Crystal Lagoons Become the Gold Standard Amenity for Egyptian Real Estate Projects

MIAMI, Oct. 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Egypt has become the most successful market for Crystal Lagoons in the MENA market with over 31 projects at different stages. With its crystalline lagoons, the multinational has created a trend in real estate, making them the most sought-after amenity in the country.

The lagoon powered by Crystal Lagoons technology® at Citystars Sharm El Sheik project in the middle of the Sinai desert seen from the air.

These large bodies of water, which bring beach life to anywhere in the world, add tremendous value to any location, speeding up the rate of property sales by 70% and boosting the value per square meter. This has led leading local developers such as Hassan Allam Properties, Tatweer Misr, Golden Pyramids Plaza, Madaar, Arco Egypt, Dar Al Mimar Group, Jumeirah Egypt, M2 Developments, Maxim Development, Porto Group, Remco Group, to feature these amenities in several of their projects.

This commercial success responds to the fact that clients seek to live in places with water spaces and request the patented technology of Crystal Lagoons®, as it is the only one in the world that ensures turquoise lagoons of unlimited size, using any type of water, even brackish. This innovative breakthrough guarantees that the water is safe for bathing and that the lagoons are apt for practicing water sports due to their depth.

In 2022 alone, Crystal Lagoons will inaugurate lagoons in complexes on Egypt’s North Coast, the Red Sea and Gulf of Suez, including Azha, Swan Lake North Coast, Swan Lake El Gouna, Fouka Bay and Il Monte Galala. The success of Crystal Lagoons in Egypt has also enabled it to participate in government infrastructure projects.

In the middle of the Sinai desert is one of the most iconic developments of Crystal Lagoons worldwide, Citystars Sharm El Sheikh, whose 12.5-hectare lagoon, which uses brackish water, holds the Guinness world record for being the largest in the world.

The company’s first projects in Egypt were built on the country’s North Coast to add value to low-priced land. Today, there are lagoons along the Red Sea, where they are used to take advantage of the year-round summer. Crystal Lagoons is also in advanced talks to build new developments in Cairo and El Alamein.

“We have gained the trust of the authorities, real estate developers and the general public due to the unique characteristics of Crystal Lagoons® technology, which also has low construction and operating costs,” said Alastair Sinclair, regional director for the Middle East of Crystal Lagoons.


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 Risen Energy: Global power generation gains comparison map and technical analysis of different cell technologies

NINGBO, China, Oct. 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — With the rapid development of PV technology from p-type to n-type, the difference in power generation of different cell technology products are drawing more and more attention. Nowadays the mainstream cell technologies are PERC, TOPCon and HJT. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the comparative research on power generation is still lack of systematic whole-life cycle comparison based on the perspective of global application scenarios.

To this end, the core parameters of above mentioned three technologies are collected and the power generation of utility-scale power plants with these three different cell technology panels over a 25-year life cycle in 21 typical countries and regions with different climatic environments around the world are measured by Risen Energy Co., Ltd to create a comparison map of global power generation gains.

I. Global power generation gains Map  HJT vs PERC/TOPCon 

Globally, HJT technology products have higher power generation, which is 4.37%-6.54% higher than PERC and 1.25%-3.33% higher than TOPCon. and its power generation performance is more outstanding especially in high temperature regions (e.g. the Middle East, Australia and the southern US), with  6%+ gain compared to PERC and 3%+ gain compared to TOPCon. As shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 Map of global power generation gains

Figure 1.1 Map of global power generation gains

II. Technical analysis of modules

Based on the characteristics of the modules, the power generation gap between different cell technologies in each region on the map is mainly caused by three factors: temperature coefficient, bifacial factor and power degradation, which is why the HJT modules can deliver higher power generation gains and more stable power yield for the PV system with its extremely stable temperature coefficient, higher bifacial factor and higher power retention.

2.1 Extremely stable temperature coefficient

Compared to the power temperature coefficient of -0.35%/°C for PERC and -0.32%/°C for TOPCon, HJT modules have a more stable power temperature coefficient of -0.24%/°C, which means the HJT modules are of lower power degradation compared to PERC and TOPCon modules as the module operating temperature rises, thus reducing the power generation loss, and this power generation gain advantage will be especially in case of high operating environment temperature, as shown in Figure 2.1.

  • At an operating temperature of 60°C, the relative power of HJT modules is 2.8% higher than that of TOPCon modules and 3.5% higher than that of PERC modules.
  • At an operating temperature of 65°C, the relative power of HJT modules is 3.2% higher than that of TOPCon modules and 4% higher than that of PERC modules.

Figure 2.1 PERC/TOPCon/HJT power and temperature correspondence curves

Figure 2.1 PERC/TOPCon/HJTpower and temperature correspondence curves

2.2  Higher bifacial factor

With natural symmetrical structure, the HJT cell is inherently a bifacial cell and is the cell technology with the highest bifacial factor at present, as shown in Figure 2.2. Under the same application scenario, the higher the bifacial factor, the greater the backside power generation gain. The HJT modules’ bifacial factor is around 85%, which is about 15% higher than PERC modules and approximately 5% higher than TOPCon modules, as shown in Table 2.1.

