‫شركة “زيمو للأبحاث” تحصل على علامة CE لأطقم ™SafeCollect الجديدة لجمع العينات في المنازل

أجهزة الجمع الذاتي مصممة لسهولة الاستخدام والأمان

إرفاين، كاليفورنيا، 1 سبتمبر 2021 — /PRNewswire/ أعلنت اليوم شركة زيمو للأبحاث (Zymo Research) أن خطها الجديد من أطقم جمع العينات في المنازل قد حصل على علامة CE للبيع في الاتحاد الأوروبي (EU).  وقد تم تصميم أطقم جمع العينات ™SafeCollect مع مراعاة أقصى درجات السلامة للمستهلكين للجمع الذاتي الغير خاضع للإشراف.  وحاليًا، تتوفر تقنية ™SafeCollect بصِيَغ كلاً من المسحة البلعومية الأنفية و اللعاب.

Zymo Research’s SafeCollect™ At-Home Sample Collection Kits provide a new solution for at-home test providers that ensures safety for consumers.

أدى العدد المتزايد لشركات التكنولوجيا ومواقع اختبارات كوفيد-19 التي تتطلب من المستهلكين جمع عيناتهم الخاصة إلى التدقيق في نشر أجهزة جمع العينات التقليدية.  ومن أجل تلبية هذه الحاجة، قام العلماء والمهندسون في زيمو للأبحاث بتطوير ™SafeCollect، وهو جهاز مصمم خصيصًا لجمع العينات في المنازل، والذي يُوفِّر سلامة المستخدم وسهولة الاستخدام من أجل أخذ العينات بشكل متسق.  يتميز أنبوب أطقم جمع العينات ™SafeCollect الحاصل على براءة اختراع بختم أمان يمنع الانسكاب العَرَضي، و/أو التلامس العَرَضي، و/أو الابتلاع العَرَضي لوسيط تثبيت العينة.

وتحتوي أجهزة ™SafeCollect على حل التثبيت الخاص بالشركة والذي يُدعى دروع DNA/RNA Shield™ والذي يحافظ على الحمض النووي والحمض النووي الريبوزي في درجة حرارة الغرفة لمدة 30 يومًا على الأقل.  هذا الحفظ ليس اقتصاديًا فحسب، ولكنه ضروري أيضًا عند شحن العينات حيث لا يتوفر الثلج الجاف الباهظ وطرق الشحن البارد باهظة الثمن الأخرى، أو عندما لا يُسمح بها.  وقد كان ™DNA/RNA Shield أول وسيط نقل حصل على تصريح 510 (k) لجمع وحفظ وتعطيل فيروس سارس-كوف-2، مما يُوفِّر طبقة إضافية من الحماية لأولئك الذين يتعاملون مباشرة مع العينات، بما في ذلك الناقلون وموظفو المختبرات.

Zymo Research Corp. Logo قال الدكتور ستانيسلاف فورمان من زيمو للأبحاث، “إن الاختبار في المنازل والجمع الذاتي للعينات البيولوجية لم يعد مقصورًا للاختبارات الجينية للمستهلكين المتخصصين فحسب، لكنهما سيكونان ضروريين من أجل تسهيل جهود الفحص والمراقبة الواسعة القائمة على المعلومات، فضلاً عن كونهما جانبًا حاسمًا في سوق الرعاية الصحية عن بُعد الناشئ”.  “وقد تم تطوير أطقم جمع العينات ™SafeCollect من أجل المساعدة في تلبية هذا الطلب دون المساس براحة العميل أو سلامته، مع الحفاظ أيضًا على سلامة العينات المجمَّعة من أجل تحليل قوي. لقد أردنا إنشاء معيارًا قياسيًا جديدًا في جمع العينات باستخدام خط إنتاج ™SafeCollect“.

يقوم صانعو المعدات الأصلية لـ زيمو للأبحاث بتصنيع أجهزة ™SafeCollect لحساب جهات خارجية، كما يقومون بتقديم تعبئة وملصقات وتجهيز/تغليف مخصصين.  لمزيد من المعلومات حول أطقم جمع العينات في المنازل ™SafeCollect من زيمو للأبحاث، قم بزيارة موقع الويب الخاص بهم.

