‫من حبوب غويا إلى حبات مسابح الصلاة، يتوجه الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة غويا بوب أونانو إلى بولندا حاملاً معه هدية خاصة ملؤها الإيمان والصلاة والأمل إلى شعب أوكرانيا

مدينة جيرسي، نيوجيرسي, 15 مارس 2022/PRNewswire/ — تحولت مكالمة هاتفية واحدة وعرض مسبحة واحدة من شانون هاس من سان أنطونيو بولاية تكساس إلى تبرع بآلاف وآلاف مسابح الصلاة من مجتمع المصلين على أمل أن تتمكن غويا من إيصال معجزة المسابح لشعب أوكرانيا. وجاء رد بوب أونانو بأنه وفريقه سيقومون شخصيًا بتسليم المسابح. وسيُقام قداس خاص في بولندا لمشاهدة هذه الهدية الرائعة من الحب والإيمان والأمل المقدمة من شعب الولايات المتحدة.

“Darkness is the absence of light and evil is the absence of God. With the miraculous gift of these rosaries from these beacons of light with prayer, love, and hope, we will pierce the darkness and inspire the leaders of our world to reject evil and move closer to God,” said Bob Unanue, President and CEO of Goya Foods.

وقال بوب أونانو، الرئيس والمدير التنفيذي لشركة غويا للأغذية «الظلمة هي غياب النور والشر هو غياب الله. ومع هذه الهبة المعجزة من المسابح من منارات النور مع الصلاة والحب والأمل سنخترق الظلام ونلهم قادة عالمنا لرفض الشر والاقتراب أكثر من الله»

 وبهذه المساعدة من مهمة التمكين العالمية ( Global Empowerment Mission ) المقدمة من شركة غويا للأغذية، من خلال غويا يوروبا، ومنشآتها الأوروبية في إسبانيا، ومبادرة غويا غيفز للعطاء ( Goya Gives ) العالمية، ستستمر الشركة في توزيع مئات الآلاف من الكيلوغرامات من الطعام والماء والإمدادات حسب الحاجة إلى أوكرانيا وبولندا، حيث يفر العديد من اللاجئين. ومع إهداء هذه المسابح من الأمريكيين المخلصين، تسعى غويا لتحقيق مهمة غويا كيرز ( Goya Cares ) لتغذية الروح.

 ولمزيد من المعلومات عن مبادرة غويا غيفز، يُرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني:



عن شركة غويا للأغذية تأسّست شركة غويا للأغذية في عام 1936، وهي أكبر شركة أغذية في الولايات المتحدة مملوكة لعائلة أمريكية من أصل إسباني؛ وقد رسخت مكانتها كشركة رائدة في تقديم مجموعة متنوعة من الأطعمة والتوابل اللاتينية. وتقوم الشركة بتصنيع وتغليف وتوزيع أكثر من 2500 منتج غذائي عالي الجودة مُصنّع بمكونات أصلية من إسبانيا ومنطقة البحر الكاريبي والمكسيك وأمريكا الوسطى والجنوبية. وتستخدم شركة غويا في تصنيع منتجاتها تقاليد الطهي الخاصّة بالمجتمعات الإسبانية حول العالم إضافة إلى مزيج من المكونات الأصلية والتوابل ذات النكهات القوية والتحضير المتميّز، وهو ما يجعل منتجاتها مثالية لجميع الأذواق وجميع موائد الطعام. لمزيد من المعلومات عن شركة غويا للأغذية، يُرجى زيارة موقعها الإلكتروني: ‎www.goya.com ‏.لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى التواصل مع:
ناتالي جي مانيسكالكو
845.659.6506 / natalie@retromedianyc.com

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European Wellness Biomedical Group and AK International to Bring Biological Regenerative Medicine Solutions to Pakistan and UAE

DUBAI, UAE, March 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — European Wellness Biomedical Group (EWBG) has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Dubai-based AK International LLC (AKI), partnering together to undertake a number of joint venture businesses in Pakistan and the MENA region that focus on providing biological regenerative medicine services and solutions to the community.

In the MoA signing, the two parties were represented by EWBG Co-Founder and Chairman Prof. Dr. Mike Chan and AKI Director Dr. Aasif Ali Siddiqui respectively.

In the signing session held on 1st March 2022, the two parties agreed to pool their respective resources and expertise on a three-phase joint venture plan. Phase 1 involves the registration, importing, distribution and commercializing of EWBG award-winning Swiss, German and European biotech products and biological APIs. AKI will be contributing their extensive distribution network in the region and expertise in the aesthetics market, including wide-reaching internationally accredited educational programs by European Wellness Academy and conducted AKI’s academic entity, Aesthetic Knowledge Institute.

