تعد بديلاً أكثر أماناً من خزعات الأنسجة التقليدية

تعد بديلاً أكثر أماناً من خزعات الأنسجة التقليدية
 “التخصصي” يطبّق تقنية تكشف مبكراً عن 50 جيناً مرتبطاً بالسرطان

الرياض:31 أكتوبر

نجح “التخصصي” في إجراء الخزعة السائلة لمختلف المراحل العمرية للمرضى، التي تعد بديلاً أكثر أماناً من خزعات الأنسجة التقليدية، بوصفه المركز الصحي الأول على مستوى الشرق الأوسط الذي يطبق هذه التقنية التي تمتاز بكشفها المبكر عن نحو 50 جيناً مرتبطاً بالسرطان ، وأكثر من 3000 طفرة جينية، ما يشكل نقلة نوعية في تجربة المرضى، وخياراً لا يتطلب استئصال أنسجة من المنطقة المصابة لفحصها، في خطوة تحسّن نتائج الرعاية الصحية، وتجربة المريض.

وتتفوق الخزعة السائلة على خزعات الأنسجة التقليدية؛ بكونها أقل توغلاً، حيث لا تتطلب سوى جمع عينة دم بمقدار حوالي 10 مل، إضافة إلى قابلية إجرائها بشكل متكرر خلال فترة العلاج، كما تمتاز بدقتها الفائقة، ما يسمح بالكشف السريع عن المؤشرات الحيوية للورم، والتنبؤ بالاستجابة للعلاج، واكتشاف الطفرات الناشئة الجديدة، والتحقق من عدم عودة الورم ، الأمر الذي يمثل ثورة طبية غير مسبوقة في علم السرطانات.

وتقدم التقنية خياراً أكثر أماناً من الخزعة التقليدية للمرضى في الحالات التي يصعب الوصول إلى الأنسجة المصابة بدون جراحة مثل سرطان الرئة، وكذلك للمرضى من كبار السن الذين لا يتناسب إجراء خزعة أنسجة الرئة مع وضعهم الصحي؛ نظراً لما قد يُرافقها من حدوث مضاعفات بالغة الخطورة.

وبالتزامن مع تواجده كشريك استراتيجي صحي بملتقى الصحة العالمي المنعقد في العاصمة الرياض خلال الفترة 29-31 أكتوبر الجاري، يستعرض مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث لزوار جناحه بالمعرض المصاحب؛ تقنية الخزعة السائلة إلى جانب عدد من التقنيات وحلول الرعاية الصحية.

وتحمل تقنية الخزعة السائلة وعودًا بمراحل أخرى من علاج السرطان لدى “التخصصي”، فمن خلال الاستخدام الروتيني للاختبار، يمكن بناء قاعدة بيانات للطفرات المسببة للأورام لدى المجتمع المحلي، الأمر الذي يساعد في التشخيص المبكر للسرطان قبل تكوّن الأورام، إضافة إلى تتبع التغيرات في حالة المريض بصورة متكررة أثناء العلاج، ما يتيح إجراء تعديلات في الوقت المناسب على خطط العلاج والحيلولة دون تفاقم الحالة.

ويأتي هذا الإنجاز في إطار جهود “التخصصي” المستمرة في تسخير التقنيات المتقدمة لتحسين التميز التشغيلي ورعاية المرضى، حيث يتيح الاختبار اتخاذ قرارات سريرية سريعة لإدارة مرضى السرطان، وتقليل الفترة الزمنية لإجراء الاختبار؛ كونه مؤتمتًا بالكامل.

