Ministries of Human Resources and Municipal Affairs Announce Implementation of Localizing Engineering Professions

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, in partnership with the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing, announced the commencement to localize engineering professions by 25% as of July 21, 2024, in which localization rates will be applied to private sector establishments with five or more engineering professionals.

This decision comes as part of the two ministries’ endeavours to provide more stimulating and productive job opportunities for male and female citizens in various regions of the Kingdom.

The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing indicated that it would work to follow up and implement this decision, which raises the level of participation in the labour market and the specialization of engineering professions.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development issued a procedural manual clarifying the details of localization, professions and required ratios on the ministry’s website. It also stresses the need for establishments to adhere to and comply
with implementing provisions to avoid the statutory penalties that will be applied against violators.

Source: Saudi Press Agency