Ministries of Awqaf, Sports and Youth, Launch Outstanding Young Researcher Award

Doha: The Ministry of Endowments (Awqaf) and Islamic Affairs together with the Ministry of Sports and Youth launched the outstanding young researcher award, in an implementation of the Qatar National Youth Policy.

Dedicated to researchers and scholars with the aim of encouraging the youth to engage in research across all disciplines, the Award is granted biennially, and focuses on research on pressing social issues.

The inaugural edition will address the theme of delayed marriage and its impact on Qatari youth.

The launch of the award was announced in a press conference attended by representatives from both ministries.

HE Director of the Department of Research and Islamic Studies at the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Sheikh Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Ghanem Al-Thani pointed out that the research topic’s axes were set to be: the importance of marriage for the individual and society, Islamic teachings that promote early marriage, figures on the average age for marriage, determining the factors behind
late marriage, in addition to the impact of late marriage on the youth, the family, society, and child-upbringing.

Moreover, they also include the role of early marriage on the family’s stability, the role of intellectuals, civil society, the government, and the media in promoting early marriage, along with finding solutions to the factors delaying marriage.

HE Sheikh Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Ghanem Al-Thani said that applicants must be Qatar-residents and aged betwee (20-35 years), while their research projects must include all axes indicated, in addition to meeting all application requirements including attaching a copy of their ID card and CV with their application.

Moreover, the research project must have been specifically prepared for the award, meet research standards, be written in Arabic (with an English summary), and range from 100 to 150 pages in length, in an A4 page format, typed in Traditional Arabic font, size 16 for the body, font size 12 for footnotes. Moreover, they must be submitted in
PDF and Word formats via email or delivered to the Department of Research and Islamic Studies premises.

Research projects could be conducted by two or more individuals, however, winners of previous editions cannot participate unless four years have passed since they have won last. Furthermore, financial awards could be confiscated in the event of a research project found to be in violation of standards, in addition to the need for applicants to address all of the evaluators’ feedback.

Director of planning, quality, and innovation at the Ministry of Sports and Youth Maha Al Romaihi expressed delight at launching this award being a fruit of the Qatar’s National Youth Policy. She noted that upcoming programs and projects will be announced, to be held in collaboration with all Qatar National Youth Policy partners.

Al Romaihi said that this collaboration with the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs aims to strengthen community partnerships with state institutions and to highlight the Ministry’s eagerness to p
romote innovation in social sciences, by supporting the youth’s research projects on finding practical solutions to issues facing society and the youth more particularly.

Funded by the Ministry of Sports and Youth, the award’s total value exceeds QR 200,000, to be distributed among the top three winners: The 1st-place winner will receive QR 100,000, the 2nd-place QR 75,000, and the 3rd-place winner QR 50,000.

The application deadline is July 5, 2025, corresponding to Muharram 10, 1447 AH.

Source: Qatar News Agency