ويُعد مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث، من بين الأبرز عالمياً في تقديم الرعاية الصحية التخصصية ورائداً في الابتكار، ومركزًا متقدمًا في البحوث والتعليم الطبي، كما يسعى لتطوير التقنيات الطبية والارتقاء بمستوى الرعاية الصحية على مستوى العالم، وذلك بالشراكة مع كبار المؤسسات المحلية والإقليمية والدولية، لتحقيق خدمة عالمية المستوى في المجالات السريرية والبحثية والتعليمية.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 3680633

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Utilizes Early Cancer Detection Technology for 50 Genes

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Utilizes Early Cancer Detection Technology for 50 Genes_01
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Utilizes Early Cancer Detection Technology for 50 Genes_01

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has achieved a significant milestone by successfully conducting liquid biopsies on patients spanning various age groups. This innovative approach offers a safer alternative to conventional tissue biopsies. Notably, KFSH&RC stands out as the first healthcare facility in the Middle East to adopt this cutting-edge technology.

This groundbreaking method is distinguished by its ability to detect approximately 50 genes associated with cancer and over 3,000 genetic mutations. This represents a pivotal advancement in patient care, eliminating the need to extract tissue from the affected area for examination. This transformative step greatly enhances healthcare outcomes and elevates the overall patient experience.

Liquid biopsy offers advantages over traditional tissue biopsies. It’s less invasive, involving a simple 10 ml blood sample that can be repeated during treatment. Additionally, it provides high accuracy in swiftly detecting tumor biomarkers, predicting treatment responses, identifying emerging mutations, and confirming the absence of tumor recurrence, marking a significant advancement in cancer science.

This technology presents a safer alternative to traditional biopsies for patients facing challenges in accessing affected tissue without surgical intervention, as seen in cases like lung cancer. It is particularly beneficial for elderly patients, for whom a lung tissue biopsy may not be suitable due to the potential for severe complications associated with it.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Utilizes Early Cancer Detection Technology for 50 Genes_02King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Utilizes Early Cancer Detection Technology for 50 Genes_02

As a strategic health partner at the Global Health Exhibition in Riyadh from October 29 to 31, KFSH&RC will showcase its pavilion in the accompanying exhibition, where visitors can explore Liquid biopsy technology and various other healthcare solutions and technologies.

Liquid biopsy technology holds promise for other stages of cancer treatment at KFSH&RC. Through the routine use of the test, it is possible to build a database of tumor-causing mutations in the local community, which helps in early diagnosis of cancer before tumors form, in addition to tracking changes in the patient’s condition, frequently during treatment, allowing timely adjustments to treatment plans and preventing worsening of the condition.

This achievement is a part of KFSH&RC’s ongoing commitment to harness advanced technologies for enhancing operational excellence and patient care. The test facilitates swift clinical decision-making for cancer patient management and reduces both the testing time and its process through full automation.

KFSH&RC stands as one of the world’s prominent institutions in delivering specialized healthcare, leading the way in innovation, and serving as an advanced hub for medical research and education. Furthermore, it actively endeavors to advance medical technologies and elevate global healthcare standards through collaborations with significant local, regional, and international organizations, aiming to deliver world-class clinical, research, and educational services.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8969156

Henley & Partners hosts the 17th Global Citizenship Conference in Dubai

LONDON, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — More than 400 delegates from over 35 countries are expected to attend the 17th annual Global Residence and Citizenship Conference, which takes place next week (8-10 November) at the Shangri-La Hotel DIFC in Dubai, UAE.

Hosted by world-leading international citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners, this annual event has become the world’s largest and most significant conference on private wealth and investment migration, bringing together presidents, prime ministers, senior government ministers and officials, leading academics, private client advisors, wealth management professionals, and top-tier financial and business media.

The 2023 conference program features sophisticated, cutting-edge content on the major developments shaping investment migration and geopolitics today, offering delegates the opportunity to engage with the world’s leading minds and latest ideas around the central themes of global citizenship and interconnectivity.

