The Security Council extends the work of the monitoring force in the occupied Syrian Golan

New York – Together – Today, Thursday, the UN Security Council unanimously issued a resolution in which it called on the parties concerned to immediately implement its resolution 338 (1973) of October 22, 1973, and extended the monitoring force in the Golan for 6 months.

Resolution 2737 stressed ‘the commitment of both parties to fully and strictly respect the terms of the 1974 Disengagement of Forces Agreement.’ In the second paragraph, the resolution called on the two parties to ‘exercise maximum restraint and prevent any violations of the ceasefire and the buffer zone, and encourages the parties to make full use of the liaison function of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force on a regular basis to address issues of common concern, as appropriate, and to maintain their contacts with the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force to prevent any escalation of the situation across the ceasefire line,’ as well as to support the strengthening of the liaison function of the United Nations Disengagemen
t Observer Force, and stresses that there should be no military activity of any kind in the buffer zone, including military operations by the Syrian Arab Armed Forces.

The Council decided to renew the mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for a period of six months until December 31, 2024, calling on the Secretary-General to ensure that the UN force ‘has the capabilities and resources necessary to fulfill the mandate in a safe and secure manner.’

Source: Maan News Agency

Jerusalem Electricity participates in the Intersolar 2024 renewable energy exhibition in Germany

Jerusalem Together – The Jerusalem District Electricity Company participated in the Intersolar Exhibition in the German city of Munich, which was held from June 18 to 21.

The company was represented at the exhibition by Engineer Sari Ibrahim, Director of the Technical Planning Department, and Engineer Mohsen Sultan from the Technology Department.

The “Intersolar” exhibition is considered one of the largest and leading exhibitions in the world in the fields related to renewable energy technology and solar energy in particular and the various associated systems such as electric vehicle charging systems and various storage systems and their role in enhancing the efficiency and performance of electrical systems in the world. More than 1,500 of the leading international companies in this field.

The participation of “Jerusalem Electricity” in the international exhibition confirms the directives of the company’s general management to keep pace with technological development in all fields related to the world of e
lectricity, within the framework of improving the quality of electrical services provided to subscribers in all concession areas.

Source: Maan News Agency

Abu Kishk signs agreement to establish a chair for Moroccan studies at Al-Quds University

Al-Quds Together – The President of Al-Quds University, Prof. Dr. Imad Abu Kishk, an agreement to establish a ‘Chair for Moroccan Studies at Al-Quds University’, in cooperation with the Bayt Mal Agency of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and Mohammed V University, during a ceremony held in the Moroccan capital, Rabat, on the occasion of the opening of the ‘Beit Al-Maqdis Center for Research and Studies’, in the presence of Moroccan and Palestinian legal figures from Jerusalem. The West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Prof. Dr. explained: Abu Kishk said that the agreement expresses the university’s direction to have chairs in universities and countries around the world to open a window to other societies, in addition to dozens of academic and student exchange agreements that the university establishes to link researchers with the research community.

The participating Jerusalemite delegation informed the officials about the situation in the holy Palestinian city and the events it is experiencing, on the one hand, and the efforts to st
rengthen the relationship and ties between Moroccan and Jerusalemite institutions, on the other hand.

The scientific or research chair is defined as a research or academic program at the university that aims to enrich human knowledge and develop thought on a topic, and includes a team of researchers specialized in their field.

Source: Maan News Agency

Galant: We are able to return Lebanon to the Stone Age

Jerusalem – Ma’an – Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said that Israel does not want a war in Lebanon and prefers a diplomatic solution, but it cannot accept the presence of Hezbollah military formations on its borders.

He added that the Israeli army is capable of returning Lebanon to the Stone Age, but we do not want to do that.

He said: I reaffirmed Israel’s commitment to the agreement proposed by US President Joe Biden regarding the ceasefire and hostages.

He said: I discussed with American officials the proposals for the next day after the Gaza war.

He continued: I am working on a proposal regarding post-war Gaza that includes the Palestinians, regional partners, and America.

Source: Maan News Agency

Multimedia Master’s at Polytechnic University discusses scientific theses in image and visual narrative

HEBRON – Ma’an – Students of the Master’s program in Multimedia at the College of Graduate Studies at Palestine Polytechnic University discussed this week purposeful and specialized theses in the field of image and visual narrative, in order to complete the requirements for obtaining a Master’s degree.

