Bahrain’s two-month outdoor midday work ban to begin on July 1

Manama, Bahrain’s two-month midday ban on outdoor work during the afternoon will begin on Monday, July 1.

The ban on work under direct sunlight and in open places will run from noon at 12pm until 4 pm, Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, the Minister of Labour said.

Humaidan highlighted Bahrain’s ongoing efforts to promote occupational safety and health by implementing relevant decisions, including the ban on outdoor work during midday in the summer.

According to Humaidan, the midday work ban has yielded positive results in maintaining workers health and safety, as well as enhancing productivity. He added that the annual midday work ban aligns with Bahrain’s commitment to workers’ rights and safe working environments as per international labour standards.

The ban aims to provide a safe working environment and protects workers from heat-related health issues and occupational accidents during the hottest months.

Humaidan emphasised the importance of promoting workers’ awareness on health issued caused by hi
gh temperatures, comprehensive healthcare and first aid, and implementing technical solutions to reduce exposure to heat and humidity.

The Labour Ministry launched an awareness campaign providing employers and workers with leaflets and brochures in multiple languages that outline the health risks of heat exposure, preventive measures against heat-induced health issues and occupational accidents, and requirements for ensuring safe working conditions during the summer months.

Article (192) of Law 36 of 2012 promulgating the Labour Law in the Private Sector stipulates that the penalty of violating the work ban is a jail sentence not exceeding three months, and/or a BD500-BD1000 fine.

Source: Bahrain News Agency