Phase 2 will see the development of exclusive EWBG branded wellness centers for age reversal, longevity, and disease prevention in these territories. These wellness centers will be offering biological regenerative solutions including a biological laboratory with cleanrooms for the development of autologous or allogenic stem cells and EWBG’s expertise in proprietary cell therapy, including but not limited to their patented precursor stem cell technology, biotherapeutics comprising stem cells and cell-based products, biomolecular peptides and botanicals, compounded therapeutics and parenteral nutrition, cosmeceuticals, food supplements, natural health products, and skincare and cosmetics.


Finally, phase 3 of the joint-venture will foray into the digital health ecosystem. This entails a synergistic integration of AKI’s innovative mobile app ‘Health Interface’ (HI), developed by Artelir Inc., with EWBG’s global network of 26 medical wellness hospitals and youth restorative anti-aging centers, biological health solutions and services.

AKI and EWBG, through its Swiss and German entities namely Nexgen Biopharma Ltd and Stellar Biomolecular Innovations Inc., have previously entered into two separate joint venture agreements for the distribution of MF3 and MF PLUS brand and products on 29th March 2021.

The two parties were represented by EWBG Co-Founder and Chairman, Prof. Dr. Mike Chan and AKI Director Dr. Aasif Ali Siddiqui respectively.

About European Wellness Biomedical Group

Founded in 1991, EWBG is an award-winning European group most renowned for its pioneering developments in precursor stem cell therapeutics, immunomodulation, biological peptides, and biological regenerative medicine. The Group’s portfolio comprises multinational business divisions that operate in the emerging fields of biological regenerative medicine; and product distribution across 80 countries. The Group also owns a growing network of 26 internationally-accredited Wellness Centers globally. Today, the Group is headquartered in Germany and Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (Asia Pacific) and its own manufacturing facilities in Germany, Switzerland, United States, United Kingdom and the European Union.


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Kuaishou’s International Business Releases Its First Transparency Report.

More than 12 million videos were removed during the second-half year of 2021 on Kwai and SnackVideo, and the company aims to release the report every half year.

SnackVideo in Indonesia and Kwai in Brazil launched various successful campaigns to fight against Covid-19 and fake news.

BEIJING, March 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Kuaishou Technology (HK:1024) released its first Transparency Report for its international apps, Kwai and SnackVideo, showing the health status of their global content eco-systems and the effectiveness of their trust & safety measures. As the first publicly listed short video company, Kuaishou has seen strong momentum in the growth of its international business since the 2021 IPO, adding millions of new users in Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa and South and Southeast Asia to its 1 billion strong monthly active user community.

The inaugural Transparency Report defines and reports on various safety efforts and enforcement metrics from 1 July to 31 December 2021.  “The publication of a Transparency Report is one of the steps we are taking to generate greater awareness and understanding of our policies, our community enforcement actions, and our approach to privacy and security. ” Eugenia Xiong, Project Lead of Transparency Report from Kuaishou Trust and Safety team comments, “We would like the data and insights in this report to generate discussion, invite questions and feedback, and ultimately, help us better serve our users. ”

The Report also details how Kwai and SnackVideo have worked with various local and global organizations, including the World Health Organization, to provide accurate information on the COVID-19 pandemic and to protect the mental health of its users.

The Report is expected to be issued bi-annually and made available on Kwai and SnackVideo platforms globally.

The full report link at Kwai https://www.kwai.com/safety/resources?id=transparency and SnackVideo https://www.snackvideo.com/transparency

The report is also available in Portuguese, Spanish and Bahasa Indonesia.

‫”بينانس” تحصل على رخصة مزود خدمة تداول الأصول المشفرة بمملكة البحرين

المنامة،, 14 مارس / آذار 2022 /PRNewswire/ —  أعلنت “بينانس”، وهي  مزود البنية التحتية للعملات المشفرة وتقنية سلاسل الكتل الرقمية “البلوكتشين”، عن حصولها على رخصة خدمة تداول الأصول المشفرة من مصرف البحرين المركزي، وهو ما يشكل نقلة نوعية في مسيرة “بينانس” باعتبارها أول رخصة تمنح لها كمزود لخدمة أصول التشفيربمنطقة دول مجلس التعاون الخليجية، وهو ما يعزز التزامها لتكون الاولى ضمن شركات المجموعة للامتثال بالأنظمة التشريعية في المنطقة.https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1755007/Binance_Logo.jpg

وفي تصريح للسيد “تشانغبينغ زاو” المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لـ”بينانس” بهذه المناسبة قال فيه:

