للمرحلة الأولى من مشروع <<Swiss-Belresidences Rivan>>

أعرب المهندس سالم السديس، الشريك السعودي بشركة التعمير، عن سعادته بتوقيع عقد الشراكة مع <<Swiss-Belhotel International>>، مؤكدًا أن الشركة تلتزم بالعمل على إثراء المشهد العمراني من خلال مشروعات شركة التعمير العربية في مصر بما يضعها على خريطة السياحة العالمية ويعزز من مكانتها التي تستحقها.

قال المهندس سالم السديس نحرص في شركة التعمير العربية على توفير وحدات سكنية مبتكرة ومصممة بأفضل المعايير العالمية ونعمل على إيجاد حلول سكنية غير مسبوقة تلبي احتياجات عملائنا مشيرًا أن الشراكة مع<<Swiss-Belhotel International>> ستساعدنا في تحقيق هذا الهدف وتمكننا من وضع <<Swiss-Belresidences Rivan>> على الخارطة السكنية الفندقية الفريدة من نوعها.

أكد السديس أن السوق العقاري المصري واعد والإصلاحات والحوافز التي قامت بها الحكومة المصرية تشجعنا على مزيد من التوسعات وضخ الاستثمارات خلال الفترة المقبلة، ويدفعنا لمزيد من الابتكار في مشروعاتنا المرتقبة ليس فقط بغرض التميز ولكن لتكون نموذجًا يحتذى به في الإنشاء والتصميم وتوفير كافة الخدمات التي يحتاجها العملاء.

جدير بالذكر:

  • تأسست شركة التعمير العربية باستثمارات سعودية مصرية، وتعمل في السعودية، ومصر، والبحرين، ودبي.
  • أكبر استثمارات الشركة توجد في السعودية، حيث تعمل مع كبرى الشركات السعودية للتطوير العقاري مثل شركة روشن التي تقوم بتنفيذ مشروع يضم نحو 1400 فيلا في واجهة الرياض.
  • تملك التعمير العربية استثمارات في قطاع الاتصالات، وفي القطاع الزراعي، حيث تدير مزارع نخيل وتصدّر التمور للخارج.
  • في القطاع الصناعي، تمتلك الشركة مصنع كرتون ينتج أصناف عالية الجودة تُستخدم في تغليف الفواكه للتصدير ومصانع للأخشاب والزجاج.
  • تُساهم مشاريع شركة التعمير العربية في تعزيز النمو في السوق العقاري السعودي، حيث تُقدم هذه المشاريع خيارات سكنية متنوعة تلبي احتياجات مختلف شرائح المجتمع.
  • تُؤكد الشركة على التزامها بمواصلة تطوير مشاريع عقارية مميزة تُساهم في إثراء المشهد العمراني في المملكة العربية السعودية.

Swiss-Belhotel International Expands Presence in MENA Region, Signs Agreement for Swiss-Belresidences Rivan in Cairo, Egypt

CAIRO, EGYPT – Media OutReach Newswire – 5 June 2024 – Continuing its expansion in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, Swiss-Belhotel International, announced today the signing of an agreement for Swiss-Belresidences Rivan, an upscale new residential development, located in Cairo, Egypt.

The agreement was formalised at the Swiss-Belhotel International’s regional headquarters in Dubai on May 14th and the official launch event took place in Cairo on 2nd June, 2024.

This sealed the deal between the owning company Al Tameer Al Arabia for Real Estate Development and Investment Sae and Swiss-Belhotel International.

Eng. Marzouk Mansour Abdelrazek Namnam, owner and CEO of Al Tameer Al Arabia for Real Estate Development and Investment Sae, said, “With our extensive experience in real estate and collaborations with major global companies and consultancy firms, we are unveiling a new vision to revolutionise real estate in Egypt. Our goal extends beyond creating residential, administrative, or commercial units; it is about crafting environments that enhance daily life through upscale and sustainable developments. Our collaboration with Swiss-Belhotel International for developing Swiss-Belresidences Rivan reflects our commitment to creating a new standard for high-end living in Cairo, while contributing positively to the city’s growth.”

Gavin M. Faull, Chairman and President of Swiss-Belhotel International, said, “We are glad to partner with Al Tameer Al Arabia for Real Estate Development and Investment Sae to bring this project to life. The Swiss-Belresidences Rivan in Cairo embodies our commitment to providing high-quality accommodation options in prime destinations. Our growth in the MENA region continues to be a key focus of our global expansion strategy. With our winning partnership philosophy, we work hand in hand with owners and investors to achieve the desired business objectives that the Swiss-Belhotel International is known for globally.”