The university welcomes and the Deanship of Scientific Research praises the outcomes

At the beginning of the discussions, the Dean of Scientific Research, Dr. Nafez Nasr El-Din, welcomed the arbitration committees, students, and families, stressing the need for concerted academic efforts to raise the level of research outputs in general and specialized in the field of narrative, image, and film and cinema studies in particular, praising the level of students and welcoming cooperation with academics at the local and Arab levels.

The Dean of Scientific Research stressed that such meetings organized and held by the Multimedia Master’s Program are important in terms of the quality and type of theses, in addition
to their importance for the transparency of the scientific discussion process, welcoming the step of diversifying the discussion committees and their multiple orientations and schools, which will enrich the discussion sessions and their outcomes.

The discussion sessions and arbitration committees were led by an elite group of media, film and cinema studies professors at the local and international levels, amid an atmosphere full of purposeful scientific discussions that will contribute significantly to enriching the students’ theses, developing the scientific field, and strengthening the role of national institutions and research centers with the outputs of those theses.

In turn, the letters reviewed the role of the image as an influential visual medium, tracing its historical and cultural context and its expressive eloquence. The dissertations relied on descriptive analytical research methods according to the qualitative approach, presenting extensive studies that addressed the critical and theoretical dim
ensions. The researchers also employed precise research tools to obtain solid results that enrich the field of knowledge and the research community.

Distinctive and diverse theses and prestigious arbitration committees from different backgrounds

The first thesis of the student Ranad Al-Rajabi, entitled ‘The Intellectual Implications of Video Art in Palestine’, was supervised by Dr. Nasr Jawabreh, Coordinator of the Multimedia Master’s Program, Dr. Suhair Nasr from Al-Ummah College, as examiner, Dr. Rahab Nazzal from Dar Al-Kalima University as external examiner, and Dr. Nasr Jawabreh from Palestine Polytechnic University as internal examiner.

This thesis addressed the intellectual content of digital video art in Palestine, revealing its types and the intellectual discourse that reflects the Palestinian awareness of the importance of this art in the digital age.

As for the second thesis by student Hanaa Al-Zaarir, entitled ‘Persuasive Appeals in the Short Film,’ it was supervised by Dr. Amer Gharaibeh from
Yarmouk University, Jordan, while it was discussed by Dr. Nasr Jawabreh from Palestine Polytechnic University as an internal discussant, and Dr. Hafez Asakreh from Palestine Ahliya University as an external discussant.

The researcher aimed to identify the types of persuasive appeals in short films and strategies of cognitive and perceptual deception through manipulation of the cinematic image.

The committee recommended that the student Al-Za’arir be awarded a master’s degree with honors in multimedia, noting the importance of the thesis, its subject, and its newness to her thesis after making formal, but not substantive, amendments.

The third thesis in the discussions of the theses of the students of the Multimedia Master’s Program at Palestine Polytechnic University was for the student Israa Badr for her thesis entitled (The Role of Hybridization in Enhancing the Content in Animated Films).

The discussion committee consisted of Dr. Nasr Jawabreh, coordinator of the multimedia program at Palestine Polytec
hnic University, as supervisor and chairman, Dr. Suhair Nasr from Al-Ummah University, and Dr. Maryam Jibril from Al-Quds University.

The committee recommended granting a master’s degree to the student.

As for the fourth thesis for the Multimedia Master’s program, it was by student Salsabil Rizeikat for her thesis titled (Good and Evil Characteristics of the Hero Character in Disney Movies).

The study aimed to explore the characteristics of the hero in Disney films. The researcher employed the descriptive analytical approach to examine the transformations in the roles of characters in Disney films and their embodiment of the conflict between good and evil, and to identify the characteristics that these characters carry in those films that she chose as a sample for the study.

The researcher identified the features as an analysis tool by designing a content analysis card through which she monitored the most important transformations in the roles of the heroes’ characters who embody the conflict between good
and evil in those films.

The discussion committee consisted of Dr. Muhammad Ghaleb Hassan from Egypt as the thesis supervisor, Dr. Hafez Asakra, head of the Media Department at Palestine Ahliya University, as an external discussant, and Dr. Nasr Jawabreh, coordinator of the multimedia program at Palestine Polytechnic University, as an external discussant.