“تشكل الرخصة الممنوحة  لنا من مملكة البحرين علامة فارقة في مسيرتنا لنكون مرخصين ومنظمين بشكل كامل على مستوى العالم، وأود بهذه المناسبة أن أشكر “فريق البحرين” ممثلاً بالقيادة ذات الرؤية السديدة ممثلة في صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير سلمان بن حمد آل خليفة ولي العهد رئيس مجلس الوزراء، وذلك على ما تم بذله من جهد عظيم لتسهيل تحقيق هذا الإنجاز، فقد أظهر “فريق البحرين”بُعد نظر كبير في تطويره للوائح التنظيمية للتشفير، كما أنه يوفر الحماية التنظيمية التي يجب أن يتوقع أن يحصل عليها العملاء من المشرعين في جميع أنحاء العالم.”

وأضاف زاو قائلاً:

“أنا فخور جداً بالعمل الكبير الذي أنجزه فريق “بينانس” لتلبية المعايير القوية لمصرف البحرين المركزي، وذلك لن يقتصر فقط على المستوى المحلي وإنما العالمي أيضاً على صعيد تلبية متطلبات المشرعين، بل وحتى تجاوز تطلعاتهم من خلال حماية العملاء والمستخدمين وفقاً لسياسات مكافحة غسيل الأموال وتمويل الإرهاب الصارمة”.

وستتيح رخصة أصول التشفير لـ”بينانس” القيام بتوفير تداول الأصول المشفرة وخدمات الرعاية والوصاية وإدارة المحافظ للعملاء وذلك بإشراف من المشرعين في مملكة البحرين.

ومن جانبه صرح سعادة السيد رشيد المعراج محافظ مصرف البحرين المركزي قائلاً: “يعتبر تطوير التشريعات المتواكب مع التوجهات العالمية للخدمات المالية أحد أبرز اهداف مصرف البحرين المركزي، حيث أننا سنستمر في العمل مع شركائنا وقيادات الصناعة مثل “بينانس” من خلال تطوير التشريعات الداعمة للابتكار وافضل الممارسات في القطاع”.

وقال سعادة السيد خالد حميدان الرئيس التنفيذي لمجلس التنمية الاقتصادية البحرين:

“ساهم “فريق البحرين” في تأسيس بنية تحتية ذات مصاف عالمي لدعم النمو السريع لصناعة التشفير وسلاسل الكتل الرقمية “البلوكتشين” وذلك من خلال وجود التشريعات القوية، والمواهب المتعددة في قطاع الخدمات المالية والتكنولوجيا المالية وغيرها من المجالات التقنية المتخصصة، وسيعزز تعاوننا مع قيادات الصناعة ومنهم “بينانس” من مهمتنا في تطوير مكانة مملكة البحرين كمركز رائد لهذه الصناعة”.

نبذة حول “بينانس”:

تشكل “بينانس” بيئة داعمة ورائدة على مستوى العالم لتقنية سلاسل الكتل الرقمية “البلوكتشين” كما أنها مزود للبنية التحتية للعملات المشفرة إلى جانب إتاحتها مجموعة من المنتجات المالية التي تشمل أكبر تبادل للأصول الرقمية من حيث الحجم، كما وتحظى منصة “بينانس” بثقة الملايين في جميع أنحاء العالم، فهي مخصصة لزيادة حرية الأموال للمستخدمين، وتتميز بمحفظة لا مثيل لها بما تشمله من منتجات وعروض التشفير، بما في ذلك التجارة، والتمويل، والتعليم، والبيانات، والبحث والسلع الاجتماعية والاستثمار والاحتضان واللامركزية وحلول البنية التحتية وغيرها.

وللمزيد من المعلومات ، قم بزيارة:https://www.binance.com

نبذة حول مصرف البحرين المركزي:

يعتبر مصرف البحرين المركزي مؤسسة عامة أنشئت في 6 سبتمبر 2006 بموجب قانون مصرف البحرين المركزي والمؤسسات المالية، ويُعنى مصرف البحرين المركزي بمسؤولية المحافظة على الاستقرار النقدي والمالي في مملكة البحرين، وقد خلف مؤسسة نقد البحرين التي كانت تقوم في السابق بمهام البنك المركزي والتشريع والتنظيم  منذ تأسيسها في 1973، حيث اكتسب مصرف البحرين المركزي السجل الحافل لمؤسسة نقد البحرين على مدى 33 عاماً إلى جانب مجموعة كبيرة من المسؤوليات تشمل دعم وتنفيذ السياسة النقدية، ويتولى أيضاً إصدار أدوات الدين، وإصدار العملة الوطنية، والإشراف على نظم المدفوعات والتسويات في البحرين.