Laurent A. Voivenel, Senior Vice President – Operations & Development, EMEA & India; Senior Vice President – Group Human Resources & Talent Development at Swiss-Belhotel International, added, “We are delighted to expand our footprint in the MENA region with Swiss-Belresidences Rivan that promises to provide an unmatched living experience to residents in Cairo. The high-end residences will feature facilities tailored to meet the needs of residents that are well-travelled, successful, well-educated and are looking for urban living spaces. With cutting edge technology, on-call services of housekeeping, outdoor catering and community activities, it will fit the rich modern lifestyle requirements. We are committed to fostering a mutually successful long-term business partnership with Al Tameer Al Arabia for Real Estate Development and Investment Sae and grateful for the opportunity extended to us.”

Swiss-Belresidences Rivan, a high-end residential community, is scheduled to open in 2026. Located in the prestigious R7 district of the New Capital, overlooking Central Park, it features landscaped gardens, water features, exclusive clubhouses, and comprehensive security. It is part of Rivan Square, a vibrant shopping, dining, and entertainment destination with retail outlets, restaurants, cafes, and other attractions. The complex also includes Rivan Tower, a 10-floor residential and administrative tower offering panoramic city views.

Award-Winning Decision Intelligence Firm Quantexa Accelerates Global Momentum, Announces Strong FY24 Business Results

  • Quantexa set to achieve $100M in ARR by end of 2024, fueled by the growing Decision Intelligence Market worth *$500BN
  • New enterprise customers accounted for a 20% (+) contribution to fiscal year ARR
  • Closely coupled enterprise Data and AI strategies see Quantexa’s average contract increase 15% in blended ACV in FY24 

LONDON and NEW YORK, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Quantexa, a global leader in Decision Intelligence (DI) solutions for the private and public sectors, announced its continued global business momentum and growth highlights from their 2024 fiscal year, dating from April 1st, 2023, to March 31st, 2024. With a focus on helping customers realize the benefits of practical applications of trusted data and AI, the company delivered on its goals of driving sustainable growth through increased platform and solution adoption, geographic, and industry expansion.

Founded in London in 2016, Quantexa now employs more than 700 team members globally across 15 locations. The company completed FY24 with a 40% increase in global Decision Intelligence ARR and a 120% (+) net retention rate.

2024 Fiscal Year Financial Highlights:

  • New tier 1 customers acquired across banking, insurance, telecommunications, media, technology, and the public sector, helping to accelerate Quantexa’s market expansion strategy and drive 20% (+) contribution to fiscal year ARR.
  • Over 25% of the world’s 50 largest banks have deployed Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform to build a trusted data foundation and realize the benefits of operationalizing AI.
  • Decision Intelligence ARR grew more than 30% in the Americas, and >50% in Europe and the Middle East.
  • Led by a 30% increase in ARR across its Data Management and FinCrime Solution suites, the company continued driving significant YoY revenue growth with an uptick in adoption of its solution suites, helping industry leaders address specific pain points and take advantage of new revenue opportunities.
  • Successful completion of the Aylien acquisition and subsequent integration into Quantexa’s technology portfolio contributed to 16% growth in annual revenue for Quantexa’s News Intelligence offering.

2024 Notable Fiscal Year Milestones:

  • In April 2023, Quantexa announced that it had completed a $129M Series E funding round. The latest investment round secured the British tech company’s unicorn status with a valuation of $1.8BN and accelerated the execution of its growth strategy within the **$500BN DI category.
  • In July 2023, Quantexa announced that it would invest heavily in the global artificial intelligence (AI) industry over the next three years to help clients advance the use of AI to protect, optimize, and grow their organizations.
  • In November 2023, keeping Quantexa close to its customer base, the company announced the opening of its new Asia Pacific Headquarters in Singapore. The opening is part of a broader regional expansion plan and follows the July 2023 launch of Quantexa’s Japan operations in Tokyo and long-standing presence in Melbourne, Sydney, and Malaysia.
  • In January 2024, the company detailed the ROI customers receive from deploying its technology across enterprises and public sector agencies, when it published The Total Economic Impact™ of The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform study in conjunction with Forrester Consulting.
  • Quantexa detailed its innovation platform roadmap in support of its ambitious plan to lead the emerging Decision Intelligence category, anchored in helping enterprises and government agencies use contextual analytics and AI to improve organizational decision making.
  • In March 2024, it was announced that Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform will be adopted by the University of Liverpool’s Civic Health Innovation Labs (CHIL) and Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, one of the largest trusts providing physical health and mental health services in Northwest England, serving more than 1.4M people.
  • A strategic partnership with Microsoft made Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform immediately available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace for financial services organizations and government agencies, the companies also announced exclusive plans to bring the platform to mid-sized banks in the United States. Quantexa is also building a Microsoft Fabric Workload experience.
  • Quantexa completed the fiscal year surpassing 750 global employees, 16k active Decision Intelligence Platform users, and a Net Retention Rate (NRR) of 120% (+).