Figure 2.2 Structure of HJT cell

Figure 2.2 Structure of HJTcell

Table 2.1 Bifacial factor of PERC/TOPCon/HJT modules

Table 2.1 Bifacial factorof PERC/TOPCon/HJT modules

In the same utility-scale ground-mounted power plant application scenario, the higher bifacial factor of HJT modules brings high power generation gain compared to that of PERC and TOPCon modules.

2.3 Higher power retention

Based on the power degradation curves of the three different cell technologies, it is clear that by the end of year 25, the power retention rate of HJT modules is 92%, while that of PERC modules is 87.2% and that of TOPCon modules is 89.4%. This means HJT products is of the best power output retention in the whole life cycle of utility-scale power plants, which can lead to more stable and relatively higher power generation, as shown in Figure 2.3.

Since the above discussed results are reckoned with the current 2% first-year degradation, the power generation gain advantage will be more remarkable as the improvement of cell and module encapsulation technology and materials can lead to less first-year degradation of the HJT products.

Figure 2.3 Product warranty of PERC/TOPCon/HJT module

Figure 2.3 Product warrantyof PERC/TOPCon/HJT module

Above is a brief analysis of the performance of HJT cells and modules. However, what are the main factors that affect the power generation of the modules? How significant is the impact? Risen Energy tried to carry out further parsing by PVSYST.

III PVSYST analysis

In terms of influence factors for power generation, a typical high and low temperature application scenarios will be selected for analysis respectively.

3.1 Low temperature application scenarios

Harbin is chosen as a typical example for low temperature application scenario, which is located near 45.9°N with an average annual temperature of 4.7°C and a total horizontal radiation of 1347 KWh/m2. The power plant is designed with a DC/AC ratio of 1.25 and an installed capacity of 4MW (with slight variations in the actual design), using fixed bracket with optimal tilt angle and suitable string inverters. By year 25, TOPCon’s power generation gain is 3.94% and HJT’s power generation gain is even higher at 7.73% compared to PERC’s power generation, as shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Comparison of PERC/TOPCon/HJT power generation gain

Table 3.1 Comparison ofPERC/TOPCon/HJT power generation gain

According to the loss comparison, the most important factor affecting power generation in low temperature applications is power degradation. At the end of year 25, the power degradation is 12.86% (1.6% + 11.26%) for the PERC modules, 10.6% (0.6% + 10%) for the TOPCon modules and 7.87% (1.6% + 6.27%) for the HJT modules. See Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Comparison of the main losses of PERC/TOPCon/HJT in low temperature

Figure 3.1 Comparison ofthe main losses of PERC/TOPCon/HJT in low temperature

3.2 High temperature application scenarios

Abu Dhabi in the Middle East is chosen as a typical example for high temperature application scenario, which is located near 24.4°N with an average annual temperature of 28.5°C and a total horizontal radiation of 2015.1 KWh/m2. The power plant is designed with a DC/AC ratio of 1.05 and an installed capacity of 4MW (with slight variations in the actual design), applying the optimum tilt angle for fixed bracket and suitable string inverters. By year 25, TOPCon’s power generation gain is 4.52% and HJT’ power generation gain is even higher at 9.67% compared to the PERC’ power generation, as shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Comparison of PERC/TOPCon/HJT power generation gain

Table 3.2 Comparison of PERC/TOPCon/HJTpower generation gain

According to the loss comparison graph, in addition to power degradation, operating temperature loss is another major factor which affects power generation in high temperature scenarios. At the end of year 25, the power degradation of PERC modules is 12.86% (1.6% + 11.26%), while that of TOPCon modules is 10.6% (0.6% + 10%) and that of HJT modules is 7.87% (1.6% + 6.27%); the operating temperature loss of PERC modules is 8.31%, while that of TOPCon modules is 7.26% and that of HJT modules is 5.81%, as shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 Comparison of the main losses of PERC/TOPCon/HJT in high temperature

Figure 3.2 Comparison ofthe main losses of PERC/TOPCon/HJT in high temperature

The above analysis shows that in low temperature application scenarios, module power degradation is one of the main factors affecting the product’s power generation; and in high temperature applications scenarios, the operating temperature is another major factor. Due to the extremely stable temperature coefficient, higher bifacial factor and higher power retention of HJT modules, the power generation gain advantage of HJT is obvious in high temperature areas, and in low temperature areas, HJT also shows a relatively high power generation gain, which will bring higher power generation gain and more stable power yield to the PV system.

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‫Nippon Express Europe تؤسس شركتين فرعيتين جديدتين في المغرب

– التحرك نحو تعزيز الخدمات اللوجستية المتعلقة بصناعة السيارات –

طوكيو، 24 أكتوبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — قامت شركة Nippon Express Europe GmbH (المشار إليها فيما يلي باسم “ NX Europe “)، وهي شركة تابعة لمجموعة NIPPON Express Holdings, Inc ، بتحويل اثنين من مواقع أعمالها الحالية في المغرب – فرع المغرب ومركز طنجة للوجستيات الطبية – إلى شركات فرعية، حيث أنشأت حديثًا Nippon Express Morocco SARLAU في يوليو الماضي و Nippon Express Morocco Free Zone SARLAU في أغسطس. وأقيم حفل افتتاح في طنجة، شمال المغرب، في 26 سبتمبر لإحياء ذكرى تأسيس هاتين الشركتين.