كما ويسعى مصرف البحرين المركزي باعتباره المشرع الوحيد للقطاع المالي في البحرين إلى أن تشمل مسؤولياته جميع أوجه العمل المصرفي والتأمين وأنشطة الاستثمار والأعمال والأسواق المالية، إذ يساهم النطاق العريض من المسؤوليات التي يضطلع بها مصرف البحرين المركزي في اتباع سياسة متماسكة لجميع القطاع المالي في المملكة، وهو ما يتيح إطارًا تنظيميًا مباشرًا وفعالًا لشركات الخدمات المالية التي تزاول أعمالها في البحرين.

نبذة حول مجلس التنمية الاقتصادية البحرين:

 مجلس التنمية الاقتصادية – البحرين هيئة مسؤولة عن جذب الاستثمارات إلى البحرين، ودعم المبادرات التي من شأنها تعزيز بيئة الاستثمار في المملكة.

ويحرص المجلس على جعل البحرين بيئة استثمار جاذبة، من خلال العمل جنباً إلى جنب مع الحكومة والقطاع الخاص والمستثمرين لتسليط الضوء على دعائم الاقتصاد في المملكة وتحديد الفرص الاستثمارية لتنميتها.

ويركز مجلس التنمية الاقتصادية على عدد من القطاعات الاقتصادية التي تستفيد من المزايا التنافسية للمملكة وتوفر فرصاً استثمارية مهمة وهي قطاعات الخدمات المالية، والصناعة التحويلية، وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات، والخدمات اللوجستية وخدمات النقل، والسياحة.

ويتسم قطاع الخدمات المالية في المملكة بالقوة والحيوية حيث يعمل مجلس التنمية الاقتصادية على دعم نمو القطاع وعدد من القطاعات الفرعية الرئيسية ومن بينها التمويل الإسلامي.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول مجلس التنمية الاقتصادية – البحرين، يرجى زيارة الموقع الالكتروني www.bahrainedb.com، ولمعرفة المزيد من المعلومات حول البحرين يمكنكم زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني www.bahrain.com.

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Qatar Airways Presents the Iconic FIFA World Cup™ Winner’s Trophy at the Oryx International School to Celebrate This Year’s FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™

DOHA, Qatar – Qatar Airways, in partnership with FIFA, proudly displayed the coveted FIFA World Cup™ Winner’s Trophy at the Oryx International School (OIS), to the delight of the students and staff.

The FIFA World Cup™ – the biggest sporting competition in the world, is set to be held in the Middle East for the first time in its history. Through the memorable event at the school, students and staff were able to learn more about the upcoming tournament – which kicks off on 21 November and concludes with the final on Qatar National Day, 18 December – as well as learn about football and how hosting presents tremendous opportunities for development and global connection in Qatar.

Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, His Excellency Mr. Akbar Al Baker, said: “Qatar Airways always strives to bring communities together, whether through travel or sport. Our partnership with FIFA is a natural extension of this goal to unite the world.”

“Similar to the FIFA World Cup™, Oryx International School unites people from all around the world, with students from more than 90 nations. We are excited to be able to bring together this international school community through the enthusiasm for this tournament and its grand prize.”

Oryx International School Executive Principal, Mr. Derek Laidlaw, an avid football fan said: “We are thrilled for our students to have access to view the Winner’s Trophy, to learn about football, the teams and how this year’s tournament is unique with the focus on sustainability. We would like to thank Qatar Airways and FIFA for giving our students this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be in the same room as this historical masterpiece.”

Students from all year groups agreed that hosting the FIFA World Cup™ in Qatar is a proud moment for the country. It is an opportunity to celebrate the diversity and unity by bringing people from various nationalities together to support their favourite football players and teams. OIS students expressed that seeing the coveted Winner’s Trophy on display in their school and being given the opportunity to view it was a highlight for all.

One of the goals of hosting the prestigious tournament in Qatar is to leave a lasting legacy that positively echoes through the future generations. This opportunity gave students the chance to get close to the prestigious prize, with the hopes of inspiring them to pick up the values that football brings – including discipline, team-work, perseverance and respect.

A key objective of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ is to serve as a catalyst for the achievement of Qatar’s long-term development goals as laid out in the Qatar National Vision 2030 and the National Development Strategy 2018-2022.

In September 2021, Qatar Airways launched unique travel packages, inclusive of match tickets, return flights and accommodation options. Fans can guarantee their match tickets to support their favourite team during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ by visiting qatarairways.com/FIFA2022.