Vishal Marria, Founder and CEO of Quantexa, said: “The acceleration of our efforts to become the world leading provider of decision intelligence technology, and delivering strong, sustainable global growth can be attributed to two things. Our ability to help customers get their data ready for AI, as well as our execution of a series of strategic investments and partnerships. This achievement underscores Quantexa’s unwavering commitment to empower our customers to solve some of their toughest challenges across multiple industries in every corner of the globe.”

To learn more about how industry leaders are obtaining a 228% return on investment over 3 years with Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform, download the Total Economic Impact (TEI) Study by Forrester.

*Proprietary market data obtained by Quantexa from a commissioned Gartner study.
**Includes AML, Fraud, and KYC solution suite growth.

About Quantexa
Quantexa is a global AI, data and analytics software company pioneering Decision Intelligence to empower organizations to make trusted operational decisions with data in context. Using the latest advancements in AI, Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence platform helps organizations uncover hidden risk and new opportunities by unifying siloed data and turning it into the most trusted, reusable resource. It solves major challenges across data management, customer intelligence, KYC, financial crime, risk, fraud, and security, throughout the customer lifecycle.

The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform enhances operational performance with over 90% more accuracy and 60 times faster analytical model resolution than traditional approaches. An independently commissioned Forrester TEI study on Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform found that customers saw a three-year 228% ROI.  Founded in 2016, Quantexa now has more than 700 employees and thousands of platform users working with billions of transactions and data points across the world.

Media Inquiries
C: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E: Quantexa@fightorflight


C: Adam Jaffe, SVP of Corporate Marketing
T: +1 609 502 6889

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000964615

SEALSQ, WISeKey and The Hashgraph Association Join Forces to Bring Secure IoT and DePIN solutions to Saudi Arabia

Geneva, Switzerland / Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – June 5, 2024 – SEALSQ Corp (“SEALSQ” or “Company”) (NASDAQ: LAES), a company that focuses on developing and selling Semiconductors, PKI and Post-Quantum technology hardware and software products, and its parent company, WISeKey, SIX: WIHN; Nasdaq: WKEY), a global leader in cybersecurity, digital identity, and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, announced their partnership with The Hashgraph Association, a Swiss-based association and leader in digital innovation and DLT solutions through the Hedera network, to spearhead the implementation of Internet of Things and DePin (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure network) solutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in line with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030. Vision 2030 aims to establish a sophisticated digital infrastructure for the kingdom and enhance economic competitiveness.

The Hashgraph Association, who recently announced the launching of a $250 million Deep Tech Studio with the Saudi Ministry of Investment, aimed at developing technological solutions, including blockchain and artificial intelligence, for local businesses in Saudi Arabia, will work closely with WISeKey and its partners in Saudi Arabia (E.A. Juffali & Brothers Group) to offer a robust decentralized ledger technology that will enhance the security and efficiencies of IoT, Blockchain, and DePIN applications and solutions across Saudi Arabia and MENA region.

WISeKey, has been present in KSA since 2020 through its joint venture WISeKey Arabia, with Saudi Advanced Technologies Company Ltd (SAT), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Juffali Group.

Kamal Youssefi, President of The Hashgraph Association, added, “As part of our mission to accelerate the adoption of emerging technologies which include DLT technology such as Hedera globally and in the MENA region, we are pleased to support the growth of DePIN solutions which offer a secure, transparent, cutting-edge digital infrastructure needed for future of digital economies in the region.”

Carlos Moreira, CEO and Chairman of SEALSQ stated, “We are pleased to be working with two major industry leaders in Saudi Arabia to develop secure IoT, and DePIN solutions for retail, financial, smart cities, healthcare, industrial, transportation and other sectors. We are now able to offer a full 360-degree solution that includes cybersecurity, Blockchain, IoT infrastructure needed for Saudi Vision 2030 digitization aims as well as those of the MENA region in general.”

The Kingdom’s IoT and M2M Communication market, currently encompassing 65% of the cybersecurity and IoT market of the Gulf region, was estimated to reach $16 billion in 2019, up from approximately $4.9 billion in 2014, and is expected to continue its rapid growth over the next decade, supported by Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 economic reform plan.

