‫شركتا أو إي كي بي سي أس دي ومونتران تقدمان منصة إصدار سي أس دي لعملاء أو إي كي بي سي أس دي

ستوفر OeKB (أو إي كي بي) رقمنة حقيقية شاملة لقطاعات عملائها في النمسا عبر حلول الجيل التالي من مونتران

 فيينا، 14 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت شركة  أو إي كي بي سي أس دي OeKB CSD ، جهة الإيداع المركزية للأوراق المالية النمساوية، وشركة  مونتران Montran ، المزود الرائد لبرمجيات سوق رأس المال، اليوم عن الإطلاق الناجح لمنصة إصدار أو إي كي بي سي أس دي: وهي منصة رقمية لإدارة الأوراق المالية على أساس حل الإيداع المركزي للأوراق المالية ( CSD ) الأساسي من مونتران. واحتفلت الشركتان بالإطلاق الناجح بتنظيم حدث للنشر المباشر في فيينا.

يعد هذا معلمًا رئيسيًا في رقمنة البنية التحتية للإيداع في سوق رأس المال النمساوي، والذي تم تمكينه من خلال التعديل الأخير لقانون الإيداع الوطني.  تتيح المنصة الجديدة الإصدار الرقمي للأوراق المالية بالإضافة إلى إدارة دورة الحياة الكاملة للأوراق المالية في نظام واحد.  وهي تدعم كذلك التكامل التام مع أنظمة العملاء لإنشاء عملية سلسة وغير ورقية.  يمكن للعملاء الآن الاستفادة من الرقمنة الشاملة مع زيادة مستوى المرونة والسرعة والملاءمة.  كلا الشركتين، أو إي كي بي سي أس دي ومونتران، مقتنعتان بأن هذا سيوفر ديناميكية جديدة لسوق رأس المال النمساوي وهو ما سيكون بمثابة أساس متين لمزيد من الرقمنة والنمو.

 “ان هذا المشروع هو مشروع تحويلي حقًا، ليس فقط من وجهة نظر التكنولوجيا، حيث قمنا باستبدال آخر قطعة من الإرث وقمنا بتبسيط بنية تكنولوجيا المعلومات لدينا بشكل كبير، ولكنه تضمن أيضًا تغييرًا تنظيميًا كبيرًا”، ” كما قالت لورا هاوزر، المديرة التنفيذية للتكنولوجيا في أو إي كي بي سي أس دي. “لقد كان عملًا جماعيًا رائعًا وجهدًا استثنائيًا خلال وقت حافل بالتحديات..  نحن ممتنون جدًا لفريقنا، وشريكنا في حلول البرامج، مونتران، الذي أثبت فريقه أنه موثوق به ولديه خبرة مجال متميزة في أعمالنا ووفى بوعوده”.“.

 وقال رايجان إيسكا، المدير العام في مونتران أوروبا، “إن تعدد استخدامات حلنا سي أس دي سمح لنا بتوفير منصة إصدار قوية وفعالة لـ أو إي كي بي سي أس دي. وقد مكّنت ميزات حلنا  سي أس دي من تنفيذ تطبيق حديث لـ أو إي كي بي سي أس دي لكي تقدم لعملائها حلا شاملا للتكامل التام لإدارة دورة حياة الأوراق المالية.  وستظهر فوائد هذه المنصة الجديدة لجميع أصحاب المصلحة الرئيسيين بمن في ذلك المُصدرون ومقدمو الخدمات والبنوك والمستثمرون.  نحن على ثقة من أن هذا سيصبح حجر الزاوية لدفع الابتكار والنمو في سوق رأس المال النمساوي.  يسعدنا إطلاق منصة المُصدر مع شريكنا الاستراتيجي أو إي كي بي سي أس دي.  ومعًا نتطلع إلى تقديم الحلول المستقبلية التي تتطلبها أو إي كي بي سي أس دي وعملاؤها.”

حول مجموعة أو إي كي بي

تقدم شركة أو إي كي بي سي أس دي التي تضم أكثر من 500 موظف خدمات أساسية وذات صلة بصناعة التصدير النمساوية، وسوق رأس المال، وصناعة السياحة، وتقدم خدمات لسوق الطاقة وتشكل جزءًا من تمويل التنمية النمساوي.  جميع أنشطة أو إي كي بي لها فائدة اقتصادية واضحة، وتقوي النمسا كموقع تجاري وتدعم اقتصاد النمسا في المنافسة العالمية.  تعمل أو إي كي بي بطريقة محايدة من الناحية التنافسية، ومتعددة القطاعات، وبطريقة مسؤولة بشكل مستدام.

حول أو إي كي بي سي أس دي

أو إي كي بي سي أس دي، وهي شركة فرعية 100٪ لشركة أو إي كي بي أيه جي، هي مؤسسة الإيداع المركزي للأوراق المالية النمساوية، وهي مزود أساسي للبنية التحتية لسوق رأس المال يلعب دورًا مركزيًا في سوق رأس المال النمساوي.  تقبل أو إي كي بي سي أس دي الأوراق المالية من مصدري رأس المال لتخزينها وإدارتها نيابة عن المستثمرين، وتوفر خدمات تسوية الأوراق المالية وتعالج مجموعة كاملة من إجراءات الشركات للأصول المودعة.

نُبذة عن مونتران

توفر مونتران  كوربوريشن، التي أسست عام 1979، حلول وخدمات إدارة الدفع، والنقدية، والسيولة النقدية للعديد من أبرز مؤسسات الشركات المالية، مما يؤهلهم للبقاء في طليعة مشهد صناعة الخدمات المالية والذي يزداد تحديًا يومًا بعد يوم. تُعد مونتران  كوربوريشن رائدًا عالميًا في مجال التكنولوجيا المالية وأمامها مهمة بالغة الأهمية في منشآتها وعملياتها في أكثر من 80 دولة. لمزيد من المعلومات حول منتجات وخدمات مونتران  كوربوريشن، يُرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني www.montran.com .

الشعار-  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1944450/OeKB_CSD.jpg

الشعار  –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1945237/Montran.jp  

wonwonleywon connects luxury and philanthropy like never before

VANCOUVER, BC, Nov. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A new brand that just launched plans to do something that has never been done before. Every product the brand produces will be 1 of 1 while selling these products to achieve their philanthropic mission. This brand is called wonwonleywon.

Some luxury brands develop small collections to sell 1000 or 100 of the same products. So, as a customer, you could purchase a product that is 1 of 1000 or 1 of 100. But, they rarely produce products that are 1 of 1. And, if they made any of these small collections, they would only provide it for specific products. For the rest of the products they sell, they mass produce and sell thousands of identical products.

But no brand that sells clothing, bags, shoes, jewelry, watches, eyewear, and home products, makes all of their products always be 1 of 1 while never producing any of their products more than once. And this is exactly what wonwonleywon plans to do.

wonwonleywon calls this “one of one luxury,” which technically makes them the most exclusive luxury brand in the world. This is because when a person purchases any product from wonwonleywon, they will know they are the only person in the world to own that product, which is the highest form of exclusivity.

So, as wonwonleywon will only sell products that are 1 of 1 and live by their laws known as “one of one luxury,” they mimic humanity. Every human is 1 of 1, and for wonwonleywon, every product is 1 of 1. With this mimicry, they serve a greater purpose than selling physical products. They serve a greater purpose than being the most exclusive luxury brand in the world. They have a philanthropic mission to support people to be the best version of themselves. As we are all one of one, and no one is you, wonwonleywon believes that is your power, so they want to support people to be the best you.

To learn more, visit www.wonwonleywon.com

support@wonwonleywon.com, 6046579040

‫ونونليون تربط بين الفخامة والعمل الخيري بشكل لم يسبق له مثيل

فانكوفر، كولومبيا البريطانية، 14 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — تخطط علامة تجارية جديدة أطلقت مؤخرا خططًا للقيام بشيء لم تقم بها شركة أخرى من قبل.  سيكون كل منتج تنتجه هذه العلامة التجارية واحدًا من نوعه فقط أثناء بيع هذه المنتجات لتحقيق مهمتها الخيرية.  هذه العلامة التجارية تسمى ونونليون.

تقوم بعض العلامات التجارية الفاخرة بإنتاج مجموعات صغيرة لبيع 1000 أو 100 قطعة من نفس المنتج.  لذلك، بصفتك عميلاً، يمكنك شراء منتج يمثل منتج واحد من 1000 منتج مثيل أو 1 من 100.  لكن هذه العلامات نادرًا ما تنتج منتجات واحدة فقط.  وإذا أنتجت أيًا من هذه المجموعات الصغيرة، فإنها عادة ما تصنع منتجات محددة منها.  بالنسبة لبقية المنتجات التي تبيعها، فإنه تنتج وتبيع آلاف المنتجات المماثلة بكميات كبيرة.

ولكن لا توجد علامة تجارية تبيع الملابس والحقائب والأحذية والمجوهرات والساعات والنظارات والمنتجات المنزلية، توفر منتجا واحدا فريدا فقط لأي من منتجاتها بينما لا تنتج أبدًا أيًا من منتجاتها أكثر من مرة.  وهذا بالضبط ما تخطط ونونليون للقيام به.

يسمي ونونليون هذه “واحدة من الفخامة الفريدة”، مما يجعلها من الناحية الفنية أكثر العلامات التجارية الفاخرة تميزًا في العالم.  هذا لأنه عندما يشتري شخص ما أي منتج من ونونليون، سيعرف هذا أنه الشخص الوحيد في العالم الذي يمتلك هذا المنتج، وهو أعلى شكل من أشكال التفرد.

 لذلك، بما أن ونونليون سوف تبيع فقط المنتجات التي هي 1 من 1 وتلتزم بقوانينها المعروفة باسم “واحدة من الفخامة الفريدة”، فإنها تحاكي الإنسانية.  كل إنسان هو نسخة من نسخة واحدة فقط، وبالنسبة لونونليون، كل منتج هو 1 من 1.  مع هذا التقليد، فهي تخدم غرضًا أكبر من مجرد بيع المنتجات المادية.  وهي تخدم غرضًا أكبر من كونها العلامة التجارية الفاخرة الأكثر تميزًا في العالم.  هذه العلامة لديها مهمة خيرية لدعم الناس ليكونوا أفضل نسخة من أنفسهم.  نظرًا لأننا جميعًا واحد، ولا أحد هو أنت، تؤمن وونلي وون أن هذه هي قوتك، لذا فهي تريد دعم الناس ليكونوا أفضل ما يمكنهم أن يكونوه.

لمعرفة المزيد يرجى زيارة www.wonwonleywon.com  

بريد إلكتروني: support@wonwonleywon.com ، هاتف رقم: 6046579040

Government of St Kitts and Nevis does NOT accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment for its Citizenship by Investment programme

Basseterre, Nov. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The government of St Kitts and Nevis, along with the Citizenship by Investment Unit of the country, have refuted claims that investors interested in gaining citizenship to the country can pay using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

The St Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment programme is the oldest in the world, having been established in 1984 – it has been providing investors from across the globe with one of the quickest, easiest, and most affordable routes to second citizenship.

Underpinned by a robust multi-layered due diligence process undertaken by international security firms from the USA and the UK, investors need to go through a formal application process consisting of eight main steps, which include:

  • Step 1: Pre-approval by a verified St Kitts and Nevis government agent and preparation of the application
  • Step 2: Submission of the citizenship application
  • Step 3: Application processing by the Citizenship by Investment Unit and internal and external due diligence checks
  • Step 4: Approval in principle letter issued
  • Step 5: Contribution to either the Sustainable Growth Fund or pre-approved real estate
  • Step 6: Bank clearance of source of funds
  • Step 7: Certificate of Registration issued
  • Step 8: Citizen can apply for a St Kitts and Nevis passport

Throughout the whole process, an investor will engage with an approved government agent who will facilitate the application and any payments will be made via registered banks using fiat money – a government-issued currency that is not backed by a commodity such as gold. An example would be the United States Dollar, Euro or Chinese Yuan.

Investors cannot make payments to a government-approved agent or the Citizenship by Investment Unit by using cryptocurrencies directly. These would need to be liquidated into fiat currency first and an applicant would need to provide a supporting affidavit regarding their source of funds as part of the application process.

St Kitts and Nevis has not yet passed any legislation regarding cryptocurrency. The country is participating in the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) pilot program, which aims to study the utilisation of cryptocurrency as a fiat currency.

The program’s purpose is to provide a safe and secure digital financial system by utilising the advantages of blockchain and is designed to exemplify the viability and functionality of the ECCB’s ability to issue Digital Eastern Caribbean Dollars.

The ECCB is the fiscal authority for the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU).

Speaking at the Electronic Cash Conference 2022, which was held on November 12 2022, Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Dr Terrance Drew, expressed that while Bitcoin Cash – another form of cryptocurrency – is used as a method of tender by some businesses in the country, due diligence checks are presently being prioritised by his government ahead of any major decision concerning that cryptocurrency’s official use.

Prime Minister Drew stated that the financial safety and security of citizens is a matter of high priority, and the government, with the guidance of the ECCB, is prepared to explore the possibility of Bitcoin Cash being introduced as legal tender in the local financial space.

The Prime Minister explained that once all the crucial financial safeguards were in place, Bitcoin Cash could become accepted legal tender in St Kitts and Nevis by March 2023.

Benefits of gaining second citizenship to St Kitts and Nevis

Citizenship by Investment is a legal process to grant individuals – and, in some cases, their families – dual citizenship in exchange for a financial contribution to the country’s economy. The initiative permits countries to channel generated funds into developing healthcare, education, infrastructure, and more.

Being a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis offers investors a myriad of benefits including family reunification, global mobility, enhanced security, and increased economic opportunities.

St Kitts and Nevis offers award-winning and internationally acclaimed education institutions like veterinary and medical universities, attracting global-minded professionals. People from all over the world come to St Kitts and Nevis, over a million a year to be exact, because of its booming tourism sector.

In recent years, the nation has seen growing numbers of American visitors. Around 1,000 US citizens currently reside on the islands. Now, with more work-from-home policies than ever, many see the Caribbean as the perfect destination to get away from the bustle of big cities while continuing to be connected when business calls.

In addition to citizenship and global mobility, St Kitts and Nevis offers its citizens who choose to become tax residents a wide variety of insurance services in a tax-friendly environment. For example, the country guarantees financial privacy by not making any information about offshore business owners and top managers public.

Portfolio diversification is the first step in dispersing your investments so that your exposure is not limited to just one type of asset. An investment in property in St Kitts and Nevis would allow you to diversify your investment portfolio and potentially make a return upon selling that your share in real estate after the end of the minimum hold period.

This will also ensure that you retain a certain amount of your wealth outside of your home country. In uncertain political and economic climates, knowing that a portion of your portfolio is free from the grips of a potentially corrupt government can give you tremendous peace of mind.

PR St Kitts and Nevis
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8696223

GGE announces the appointment of a CEO of its US Subsidiary to lead the effort to explore green energy sector

HANZHONG, China, Nov. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Green Giant Inc. (NASDAQ: GGE) (“GGE” or the “Company”), today announced appointment of Mr. Junaid Ali as CEO of its wholly owned subsidiary Green Giant LLC to spearhead its effort to explore green energy section in the U.S.

Mr. Junaid Ali has decades of experience in the development of multi-million dollar energy projects ranging from power utility sector to oil and gas business in four different continents. He started his career with Cummins (NYSE:CMI) as a project engineer and ultimately became a project manager in their power generation business from 2006 to 2011. He then joined APR Energy in 2011 as a senor project manager and moved up to be a project director in power delivery with General Electric (NYSE: GE) in 2015.  While at GE, he led strategic GE Power Conversion utility-scale solar and industrial sector projects, managed a cross-functional team to deliver global projects and was selected to lead the project with NextEra Energy Resources. After GE, he founded Prismecs LLC, an industrial energy services company which delivers one-stop engineering and procurement operation and maintenance services for the energy industry. Mr. Ali, via Prismecs LLC, has provided efficient, cost-effective industrial services and supply chains solutions.

Mr. Junaid Ali, commented “I am excited to share the common vision with the GGE management of reducing carbon and investing in any technology that leads to clean energy output.  I am confident my strong industry background coupled with GGE’s public company status will bring significant return to the GGE shareholders.”

The management believes that with Mr. Ali’s commercial, operational and industrial background makes him well-qualified to lead GGE’ US subsidiary to explore its planned green energy business.

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements, which are subject to change. The forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All “forward-looking statements” relating to the business of China HGS Real Estate Inc., which can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “believes,” “expects” or similar expressions, involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ. These factors include but are not limited to: the uncertain market for the Company’s business, macroeconomic, technological, regulatory, or other factors affecting the profitability of real estate business; and other risks related to the Company’s business and risks related to operating in China. Please refer to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2021 and other filings with the SEC, for specific details on risk factors. Given these risks and uncertainties, you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company’s actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update its forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release.

About China Green Giant, Inc.

Green Giant Inc. (NASDAQ: GGE formerly China HGS Real Estate, Inc), founded in 1995 and headquartered in Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, is a leading real estate developer in the region and holds the national grade I real estate qualification. Since beginning of 2022, the Company started to research the possibility of diversifying its business, For further information about Green Giant, please go to www.gge.com.

‫تعلن GGE عن تعيين رئيس تنفيذي لشركة تابعة لها في الولايات المتحدة لقيادة الجهود لاستكشاف قطاع الطاقة الخضراء

هانتشونغ، الصين، 14 نونبر/تشرين الثاني 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت شركة Green Giant Inc . (المشار إليها في ما يلي بِـ” GGE ” أو “الشركة”)  اليوم عن تعيين السيد جنيد علي كرئيس تنفيذي لشركتها الفرعية المملوكة بالكامل لها Green Giant LLC لقيادة جهودها لاستكشاف قسم الطاقة الخضراء في الولايات المتحدة.

يمتلك السيد جنيد علي عقودًا من الخبرة في تطوير مشاريع الطاقة بملايين الدولارات بدءا من قطاع مرافق الطاقة إلى أعمال النفط والغاز في أربع قارات مختلفة. بدأ حياته المهنية مع شركة Cummins كمهندس مشروع وأصبح في النهاية مدير مشروع في أعمال توليد الطاقة الخاصة بهم من 2006 إلى 2011. ثم انضم إلى APR Energy في عام 2011 كمدير أول للمشروع وانتقل إلى منصب مدير مشروع في توصيل الطاقة مع  شركة General Electric في عام 2015. أثناء عمله في General Electric ، قاد مشاريع تحويل الطاقة الشمسية والصناعية على نطاق المرافق لشركة GE ، وأدار فريقًا متعدد الوظائف لتسليم مشاريع عالمية وتم اختياره لقيادة المشروع مع مصادر الطاقة NextEra . بعد General Electric ، أسس شركة Prismecs LLC ، وهي شركة خدمات طاقة صناعية تقدم خدمات تشغيل وصيانة شاملة للهندسة والمشتريات لصناعة الطاقة. قدم السيد علي، عبر Prismecs LLC ، خدمات صناعية فعالة ومنخفضة التكلفة وحلول سلاسل التوريد.

وعلق السيد جنيد علي قائلاً: “أنا متحمس لمشاركة الرؤية المشتركة مع إدارة GGE لتقليل الكربون والاستثمار في أي تقنية تؤدي إلى إنتاج طاقة نظيفة. أنا واثق من أن خلفيتي القوية في الصناعة إلى جانب وضع شركة GGE العامة ستحقق عوائد كبيرة للمساهمين في GGE “.

وتعتقد الإدارة أن الخلفية التجارية والتشغيلية والصناعية للسيد علي تجعله مؤهلاً جيدًا لقيادة شركة GGE التابعة لها المتواجدة في الولايات المتحدة لاستكشاف أعمالها المخطط لها في مجال الطاقة الخضراء.

بيان الملاذ الآمن

يحتوي هذا البيان الصحفي على بيانات تطلعية قابلة للتغيير. يتم إصدار البيانات التطلعية وفقًا لأحكام الملاذ الآمن لقانون إصلاح التقاضي الخاص بالأوراق المالية للعام 1995. جميع “البيانات التطلعية” المتعلقة بأعمال شركة China HGS Real Estate Inc. ، والتي يمكن تحديدها من خلال استخدام المصطلحات الاستشرافية مثل “يعتقد” أو “يتوقع” أو عبارات مشابهة، تنطوي على مخاطر معروفة وغير معروفة و الشكوك التي قد تؤدي إلى اختلاف النتائج الفعلية. وتشمل هذه العوامل على سبيل المثال ولكن لا تقتصر على: السوق غير المؤكدة لأعمال الشركة والاقتصاد الكلي والتكنولوجي والتنظيمي، أو العوامل الأخرى التي تؤثر على ربحية الأعمال العقارية؛ وغيرها من المخاطر المتعلقة بأعمال الشركة والمخاطر المتعلقة بالعمل في الصين. يرجى الرجوع إلى التقرير السنوي للشركة في نموذج 10- K للسنة المالية المنتهية في 30 شتنبر/أيلول 2021 وغيرها من الملفات مع لجنة الأوراق المالية والبورصات، للحصول على تفاصيل محددة حول عوامل الخطر. نظرًا لهذه المخاطر والشكوك، يتم تحذيرك من عدم الاعتماد بشكل لا داعي له على البيانات التطلعية. قد تختلف النتائج الفعلية للشركة ماديًا عن تلك الواردة في البيانات التطلعية. لا تتعهد الشركة بأي التزام بمراجعة أو تحديث بياناتها التطلعية لتعكس الأحداث أو الظروف التي قد تنشأ بعد تاريخ هذا الإصدار.

نبذة عن China Green Giant

تأسست شركة Green Giant (المعروفة سابقا بِـ China HGS Real Estate, Inc )  في عام 1995 ومقرها في مدينة هانتشونغ بمقاطعة شنشي، وهي شركة رائدة في مجال التطوير العقاري في المنطقة وتحمل مؤهلات العقارات الوطنية من الدرجة الأولى. منذ بداية عام 2022، بدأت الشركة في البحث عن إمكانية تنويع أعمالها، ولمزيد من المعلومات حول Green Giant ، يرجى زيارة www.gge.com .

Winners in the 19th Annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business Announced

Women-Owned Businesses and Professionals Were Honored at an Awards Ceremony in Las Vegas

Winners named in 19th Stevie Awards for Women in Business program

Top female entrepreneurs, executives, and employees from around the world were named as Stevie Award winners at a ceremony in Las Vegas, NV U.S.A. on Friday, November 11.

FAIRFAX, Va., Nov. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Shining a spotlight on women executives, entrepreneurs, and organizations run by women, winners in the 2022 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business were announced on Friday, November 11.

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business is an international competition produced by the creators of the prestigious International Business Awards® and American Business Awards®. The Stevie is widely considered to be the world’s premier business award.

With nominated working women and their guests in attendance, the awards were announced during a gala event at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. The 2022 competition attracted nominations from 27 nations.

The presentations were broadcast live via Livestream.

More than 1,500 nominations from organizations and individuals around the world were submitted to the awards this year for consideration in categories including Entrepreneur of the Year, Executive of the Year, Most Innovative Company of the Year, and Startup of the Year, among others. More than 200 business professionals working in seven specialized judging committees determined the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners.

Grand Stevie Award trophies were presented to five organizations that submitted the best body of entries to the competition, in their own names or in the names of one or more clients. Winners were determined by the number of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Awards won in the competition. The Grand Stevie Award winners are:

  • The Audacious Agency, Coombabah, QLD, Australia (#1)
  • IBM, Armonk, NY, U.S.A. (#2)
  • Megaphone, Melbourne, Australia (#3)
  • Melissa Sones Consulting, New York, NY U.S.A. (#4)
  • Global Press Institute, Washington D.C., U.S.A. (#5)

The 2022 Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners reflect a diverse group of large and small organizations from around the globe. Notable Gold Stevie Award winners in this year’s competition include:

  • Sandrine Pons, Regional Vice President, Head of Solutions Sales & Innovation, SAP, Paris, France, for Women Helping Women – Business
  • Ann Kaplan, Las Vegas, NV U.S.A, for Woman of the Year – Accounting and Finance
  • Susan McLaughlin, Senior Innovative Media and Creative Operations Manager, Vanguard, Malvern, PA U.S.A, for Woman of the Year – Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations
  • Fatima Sultan Al-Kuwari, Group Chief Human Resources Officer, Ooredoo, Qatar, for Female Executive of the Year – Business Products –More Than 2,500 Employees
  • Shama Hyder, CEO and Founder, Zen Media, Plano, TX U.S.A., for Most Innovative Woman of the Year – Social Media
  • Stephanie Wernick Barker, President, Mondo, New York, NY U.S.A, for Female Thought Leader of the Year – Business Services
  • Gehad Hamdy, Founder, Speak Up, Giza, Egypt, for Social Change Maker of the Year – Gender
  • Michelle John, Founding Director, PEGS, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom, for Woman of the Year – Government or Non-Profit
  • Kelley Higney, Founder & CEO, Bug Bite Thing, Port Lucie, FL U.S.A, for Best Female Entrepreneur – Consumer Products –11 to 2,500 Employees
  • Allison Grafton, President and Founder, Rockwood Custom Homes, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, for Best Female Entrepreneur in Canada

Organizations that won more than one Gold Stevie Award include Anheuser-Busch InBev, Babylist, Brandless, But Bite Thing, Caroline Kennedy Group, Everise, Flock DC, Global Press Institute, Halkbank, Harman International, LickYourPhone Media, Luma Brighter Learning, Megaphone, Primrose Schools, Rockwood Custom Homes, Rubi Laboratories, Sidus Space, and The Tambellini Group.

HCLTech, the global technology company delivering industry-leading capabilities centered around digital, engineering and cloud, powered by a broad portfolio of technology services and products, sponsored awards in four categories called HCLTech Women in Technology Awards. Among notable Stevie winners in those categories are:

  • Monica Williams, Senior Vice President – Digital Products and Content Distribution, NBCUniversal, for New Normal Digital Transformer
  • Karen Oerter, Director of Information Technology, Land O’Lakes, for New Normal Digital Transformer
  • Abby Knowles, Vice President Global Technology Solutions, Verizon, for Leading Through Uncertainty
  • Susan Doniz, CIO & SVP of Information Technology & Data Analytics, The Boeing Company, for Leading Through Uncertainty
  • Tia Ballard, Head of Cloud and Automation, Sempra, for Leadership in Next Gen Technology
  • Constance Metcalfe, Associate Vice President – Enterprise Infrastructure Transformation, Canadian Tire Corporation, for Excellence in Transforming Business

For a complete list of Stevie Award winners and more information, visit http://www.StevieAwards.com/Women.

The Stevie Awards staged the fifth edition of its Women|Future Conference virtually on November 8-10 in conjunction with the Stevie Awards for Women in Business. More than 250 women shared three days of programming highlighted by a keynote presentation by Rashmi Verma, head of D&I at Hugo Boss.

Entries for the 2023 (20th) edition of the awards will open in May. The 2023 awards ceremony will be held at the Marriott Marquis in New York, NY USA in November.

About the Stevie Awards

The Stevie Awards are conferred in eight programs: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 nominations each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at http://www.StevieAwards.com.

Maggie Miller
+1 (703) 547-8389

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MGA Establishes MGA Studios with $500 million in Cash and Assets; Acquires Pixel Zoo Animation

The move signals MGA’s strong commitment to growing its dominance in the rapidly evolving digital entertainment landscape by pursuing strategic gaming and tech acquisitions or partners

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MGA Entertainment, Inc. (MGA), one of the world’s largest and fastest growing privately held toy and entertainment companies, announced today the formation of MGA Studios, an independent subsidiary of MGA, backed with more than a half billion dollars in cash and assets. This move underscores MGA’s continued commitment to a rapidly evolving digital entertainment landscape.  In fact, more than 35 years ago, when it wasn’t usual in the toy industry to incorporate entertainment, MGA embraced it and changed the company name from Micro Games of America to MGA Entertainment, Inc.

“While continued innovation in the toy category remains a key driver for our business, we understand the world is changing and are fully committed to carrying our winning legacy into this new and evolving digital landscape,” said Isaac Larian, Founder and CEO, MGA Entertainment, Inc. “In addition to growing our large catalogue of television, movie and streaming content, through MGA Studios we aim to create smaller and safer mini universes for our children to grow and develop in a seamless digital and physical entertainment ecosystem.”

MGA Entertainment also announced today that Pixel Zoo Animation, one of the leading digital animation studios globally, is MGA Studios’ first acquisition. During the past several years, Pixel Zoo has pushed the limits of high-quality animation and content for children and families. Paul Gillett, Founder and CEO of Pixel Zoo, will continue in his role supporting MGA Studios’ growth into a dominant position globally.

“During the past few years, we have been extremely impressed by MGA’s brands, how they partner with their suppliers, as well as their creative and execution capabilities. Intellectual Property development has always been an important part of our studio and this opportunity allows our team to show the world what we can do,” said Gillett. “Working with MGA has been one of the most rewarding experiences we have had, so partnering with them is the next natural step for us. I am excited for our studio to be the first foundational building block of MGA Studios.”

MGA Studios will be charged with independently developing and growing a digital presence through acquisitions, partnerships, and in-house development of innovative content and original intellectual property (IP). MGA Studios will leverage MGA Entertainment’s existing and future IP including L.O.L. Surprise!™, Little Tikes® Let’s Go Cozy Coupe®, Rainbow High™, Bratz®, Baby Born®, Mermaze Mermaidz™, Na! Na! Na! Surprise™, and more, with great new content and brands coming soon.