حول شركة زيمو للأبحاث

زيمو للأبحاث هي شركة مملوكة للقطاع الخاص تَخدِم المجتمع العلمي والتشخيصي بأحدث أدوات البيولوجيا الجزيئية منذ عام 1994.  وتنعكس رؤية الشركة “جمال العِلم هو جعل الأشياء بسيطة” في جميع منتجاتها، من عِلم الجينوم إلى تقنيات تنقية الحمض النووي/الحمض النووي الريبوزي.  كما تُعرَف زيمو للأبحاث تاريخيًا بأنها الرائدة في عِلم ما فوق الجينوم، وهي تقوم بكسر الحدود بحلول جديدة لجَمع العينات، والقياسات الميكروبيولوجية، وأجهزة التشخيص، وتقنيات التسلسل من الجيل القادم (NGS) عالية الجودة وسهلة الاستخدام.  تابع زيمو للأبحاث على فيسبوك ولينكد إن وتويتر وإنستغرام.

الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1605591/Zymo_Research_SafeCollect.jpg

الشعار – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/364743/Zymo_Research_Corp_Logo.jpg


IKO Acquires Ross Roof Group

TORONTO, Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — IKO, a North American pioneer in the manufacture of residential and commercial roofing products, announced today that it has acquired New Zealand based Ross Roof Group (RRG).

RRG is a manufacturer and exporter of stone coated metal roof tiles that has operated as a family owned enterprise for nearly 80 years.  RRG will join IKO’s global operations under the RoofTile Group (RTG) banner as part of the company’s expanding footprint in the metal roofing industry.

“Ross Roof Group and its employees share many common traits with our own global operations, from family ownership and values to its long history of industry leading quality products,” notes Hartley Koschitzky, Co-Chairman of IKO. “We look forward to having the RRG team joining our operations, and continuing to serve their customers with the goods and services they have come to expect from such a respected brand.”

About IKO
IKO is a world-wide leader in the roofing, waterproofing and insulation industry for residential and commercial markets.  A vertically integrated company, IKO operates more than 35 manufacturing plants throughout North America, Europe and the Pacific.  IKO is a family owned business established in 1951.

Copyright ©2021 IKO. All rights reserved.  For media or industry analyst support, please visit our website at http://www.iko.com . Follow us on:

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Contact: Derek Fee, Manager – Corporate Communications, 300-1 Yorkdale Road, TORONTO, ON M6A 3A1, 1-416-780-5898, Email: derek.fee@iko.com

True Global Ventures 4 Plus, World’s First Truly Global Blockchain Equity Fund, Oversubscribed Surpassing $100M Target

 Venture fund invests in serial entrepreneur late-stage equity blockchain companies

SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 1 September 2021 – True Global Ventures (TGV) announced its recently closed True Global Ventures 4 Plus (TGV 4 Plus) Fund, the world’s first truly global blockchain equity fund was oversubscribed—surpassing its US$100 million target. The fund is dedicated to blockchain companies, primarily in late-stage Series B and C across four verticals: Entertainment, infrastructure, financial services, data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI).True Global

The TGV 4 Plus fund has invested in five companies to date: Animoca Brands, unicorn global market leader in “Play-to-Earn” blockchain gaming and non-fungible tokens (NFTs); Forge Global, global market leader in secondary private markets; The Sandbox, global market leader in gaming metaverse; Canada Computational Unlimited, Bitcoin mining company with 100% renewable energy and QuantumRock, AI asset management market leader. Under TGV 4 Plus, these portfolio companies have seen material value creation and commercial traction in the past months.

Kushal Shah, Co-founder, Dubai Angel Investors, Head of Digital, Roland Berger, and TGV 4 Plus Limited Partner (LP) says: “TGV invests not only money but also effort and introductions to grow their portfolio companies. Their partners are serial value creators with their partnership approach.”

Financial institutions are a key growth driver as they look to deploy blockchain applications in NFTs, enterprise blockchain solutions, digital identities, digital currencies, and decentralized finance (DeFi). Increased commercial adoption of distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) such as blockchain will accelerate the mainstream adoption of digital currencies.

With the growing recognition of blockchain equity as an asset class, TGV plans for more equity funding rounds, following the TGV 4 Plus Fund launch.

TGV 4 Plus’ 40 partners contributed 27% of the fund, together with entrepreneurs, business angels, family offices and institutional investors, many with co-investment rights in future equity rounds. The partners help portfolio companies with commercial relationships, investment promotions, introductions to VCs, loans, and private equity firms for refinancing, and company acquisitions and exits.

“Being a TGV 4 plus partner allows me to keep up-to-date with technology in different industries that may be relevant to banks in future,” said Olivier Crespin, TGV UAE LP.

Pearce Clune, TGV LP & tech investor, said: “I’m impressed by the unique deal sourcing and selection process that TGV employs. By combining leading business ideas with a highly qualified management team, I believe this offers opportunities for accelerated returns.”

