Arab League: Armenia’s Recognition of Palestine is a Stand on the Right Side of History

The Arab League has welcomed Armenia’s official recognition of the State of Palestine, affirming that this decision places Armenia on the right side of history.

Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit stated in a statement today that the expanding recognition of the Palestinian state reflects a growing international consensus on the impossibility of maintaining the occupation and the necessity of implementing the two-state solution. He considered this recognition a significant step toward realizing a Palestinian state within the June 4, 1967, borders.

The Arab League Secretary-General urged all countries that have not yet taken this step to make the morally, legally, and politically correct decision to recognize the State of Palestine as soon as possible. He emphasized that such recognition is a manifestation of the two-state solution and a genuine contribution to achieving peace and ending the occupation.

on Feriday, the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its recognition of the
State of Palestine, reaffirming Armenia’s commitment to international law, principles of equality, sovereignty, and peaceful coexistence among nations. This recognition brings the number of countries that have recognized Palestine to 149 out of 193 United Nations member states.

Source: Qatar News Agency