The discussion committee recommended that the student be awarded a master’s degree after making the formal amendments approved by the committee.

Praise and appreciation

For their part, the arbitration committees praised the importance and quality of the submitted messages, noting the importance of the selected topics and their keeping pace with the times. They also praised the students’ research capabilities and academic development, emphasizing the need of the research community for these specialized theses in image research and artistic and cinematic production.

For his part, the coordinator of the Master of Multimedia specialization, Dr. Nasr Jawabre
h, thanked the arbitration committees for their purposeful comments and research capabilities, stressing the importance of local and international cooperation in the fields of image, film studies and cinema, which contributes to enriching the outputs of researchers and improving the quality of the submitted scientific theses.

Source: Maan News Agency

Settlers bulldoze land in Beit Ummar

Hebron – Ma’an – A group of settlers from the “Gush Etzion” settlement, protected by occupation soldiers, bulldozed citizens’ lands in the Khalayel Al-Sabarna area, north of the town of Beit Ummar, north of the city of Hebron.

The media activist in the town of Beit Ummar, Muhammad Ayyad Awad, explained that the bulldozing operations began yesterday morning, Wednesday, and they bulldozed about 15 dunums, apparently to use them for agricultural purposes.

Awad pointed out the citizens’ concerns and fears about this step, which will be followed by the seizure of their lands in that area, as they have been prevented from reaching it since October 7 of last year, under flimsy security pretexts.

Source: Maan News Agency

The occupation hands the family of the martyr Moamen Masalmeh an order to demolish their house

Hebron-Ma’an- An Israeli army force stormed the home of the family of martyr Moamen Fayez Al-Masalma in the Al-Namous area of ??Dura city at dawn on Thursday, and handed the family a demolition order for the house.

The martyr, Masalma, 20 years old, carried out a stabbing operation in the “Gan Yavne” area east of Ashdod in the occupied interior, on 3/31/2024, which resulted in the killing of a settler and the serious injury of two others, before he was executed by settlers after being shot.

Source: Maan News Agency

The occupation arrests 4 citizens, including a university student from Yatta

HEBRON – Ma’an – Israeli occupation forces arrested four citizens, including a university student, at dawn on Thursday, after raiding their homes in the city of Yatta and the Sinjar area in Dura.

Local sources reported that the occupation forces stormed the city of Yatta and arrested university student Anwar Iyad Al-Amur, 20 years old, after raiding her family’s home and searching it thoroughly. They also arrested Mahmoud Muhammad Abu Aram and Ibrahim Omar Daif Allah after raiding their homes.

The occupation forces also arrested citizen Basil Hussam Farah, after raiding his family’s home in the Sinjar area of ??Dura city.

The sources indicated that the occupation forces raided homes in the town of Samou and searched them thoroughly, including the home of citizen Nour al-Din al-Mahariq and his sons.

Source: Maan News Agency

Al-Tamimi meets with the head of the Financial and Administrative Control Bureau to discuss cooperation

Ramallah – Together – Counselor Alaa Al-Tamimi, Head of the Land Authority, received in his office in the city of Al-Bireh, today, Thursday, Amal Faraj, Head of the Financial and Administrative Control Bureau, and her accompanying delegation, to discuss aspects of cooperation between the two institutions.

During the meeting, Al-Tamimi praised the importance of the Audit Bureau’s oversight role in achieving the best ways to provide services, through monitoring internal audit institutions and departments, and thus taking into account the observations resulting from audit work as feedback to the state’s institutions.

Al-Tamimi stressed the importance of enhancing the concept of transparency and integrity in government work, emphasizing the importance of audit units within state institutions, and the necessity of their harmony and interconnection with the Financial and Administrative Audit Bureau.

For her part, Faraj stressed the status of the Land Authority and the extent of the importance it enjoys, especial
ly in Palestine, among all parties in the state, and this stems from the importance and nature of its work related to land and its preservation, both in preserving the rights of citizens on the one hand, and in confronting the crimes of the occupation and its settlers against Palestine. And its land on the other hand.

Faraj indicated that this visit comes within the framework of raising the level of cooperation between state institutions, and that the Bureau is working to maintain the foundations of oversight over all institutions in accordance with what the laws and regulations have drawn up, in addition to the Bureau’s intention to electronically link in the next stage with the internal control units within state institutions. This is to ensure speedy follow-up and facilitate oversight operations between the Bureau and the oversight units.