In its goal to bring communities together through sport, Qatar Airways also sponsored the 2021 Concacaf Gold Cup and the UEFA Euro 2020™, and has an extensive global sports partnership portfolio that includes football-governing bodies such as FIFA, CONCACAF and CONMEBOL. As FIFA’s Official Partner, Qatar Airways has sponsored mega events including the 2019 and 2020 editions of the FIFA Club World Cup™, in addition to its sponsorship of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™. Qatar Airways also sponsors some of the world’s biggest football clubs including Al Sadd SC, Boca Juniors, FC Bayern München, K.A.S. Eupen and Paris Saint-Germain.

The national carrier of the State of Qatar continues to rebuild its network, which currently stands at over 140 destinations. With more frequencies being added to key hubs, Qatar Airways offers unrivalled connectivity to passengers, making it easy for them to connect to a destination of their choice.

A multiple award-winning airline, Qatar Airways was announced as the ‘Airline of the Year’ by the international air transport rating organisation, Skytrax, in addition to securing five additional awards including World’s Best Business Class, World’s Best Business Class Airline Lounge, World’s Best Business Class Airline Seat, World’s Best Business Class Onboard Catering and Best Airline in the Middle East. The airline continues to stand alone at the top of the industry having won the main prize for an unprecedented sixth time (2011, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021). The airline’s hub, Hamad International Airport (HIA), was also recently recognised as the ‘Best Airport in the World 2021’, ranking at number one in the Skytrax World Airport Awards 2021.

Source: Qatar Airways

Ashghal Opens Fully Al Khufous Street and the Link roads to traffic with a length of 6.2 km

Al Khufoous Street to provide direct traffic from Doha Expressway bypassing Al Waab Street

The Public Works Authority ‘ Ashghal’ announces the opening of Al Khufous Street and link roads to full traffic completely with a length of the works of about 6.2 km, in order to connect the areas of Murraik, Muhairja and Luaib with many vital and nearby health, educational, commercial and sports facilities.

Ashghal had developed 3,700 meter long Al Khufous Street, 1500 meter long Asia Champions Street 2019 and 1,075 meter long Al Baaya Street, as well as a number of secondary streets such as Mehairja Street, Umm al-Tin Street and Al Saneea Street.

Al Khufous Street

Al Khufous Street will improve the traffic movement in the area after it has been radically upgraded. The street, which consisted of a lane in each direction, has been converted into a road consisting of three lanes in each direction to accommodate about 10,000 vehicles per hour, which will contribute to reducing mobility time to more than 60%.

The new street is further important as it intersects with the vital Al Furousiya Street to connect traffic from Al Rayyan and western Doha through Asia Champions Street, Muhairja Street, Umm Al-Tin Street, to Sabah Al Ahmad Corridor and Al Amir Street (Doha Expressway) towards Al Sadd in the east.

Alternative road to Al Waab Street

The opening of Al Khufous Street will provide direct traffic from Doha Highway without having to use Al Waab parallel Street to reach Muhairja, Murraikh and Luaib, directly to Al Rayyan and Muaither, where it offers an alternative route from Al Waab parallel Street. This will ease traffic pressure, as those coming from Al Sadd can reach directly from Al Amir Tunnel to Al Furousiya Street without having to use Al Waab Street.

Al Khufous Street is an important main road

Al- Khufous Street is in an area that contains many vital facilities such as Khalifa International Stadium, Aspire Zone, Villagio Mall, and the Equestrian Club, as well as the many educational facilities and schools in the area, as well as Al Khufous Street serving the areas of Baaya, Al-Muhairja and Muraikh. The importance of the street is increased by its connection to the Sabah Al-Ahmad Corridor, which is of very vital importance. As part of the Public Works Authority’s traffic safety enhancement, a median has been established that separates the two directions of the road, as well as street lighting, DMS and road signs, and pedestrian and cycle paths on both sides of the road have been completed.

Bader Darwish, Manager of the Highway Projects Department, says, ‘Al Khufous Street along with the link roads serve several residential areas such as Murraikh, Luaib & Muhairja and provide an alternative route to Al Waab Street, alleviating traffic there and making easy access to sports facilities nearby like Aspire Zone and Khalifa Int’l Stadium and many educational facilities and schools in the region such as, Al Mujtamaa School for Girls, Omar bin Al-Khattab, Al-Qadisiya Primary School for Boys and Aspire Academy.

Asia Champions Street 2019

Al Khufous Street is integrated with Asia Champions Street, which opened in 2019 as part of the 1,500-meter-long Khufous Street development project, which provides direct traffic between Al Furousiya Street and Al Waab Street through Al Khufous Street.