الحضور في حفل الافتتاح:

خطاب الرئيس ميتسورو سايتو، NXHD

– الغرض من العرضية

بدأ تطوير أعمال مجموعة Nippon Express في المغرب في ديسمبر 2017 في الدار البيضاء مع إنشاء فرع المغرب، والذي أعقبه افتتاح مركز طنجة للوجستيات الطبية في ميناء طنجة الطبي في يونيو 2019 لتوفير خدمات الشحن الجوي/البحري والخدمات اللوجستية.

المغرب هو ثاني أكبر منتج للسيارات في إفريقيا بعد جنوب إفريقيا، ويعمل في نفس الوقت كدولة مكملة لأوروبا. وقد شهدت منذ بعض الوقت ارتفاعًا في الطلب على الواردات/الصادرات والمشتريات ولوجستيات المبيعات التي تركز على صناعة السيارات، ويقوم عدد متزايد من مصنعي السيارات وقطع غيارها بإنشاء مصانع في البلاد.

قامت NX Europe بتأسيس اثنين من مواقع أعمالها لزيادة توسيع عملياتها وتعزيز البنية التحتية لأعمالها لدعم عمليات عملائها في المغرب. ومن خلال الاستفادة الكاملة من مبيعاتها المتراكمة ومعرفتها التشغيلية، ستقوم مجموعة نيبون إكسبريس بتسريع جهودها نيابة عن صناعة السيارات، التي تحتل مكانة صناعة ذات أولوية في خطة عمل المجموعة.

ستقوم مجموعة نيبون إكسبريس بزيادة توسيع قدراتها اللوجستية في المغرب وفي جميع أنحاء أفريقيا، وكلاهما من المتوقع أن يتمتع بالنمو المستمر، والانتقال بقوة إلى السوق الأفريقية من خلال الاستفادة من شبكتها العالمية والدراية اللوجستية المتقدمة المتراكمة، مع المساهمة في تطوير أنشطة عملائها التجارية.

لمزيد من التفاصيل:

موقع نيبون إكسبريس الإلكتروني:

الحساب الرسمي لمجموعة نيبون إكسبريس على لينكد إن:

Banyan Tree AlUla Welcomes Guests To A Moment A Million Years In The Making

The spectacular event featured live performances, bespoke activities, and a private concert by Mariah Carey

ALULA, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 24, 2022 /CNW/ – Banyan Tree AlUla hosted its grand opening with an elite list of dignitaries, VIPs, and international celebrities in attendance. Guests embarked on a remarkable evening of celebrations, including a special private concert by music legend Mariah Carey.

Many special guests attended the opening event including Sébastien Bazin, Chairman and CEO for Accor (far right)

The star-studded event was attended by celebrities and personalities, including Aseel Omran, Deema Bayyaa, Dilan Çiçek Deniz, Dorra Zarrouk, Lojain Omran, Mona Kattan, Stephanie Saliba and Jumana Mourad.

The invitees came together for an exclusive weekend to discover the destination and the luxury of Banyan Tree AlUla, where they were welcomed with unique experiences showcasing the resort’s private villas and the stunning Ashar Valley.

The hotel’s spectacular opening event featured live performances, bespoke activities, and a private concert by Mariah CareyReflecting the iconic landscape of AlUla, Maraya Hall hosted guests for the exclusive live performance by Mariah Carey, after which they were transported to the heart of the valley, where John Northen, Executive Director – Head of Hotels and Resorts for the Royal Commission for AlUla, together with Sebastien Bazin, Chairman and CEO for Accor and Ho Kwon Ping, Founder and Executive Chairman of Banyan Tree Group, officially opened the resort. This historic moment was marked by an exhilarating performance by Sahwat, which entailed a choreographed music routine and majestic Arabian horses. The stunning rock formations of Ashar Valley were illuminated by mesmerising projections of curated animations, while Hala Ali AlHedithy, told the inspiring and compelling story of AlUla.

Banyan Tree AlUlaThe evening concluded with a dinner menu designed by Banyan Tree AlUla’s Executive Chef Ricardo Lujan, showcasing dishes from Banyan Tree’s signature Thai restaurant Saffron with traditional Saudi twists, fusing both in harmony.

Putting a spin on Khao Soi curry, Chef Lujan created The King Crab Khao Soi Dumpling with a handmade, fresh rice paper roll filled with King Crab and authentic Khao Soi curry sauce. The Lamb Massaman Curry, one of Saffron’s most iconic dishes, highlighted the bold influences of Thai cuisine and the rich ingredients native to AlUla.

Embodying Banyan Tree’s pillars of sustainability, a dedication to using locally inspired elements, romance and intimacy in a private sanctuary, AlUla creates the perfect home for the global brand. The resort ensures guests feel a sense of place through features such as the timber doors and finishings, which hark back to the traditional Bedouin homes, locally made handicrafts and earthy decor.

The key principles of the all-villa resort are built around three concepts to allow guests to immerse in the resort and its magnificent surroundings in a multi-sensory experience.