Valerie Hawley, TGV Middle East General Partner and Director, La Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI), believes that now is an exciting time for blockchain in the Middle East with the growing gaming sector and development of Smart Government. With the UAE government’s aim to become a global hub for technology and start-ups, TGV hopes to work with the growing number of regional start-ups.

The 57th True Global Ventures Conference: Bridge between Nordics and North America will be held on September 16, 2021. Visit www.tgv4plus.com for more information.

About True Global Ventures

True Global Ventures (TGV) is a global Venture Capital firm built by a group of serial entrepreneurs with a solid track record of investing their own money together with Limited Partners into early and late-stage ventures run by serial entrepreneurs. Portfolio companies leverage technology, data, AI and blockchain as a competitive advantage to drive change with proven products. TGV is present in 20 cities: Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Moscow, Stockholm, Paris, Warsaw, New York, San Francisco, and Vancouver, among others. Visit us at www.tgv4plus.com, and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media contact: info@trueglobalventures.com

Doo Group Offers Scholarship Opportunities At King’s College London

LONDON, Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Doo Group has collaborated with King’s College London to offer a scholarship that will address and relieve students’ hardships as they pursue a rounded educational experience.

The Doo Group has collaborated with King's College London to offer a scholarship to provide financial support and assistance to students with financial difficulties.

Through the Doo Bursary that was established in 2021, Doo Group seeks to provide financial support and assistance to students with financial difficulties that might otherwise prevent them from furthering their education.

In essence, the scholarship facilitates the education journey of 10 eligible aspiring students to fulfil their educational dream at King’s in all aspects of skill sets and industry.

It is open to students who wish to enroll in a first degree for three years in the university, commencing from the academic session of 2021/2022 to 2024/2025.

To apply, applicants must meet the eligibility and criteria of the institution. A total of £10,000 will be awarded per year for three years to facilitate their tuition fees. Prospective students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

For more information on the scholarship and to apply, please visit https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/fees-and-funding/student-funding/scholarships-and-bursaries/2021-22/doo-bursary-2021.

King’s College London is a highly renowned institution that is ranked in the top 10 universities in the United Kingdom for its academic prestige.

Doo Group Gives Back To Community

Doo Group is beyond excited to be able to allow eligible students to follow their dreams, and connect to limitless opportunities. This corresponds with Doo Group’s corporate social responsibility program in giving back to the community.

While developing our global business portfolio, we understand that business profits should not be the only goal of a company; it is equally important to live up to corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Since the establishment of Doo Group in 2014, we have been actively coordinating resources from all parties to contribute to the public through various means.

After years of development, the Doo Group has become a large fintech-motivated financial service group, comprised of affiliates including Doo Clearing, Doo Financial, Doo Prime, and Doo Tech.

Doo Group is committed in serving individuals and institutional customers around the world with innovative trading brokerage services for securities, futures, Contract For Differences (CFDs), and other financial products.


Doo Group
+852 6701 2091

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1606504/DooGroup.jpg

Young Leaders from Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia Selected for Inaugural USA Pavilion @ EXPO 2020 Fellows Program

Sponsored by PepsiCo, The PepsiCo Foundation, the USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, Observer Research Foundation America, and Observer Research Foundation, the program will empower a new network of young leaders driving global change

DUBAI, UAE, Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — PepsiCo and its philanthropic arm, The PepsiCo Foundation, alongside the USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, are proud to announce the launch of the USA Pavilion @ EXPO 2020 Fellows Program. The Fellows Program is focused on empowering and educating young global leaders tackling the world’s most pressing socioeconomic issues by helping them hone their leadership and problem-solving skills.

Funded by a $500,000 (1,836,600 AED) grant from The PepsiCo Foundation, the seven month-long program is hosted by the USA Pavilion @ Expo 2020 and brings together 40 young leaders from 20 countries across the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia (MENASA). Focused on global issues explored at Expo 2020 Dubai – including trade, sustainability, and future cities – the program aims to foster dialogue across the MENASA region, spur debate, and ultimately enable the Fellows to build communities and solutions that will respond to the contemporary challenges that confront us all.

Participants are leaders who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of those around them. They were nominated by U.S. diplomatic missions from participating countries and selected through a competitive application process run by the Observer Research Foundation America (ORF America), and Observer Research Foundation (ORF).

Eugene Willemsen, CEO of PepsiCo, Africa, Middle East, and South Asia, noted, “At PepsiCo, we are committed to raising the bar on talent and diversity. We want to inspire the next generation of leaders to help address issues of global importance and create a better future for us all. The Fellows Program will serve as a launching pad for exchanging and inspiring new perspectives and enable the next generation of leaders to achieve their full potential, enter today’s workforce and be successful.”