Before the end of the meeting, Faraj praised the cooperation between the Land Authority and the Financial and Administrative Control Bureau in order to achieve the comm
on goals and vision between the two institutions.

Source: Maan News Agency

UNIDO concludes ‘Sustainable’ programme to promote sustainable energy solutions in Palestinian industries

Ramallah – Ma’an – The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) held today, Thursday, the closing meeting of the “Sustainable” program, which it implemented over four years to promote sustainable energy solutions in Palestinian industries, with funding from the European Union and in partnership with the Ministry of National Economy, and in cooperation with the Energy and Natural Resources Authority.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of National Economy, Muhammad Al-Amour, the Minister of Industry, Arafat Asfour, the Head of Cooperation in the European Union Office in Jerusalem, Ibrahim Al-Afia, representatives of public and private sector institutions, a number of beneficiaries of the services of the ‘Sustainable’ program, and a representative of the headquarters of UNIDO. Ricardo Savigliano, the head of the UNIDO Program Office in Palestine, Ahmed Al-Farra, and the UNIDO and program staff.

The meeting reviewed the most prominent results, in addition to success stories and lessons l
earned in the various stages of implementing the program, to achieve impact and sustainability in the transition towards green industry and economy in the State of Palestine, in addition to how to benefit from the program’s outputs in the early recovery and reconstruction phase in the Gaza Strip and green economic recovery in the West Bank.

Participants emphasized the solid foundations laid by the ‘Mostadammah’ program for leading sustainability and national ownership after the program ends, through partners and national teams that will continue to work on enhancing their capabilities and providing them with the necessary tools in the various comprehensive and interconnected components of the program.

Head of the UNIDO Program Office in Palestine, Ahmed Al-Farra, said: ‘Together, we have achieved many national achievements that have created tangible and effective results for the industrial sector in particular and for the national economy in general, towards achieving comprehensive and sustainable industria
l and economic development in the State of Palestine.’

He stressed that the meeting constitutes an important opportunity to explore opportunities for joint work with the international community to institutionalize services and expand the scope of interest directed to the various economic sectors, especially the industrial sector in Palestine, and to promote the uses of sustainable energy solutions more effectively to raise levels of competitiveness and contribute to reducing the environmental impact of traditional energy resources. Especially during this stage of exceptional circumstances facing the Palestinian industrial sector in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

For his part, Minister of National Economy Mohammad Al-Amour said: ‘Enhancing energy security is a top priority for the State of Palestine, and supporting our private sector towards sustainable competitiveness in the field of energy and green transformation is essential.’

He added: ‘The Sustainable Program is consistent
with our vision by strengthening the legislative framework, improving technical skills, developing technologies, and increasing awareness. These efforts are considered important to promote the adoption of sustainable solutions in Palestine.’

For his part, Minister of Industry Arafat Asfour said, ‘Enhancing the use of sustainable energy in the Palestinian industrial sector through providing a package of programs and projects implemented by the ministry with partners will contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of the industrial sector and enabling it to reach global markets,’ noting that the cost of energy in the production process constitutes a challenge and is considered the highest in the region in general.

He stressed that the transition to a green economy provides an opportunity for Palestine to protect exhaustible local resources and thus promote sustainable production in Palestinian industries.

In turn, Ibrahim Al-Afia, Head of Cooperation at the European Union Office in Jerusalem, highlighted th
e economic necessity and the role of sustainable energy.

‘The current unprecedented crisis has contributed to a rapid and significant increase in energy costs, especially for industrial companies, which has exacerbated Palestinian economic estimates. This requires the Palestinian public and private sectors to focus on sustainable energy solutions, which can be an excellent tool to mitigate the impact of the crisis and enhance the competitiveness of the Palestinian industrial sector,’ said Al-Afia.

‘Sustainable’ is a comprehensive programme launched by UNIDO in 2019, with the primary mission of enhancing competitiveness within the Palestinian industrial sector through effective promotion and facilitation of the adoption of sustainable energy solutions.

The program aimed to lay the foundations for an environment suitable for renewable energy and energy efficiency for Palestinian industry, through developing policies, expertise and clean technology innovations that would help alleviate the ongoing shortage of
energy sources and high electricity costs that have been a reality in Palestine for decades.