A tranquil rock pool with views of the expansive valley ‘In-villa’ gives guests made-to-measure dining, wellness, and entertainment experiences brought to life by the talented cast of Banyan Tree hosts. ‘In-valley’ takes the guests into nature through exclusive outdoor treatments, nomadic chef’s tables, active adventures, and private events staged in spectacular settings. Finally, ‘En-voyage’ takes guests through privileged immersions crafted with local talents, continuously unlocking new facets of AlUla’s rich heritage.

There’s plenty for guests to do and discover, from massages in secluded caves and soothing sound baths under the stars to picnics in the sky aboard a floating hot air balloon. For a little extra adrenaline rush, visitors can try the thrilling vintage plane or helicopter adventures, flying over AlUla’s sites – with the possibility to extend the journey as far as the Red Sea.

The Banyan Tree Spa is a sanctuary for the senses, a place for physical, mental, and spiritual renewal with a holistic approach based on traditional Asian healing therapies. The resort’s practitioners seamlessly fuse local and Eastern rituals with time-honoured traditions dating back centuries. Guests can also unwind at the tranquil rock pool with views of the expansive valley on the horizon after a gym session or a signature spa treatment.

The perfect location for a special occasion, the AlUla region is a place to create unforgettable moments which last a lifetime. Romantic milestones, family reunions and private celebrations with friends turn into dazzling festivities with show-stopping backgrounds that magically materialise in stunning desert surroundings.

“We are immensely proud to open this landmark property in such an iconic location. We wanted to create an escape where guests could truly immerse themselves in the destination while enjoying the Banyan Tree hospitality. I thank our guests for coming from all over the world to be part of this momentous occasion,” said General Manager Antony Treston.

For high-resolution images, please click here to download.


The all-villa resort offers 79 luxurious tented villas in one of the world’s most mysterious and exciting new destinations. Infused with elements from the nomadic nature of Nabataean design and heritage, the resort features one-bedroom villas with spacious outdoor living space and one-, two-, and three-bedroom villas with private pools showcasing stunning views of the rock formations in the Ashar Valley. Guests can also enjoy the resort’s infinity rock pool, the renowned Banyan Tree Spa, and two fine-dining outlets, including Banyan Tree’s signature Thai restaurant, Saffron. Embodying the brand’s key pillars of sustainability, a dedication to using locally inspired elements, romance and intimacy in a private sanctuary, AlUla creates the perfect home for the global brand.


Banyan Tree offers a Sanctuary to rejuvenate the mind, body and soul in awe-inspiring locations around the globe. Rediscover the romance of travel as you journey to iconic destinations where authentic, memorable experiences await. An all-villa concept often with private pools, Banyan Tree provides genuine, authentic service and a distinctive, premium retreat experience.


Banyan Tree Group (“Banyan Tree Holdings Limited” or the “Group”) is one of the world’s leading independent, multi-branded hospitality groups centred on the purpose-driven mission of stewardship and wellbeing while offering exceptional, design-led experiences.

The Group’s diversified portfolio of hotels, resorts, spas, galleries, golf and residences features an ecosystem of 10 global brands, including the award-winning Banyan TreeAngsanaCassiaDhawa and Laguna, and the highly anticipated new brands of HommGarrya, Folio, and two new Banyan Tree brand extensions – Escape and Veya.

Established in 2008, with the goal of advancing people development and management excellence, Banyan Tree Management Academy has nurtured over 8,000 associates across 23 countries. The Group is recognised for its commitment to environmental protection and community development through its Banyan Tree Global Foundation. Operating 60 hotels in 15 countries, it has 47 new properties in the pipeline.

CONTACT:  Media Relations (Property), Sherif Marei, Director of Sales & Marketing, +966 568 111002, sherif.marei@banyantree.comMedia Relations (International), Adhiyanto Goen, Head of Brand Communications, +65 6849 5888,

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The Birth and Amazing Evolution of Red Ginseng, The Driving Force of the Korean Food Wave

– The Korean health functional food market surpassed 5 trillion won for the first time in history last year, a 20% increase compared to 5 years ago

– Red Ginseng, with a 30% share in the Korean health functional food market, remains the undisputed No.1

SEOUL, South Korea, Oct. 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — According to the Korea Health Supplements Association, Korea’s health functional food market surpassed 5 trillion won for the first time last year. This is a 20% increase compared to five years ago. The product that occupies the top market share is red ginseng. Red ginseng, made by processing ginseng, is a favorite product, regardless of gender and age, with a market share of 30%.

Red Ginseng

Korea’s leading red ginseng brand with a tradition of 123 years is ‘CheongKwanJang’ created by KGC (Korea Ginseng Corporation), accounting for about 70% of the total red ginseng market. In order to produce the highest quality red ginseng, ‘CheongKwanJang’ conducts 430 safety tests for a total period of 8 years before products are shipped, including 2 years of soil management and 6 years of cultivation, to produce premium red ginseng that customers can consume with confidence.

‘Ginseng’ is a representative regional specialty of Korea. In particular, ginseng grown in Korea is called ‘Korean Ginseng’ and has long been traded as a precious medicinal ingredient in various parts of the world. Although ginseng grows in many parts of the world, Korean ginseng differs greatly in terms of line, shape and composition. Ginseng from Korea is regarded as the best ginseng in the world based on quality and efficacy.