The four-phase program commences with virtual orientation sessions led by pavilion leaders that will introduce Fellows and lay the building blocks for their global network. Following virtual sessions, Fellows will be flown to Expo 2020 Dubai where they will meet with pavilion leaders, participate in panel discussions, and network across Expo. At Expo 2020, Fellows will also participate in hands-on instructional sessions that mirror a dynamic classroom style, and includes the development of a group project that Fellows will work on throughout the duration of the program.  For those unable to travel due to the ongoing pandemic, a virtual program has been developed to ensure they receive the same benefits as others.

Following their visit to Dubai, Fellows will return home and participate in a digital bootcamp led by AstroLabs, a company committed to building capabilities and upskilling individuals across the region. Designed as a virtual bridge between in-person segments, this phase will focus on mentoring the Fellows as they complete their individual and group projects. The program culminates in a fourth phase consisting of five days of in-person development at Expo 2020 Dubai, including the presentation of group projects. It is expected that more than 2,000 people will benefit from the work carried out in this program.

“The potential of these regional leaders knows no bounds, and with this program we will build an expansive network that will empower these young people and give them the tools and resources they need to advance their existing work,” said C.D. Glin, Vice President, The PepsiCo Foundation and Global Head of Philanthropy, PepsiCo. “Already, these leaders have proven to be catalysts of change in their home countries, and with the Expo 2020 Fellows Program, we will ensure that this incredible work can be further amplified in a way that will touch the lives of thousands. We are proud to be a founding member of this program and believe that it will serve as a global model moving forward.”

Upon completion of the program, participants will become part of the U.S. Department of State  exchange program alumni network. This community will allow the Fellows to engage with others who can provide guidance as they explore ways to be agents of change in their communities. Through their involvement in this distinguished program, Fellows will be integrated into larger ORF communities, including the Raisina Young Fellows Programme, also known as the Asian Forum on Global Governance, and have the opportunity to build multiple communities in and outside of the MENASA region.

Deputy Commissioner General for the USA Pavilion, Matthew K. Asada, emphasized the opportunity for leadership development and entrepreneurial growth across the region saying, “The USA PAVILION @ EXPO 2020 FELLOWS PROGRAM offers a unique environment for young leaders from the Middle East and South Asia for skill development.  Expo 2020 Dubai is the first world’s fair in the region, and we’re excited to build on the global gathering’s location as a connecting point for countries to highlight their best and brightest people, innovations, and ways of living.  The USA Pavilion is proud to host this first exchange program of its kind as we tell our story of ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of the Future.’”

ORF America Executive Director, Dhruva Jaishankar expressed, “ORF America is proud to be involved in this exciting new initiative in its first year of operation.  The Fellows Program will help foster a dynamic network of young professionals from across a pivotal region of the world, thereby helping the understanding and appreciation of sustainability, globalization, entrepreneurship, and innovation in a world changed by COVID.”

About PepsiCo
PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world.  PepsiCo generated more than $70 billion in net revenue in 2020, driven by a complementary food and beverage portfolio that includes Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Quaker, and Tropicana. PepsiCo’s product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including 23 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales.

Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Convenient Foods and Beverages by Winning with Purpose.  “Winning with Purpose” reflects our ambition to win sustainably in the marketplace and embed purpose into all aspects of our business strategy and brands.  For more information, visit www.pepsico.com

About The PepsiCo Foundation
Established in 1962, The PepsiCo Foundation, the philanthropic arm of PepsiCo, invests in the essential elements of a sustainable food system with a mission to support thriving communities. Working with non-profits and experts around the globe, we’re focused on helping communities obtain access to food security, safe water and economic opportunity. We strive for tangible impact in the places where we live and work—collaborating with industry peers, local and international organizations, and our employees to affect large-scale change on the issues that matter to us and are of global importance. Learn more at www.pepsico.com/sustainability/philanthropy.

About the USA Pavilion
The USA Pavilion at Expo 2020 will celebrate the theme, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of the Future.” Exhibits will showcase the freedoms and opportunities that built a dynamic and open society, paving the way for American innovation and prosperity.  Expo 2020 Dubai is scheduled to run from October 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022.  For more information, please visit www.usapavilion.org.