DePIN, or Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks, refers to the integration of decentralized technologies, such as blockchain and IoT, to create a more secure, transparent, and efficient infrastructure network. By leveraging Hedera’s decentralized ledger technology, the cooperation will enhance the security and reliability of physical infrastructure networks, making them more resilient to cyber threats and more efficient in their operations.

SEALSQ, a subsidiary of WISeKey, and a leader in semiconductors, PKI, and Post-Quantum technology had previously announced a significant initiative to establish an Open Semiconductors Assembly and Test (OSAT) Center in Saudi Arabia.  OSAT is designed to offer a comprehensive array of testing services, including wafer and final tests, as well as assembly services for various semiconductor packages such as QFN, BGA, WLCSP, and others. This initiative is a key component of a larger strategy aimed at developing Semiconductor Personalization Centers through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP).

SEALSQ is currently in active discussions to launch three major projects across Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East. These OSAT centers will employ RISC-V technology for chip design, focusing on local manufacturing to meet the highest standards of security and certification from authoritative bodies like Common Criteria and NIST.

SEALSQ focuses on selling integrated solutions based on Semiconductors, PKI and Provisioning services, while developing Post-Quantum technology hardware and software products. Our solutions can be used in a variety of applications, from Multi-Factor Authentication tokens, Smart Energy, Smart Home Appliances, and IT Network Infrastructure, to Automotive, Industrial Automation and Control Systems.

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) refers to cryptographic methods that are secure against an attack by a quantum computer. As quantum computers become more powerful, they may be able to break many of the cryptographic methods that are currently used to protect sensitive information, such as RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). PQC aims to develop new cryptographic methods that are secure against quantum attacks.
For more information, please visit

About WISeKey
WISeKey International Holding Ltd (“WISeKey”, SIX: WIHN; Nasdaq: WKEY) is a global leader in cybersecurity, digital identity, and IoT solutions platform. It operates as a Swiss-based holding company through several operational subsidiaries, each dedicated to specific aspects of its technology portfolio. The subsidiaries include (i) SEALSQ Corp (Nasdaq: LAES), which focuses on semiconductors, PKI, and post-quantum technology products, (ii) WISeKey SA which specializes in RoT and PKI solutions for secure authentication and identification in IoT, Blockchain, and AI, (iii) WISeSat AG which focuses on space technology for secure satellite communication, specifically for IoT applications, and (iv) WISe.ART Corp which focuses on trusted blockchain NFTs and operates the WISe.ART marketplace for secure NFT transactions.

Each subsidiary contributes to WISeKey’s mission of securing the internet while focusing on their respective areas of research and expertise. Their technologies seamlessly integrate into the comprehensive WISeKey platform. WISeKey secures digital identity ecosystems for individuals and objects using Blockchain, AI, and IoT technologies. With over 1.6 billion microchips deployed across various IoT sectors, WISeKey plays a vital role in securing the Internet of Everything. The company’s semiconductors generate valuable Big Data that, when analyzed with AI, enable predictive equipment failure prevention. Trusted by the OISTE/WISeKey cryptographic Root of Trust, WISeKey provides secure authentication and identification for IoT, Blockchain, and AI applications. The WISeKey Root of Trust ensures the integrity of online transactions between objects and people. For more information on WISeKey’s strategic direction and its subsidiary companies, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements concerning SEALSQ Corp and its businesses. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our business strategy, financial performance, results of operations, market data, events or developments that we expect or anticipates will occur in the future, as well as any other statements which are not historical facts. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates which are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Important factors that, in our view, could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements include the success and timeline of SEALCOIN’s launch; the timeline for and the successful release of the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Proof of Concept (PoC); SEAL’s token Issuance and Exchange Listing before the end of 2024; SEALSQ’s ability to continue beneficial transactions with material parties, including a limited number of significant customers; market demand and semiconductor industry conditions; and the risks discussed in SEALSQ’s filings with the SEC. Risks and uncertainties are further described in reports filed by SEALSQ with the SEC.

SEALSQ Corp is providing this communication as of this date and does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About The Hashgraph Association
The Hashgraph Association is at the forefront of the digital enablement and empowerment of organizations through the broad adoption of Hedera-powered enterprise-grade solutions and decentralized applications, including funding training, innovation, and venture building programs globally. As a non-profit organization headquartered in Switzerland, The Hashgraph Association supports and funds innovation, research, and development that enables economic inclusion and a digital future for all, with a positive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact. For further information about The Hashgraph Association, visit

Press and Investor Contacts

Carlos Moreira
Chairman & CEO
Tel: +41 22 594 3000
SEALSQ Investor Relations (US)
The Equity Group Inc.
Lena Cati
Tel: +1 212 836-9611 /
Katie Murphy
Tel: +212 836-9612 /

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