The original ginseng extracted from the ground is called fresh ginseng and it is difficult to store for long periods of time because it usually contains about 75% moisture. In the past, Korean ancestors invented the method of steaming and drying fresh ginseng with steam for long-term storage and distribution, and the processed product was called ‘red ginseng.’

In Korea, red ginseng is produced in various forms of products such as a liquid, capsule, powder and root ginseng, and is also sold as food for enjoyment like candy, jelly and tea. Office workers, students and athletes take red ginseng to recover from fatigue, while children and the elderly seek red ginseng to boost their immunity.

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Global Times: New CPC central leadership set for new journey

BEIJING, Oct. 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Xi Jinping was elected general secretary of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the committee’s first plenary session held on Sunday, according to the communique of the plenary session.

The session, presided over by Xi, was attended by 203 members of the 20th CPC Central Committee and 168 alternate members. Xi was also named chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission at the session.

The members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee elected at the session are Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi.

Zhao and Wang were members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee. Li Qiang, Cai and Li Xi have served as Party chiefs of municipal CPC committees in Shanghai, Beijing and the Provincial CPC committee of Guangdong Province since 2017. Ding has been director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee since 2017.

Analysts said the new central leadership of the Party with a strong core leadership, demonstrated solid unity, which is a key advantage and essential element for the Party to handle complex challenges and accomplish new great missions in the future, and to withstand “dangerous storms” in a turbulent world together.

Also elected at the first plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee were members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee at the session, which endorsed the members of the CPC Central Committee Secretariat nominated by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

The session named the members of the Central Military Commission, with Zhang Youxia and He Weidong as vice chairmen. The session approved the secretary, deputy secretaries and members of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) elected at the first plenary session of the 20th CCDI.

Remarks of confidence

After the plenary session concluded, Xi led the Party’s new central leadership to meet Chinese and foreign journalists on Sunday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, and delivered a speech at the meeting with the press.

Xi said China will open its door wider to the rest of the world. “We’ll be steadfast in deepening reform and opening up across the board, and in pursuing high-quality development,” Xi said when meeting the press, noting that a prosperous China will create many more opportunities for the world.

Just as China cannot develop in isolation from the world, the world needs China for its development, Xi said. Through over 40 years of relentless reform and opening-up, China has created the twin miracles of fast economic growth and long-term social stability, he said.

Chinese analysts said it shows that both the CPC’s and Chinese people’s determination on reform and opening-up is unchanged, and the Party will unwaveringly insist on the successful policy and strategy, which is a message of confidence and certainty not only to the Chinese economic development, but also to the world in turbulence and global recovery.

The Chinese economy has great resilience and potential, Xi said. “Its strong fundamentals will not change, and it will remain on the positive trajectory over the long run.”

Humanity’s shared values

Xi on Sunday also expressed China’s commitment to promoting the building of a human community with a shared future.

“We will work with peoples of all other countries to champion humanity’s shared values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom to safeguard global peace and promote global development, and keep promoting the building of a human community with a shared future,” Xi said when meeting the press at the Great Hall of the People.

Xi’s remarks further highlight the core ideas of China’s diplomacy since the 18th CPC National Congress, emphasizing the stability and continuity of major diplomatic policies, which drew a sharp contrast with certain countries that emphasize their own absolute security and maximize their own interests, building up small blocs, Su Xiaohui, deputy director of Department of International and Strategic Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, told the Global Times on Sunday.

“It shows that our diplomacy is not based on selfish and zero-sum mentalities, and the idea of promoting a human community with a shared future is winning and will win more support from the international community, especially from developing countries,” Su said.

At this critical moment for the world to learn what China’s core leadership will do, experts noted that China’s core diplomatic ideas were incorporated in Xi’s first address since he was elected general secretary of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC, indicating that China will uphold those common values of humanity by highlighting fairness and justice.

Keep Party invincible

“A political party can only become invincible if it remains committed to self-reform, even though it has had a glorious past,” Xi made the remarks when meeting the press at the Great Hall of the People.

The revolutionary travails and tempering of the past century, and especially of the first decade of the new era, have made the CPC stronger and more dynamic, Xi said.

Zhang Shuhua, director of the Institute of Political Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Sunday that “Facing an increasingly complex international environment, the CPC underscores a strong leadership, showing its capability to organize, unite and execute.”

Political authority, consistency and certainty of the leadership are important for a major power to prevent the risk and handle the crisis in a turbulent world, and the CPC provides crucial advantages for China to overcome challenges in the future and to win the tough competition and confrontation launched by a few countries, experts said.

UROVO Showcased Industry-leading Products at GITEX GLOBAL 2022

SHENZHEN, China, Oct. 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — UROVO, the world’s leading digital solutions provider for the IoT industry, participated in the GITEX GLOBAL 2022 lately. The company showcased its latest AIDC products and digital solutions for logistic and retail clients. The mobile computer DT50S, enterprise tablet P8100P, and payment terminal i2000 had drawn great attentions from the event participants.

DT50S – An Indispensable Assistant of Digital Era

The built-in industry-leading Octa-core 2.45 GHz processor brings the computing speed of the device to a new level. The powerful multi-process ability offers an effortless user experience while increase working efficiency.

Wi-Fi 6 Ready network technology creates a highly secure working environment. The higher bandwidth enables mobile data connection boundlessly and rapidly with lower power consumption and latency.

