Arab News Headlines

Muttawffys of Arabs Hajj Company Begins Sending 200,000 Pilgrims to Mina on Friday

Makkah: The Muttawffys of Arabs Hajj Company (Ashraqat) started today organizing the march of around 200,000 pilgrims to the Mina holy site to spend the day of Tarwiyah (water provision) on Friday.

CEO of Ashraqat’s subsidiary Rehlat Wa Manafe Company, Ahmad Tamar, explained that 4,530 tents had been prepared to host pilgrims at the Mina holy site. They are fully ready to accommodate around 200,000 guests from 13 countries. 200,000 out of 2255,000 pilgrims that the company serves will spend the Tarwiyah on Friday, while the rest will arrive at the holy site on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, where 1,230 tents have been prepared to receive them.

Source: Saudi Press Agency