About ORF America
ORF America was established in 2020 as an independent, non-partisan public policy institute based in Washington DC.  It is an overseas affiliate of the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), India’s premier non-government think tank.  Its objectives are to provide impactful research and commentary on issues of global relevance; strengthen cooperation between the developed and developing worlds; bridge diverse policy communities; and develop policy networks based on shared values.  For more information, please visit www.orfamerica.org

About ORF
Based in New Delhi, the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) is one of Asia’s most influential think tanks driving policy discussions across India, Asia, and now globally.  ORF seeks to lead and aid policy thinking towards building a strong and prosperous India in a fair and equitable world.  For more information, please visit www.orfonline.org

About Expo 2020 Dubai
From 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022, Expo 2020 Dubai will welcome visitors from every corner of the globe to join the making of a new world, as it brings together the planet in one place to reimagine tomorrow.

  • With the purpose of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future,’ Expo 2020 will be the world’s most impactful global incubator for new ideas, catalyzing an exchange of new perspectives and inspiring action to deliver real-life solutions to real-world challenges
  • Expo 2020 will provide a visually striking and emotionally inspiring 182 days, as more than 200 participants – including nations, multilateral organizations, businesses, and educational institutions, as well as millions of visitors – create the largest and most diverse World Expo ever
  • Expo 2020’s sub-themes of Opportunity, Mobility, and Sustainability will inspire visitors to preserve and protect our planet, explore new frontiers and build a better future for everyone
  • Expo is committed to building a more equitable and just world for everyone, while keeping visitors safe by following the latest guidance of the world’s leading medical, science, and health experts
  • Expo 2020 is the first World Expo to take place in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia (MEASA) region, located on a 4.38 sqkm site adjacent to Al Maktoum International Airport in Dubai South
  • Built with a meaningful and measurable long-term legacy in mind, the Expo site will transform into District 2020 – a model global community that will rethink the cities of the future – after Expo 2020 closes its doors
  • Visit: www.expo2020dubai.com

About AstroLabs

Established in 2013, AstroLabs is dedicated to driving digital growth in companies and people. Offerings include classes in digital and tech through AstroLabs Academy, custom-designed startup programs for large corporates and governments, and collaborative coworking communities in Dubai and Riyadh. AstroLabs also seeks to spur growth by helping organizations rapidly recruit superstars for their digital teams through AstroLabs Talent, and expand into the UAE and KSA through local company setup and soft-landing offices.

Joy Spreader Boosts Sales for Multiple E-commerce Platforms in Response to Trend Towards Cross-platform Business Integration

BEIJING, Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Joy Spreader Group Inc. (HKG:6988, “the Group”, “Joy Spreader”), a leading marketing technology company, achieved HK$647 million (approx. US$82.8 million) in gross merchandise value (GMV) of products from multiple e-commerce retailers sold via short-form video (SFV) platforms for the first half of 2021, representing a YoY rise of 264.08 per cent.

As of June 30, 2021, the number of covered marketing points included in the Group’s marketing ecosystem had reached 1,561,601, up 208.65 per cent from 505,945 a year prior. The merchants had presences on several of China’s new online platforms including Douyin, WeChat Official Accounts and WeChat Video Channels.

In China, the platform-driven economy has been challenged a ferocious and unprecedented new level of competition. Earlier this year, China’s State Administration for Market Regulation issued an Administrative Guidance, highlighting the need for internet-based platforms to further share their resources, including data, payment channels and applications, also to fully respect shoppers’ choices, and promote cross-platform interconnection and interoperability while being prohibited from rejecting transactions without suitable justification. In the long run, it will become necessary for the platforms to strengthen business integration and break down the artificial barriers in order to collectively create an open and transparent digital environment.

Given this inevitable trend, internet-based platforms will, in their roles as third-party service providers, become venues for new business opportunities as they enter into cross-platform collaborations, aiming to create an open ecosystem to replace the current closed one. This will open up unprecedented opportunities to providers of cross-platform ecosystem services like Joy Spreader.

Joy Spreader serves a variety of new mobile online platforms with its cutting-edge competence in marketing technologies and platform-oriented professional services. The Group has facilitated the sales of various interactive entertainment products on several new media platforms, using methodologies that go beyond the traditional mode for the marketing of products via e-commerce retailers. During the first half of 2021, Joy Spreader posted HK$1.769 billion (approx. US$226.4 million) in sales of interactive entertainment products, up 123.38 per cent on a year-on-year basis.

With the emergence of the trend towards cross-platform business integration, Joy Spreader plans to enhance capabilities in providing services across platforms by helping them build the necessary ecosystem.

For more information about Joy Spreader Group Inc., please visit here.

Seegene Receives CE-IVD Mark for Use of Combo Swab, a Self-Collection Device with Four COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests

SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostics company, announced on August 20 that it has obtained CE marking for the use of Combo Swab, a self-collection device with four diagnostic assays.