Built-in high-performance Android 11 ensures an uninterrupted workflow and reliable security protection. UROVO will keep upgrading software configuration to higher Android versions.

i2000 – Smart MiniPOS Terminal

The lightweight and portable payment terminal has a built-in quad-core 1.3GHz processor. It integrates various payment methods such as magnetic stripe cards, IC and contactless cards, QR code payments, etc.

i2000 offers multiple communication options such as Bluetooth, 4G, 3G, 2G, and WiFi that ensure non-stop operational connectivity and smooth payment experience.

An optional professional scan engine that covers 1D, 2D, and 3mil high-resolution barcodes will help retail businesses simplify operations and increase productivity.

P8100P – Powerful and Rugged Industrial Tablet

Octa-core processor provides powerful computing performance and speed for heavy demanding tasks even in tough working scenarios. In addition, IP67 sealing and 1.2 meters drop resistance makes it a qualified industrial tablet.

“UROVO products come with multiple configurations and feature functions. They are fantastic. They have premium quality. Cases are rugged and drop-guard. Long shelf life, good battery life are absolutely important for customers. More importantly is that they are being adopted widely cross many enterprises globally.”

——–Sanjay, CEO of Cloudtexo

At the event, UROVO also unveiled the latest RFID solutions, including RFID fixed reader FR1000, handheld RFID readers DT50(U) and RFID printer D812RPLUS. They will help transform not only the retail business and manufacturing, but contribute to the future of the supply chain.

UROVO is committed to delivering top-notch products, innovative technologies, and excellent services that dedicate to increase business productivity, optimize operations and empower workers.

More information about Urovo can be found at

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‫ولادة الجنسنج الأحمر وتطوره المذهل، القوة الدافعة لموجة الغذاء الكورية

– تجاوز سوق الغذاء الصحي الكوري العام الماضي، 5 تريليون وون لأول مرة في التاريخ، بزيادة قدرها 20٪ مقارنة بما كان عليه قبل 5 سنوات.

-لا يزال يحتل الجنسنج الأحمر المرتبة الأولى بلا منازع، بحصة 30٪ في سوق الأغذية الصحية الكورية

سيول، كوريا الجنوبية، 21 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2022 / PRNewswire / — وفقًا لجمعية المكملات الصحية الكورية، تجاوز سوق المواد الغذائية الصحية في كوريا 5 تريليون وون لأول مرة في العام الماضي. إنها زيادة بنسبة 20٪ مقارنة بما كانت عليه قبل خمس سنوات. المنتج الذي يحتل أعلى حصة في السوق هو الجنسنج الأحمر. إن الجنسنغ الأحمر، المصنوع عن طريق معالجة الجنسنج، هو منتج مفضل، بغض النظر عن الجنس والعمر، بحصة سوقية تبلغ 30٪.
Red Ginseng

العلامة التجارية الكورية الرائدة للجنسنج الأحمر والتي يعود تاريخها إلى 123 عامًا هي “ CheongKwanJang ” التي أنشأتها شركة  KGC  (شركة كوريا للجنسنج  Korea Ginseng Corporation) ، والتي تمثل حوالي 70٪ من إجمالي سوق الجنسنج الأحمر. من أجل إنتاج جنسنج أحمر عالي الجودة، تجري “ CheongKwanJang ” ما قدره 430 اختبار أمان تبلغ مدته الإجمالية 8 سنوات قبل شحن المنتجات، بما في ذلك سنتان لإدارة التربة و 6 سنوات للزراعة، من أجل إنتاج الجنسنج الأحمر المتميز الذي يمكن للعملاء استهلاكه بكل ثقة.

“الجنسنج” هو تخصص إقليمي تمثيلي لكوريا. يُطلق على الجنسنج المزروع في كوريا على وجه الخصوص، اسم “الجنسنج الكوري”، ولطالما تم تداوله كمكون طبي ثمين في أجزاء مختلفة من العالم. على الرغم من نمو الجنسنج في أجزاء كثيرة من العالم، يختلف الجنسنج الكوري اختلافًا كبيرًا من حيث الخط والشكل والتكوين. يعتبر الجنسنج الكوري أفضل أنواع الجنسنج في العالم من حيث الجودة والفعالية.

      يسمى الجنسنج الأصلي المستخرج من الأرض بالجنسنج الطازج ويصعب تخزينه لفترات طويلة لأنه يحتوي عادة على حوالي 75٪ من الرطوبة. في الماضي، اخترع الأسلاف الكوريون طريقة تبخير وتجفيف الجنسنج الطازج بالبخار للتخزين والتوزيع على المدى الطويل، وكان يُطلق على المنتج المعالج اسم “الجنسنج الأحمر”.

 في كوريا، يتم إنتاج الجنسنج الأحمر في أشكال مختلفة من المنتجات مثل السائل والكبسولة والمسحوق والجنسنج الجذري، ويباع أيضًا كغذاء للتمتع به مثل الحلوى والهلام والشاي. يتناول موظفو المكاتب والطلاب والرياضيون الجنسنج الأحمر للتعافي من التعب، بينما يسعى الأطفال وكبار السن إلى الجنسنج الأحمر لتعزيز مناعتهم. 