Asia Champions Street contributed in improving traffic in the region after its development, The street, which consisted of one lane in each direction, was converted into a two-lane road in each direction to accommodate about 8,000 vehicles per hour to serves the residents of Muraikh, Baaya, Luaib and Muhairja, as well as the oncoming traffic between Al Furousiya Street, Al Waab Street and nearby sports and commercial facilities.

Source: Ashghal

Qatar Airways to Resume Flights to London Gatwick

Doha, QATAR – Qatar Airways is to resume flights to London Gatwick Airport from 5 June, 2022. The multi-award winning airline will operate a daily service from Gatwick to Doha using a state-of-the-art Boeing 787 Dreamliner featuring 22 seats in Business Class and 232 seats in Economy Class. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is an environmentally advanced aircraft. It consumes 20 per cent less fuel and its carbon dioxide emissions are 20 per cent lower than other similar aircraft.

With the addition of daily flights to London Gatwick, passengers can now enjoy seamless connectivity to almost 150 destinations across the airline’s extensive global network via the best airport in the world, Hamad International Airport, connecting with popular destinations across the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australasia.

The resumption of the London Gatwick service complements recently launched flights to Doha from Gatwick by Qatar Airways’ Joint Business partner British Airways, meaning the airlines can now jointly offer more options between London and Doha and beyond, earning Avios frequent flyer points as they go.

UK customers will now have access to four gateways including five-times daily services from London Heathrow, 18-times weekly from Manchester and four-times weekly from Edinburgh rising to daily from 2 June.

Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, His Excellency Mr. Akbar Al Baker, said: “Our commitment to the UK market has been unwavering and we operated continuously and reliably throughout the pandemic, so I am pleased we can resume our popular service to London Gatwick. We offer excellent connectivity to and from the UK, providing travellers with more choice and convenience.

“This year is very special for us, not least as it is the 25th anniversary of the start of our flights to London Heathrow in March 1997.”

A multiple award-winning airline, Qatar Airways was announced as the ‘Airline of the Year’ at the 2021 World Airline Awards, managed by the international air transport rating organisation, Skytrax. It was also named ‘World’s Best Business Class’, ‘World’s Best Business Class Airline Lounge’, ‘World’s Best Business Class Airline Seat’, ‘World’s Best Business Class Onboard Catering’ and ‘Best Airline in the Middle East’. The airline continues to stand alone at the top of the industry having won the main prize for an unprecedented sixth time (2011, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021).

Qatar Airways has also become the first global airline in the world to achieve the prestigious 5-Star COVID-19 Airline Safety Rating by Skytrax. This follows the success of HIA as the first airport in the Middle East and Asia to be awarded a Skytrax 5-Star COVID-19 Airport Safety Rating. These awards provide assurance to passengers across the world that the airline’s health and safety measures are subject to the highest possible standards of professional, independent scrutiny and assessment. For full details of all the measures that have been implemented on board and at HIA, please visit qatarairways.com/safety.

Source: Qatar Airways

Eriksen in Denmark squad for first time since cardiac arrest at Euros

Copenhagen, Christian Eriksen was called up to the Denmark national squad on Tuesday, the first time he has been selected since he suffered a cardiac arrest at the European Championship last year, reports Reuters.

Denmark coach Kasper Hjulmand included midfielder Eriksen in the 23-man squad that will play against Netherlands and Serbia in friendly internationals at the end of this month.

“I expect Christian to go in and be a deciding factor for our team,” Hjulmand told Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet.

“I did not expect him to play right now, realistically I thought he would be ready by the summer. However Christian is with the squad because he is the best in that position.”

The 30-year-old signed for Premier League side Brentford in January as a free agent for the rest of the season after Inter Milan had to terminate his contract due to Serie A rules.

Eriksen, who has scored 36 goals in 109 internationals, was fitted with a special heart-starting device known as an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) device, which is not permitted in the Italian top flight.

“Christian is in a really good physical shape,” added Hjulmand. “I saw him against Burnley on Saturday where he was the best player out there. He is a player that thinks faster than most.”

Eriksen, starting his second competitive match since his cardiac arrest, set up a goal that put Brentford ahead in the 85th minute of their 3-1 win.

Denmark will play Netherlands on March 26 in Amsterdam followed by Serbia at home three days later in Copenhagen, the venue where Eriksen collapsed last year in their opening Euro 2020 match against Finland on June 12.

Denmark have already qualified for the World Cup in Qatar which starts in November. Eriksen said in January that his goal was to play at this year’s World Cup.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Team Qatar to face Philippines in Asian Men’s Beach Handball Championship

KUWAIT – The Asian Handball Federation has announced the match schedule of the eighth Asian Men’s Beach Handball Championship which will be held in Iran from March 22nd to 28th and qualifies for the World Championships to be hosted by Greece next June.