Dr. Christian H. Kalin, Group Chairman of Henley & Partners, who will also be speaking at the conference, points out that there could not be a more relevant and necessary time to connect across borders as citizens of the world. “At a moment in our history when our world seems increasingly fractured and polarized, it is more important than ever for us to focus our minds on our shared humanity and how we can be stronger together. While it may mean different things to different people, global citizenship is based on the principle that we all have responsibilities to the world as a whole, rather than just our own local communities or countries. This conference aims to expand our horizons through global learning and understanding so that we can effect change in a more meaningful sense on both a small and larger scale.”

Notable key speakers at the conference include the Prime Ministers of Montenegro, H.E. Dr. Dritan Abazovic, and of Grenada, the Hon. Dickon Mitchell, as well as the former President and Speaker of the Parliament of the Maldives, the Hon. Mohamed Nasheed. CEO of the Dubai Economic Development Corporation, Hadi Badri, along with Prof. Dr. Christian Joppke of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Bern in Switzerland, Dr. Titus Gebel, President of the Free Cities Foundation in Germany, Prof. Dr. Khalid Koser, Executive Director of the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund, Chief Partnership Officer of Women in AI, Middle East, Debbie Botha, and Dr. Parag Khanna, Founder and CEO of Climate Alpha in Singapore, among many others. They all will share their perspectives on the key social, economic, political and environmental trends shaping our world.

Another highlight of the conference will be the 2023 Global Citizen Award Dinner on 9 November to honor a remarkable individual working to advance one of the global challenges affecting humanity today. Hosted in collaboration with the Swiss non-profit humanitarian organization Andan Foundation, this year’s laureate will be announced at the gala event and the net proceeds of the evening will be donated to the foundation which focuses on self-reliance of refugees through education, entrepreneurship, and employment.

Notes to Editors

For further information and media accreditation to attend the 17th annual Global Residence and Citizenship Conference, please contact:

Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of Public Relations
Mobile: +27 72 464 8965

About Henley & Partners

Henley & Partners is the global leader in residence and citizenship by investment. Each year, hundreds of wealthy individuals and their advisors rely on our expertise and experience in this area. The firm’s highly qualified professionals work together as one team in over 40 offices worldwide.

The concept of residence and citizenship by investment was created by Henley & Partners in the 1990s. As globalization has expanded, residence and citizenship have become topics of significant interest among the increasing number of internationally mobile entrepreneurs and investors whom we proudly serve every day.

Henley & Partners also runs the world’s leading government advisory practice for investment migration, which has raised more than USD 12 billion in foreign direct investment. Trusted by governments, the firm has been involved in strategic consulting and in the design, set-up, and operation of the world’s most successful residence and citizenship programs.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000896628

WadzPay Receives Initial Approval from Dubai’s Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (“VARA”)

Pioneering fintech company stands out among hundreds of applicants with blockchain-based technology solutions with unique features, paving way for launch in the UAE

WadzPay Receives Initial Approval from Dubai’s Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (“VARA”)

Pioneering fintech company stands out among hundreds of applicants with blockchain-based technology solutions with unique features, paving way for launch in the UAE.

DUBAI, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a significant development, WadzPay has been granted “Initial Approval” by Dubai’s Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA), marking a pivotal step in Wadzpay’s journey towards obtaining a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) License for virtual asset services and activities.

“We are immensely honored to have received initial approval from VARA,” said Mr. Anish Jain, Founder and Group CEO of WadzPay. “This recognition reaffirms our commitment to delivering cutting-edge blockchain-based solutions that not only revolutionize but also adhere to the highest regulatory standards. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the growth of the fintech ecosystem in the UAE.”

This Initial Approval is a key milestone and allows WadzPay to commence preparations for the provision of virtual asset services and activities under the VASP License for Transfer & Settlement and Broker/Dealer activities.

“Receiving VARA’s initial approval is a testament to our unwavering dedication to regulatory and compliance excellence,” said Mr. Khaled Moharem, President – MENA at WadzPay. “We’ve built a robust ecosystem that not only meets but exceeds industry standards, guaranteeing a safe and efficient gateway to virtual assets for users in the UAE. We’re poised to launch with strict adherence to VARA’s requirements, ushering in a new era of secure and seamless access to the world of virtual assets.”