الصورة –

الشعار –

‫مؤسسة بيل وميليندا غيتس تعلن عن دعم إضافي لتعزيز البحث والتطوير بقيادة محلية؛ تدعو لتقديم عروض مقترحات

بروكسل، 24 تشرين الأول/أكتوبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت مؤسسة بيل وميليندا غيتس اليوم عن سلسلة من المبادرات ودعوة لتقديم مقترحات لتعزيز الابتكار بقيادة محلية والتي تدعم عمل العلماء والباحثين في الاقتصادات النامية. جاء هذا الإعلان في الاجتماع السنوي للمؤسسة المسمى اجتماع التحديات الكبرى في وقت سابق اليوم. 

يركز اجتماع هذا العام على الدروس المستفادة من جائحة كوفيد-19، التي سلطت الضوء على الحاجة إلى منصات بحث وتطوير عالية التأثير وشراكات وسياسات تعمل على سد الفجوة بين الابتكار والوصول العادل بشكل فعال. يضم الاجتماع باحثين من جميع أنحاء العالم لمشاركة العمل والتعرف على أحدث التطورات في مجال الرعاية الصحية والتعاون مع الباحثين الآخرين. 

“لا ينبغي أن تكون العدالة الصحية مجرد بيان عن سبب قيامنا بهذا العمل. بل يجب أن ترشدنا إلى كيفية القيام بذلك،” كما قال كيديست تيسفاغيورغيس، نائب مدير قسم الشراكات العالمية والتحديات الكبرى في مؤسسة بيل وميليندا غيتس. “عندما ندعم الابتكار بقيادة محلية، فإننا نعظم التأثير من خلال تقديم أنواع مختلفة من المعرفة ووجهات النظر إلى المقدمة.”

وكجزء من  دعوة عالمية للعمل من مبادرة التحديات الكبرى ، وهي مبادرة تمتد لـ 10 سنوات تم الإعلان عنها في اجتماع العام الماضي للمساعدة في ضمان قيام العلماء والمؤسسات في البلدان منخفضة ومتوسطة الدخل بلعب دور مركزي في تشكيل جدول أعمال البحث والتطوير العالمي، أعلنت المؤسسة عن مبادرتين جديدتين من مبادرات التحديات الكبرى:

  • المراقبة الجينومية والمناعة في آسيا:  هذه دعوة لتقديم مقترحات من الباحثين في جنوب وجنوب شرق آسيا لتصميم وتجربة برنامج مراقبة الجينوم أو تطوير القدرة على تحقيق علم المناعة والتسلسل المناعي لـ لمرض سارز – كوف – 2 لتنوير الاستجابة الوبائية. سيتم توفير ما يصل إلى 300,000 دولار سنويًا لمدة تصل إلى عامين لكل مشروع، مع تمويل إضافي محتمل للمشاريع التي تتضمن التركيز على اكتشاف الأجسام المضادة أحادية النسيلة.
  • بناء القدرة على نمذجة البيانات من أجل المساواة بين الجنسين:   هذه دعوة لتقديم مقترحات من الباحثين في البلدان المنخفضة والمتوسطة الدخل للقيام بمشاريع تهدف إلى معالجة التفاوتات والفجوات التي تؤثر على النساء والفتيات في مجال الصحة. تركز هذه المبادرة على الأساليب المبتكرة للنمذجة التي تعزز المساواة بين الجنسين. سيحصل كل مشروع على ما يصل إلى 500,000 دولار على مدى ما بين سنة إلى ثلاث سنوات.

وقالت أنيتا زيدي، رئيسة قسم المساواة بين الجنسين في مؤسسة بيل وميليندا غيتس” تقيس المجتمعات ما تقدره، وعلى طول غالبية التاريخ، لم يقدّر المجتمع المرأة. هذا يعني أننا نحاول مواجهة تحديات الصحة والتنمية العالمية بمعلومات ناقصة.” “”لقد حان الوقت منذ زمن بعيد لوضع النساء والفتيات في مركز نمذجة البيانات التي توجه حلولنا.”

بالشراكة مع مبادرة تشان زوكربيرغ، ستقدم المؤسسة أيضًا منحًا للباحثين الذين يبحثون ويكتشفوا مسببات الأمراض الناشئة في البلدان المنخفضة والمتوسطة الدخل. سيحصل الباحثون على ما يصل إلى 200،000 دولار لكل منهم لمدة تصل إلى عامين، بالإضافة إلى الدعم التشغيلي والتدريب الفني من مبادرة تشان زوكربيرغ  تشان زوكربيرغ بيوهب  (سي زي بيوهب). . بين يبني التزام التمويل هذا على شراكة 2018   بين المؤسسة، وسي زي واي وسي زي بيوهب، التي تركز على بناء قدرات الميتاجينوميكس في البلدان المنخفضة والمتوسطة الدخل من خلال مبادرة التحديات الكبرى العالمية.

تتم استضافة الاجتماع التحديات العالمية الكبرى 2022 في بروكسل من قبل منظمة التحديات العالمية الكبرى والمفوضية الأوروبية، وتشترك في رعايته منظمة التحديات الكبرى كندا والوكالة الأميركية للتنمية الدولية وويلكوم ومؤسسة بيل وميليندا غيتس.

يضم الحدث الذي يستمر يومين عشرات القادة من جميع أنحاء مشهد الابتكار الصحي العالمي، بالإضافة إلى قيادة مؤسسة غيتس، بمن في ذلك بيل غيتس (الرئيس المشارك وعضو مجلس الأمناء)؛ أنيتا زيدي وتريفور موندل (رئيس قسم الصحة العالمية). سيتم نشر الجلسات بعد وقت قصير من الاجتماع على .

حول “التحديات الكبرى”

تدرك مؤسسة بيل وميليندا جيتس أن حل التحديات الأكثر إلحاحًا في مجال الصحة والتنمية العالميين يتطلب المزيد من أذكى وألمع العقول في العالم للعمل عليها. وتسعى سلسلة مبادرات  التحديات الكبرى  إلى إشراك المبتكرين من جميع أنحاء العالم من أجل حل هذه التحديات. وتتحد مبادرات “التحديات الكبرى” من خلال تركيزها على تعزيز الابتكار، وتوجيه الأبحاث إلى حيث سيكون لها أكبر أثر، وخدمة أولئك الذين هم في أمس الحاجة إليها. لمعرفة المزيد، يرجى زيارة .

نبذة عن مؤسسة بيل وميليندا غيتس

مسترشدة بالاعتقاد بأن كل حياة لها قيمة متساوية، تعمل مؤسسة بيل وميليندا غيتس لمساعدة جميع الناس على عيش حياة صحية ومنتِجة. وفي البلدان النامية، تُركِّز المؤسسة على تحسين صحة الناس ومنحهم الفرصة لانتشال أنفسهم من الجوع والفقر المدقع. أما في الولايات المتحدة، تسعى المؤسسة إلى ضمان حصول جميع الناس —خاصة أولئك الذين لديهم أقل الموارد— على الفرص التي يحتاجون إليها للنجاح في المدرسة والحياة. ويقع مقر المؤسسة في سياتل بواشنطن، ويقودها الرئيس التنفيذي مارك سوزمان، تحت إشراف الرئيسين الشريكين بيل غيتس وميليندا فرينش غيتس.

للتواصل الإعلامي:




Taconic Biosciences Launches First and Only Super Immunodeficient Mouse Models Lacking Residual Murine Fc Gamma Receptors, for Improved Antibody Therapy Assessment

FcResolv™ NOG Models Provide Greater Clarity and More Translatable Data

RENSSELAER, N.Y., Oct. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Taconic Biosciences, a global leader in providing drug discovery animal model solutions, has launched the FcResolv™ NOG portfolio, the first and only super immunodeficient mouse models lacking residual murine Fc gamma receptors (FcγRs) known to confound results in antibody-based therapy studies.

Murine FcγRs can cause false positives or false negatives, leading to incorrect conclusions and derail drug discovery. FcResolv NOG models knock out these receptors for greater clarity in antibody-based drug studies, affording investigators greater confidence and more translatable data with fewer studies and fewer animals. With applicability in oncology, immuno-oncology, and autoimmune disease, FcResolv NOG models are suitable for engrafting a wide range of human cells and tissues, including simultaneous human tumor engraftment and immune system humanization.

“Antibody-based therapies represent one of the fastest-growing classes of drugs, creating a pressing need for better preclinical tools to assess therapeutics such as monoclonal antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, and bispecific antibodies,” said Dr. Michael Seiler, vice president of commercial products at Taconic. “Taconic’s FcResolv NOG portfolio enables researchers to evaluate drug candidates like these on their own merits, free of interference from residual murine Fc gamma receptor activity.”

FcResolv NOG models eliminate the false negatives that occur when an antibody-based therapeutic’s Fc domain interacts with murine FcγRs as well as the false positives that result when FcγRs trigger residual murine immune activity. They also eliminate costly deconvolution steps otherwise needed to distinguish true drug efficacy from off-target effects mediated through the mouse immune system. With more reliable answers, researchers can target their drug discovery investments more strategically and effectively.

The FcResolv NOG model portfolio is based on the super immunodeficient CIEA NOG mouse®. The portfolio currently includes two models:

  • FcResolv NOG, for tumor xenografts using cell lines or patient-derived tumors, engraftment of other normal or pathological human cells and tissues, and immune system humanization studies
  • FcResolv hIL-15 NOG, which supports engraftment of human NK cells and is suitable for efficacy studies on antibody-based therapeutics with an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) mechanism of action

To learn more about the FcResolv NOG portfolio, visit Or call 1-888-TACONIC (888-822-6642) in the US, +45 70 23 04 05 in Europe, or email

About Taconic Biosciences, Inc.

Taconic Biosciences is a fully licensed, global leader in genetically engineered rodent models and services. Founded in 1952, Taconic provides the best animal solutions so that customers can acquire, custom-generate, breed, precondition, test, and distribute valuable research models worldwide. Specialists in genetically engineered mouse and rat models, microbiome, immuno-oncology mouse models, and integrated model design and breeding services, Taconic operates service laboratories and breeding facilities in the U.S. and Europe, maintains distributor relationships in Asia and has global shipping capabilities to provide animal models almost anywhere in the world.

Media Contact:

Louise Baskin, Senior Director New Product Pipeline


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