Combo Swab is a user-friendly swab designed for efficient specimen collection at scale in which patients can easily collect specimen from their nasal and oral cavity under the supervision of a healthcare professional. With the CE-IVD mark, the Combo Swab can be now used with Seegene’s four COVID-19 diagnostic assays including ‘Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Assay,’ ‘Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay,’ ‘Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2 Variants I Assay’ and ‘Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2/FluA/FluB/RSV Assay.’ Seegene’s multiplex assays have been widely acknowledged across the world with its capability to detect multiple targets in a single channel. The availability of Combo Swab with the company’s diagnostic assays is expected to dramatically improve testing efficiency by facilitating continued testing for a large group of people in much reduced time.

The Combo Swab offers multiple benefits while reducing various inconveniences that nasopharyngeal swabs have. In comparison to the nasopharyngeal swab that needs to insert deeply patient’s nasopharynx until resistance is encountered, individuals can collect their own specimen by simply swabbing their mouth and nose without causing any discomfort. Due to its simplicity, it does not require healthcare professionals to take care of each patient, which in turn, allows efficient testing for a large group of people. While Combo Swabs can drastically improve the testing environment for mass testing, it also reduces the risk of accidental exposure to the virus for clinicians as they can maintain distance during the testing procedure. In July 2020, the company had applied for a patent on technology that detects SARS-CoV-2 virus through specimens collected from mouth and nose. Seegene said this new testing option will not only expand access to COVID-19 testing, but also minimize the workload for healthcare workers, resolving clinician shortage issues in many countries around the world.

Clinical data shows Combo Swabs have accuracy of over 96%, the same accuracy as the results from nasopharyngeal swabs. Countries like the US, UK, and Singapore have already adopted self-collecting devices such as oral and nasal swabs to scale up testing. Most self-administered testing, however, obtains samples from one’s mouth or nose, while Seegene’s Combo Swab collects specimens from both mouth and nose, therefore, the results obtained using Combo Swabs show higher accuracy over other self-collecting devices.

“With the rapid spread of the Delta variant, surveillance testing is the key to curb the further spread of COVID-19. Under such circumstances, Combo Swabs will facilitate efficient mass testing with its high accuracy,” said Min-Cheol Lee, Seegene’s Chief Technology Officer. “Seegene owns unique multiplex technologies which obtained over fifty original patents of detecting multiple virus genes in a single test. The combination of Combo Swabs and Seegene’s high multiplex technologies will certainly be the optimized solution to scale up the COVID-19 testing and be an essential tool for societies to reopen,” he added.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1357790/Seegene_logo_Logo.jpg

Joy Spreader Further Consolidates Its Industry Leadership with Strong Interim Results for 2021

BEIJING, Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Joy Spreader Group Inc.(HKG:6988, “the Group”, “Joy Spreader”), a leading marketing technology company, consolidates its leading position in the new mobile media-based performance marketing sector with strong interim results released on Aug. 30. The Group achieved revenue of HK$624 million (approx. US$79.8 million) during the first half of 2021 that ended June 30, 2021, whereby the firm, an increase of 62.37 per cent from the same period of the previous year.

Over the past few years, Joy Spreader has been expanding its footprint in the new mobile media-based performance marketing sector, contributing to the strong growth of the Group’s interim financial results. Gross profit and net profit excluding extraordinary items for the period also grew 105.15 per cent and 102.26 per cent year on year to HK$214 million (approx. US$27.4 million) and HK$137 million (approx. US$17.5 million), respectively.

Joy Spreader’s supply-side platform (SSP) services business was one of the star performers during the period. The business unit provides product selection services powered by data-rich and intelligence-driven profiles of online sales channels to assist sellers in choosing the most appropriate items for monetization in each channel. Joy Spreader has also been able to automate the process of acquiring fixed locations in bulk for product placements across the e-commerce platforms.

As of June 30, 2021, the number of such locations within the Group’s marketing ecosystem had climbed to 1.56 million, up 208.65 per cent from 505,945 in the same period of 2020. Of the locations, 690,000 were active, up 126.32 per cent. Averaged gross merchandise value (GMV) of the products placed during the half-year period also showed a year on year rise of 10.10 per cent to HK$3,504 (approx. US$448.50).

Demand-side platform (DSP) services also performed well. Corporate clients that subscribe to the service have access to detailed descriptions of products in tandem with intelligent forecasting services to help them choose the best locations for the marketing of the products, so they can maximize order inflow and expand their user base by relying on Joy Spreader’s Direct to Customer (DTC) model. During the first half of the year, the line-up of some 1,700 e-commerce and interactive entertainment solutions facilitated a 36.89 per cent year on year growth in the number corporate clients to 308.