While the initial approval is a pivotal achievement, WadzPay emphasizes that it is still in the process of working towards receiving the final approval from VARA and the VASP license. This progression marks a crucial step towards obtaining the necessary regulatory green light to fully operate within the UAE and bring its innovative products and solutions to life.

About WadzPay: WadzPay Worldwide is a leading global provider of blockchain-based technology. The company’s innovative platform offers secure, efficient, and transparent services, catering to both businesses (B2B) and individual users (B2B2C). With a commitment to driving financial inclusion and revolutionizing the virtual asset landscape, WadzPay is at the forefront of digital transformation.

For more information, visit www.wadzpay.com

About VARA: Established in March 2022, following the effect of Law No.4 of 2022, VARA is the competent entity in charge of regulating, supervising, and overseeing VAs and VA Activities in all zones across the Emirate of Dubai, including Special Development Zones and Free Zones but excluding the Dubai International Financial Centre. VARA plays a central role in creating Dubai’s advanced legal framework to protect investors and establish international standards for Virtual Asset industry governance, while supporting the vision for a borderless economy.

For more information visit: www.vara.ae

For any media enquiries please contact:

Arijit Das

PR and Communications Manager


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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8969063

Pixalate Announces General Availability of Ad Fraud Prevention API with Pay-As-You-Go Pricing for Website, Mobile and Connected TV App Developers

With a few clicks, developers can now sign up and integrate Pixalate’s advertising fraud prevention technology into their apps and websites without signing long-term contracts

London, UK, Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pixalate, the global market-leading ad fraud protection, privacy, and compliance analytics platform, today announced general availability of its self-service Ad Fraud Prevention API. With no annual commitments or upfront costs, developers and publishers of all sizes can access Pixalate’s reliable and low-latency solution to easily scale and grow.

Pixalate APIs are powered by the company’s MRC-accredited Analytics platform. Accreditation areas include sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) detection & filtration for both display and video across Connected TV (CTV), mobile app, mobile web, and desktop.

Access to MRC-accredited ad fraud prevention tools has historically been limited to large, enterprise sized publishers & developers. Pixalate’s self-service API gives smaller developers an upper hand to scale their platforms by protecting existing ad revenue streams and fortifying the integrity of their advertising inventory against bad actors.

Using most globally-accepted credit cards, customers can sign up in minutes, choose the plan that’s right for them, and immediately incorporate Pixalate’s ad fraud prevention insights into their apps. Subscriptions start at $99 a month and give developers the freedom to adjust based on usage. When a customer exceeds a plan’s usage quota, consumption-based pricing kicks in without any interruption to the service.

Key Benefits Include: 

  • Reduce clawbacks. Protects publishers & developers’ revenue by taking steps to improve ad traffic quality.
  • Align with major exchanges. Enable developers to use the same ad fraud technology as major exchanges.
  • Combat ad fraud. Prevents 40+ types of invalid traffic (IVT) & fraud vectors that harm app traffic quality.
  • Prevent getting blocklisted. Bake fraud prevention into apps from the ground up.
  • Billing Dashboard. View real-time API usage and charges on the billing dashboard.
  • Ease of Integration. With just a few clicks, any developer can sign up with a freemium plan and begin integrating the APIs with a few lines of code.

API Input Parameters:

  • IP address: Analyzes an IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6) to check for any associated risks.
  • Device Identifier: Examines the device identifier to detect any abnormalities or signs of fraudulent activity.
  • User Agent: Evaluates the user agent data to identify potentially malicious software or bots.

API Output Parameters:

  • Fraud Risk Assessment: Subscribers can request a risk score from Pixalate’s servers to gauge the likelihood of an IP, Device ID, or User Agent being compromised or engaged in malicious activity.

Platforms Supported

  • Websites
  • Mobile (iOS, Android)
  • Connected TV (Roku, Fire TV, Samsung, LG, tvOS and more)


  • iOS
  • Android

To learn more about the Ad Trust & Safety API suite, visit https://developer.pixalate.com.

About Pixalate
Pixalate is the market-leading fraud protection, privacy, and compliance analytics platform for Connected TV (CTV) and Mobile Advertising. We work 24/7 to guard your reputation and grow your media value. Pixalate offers the only system of coordinated solutions across display, app, video, and CTV for better detection and elimination of ad fraud. Pixalate is an MRC-accredited service for the detection and filtration of sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) across desktop and mobile web, mobile in-app, and CTV advertising.

Media Contact: press@pixalate.com


As used herein, and per the Media Rating Council, Inc. (MRC), “‘Fraud’ is not intended to represent fraud as defined in various laws, statutes and ordinances or as conventionally used in U.S. Court or other legal proceedings, but rather a custom definition strictly for advertising measurement purposes;” and “‘Invalid Traffic’ is defined generally as traffic that does not meet certain ad serving quality or completeness criteria, or otherwise does not represent legitimate ad traffic that should be included in measurement counts. Among the reasons why ad traffic may be deemed invalid is it is a result of non-human traffic (spiders, bots, etc.), or activity designed to produce fraudulent traffic.”

Pixalate Inc.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8968701

SDAIA President to Review AI Effective Role During UK-hosted AI Safety Summit

London, President of the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) Dr. Abdullah bin Sharaf Al-Ghamdi is scheduled to participate in the AI Safety Summit, which the UK will organize in Bletchley Park, northwest of London, between November 1 and 2.

During his participation, Al-Ghamdi, on the first day of the summit through two-panel discussions, will address several pillars in which he demonstrates the importance of AI as an advanced modern technology that has made a significant impact on our contemporary lives at the level of individuals, institutions, and governments and the aspirations and plans of the world’s countries regarding AI systems and values.

The first session is titled: “Risks from Unpredictable Advances in Frontier AI Capability” and will discuss the risks from unpredictable ‘leaps’ in frontier AI capability as models are rapidly scaled, emerging forecasting methods, and implications for future AI development, including open-source. The second session, titled: “What Should the Scientific Community Do in Relation to the Risk and Opportunities of AI?” will include a multidisciplinary discussion of the current state of technical solutions for frontier AI safety, the most urgent research areas, and where promising solutions are emerging.

On the second day of the summit, the SDAIA president will review the effective role of data and AI in daily use and their roles in health fields and solutions to climate change challenges. The president will participate in two sessions during the second day, as well as participate in two discussion panels on exchanging global opportunities for AI.

On the summit’s sidelines, Al-Ghamdi is planned to meet with UK Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology Michelle Donelan and several CEOs of top companies specialized in AI technologies to discuss ways to enhance cooperation.

The summit aims to create a common understanding of the risks posed by AI technologies and the need for action and to review potential areas of cooperation in AI safety research.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission to Hold International Translation Forum on Friday

Riyadh, The Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission will hold the International Translation Forum 2023 on Friday under the theme “Fostering Cross-Cultural Exchange”, to highlight global cultural communication through the exchange of cultural content, shed light on the importance of the translation profession and its constructive role in connecting cultures and civilizations.

The two-day event, in its third edition, will be held at King Saud University and will feature 10 panel sessions that will focus on the most important issues in the field of translation, and nine workshops that aim at refining practitioners’ skills and developing their abilities. It will also give the attendees the opportunity to meet with local and international translation experts participating in the forum, by holding the “Talk with Experts” event.

The forum will also provide an opportunity to experience editorial translation, interpretation and audiovisual translation, under the supervision of experts in this field, and will be accompanied by an exhibition to promote the most important local and international institutions specialized in translation.

