The occupation evacuates soldiers from the Etzion camp after fires broke out near it

The Israeli Channel 14 reported that the occupation army evacuated soldiers from the Etzion camp, south of Bethlehem, after fires broke out near it.

Israel Today newspaper reported that a fire broke out in the Kfar Etzion settlement, south of the city of Bethlehem in the West Bank, and the fire spread to a military base, and has not yet been controlled

Source: Maan News Agency

Foreign Ministry: Legalizing new settlement outposts is a deliberate sabotage of the opportunity to implement the “two-state solution”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates strongly condemned the approval of the so-called Israeli “cabinet” to legalize 5 settlement outposts in the West Bank, and advance plans to build thousands of new settlement units throughout the West Bank.

The ministry said in a statement issued on Friday that it “views with great concern the Israeli government’s continued commission of the crime of settlement expansion and deepening apartheid, with the aim of closing the door to any opportunity for the embodiment of the Palestinian state, and bears full and direct responsibility for its results and dangerous repercussions on the conflict arena and the entire region.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that “the settlement escalation taking place in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is a blatant challenge to the relevant international legitimacy resolutions, especially Resolution 2334, and an official Israeli disregard for the international consensus rejecting settlements as an obstacle
to implementing the two-state solution,” calling for urgent American and international intervention to stop its illegal unilateral measures, impose deterrent international sanctions on the entire racist settlement occupation system, and exert real pressure on the Israeli government to stop settlements and submit to the international will for peace

Source: Maan News Agency

Weather: Hot weather until next Monday

The weather today, Friday, will be hot to very hot, and there will be another slight rise in temperatures to become higher than their general annual average by about 6 degrees Celsius (the high in occupied Jerusalem is 34 degrees Celsius), and the winds will be southwesterly to light northwesterly. Moderate speed, and the sea is light to medium wave height.

Tomorrow, Saturday, the weather will be hot to very hot, and temperatures will drop, remaining higher than their general annual average by about 4 degrees Celsius, and the winds will be southwesterly to northwesterly, light to moderate speed, and the sea will be light to medium in height.

As for Sunday and Monday, the weather will remain relatively hot to hot, and temperatures will remain about 3 degrees Celsius higher than their annual average.

The Meteorological Department warned of the danger of exposure to direct sunlight for a long period, and of the danger of starting fires in areas where there are many grasses and dry trees

Source: Maan News A

Barghouti: Cabinet decisions are the most dangerous thing facing the Palestinian people since the Nakba

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative Movement, warned of the danger of the Israeli cabinet’s decisions that approved an unprecedented criminal expansion of settlements and practical measures to Judaize the entire West Bank.

He added, in a statement received by Ma’an, that the decisions included the complete seizure of the Palestinian Authority’s civil powers in the so-called “B” areas and subjecting them to the control of the settlers led by Smotrich after the security powers of the Authority were cancelled in the so-called “A” areas. This is an affirmation of Israel’s termination of everything that remains of the miserable Oslo Accords. What is more dangerous is that the decisions legislate and implement changing the character of the West Bank from an occupied Palestinian land with foreign settlement bodies to an Israeli land in which the settlements and their roads besiege Palestinian cities, villages and camps and turn them into isolated and oppressed ghettos wi
th no communication between them.

Barghouti said, “Netanyahu and his fascist fundamentalist allies are implementing Netanyahu’s dream and fascist Zionism to eliminate every possibility of establishing an independent Palestinian state and to attempt to resolve the conflict and liquidate all Palestinian national rights, and to complete the implementation of the project of colonial settlement and replacement of all of Palestine.”

Barghouti pointed out that the cabinet’s decisions include not only building more illegal settlements but also the widespread demolition of Palestinian homes and facilities in most of the West Bank.

Barghouti stressed that the fascist decisions of the racist Israeli government and the war of genocide it is waging in Gaza are the most dangerous thing the Palestinian people have faced since the Nakba in 1948, and even threaten a greater and broader Nakba. The

Secretary-General of the National Initiative said that in light of these dangers, it is the duty of all Palestinian forces, fac
tions and energies to put aside their differences and conflicts and hasten to achieve national unity and a unified national leadership on a national struggle program that confronts the liquidation and Judaization plans that will show no mercy to anyone.

He continued: The Israeli government will not be deterred except by the broadest campaign to impose sanctions and boycott on it, both Arab and international, and anyone who claims to support the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and the establishment of a Palestinian state will be accused of hypocrisy unless he participates in imposing sanctions on the Israeli government and its fascist decisions

Source: Maan News Agency

4 occupation soldiers killed and at least 5 injured in Gaza

Gaza: Israeli media confirmed that 4 Israeli soldiers were killed and at least 5 were injured in clashes in Shujaiya in Gaza.

She pointed out that wounded and dead soldiers in the ranks of the Israeli army were evacuated to Assuta, Soroka and Hadassah hospitals.

She added, “The recent battles in the sector included the detonation of buildings and tunnels rigged with explosives, targeting soldiers, which led to deaths and injuries

Source: Maan News Agency

Two young men were injured by bullets and bruises during the occupation’s storming of the towns of Beit Ummar and Al-Samu’ in Hebron

A young man was injured after being shot by Israeli occupation forces that stormed the town of Beit Ummar, south of Hebron, while another suffered bruises after storming the town of Al-Samou, south of the governorate.

Media activist in the town, Muhammad Awad, said that the occupation forces stormed the Dhahr area in the town of Beit Ummar, and fired live bullets, sound bombs, and toxic gas at citizens and their homes, which led to a young man being injured by live bullets in his shoulder, while others suffered from suffocation.

The occupation forces also stormed the town of As-Samu and assaulted a young man, causing him injuries and bruises

Source: Maan News Agency

The occupation arrests citizens from Burqa, northwest of Nablus

Israeli occupation forces arrested two citizens from the village of Burqa, northwest of Nablus, at dawn on Friday.

Local sources reported that several military vehicles stormed the village at dawn, snipers climbed onto the roofs of houses, and surrounded one of the houses in the village, while soldiers raided other houses and arrested citizens Ragheb Iyad Salah and Muhammad Murad Daghlas, after searching their homes

Source: Maan News Agency

Maariv: Physical exhaustion and psychological fatigue for soldiers due to the war in Gaza

Gaza: The Israeli newspaper Maariv reported that many Israeli occupation army soldiers in the Gaza Strip are suffering from physical exhaustion and psychological fatigue due to the war in the Strip.

For the second day in a row, fierce battles are taking place between the resistance factions and the occupation forces in the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, and civil defense teams are unable to reach the injured in the neighborhood amid continuing bombing

Source: Maan News Agency