Six teams will participate in the tournament: Qatar, Oman, Iran, Vietnam, the Philippines, and India.

The Qatari team will start its campaign against the Philippines on the opening day, March 22nd, facing Oman on the following day, playing third match with India on March 25th, fourth match with Vietnam on March 26th, and concludes its matches against Iran on the 28th of the same month.

First and second teams qualify for the World Championships in Greece.

Qatar team was crowned with the title of the last edition of the Championship, which was held in China in 2019, after defeated Oman 2-0 in the final match.

Qatar’s Squad:

Ahmed Nader Naseem, Abdul Rahman Al Abdullah, Hamdi Al Nouri, Amin Nour Al Din, Mustafa Amir (Al Duhail), Rashid Youssef and Hani Marwan Kakhi (Al Sadd), Marwan Ali Sassi, Mahmoud Zaki, Rayan Laribi, Anis Abdel Razzaq Zawawi (Al Arabi), Moatasem Abdel Wahed, Amir Noureddine, Sayed Ali Qinawy (Al Gharafa), Mohamed Al Sousi, Farouk Kolo (Al Rayyan), Ahmed El Miniawy, Ahmed Abdel Haq (Al Wakrah), and Mohamed Hassan (Qatar SC).

Source: Qatar Olympic Committee

H.E. Minister of Commerce and Industry inaugurates 8th Doha Islamic Finance Conference

Under the patronage of His Excellency Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Qassim Al-Thani, Minister of Commerce and Industry, inaugurated the 8th Doha Islamic Finance Conference, entitled ‘Digital FinTech and Decentralization’, organized by Bait Al-Mashura Financial Consulting Company.

In his opening speech, H.E. the Minister of Commerce and Industry expressed thanks and appreciation to H.E. the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior for his constant keenness to support the financial sector, given that it constitutes a key component of the national economy’s growth.

The Islamic banking sector today represents a key pillar of the financial sector in Qatar, H.E. stressed, pointing out that Qatari Islamic banks ranked among the largest Islamic banks at the regional and international levels.

According to the International Monetary Fund’s definition of major Islamic financial markets, Qatar has been among the top ten countries in the world in the Islamic Finance Index, over the past ten years, H.E. stated, noting in this regard that the assets of Islamic finance in Qatar had amounted to about 528 billion QAR, of which the assets of Islamic banks accounted for about 86%.

H.E. praised the successful Barwa bank – International Bank of Qatar merger that created Dukhan bank, in addition to commending the recent merger between Masraf Al Rayan and Khaleeji Commercial Bank, noting that these operations resulted in the creation of new banking entities that are considered one of the largest Islamic banks in the world.

The pace of digital transformation in countries around the world has seen an unprecedented acceleration during the COVID-19 pandemic, H.E. stated. Governments around the world moved to accelerate the adoption of technological tools to curb the pandemic’s repercussions, and maintain business in various vital sectors in a way that supports the balance and stability of their financial and economic systems.

In this regard, H.E. stressed the importance of the conference as it comprised a significant opportunity to shed light on the approach adopted by Qatar, to quickly adapt to changes and adopt various advanced technological solutions based on artificial intelligence and cloud computing, especially financial technology, according to the top technical standards and regulatory controls.

The Qatari market offers great opportunities for FinTech international companies, especially in light of the projected expenditures allocated for information and communications technology in Qatar, which could reach 9 billion USD by 2024, H.E. added.

The Islamic FinTech market in Qatar was estimated at 850 million USD in 2020, H.E. stated, further pointing out that it was expected to grow to 2 billion USD in 2025.

The said growth comes within the framework of the State’s approach to create an innovation environment, through putting in place the National FinTech Strategy, in addition to the Qatar Financial Center (QFC) programs, especially the ‘Tech Talk’ series, and the QFC Tech Circle, in addition to launching the Qatar FinTech Hub in 2020. The Qatar FinTech Hub ranked as the second largest investor in the FinTech sector in the MENA region in the first quarter of 2021, hence consolidating Qatar’s position as a financial innovation hub, regionally and globally.

At the conclusion of his speech, H.E. the Minister of Commerce and Industry stressed that the growing process of Islamic finance in Qatar, and the continuous efforts to develop it required today active and innovative steps to preserve its achievements in light of global changes. H.E. noted that the conference allowed discussing ways to achieve compatibility between Islamic banks, laws, and requirements of supervisory authorities related to decentralized digital financial technology, in addition to exploring future visions for this sector in light of the general provisions of Islamic Sharia.