With a primary focus on small and medium-sized enterprises operating in these sectors such as furniture, food, agriculture, metal industries, building materials and clothing, in addition to other priority sectors identified in Palestine, the ‘Sustainable’ program worked to facilitate the activation and enforcement of guidelines for energy efficiency and renewable energy, Support the implementation of model projects that showcase the benefits of innovative, locally manufactured sustainable energy solutions, and encourage the expansion of these solutions in the industrial sector.

The Sustainable Program has also contributed to the global environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the use of fossil fuels among targeted industries.

The program consisted of four interconnected components: strengthening the policy and regulatory environment for renewable energy and energy efficiency in the industrial sector, de
veloping local capabilities to design and implement renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the industrial sector and thus promoting green job creation in the energy sector, and creating demand for clean energy technologies in the industrial sector. The industrial sector, supporting the green economy agenda, and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the clean technology sector.

The program succeeded in forming a technical committee that includes all the main stakeholders in promoting sustainable energy solutions for Palestinian industries, and establishing the Green Industry Department in the Ministry of National Economy, which will naturally report to the Palestinian Ministry of Industry, as it will play a central role in preserving national ownership and sustaining the results and services it achieved and developed. program, in addition to assuming responsibility for the technical committee.

More than 400 national experts were trained and qualified in the field of energy management syste
ms and renewable energy, awareness was raised about the opportunities provided by energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions, and an active clean technology entrepreneurship ecosystem was developed that is well-connected and coordinated among key players including government, private sector, academia and service providers related to promoting innovation in clean technology solutions targeting the industrial sector in Palestine.

The program included empowering three clean technology centers spread nationally to cover the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem, training trainers and mentors, and supporting more than 250 entrepreneurs and startups in developing innovative and locally directed solutions to improve energy efficiency and renewable energy in addition to innovations targeting energy interconnection. Water and food.

The Palestine Clean Technology Innovation Programme, developed under UNIDO’s Sustainable Programme, has also promoted innovation and entrepreneurship in the clean technology secto
r in Palestine. The programme aims to support entrepreneurs and start-ups in developing new locally-made clean energy products and clean technology solutions to be introduced as innovative businesses in the market.

Clean technology includes technologies that reduce emissions, improve the environment, and reduce the consumption of natural resources. Clean technologies use renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, low-carbon fuels, water management, recycling technologies, waste management technologies, and green buildings and transportation.

As the first programme developed in Palestine for the industrial cleantech sector, the Palestine Cleantech Innovation Programme provided valuable networking opportunities through business forums, competitions, trade workshops and global exhibitions.

At the conclusion of the ‘Sustainable’ program, UNIDO stressed the importance of benefiting from the results achieved by the current program and building on the benefits resulting from expanding the scope of the trans
formation of economic sectors, especially industry, towards sustainable energy sources to support the competitiveness of national industries. This will include expanding support for the transition of SMEs towards sustainable energy and carbon reduction by applying the model of stimulating investment through technical assistance and supporting innovation in clean technology solutions.

Additional support was provided to improve and enhance the capacity of national partners to plan, manage and implement activities efficiently and effectively. Links and partnerships between the government, the private sector, the Engineers Syndicate, and the specialized Renewable Energy Industry Federation will be strengthened through the activation of the Green Industry Department (GID) and its participation in the relevant technical committees that were created to serve as a platform for coordination and engagement with various relevant stakeholders.

The educational and training materials developed by the ‘Sustainable’ progra
m have also been shared and are being distributed to interested parties and published for the general public on the ‘Taqat’ platform for use by the community. Additional arrangements and specific training for trainers have been organized in partnership with the Green Industry Department to engage the Engineers Association (as a specialized training provider) through a Memorandum of Understanding that will be activated with the Ministry of National Economy and the Ministry of Industry. Training and accreditation services will be supported by engaging the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority, the Electricity Regulatory Council, the Ministry of Labor, and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education through the Ministry of National Economy.

It was also emphasized to expand the scope of the Sustainable Programme, systematically planning how to implement it on a larger scale to achieve greater impact at the national level. Through special support, mentoring, capacity building and monitoring, natio
nal partners are equipped to implement and replicate the Sustainable Programme, as well as how to leverage the program’s outcomes in the early recovery and reconstruction phase in the Gaza Strip and green economic recovery in the West Bank.

Source: Maan News Agency