“MGA Entertainment has demonstrated time and again our ability to create multiple blockbuster brands from the ground up. The purpose of MGA Studios will be to facilitate the expansion of these brands beyond the toy aisle and turn them into true transmedia franchises, including entertainment, gaming, and online experiences,” said MGA Studios President, Jason Larian. “We are committed to bringing new partners into the fold to help realize our vision and the Pixel Zoo acquisition is the first step of many on this journey.”

MGA Entertainment and Pixel Zoo have collaborated on many notable projects during the last several years including L.O.L. Surprise! The Movie, available on Netflix; L.O.L. Surprise! House of Surprises series, available on YouTube and Netflix; Rainbow High series, available on YouTube and Netflix; Mermaze Mermaidz series, available on YouTube; Let’s Go Cozy Coupe series, available on YouTube and Amazon; and more. Their latest project together, L.O.L. Surprise! Winter Fashion Show movie, premiered on Netflix this past October.

About MGA Entertainment

MGA Entertainment is one of the world’s fastest growing and largest privately held toy and entertainment companies. Headquartered in Chatsworth, Calif. and with offices globally, the company creates innovative, proprietary, and licensed consumer products and entertainment, including toys, games, dolls, apparel, consumer electronics, home décor, stationery, sporting goods, movies, and television series. The MGA family includes award-winning brands such as L.O.L. Surprise!™Little Tikes®, Rainbow High™, Shadow High™, Bratz®, MGA’s Miniverse™, Na! Na! Na! Surprise™, Mermaze Mermaidz™ Color Change, Micro Games of America™Baby Born® Surprise and Zapf Creation®. For more information, please visit us at www.mgae.com or check us out at LinkedIn or Twitter.

About MGA Studios

MGA Studios is an independent subsidiary of MGA Entertainment, Inc. and a Delaware C-corp. The company is focused on developing and growing a safe digital environment for children and families to come together and enjoy wholesome entertainment across digital and physical platforms. MGA Studios has rights to more than 7,000 trademarks, patents, and copyrighted works and has financial backing of MGA Entertainment, Inc. For more information, please visit  www.MGAStudios.com

About Pixel Zoo 

Pixel Zoo is a full-service animation studio that has focused on digital content in both short and long forms. Based in Brisbane, Australia, Pixel Zoo is at the cutting edge of animation, pushing the boundaries and developing new techniques that have continually kept them on top as the industry develops and changes around them. Lead by a team of creatives Pixel Zoo prides itself on delivering a product that speaks for itself.


NOTE TO EDITOR: Video clips and stills available of animated series and movie on request.


Alan Hilowitz
MGA Entertainment, Inc.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8695466

Higer Bus Company Serves COP27 with Electric Buses

SUZHOU, China, Nov. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On November 6, 2022, the 27th UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) kicked off in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The conference focuses on “implementation” and discusses climate issues from a practical level. As the only Chinese bus brand serving COP27, thirty units of Higer’s electric buses provide the zero-carbon shuttle service for the conference. Higer bus, China’s leading clean technology bus company, shows the commitment and strength to serve such international conferences and provides China’s solution to climate challenges in the global public transportation industry.

Higer Bus Company Serves COP27 with Electric Buses

The buses, jointly built by Higer and its Egyptian partner, G Company, are operated between Sharm el-Sheikh, the blue zone and green zone of the venue, providing excellent services for government officials and international organization representatives. The futuristic design language, zero-carbon emissions and comfortable riding experience have attracted the attention and praise of people from all walks of life.

In 2020, G Company and Higer Bus agreed on localization bus production to achieve Egypt’s environmental-friendly ambitions. As a result, G Company has invested in constructing a modern manufacturing infrastructure and started to produce Higer’s cleantech bus. Higer’s extensive experience in overseas KD projects and shared green vision, aligned the two parties and signed a contract to build electric buses in Egypt for the transportation services of COP27.

People familiar with the matter said these customized buses, painted with unique conference patterns, air suspension and increased capacity of the air conditioner and battery, are designed for Egypt’s local environment and COP27 shuttle service needs.

“We have formed and dispatched a COP27 special task force of thirteen seasoned veteran engineers with G Company. The team is responsible for maintenance of the vehicles to ensure the smooth operation during the conference,” said an on-site Higer service staff.

In the context of the increasing energy crisis and extreme climate events, the electric and low-carbon transformation of the transportation industry has become a global consensus. Xia Guolin, Africa Manager of Higer Bus, said, “To achieve the goal of low-carbon emission reduction, the transportation industry needs to accelerate the reform process. The joint project shows Egypt’s commitment to accelerate the transformation of zero-emission public transport, and China’s sustainable mobility solutions to counter climate change.”

The COP27 demonstrates the growing determination to tackle the world’s climate challenges. To proactively respond to the conference’s initiative, Higer Bus will continuously contribute to energy conservation and emission reduction, by bringing more reliable cleantech products and efficient services, building a sustainable future in terms of harmonious coexistence between humans, vehicle and nature.