For his part, Dr. Khaled bin Ibrahim Al-Sulaiti, Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Vice-Chairman of Bait Al-Mashura, stressed that the 8th Doha Islamic Finance Conference comprised an extension of previous conferences focused on discussing the reality of Islamic finance, its challenges, and opportunities, according to forward-looking, future visions for this important sector.

He said, “At Bait Al-Mashura, we take pride in organizing these events, which we consider part of our duties and our mission towards the Qatari community, by promoting financial culture and teaching money management skills for soundly handling money affairs within the family and society.”

In turn, Mr. Talal Al Khaja, Group Chief Communications Officer, expressed that Dukhan Bank was pleased to have sponsored this conference as of its first edition. Since its inception, the conference has been sponsored and supported financially by Dukhan Bank, whose continuous support for the Doha Islamic Finance Conference stems from its firm belief in the importance of spreading knowledge in rationalizing and guiding the Islamic banking experience, as well as discovering the features of its future, which is projected to be promising, Mr. Khaja said.

Dukhan Bank is fully aware of the important role that digital technology plays in the world of finance, Mr. Khaja further stated. Therefore, when launching its new identity, the bank was keen to make this transformation prominent within its goals and future vision. The bank has witnessed major digitization transformations, and has sought to compete locally and internationally in this field. Recently, it has achieved great international acclaim, and received the Best Use of Machine Learning award for its virtual assistant service, ‘Rashid’, becoming the first bank in the Middle East region to win this award. Mr. Al Khaja also expressed his aspiration that the outcomes of the conference would contribute to enhancing the experience of Islamic banking in Qatar and the world.

For his part, H.E Sheikh Dr. Khalid bin Mohammed bin Ghanem Al-Thani, Director General of the General Department of Endowments at the Ministry of Endowments (Awqaf) and Islamic Affairs (the Diamond sponsor of the conference), stressed that sponsoring this conference stemmed from the General Department of Endowments’ interest in informative events largely affecting the financing and Islamic endowment arena. In this regard, H.E. Sheikh Dr. Khalid bin Mohammed bin Ghanem Al-Thani pointed out the allocation of one of the six major endowment banks to support scientific and cultural development, through various projects to enhance and disseminate scientific knowledge.

H.E. explained that the title of the conference, ‘Digital FinTech and Decentralization’, coupled with the conference’s focus on endowment matters, reflected the critical importance of digital transformation in the endowment field, so as to develop its mechanisms and products. This approach has gone hand-in-hand with the General Department of Endowments’ future vision, knowing that the Department is currently launching the website and a new application for endowments. These tools seek to provide a unique digital experience by making all the Department’s endowment projects and various services available to the public automatically and easily. H.E. expressed his aspirations that the conference outcomes would contribute to strengthening the endowment industry in Qatar and the world.

For his part, Dr. Osama Qais Al-Duraei, Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Managing Director and CEO of Bait al-Mashura Finance Consultations, said that the topics of the Doha Islamic Finance Conference were carefully selected according to a forward-looking vision for the future of Islamic finance in an accelerating and transformative time at all economic levels. The Organizing Committee has been keen to attract senior experts and specialists in the topics and themes of the conference in an effort to present distinguished outputs that enhance the role of Islamic finance and its institutions, Dr. Al-Duraei stated.

He stressed that the message of the Doha Islamic Finance Conference sought supporting the process of Islamic finance and Islamic banking within the State of Qatar and internationally. Moreover, it aims to spread the Islamic economy culture by making the activities of this event more accessible to the public, by allowing in-person attendance pursuant to the instructions issued by the regulatory authorities, in addition to having the option to attend via digital platforms, Dr. Al-Duraei pointed out. Dr. Al-Duraei thanked the supervisory and regulatory authorities for their support and cooperation in facilitating the establishment of this event, marking the most prominent Islamic finance event in Qatar.

It is worth noting that the Doha Islamic Finance Conference, in its eighth edition, addressed four main themes, featuring interventions by a group of scholars and experts in the field of Islamic economics and finance. The first axis discussed the role of supervisory institutions in dealing with decentralized digital financial technology. The second axis touched on Sharia provisions in decentralized digital financial technology, while the third axis touched on the nature and mechanisms of decentralized digital financial products, and the fourth axis previewed the experiences of decentralized digital FinTech through financial institutions, as well as local and international financial technology companies.

The proceedings of the conference also witnessed international participation from governmental bodies, international organizations, as well as financial and academic institutions specializing in the field of economics, money, digital technology, and Islamic finance.

In addition, this year’s edition of the conference featured organizing the Community Financial Culture Week, from March 13 until March 17, 2022, with the aim of spreading financial culture, and providing the knowledge and skills pertaining to the world of digital FinTech.

Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry