Arab News Headlines

June 29, 2024

EU records increase in migrant deportations

Brussels, Data from the European Union’s statistics office, Eurostat, revealed an increase in the number of migrants forced to leave EU territories as part of efforts to control illegal immigration.

The deportation rate reached 29.5% in the first qua…

Labour Minister chairs LMRA Board meeting

Manama, The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) Board held its 14th periodic meeting for the fourth session, chaired by Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Board of Directors of LMRA, with the presence of boa…

India, Russia discuss enhancing defence cooperation

New Delhi, The Indian Army announced holding a meeting of the sub-working group of the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission to discuss means to enhance cooperation between India and Russia in the defence sector.

The Army Command stated that thi…