By holding this forum, the commission aims to highlight the realities and future of the translation profession, develop the translation sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, create a competitive environment, enhance communication within the community of translators, and raise awareness about the importance of translation in achieving social, cultural and linguistic communication among different peoples and communities.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Foreign Minister Holds Talks over Phone with Russian Counterpart

Riyadh, Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah today held talks over the phone with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, with whom he discussed the latest developments in Gaza and the role the international community plays to establish an immediate ceasefire, protect civilians, and find a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue in a way that achieves the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

The Saudi minister expressed appreciation for Russia’s vote in favour of the UN resolution, adopted on October 27, 2023, which demanded an immediate humanitarian truce in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Albudaiwi: GCC Housing Committee Ministers Contribute to Raising Level of Cooperation, Coordination, Integration in Housing Field

Muscat, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jassem Mohamed Albudaiwi stressed that the council committee of ministers concerned with housing affairs significantly contributes to raising the level of cooperation, coordination and integration in the housing field in the GCC countries, according to a press release issued by the CGG General Secretariat.

This release was issued on the occasion of the 21st meeting of the committee, held today in Muscat, Oman. The meeting was chaired by Minister of Housing and Urban Planning of the Sultanate of Oman and Chairman of the current session Dr. Khalfan bin Saeed Al Shuaili, and attended by ministers concerned with housing affairs in the GCC countries.

The meeting agenda tackled various crucial topics that aim to strengthen the efforts towards joint Gulf housing action.

Albudaiwi expressed gratitude and appreciation for the great efforts made by the senior Housing Committee members to prepare for the meeting, the release said.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

1st Film Criticism Conference to be Held in Riyadh on November 7-14

Riyadh, The Saudi Film Commission will hold the first Film Criticism Conference in Riyadh, on November 7-12, aiming to introduce film criticism to a wider audience and to gather critics and cinephiles to exchange views on the issue, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Culture.

The conference is expected to explore cinema from its broader perspectives and concepts under the title “Beyond the Frame”. It is the culmination of the Film Commission’s effort to create a cultural exchange platform for critics, academics and cinephiles, to enable them to see film criticism from different points of view.

Film Commission CEO Eng. Abdullah Al Eyaf, said: “Through this year’s Film Criticism Conference and Forum Series, the commission aims to stimulate the criticism movement to complement the rapid growth in the production, exhibition and distribution of Saudi, Arab, and international films in the Kingdom.”

He added: “The film industry’s growth across all its segments contributes to realizing the goals of the National Cultural Strategy, boosts Saudi culture and enhances its presence at international platforms and global events.”

Al Eyaf commended the continuous support from and keen interest of the leaders of the cultural ecosystem, represented by Minister of Culture Prince Bader bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud, who follow the wise leadership’s vision of enhancing the Kingdom’s cultural presence across all fields.

According to the release, several discussions are slated to be held at the conference, including a talk by director Yousry Nasrallah on “the relation between filmmaking and film criticism”. The conference also features live on-stage dialogues between figures in the fields of film criticism and filmmaking, including Brazilian director Kleber Mendonça Filho.

Professor of English literature Dr. Saad al-Bazai will make a presentation on the critical approach between cinema and storytelling. Indian film critic Shubhra Gupta will present a professional course on film criticism as a career.

An art exhibition that offers interactive experiences and workshops will be held during the conference, and various international films will be screened during the event.

The agenda of the conference includes a review of the fundamentals of film criticism and the various experiences that enable critics to observe what is not captured by cameras while recognizing what is symbolized in cinema by implicit connotations and artistic references.

Ten films, chosen for artistic and cinematic analysis based on their rich content, will be discussed by directors from various countries. The conference also includes activities, art exhibitions, dedicated panel discussions and workshops, providing a comprehensive understanding of different manifestations of arts and culture in cinema and determining their role in the big picture drawn by the film.

The event is held in collaboration with the Diplomatic Quarter of The Royal Commission for Riyadh City and a media partnership with Sollywood, the leading news platform for cinema.

Source: Saudi Press Agency