Arab News Headlines

June 21, 2024

The occupation arrests citizens of Jenin at the Karama crossing

On Friday evening, the Israeli occupation forces arrested citizens of Jenin at the Karama crossing, and stormed villages and towns in the governorate.

Security sources said that the occupation forces arrested citizens Muhammad Farid Abu Sariya from …

A young man was injured and another was arrested in Ramallah

A young man was injured, at dawn on Friday, by Israeli occupation forces’ bullets in the Qaddoura Camp in the city of Ramallah.

Medical sources reported that the young man was hit by live bullets in the thigh area, and was transferred to the Palesti…

Very hot atmosphere

The Palestinian Meteorological Department expects the weather today, Friday, to be hot to very hot, and there will be a slight drop in temperatures while remaining higher than their general annual average by about 5 degrees Celsius, and the winds wil…

Arabists shot dead two young men in central Qalqilya

On Friday afternoon, members of the Israeli Special Forces “Musta’arabiun” assassinated two young Palestinians after opening fire on a car in which they were traveling in the center of the city of Qalqiliya in the northern West Bank.

Medical sources…

14 martyrs in the ongoing occupation bombing of the Gaza Strip

Gaza: At least 14 citizens were martyred and dozens were injured in the Israeli occupation bombing of central and northern Gaza Strip.

Medical sources reported that two citizens were martyred and 12 others were injured as a result of the occupation a…

3 martyrs in an Israeli bombing of Khan Yunis

Gaza: Three citizens were martyred in an Israeli bombing that targeted them, on Friday, in the town of Al-Fokhari, east of the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

Local sources reported that violent air and artillery bombardment also targete…