Joy Spreader’s Expansion Strategy Pays off in H1 2021

With a focus on the e-commerce products marketing business, Joy Spreader has been marketing products via pre-recorded short-form videos (SFVs) since 2019, becoming one of the first companies in China to have expanded into the video-based marketing sector. The impressive performance of the business was mainly attributable to the company’s first mover advantage and top-notch marketing technologies, as well as a relatively high barrier to entry due to the steep technology requirements for new entrants into the sector.

The interim financial report also showed that Joy Spreader’s line-up of e-commerce products for marketing purposes had grown to 231. During the first half of 2021, GMV of e-commerce products rose to HK$647 million (approx. US$82.8 million), up 264.08 per cent from the same period of 2021. Revenue also increased 285 per cent to HK$129 million (approx. US$16.5 million).

The growth of the e-commerce products marketing business was attributable to the increase in the number of product placement locations made available on the highly popular Douyin platform. As of June 30, 2021, the number of such locations had grown to 657,300, a year on year gain of 720.23 per cent. With the major SFV platforms accelerating their efforts in creating a comprehensive ecosystem, the business is expected to maintain the current pace of rapid growth.

Joy Spreader’s expanded database and enhanced algorithm capacity have laid a sound foundation for the continued enhancement of the firm’s marketing business performance. Research and development expenses increased 712.5 per cent to 29.9 million yuan (approx. US$3.8 million). The company also added to its collection of data models to 169 units with 37.4 per cent increased by the end of June 30.

At the same time, to take advantage of the opportunities in e-commerce markets outside of China, Joy Spreader plans to launch SFV-based e-commerce marketing services overseas. Notably, the company has already established a business system for international markets in a move to expand its e-commerce marketing business through new media platforms with global reach including placements on TikTok.

In addition, Joy Spreader plans to provide tailor-made new media content to corporate customers by continuing to grow the number of locations for product placements as well as create its own IP content in an effort to increase first-party traffic across multiple channels. The aim is to enhance the Group’s profitability by increasing the conversion rate while further reducing traffic acquisition costs.

Given the rapidly growing market for mobile internet technologies and the changing business environment, the SFV-based e-commerce, new mobile media and social entertainment sectors that Joy Spreader has been focused on are anticipated to have promising futures both inside and outside China.

Built on its strong interim results and a forward-looking roadmap, the Group expects to continue expanding into new businesses and new markets while further consolidating its leadership in the industry, laying a solid foundation for the firm’s long-term growth.

For more information about Joy Spreader Group Inc., please visit here.

Joy Spreader Group Inc. Attributes Strong Growth of Its 2021 Interim Results to Three Key Competitive Advantages

BEIJING, Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Joy Spreader Group Inc.(HKG:6988, “the Group”, “Joy Spreader”), a leading marketing technology company listed in Hong Kong, announced its interim results for the first six months ended June 30, 2021. Since the beginning of the year, the Group has demonstrated robust growth across-the-board by continuously strengthening its competitiveness through active expansion into new fields and improved services to existing corporate clients.

Joy Spreader achieved revenue of HK$624 million (approx. US$79.8 million) during the first half of 2021, an increase of 62.37 per cent from the same period of the previous year. Gross profit and net profit excluding foreign exchange losses for the period also grew 105.15 per cent and 102.26 per cent year on year to HK$214 million (approx. US$27.4 million) and HK$137 million (approx. US$17.5 million), respectively.

The strong growth of Joy Spreader’s interim financial results was partly attributable to the Group’s expansion into the performance-based marketing sector. In light of the firm’s role as a Chinese technology leader mainly engaged in the new mobile intelligent performance-based marketing, the impressive results were also driven by the growth of the digital economy, in particular the flourishing short-form video (SFV)-based e-commerce sector.

The SFV-based e-commerce sector is experiencing a boom and is now the fastest growing online market in China. At the same time, overseas e-commerce platforms, with TikTok serving as a prime example, are in the initial stage of monetization and expect to offer huge growth potential thanks to increasing customer expectations. Given this scenario, Joy Spreader has taken advantage of the unprecedented opportunity to expand into e-commerce marketing markets outside of China, in line with what many players in the sector are doing.

Joy Spreader Opts for a Cost-per-sale (CPS) Approach, Choosing it As Its Main Business Model.

During the first half of 2021, CPS-based revenue accounted for 92.71 per cent of the Group’s total. Using this model in tandem with its professional services and competence in technologies, the company has helped corporate clients win new customers and orders by addressing their challenges with Joy Spreader’s Direct to Consumer (DTC) solution. Joy Spreader then negotiates a compensation model with each client based on several performance indicators, with sales being one of the most important.