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World’s second-largest visitor attraction operator moves to its next exciting chapter as the partner of choice for bringing global IP and brands to life

LONDON, Nov. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ —  Merlin Entertainments, Europe’s largest and the world’s second-largest visitor attraction operator, today announces the appointment of 25-year sports and entertainment industry veteran Scott M. O’Neil as Chief Executive Officer, effective 15 November 2022. O’Neil will be responsible for overseeing the business operations and global growth for Merlin Entertainments across its 147 attractions in 24 countries. O’Neil’s appointment comes following outgoing CEO Nick Varney’s decision to retire after 23 years.

Scott O'Neil

Merlin’s attractions include 10 LEGOLAND Resort Theme Parks and hotels, six Resort Theme Parks including Alton Towers, Heide Park and Gardaland, as well as a vibrant portfolio of renowned global brands in city destinations, such as SEA LIFE aquariums, Madame Tussauds, Peppa Pig World of Play, the Lastminute.com London Eye and Sydney Tower Eye. Merlin is continuing to expand, with three LEGOLAND Resorts in China under development and further openings planned across the US and Asia.

O’Neil was most recently CEO for Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment (HBSE), a portfolio of sports, entertainment, and investment properties, where he oversaw more than $2bn growth in enterprise value, from $415m to $2.5bn, through his focus on talent, culture, and guest experience.

Under O’Neil’s leadership, HBSE evolved from managing a single team, the Philadelphia 76ers of the National Basketball Association, to an award-winning live sports and entertainment group. It now spans multiple professional teams, real estate holdings, an esports platform, a GRAMMY Museum, a top 10 internationally booked arena, a venture fund, innovation lab and Elevate, a growing sports marketing company.

O’Neil has led some of the top athletic brands in the world, including New York Knicks – NBA, New York Rangers – NHL, Philadelphia Eagles – NFL and the Philadelphia 76ers – NBA, where success is predicated on building the brand, driving attendance, leveraging data, engaging fans through the guest experience and partnering with big brands to drive growth.

Roland Hernandez, Chair of Merlin Entertainments, commented:

“Scott has significant experience in the entertainment industry, a proven track-record of delivering business transformation, and the vision and ambition to lead Merlin through the next exciting stages of its global development. The Board has every confidence in him, and we look forward to working closely together over the coming years.

“I would like to reiterate the Group’s thanks to Nick for his outstanding leadership of Merlin Entertainments over the last 23 years. Merlin is one of the best leisure businesses in the world thanks to his leadership, passion, and talent and we wish him all the best in his retirement.”

O’Neil, Chief Executive Officer designate, added:

“I am thrilled to be joining the Merlin family. There is an extraordinarily talented management team, a driven, ambitious, hardworking, team centric, can-do culture, and a board led by KIRKBI, Blackstone and CPPIB which is committed and focused on growth and driving value. Merlin partners with some of the top global brands including LEGO, Sony Pictures Entertainment and HASBRO and is a business with phenomenal tailwinds, whose purpose is to bring joy and make lasting memories for families and friends around the world.”

“Nick has built an incredible business and achieved unprecedented growth in this industry and yet there are still tremendous upside opportunities ahead to continue the momentum. We are actively building and searching for new attractions and sites. We are fortunate in that we are not constrained to a single studio or content pipeline and are seeking additional brand partners to redefine the attractions business. Merlin will also aggressively look to expand our offerings and experiences in our current attractions. I have been impressed by the talent, energy and dedication of the people at Merlin that I’ve met so far and am looking forward to working with the wider team to deliver on the exciting growth strategy.”

Nick Varney, retiring Chief Executive Officer, added:

“I am very proud of what we have achieved at Merlin over the past 23 years. We have built an incredible business with amazing attractions and brilliant people. I have every confidence that Merlin will go from strength to strength under Scott’s leadership over the coming years.”

Notes to Editors

About Merlin Entertainments

Merlin Entertainments is a global leader in location-based, family entertainment. As Europe’s Number 1 and the world’s second-largest visitor attraction operator, Merlin operates over 140 attractions, 23 hotels and 6 holiday villages in 24 countries and across 4 continents. Merlin’s purpose is to deliver memorable experiences to its millions of guests around the world, through its iconic brands and multiple attraction formats, and the commitment and passion of its employees.

See www.merlinentertainments.biz for more information and follow on Twitter @MerlinEntsNews.

About Scott O’Neil

Scott O’Neil has more than 25 years of experience in leading and managing global sports and entertainment brands. With a reputation for innovation, an eye for strategic and global brand development and partnerships, and a passion for culture and talent development, O’Neil has stewarded some of the sports and entertainment industry’s most renowned and iconic brands and properties, including the NBA’s New York Knicks and Philadelphia 76ers; the NFL’s Philadelphia Eagles, the NHL’s New York Rangers and New Jersey Devils; and the internationally ranked sports and entertainment arenas, Madison Square Garden and Prudential Center.

His mission to build innovative, inspiring, diverse, socially impactful and high performing businesses and brands earned the organizations under O’Neil’s management acclaim in innovation and culture. He recently published a life leadership book entitled, ‘Be Where Your Feet Are’ published St. Martins Press.

O’Neil earned his bachelor’s degree in Marketing from Villanova University, and his master’s in Business Administration from Harvard Business School. He has been married for 26 years to wife Lisa, with whom he has three daughters.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1945976/Scott_ONeil.jpg