Joy Spreader has deepened its ongoing efforts to develop performance-based marketing technologies in a move to further optimize its supply-side platform (SSP) and demand-side platform (DSP) services which, when considered together, vastly increase the possibilities for collaborations, with the aim of creating a mobile marketing ecosystem.

Joy Spreader Group Inc. Attributes Strong Growth of Its 2021 Interim Results to Three Key Competitive Advantages.

The SSP services business provides data-rich profiles of online service channels alongside a product recommendation engine to assist sellers in choosing the most suitable merchandise for sale in each channel. As of June 30, 2021, the number of covered marketing points included in the Group’s marketing ecosystem had risen to 1.5616 million, up 208.65 per cent from 505,900 in the same period of 2020. Of the marketing points, 689,500 are active, up 126.32 per cent compared with 304,700 in the same period of the previous year.

As for DSP services, corporate clients that subscribe to the service have access to detailed descriptions of products in tandem with intelligent forecasting services. As of June 30, 2021, the number of corporate clients grew 36.86 per cent year on year to 308 while the line-up of e-commerce and interactive entertainment products expanded to 1,538, up 62.92 percent, with the number of product categories rising 86.29 per cent to 231.

The two fundamental components of Joy Spreader’s group business, SSP and DSP services, are highly complementary, coming together to create a complete organic ecosystem that facilitates mutual growth of product inventories, traffic pools and model performance.

From the perspective of regulatory trends and the evolution of platforms, Joy Spreader is uniquely positioned to provide cross-platform services as an independent third party and, by doing so, responds to the Chinese government’s call for antitrust and business integration across platforms. Given the trend towards internet platform companies strengthening their business integration and breaking down artificial barriers, internet-based platforms will find themselves in a position to provide more business opportunities to partners while strengthening cross-platform collaborations as third-party service providers. By leveraging the opportunities from cross-platform business integration, Joy Spreader expects to leverage its experience to enhance its capabilities in providing services across platforms given the absence of exclusive partnerships with a specific platform, in an effort to better meet the business needs of internet platforms by helping them become part of the bigger ecosystem.

With the new mobile performance-based marketing market showing a continuous increase in demand, Joy Spreader is strengthening its leading advantages to further drive the rapid growth of its results. The firm plans to continue its commitment to providing innovative and premium performance-based marketing services powered by technological innovation.

For more information about Joy Spreader Group Inc., please visit here.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1606480/EN_1.jpg

TCL To Introduce The 2021 Mini LED 8K TVs And New Ambitions

Under the Theme #Transcend Vision, TCL will showcase the AI x IoT lifestyle with its newest technology and impressive multi-category offerings

HONG KONG, Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — TCL Electronics (1070.HK), one of the dominant players in the global TV industry and a leading consumer electronics company is holding a must-see online event to announce the latest editions of Mini LED 8K TVs and introduce EISA Award winners and smart home appliances.

TCL’s dedication to excellence and the best entertainment experience will be in the spotlight to reaffirm the company’s leading position in the premium Mini LED TV market.

“TCL is proud to take a step forward on our Mini LED TV journey with the launch of the 2021 X Series Mini LED 8K TVs. Since 2018, TCL has been dedicated to Mini LED technology, and we began the mass production of the X10, the world’s first Mini LED TV for the global market in 2019. I am looking forward to sharing our latest news about our new X Series Mini LED 8K TVs and how we will Transcend Vision at the event,” said Shaoyong Zhang, CEO of TCL Electronics.

Highlights will include a premium 2021 X Series Mini LED 8K TVs that will disrupt home theatre experience and open up a new world for viewers. TCL will also introduce a full range of award winning TVs and smart home appliances that will reveal the potential of AIxIoT strategy.

Global gaming fans should tune in too, for some amazing news at this event as TCL invites everyone to Transcend Vision.

The details of the launch event are as follows:

Global Product Announcement
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Date: September 8th, 2021
Livestream @ www.tcl.com/tcl-transcend-vision-2021/index.html

*Time and date of Central European Summer Time (UTC+2)

We look forward to ‘seeing’ you online soon.

About TCL Electronics

TCL Electronics (1070.HK) is a fast-growing consumer electronics company and leading player in the global TV industry. Founded in 1981, it now operates in over 160 markets globally. According to OMDIA, TCL ranked global No.2 in TCL brand LCD TV market share in 2020. TCL specializes in the research, development and manufacturing of consumer electronics products ranging from TVs, audio and smart home appliances.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1605370/image_5005564_18866347.jpg