‫(عمرة مي) تختتم مشاركتها في الملتقى الدولي لخدمات البرامج السياحية والفنادق وخدمات المعتمرين بالقاهرة 2022

جدة، المملكة العربية السعودية 20 يناير 2022 : اختتمت (عمرةمي)منصةالسفرالإلكترونيةالرائدةفيتقديمخدماتالعمرةمشاركتها فيالملتقى الدولي لخدمات البرامج السياحية والفنادق وخدمات المعتمرين بالقاهرة (2022م)  الذي أقيم بفندقسميراميسإنتركونتيننتالالقاهرةيومي 4-5 يناير 2022م للتعرفعلىآخرمستجداتموسمالعمرةالجديد، والتعريفبالمنتجاتالجديدةفيالعمرةوالخدماتالتيتقدمهاالشركات، منصاتالسفرالإلكترونيةوالفنادقالسعوديةللمعتمرين.

افتتح الملتقى معالي سفير خادم الحرمين الشريفين الأستاذ أسامة بن أحمد نقلي، وبحضور عدد من كبار الشخصيات والمسئولين والزوار من المملكة العربية السعودية وعدد من المسئولين من داخل وخارج جمهورية مصر العربية ووكلاء وممثلي كبرى شركات الحج والعمرة بجمهورية مصر العربية ونخبة من مسئولي كبرى الفنادق العالمية العاملة بقطاع الحج والعمرة.

وشاركت (منصةعمرةمي ) في المعرض لتحقيق أحد خططها الإستراتيجية التي تهدف لزيادة التوعية للعمل بالحلول التقنية المعاصرة والتي تواكب رؤية المملكة 2030 وذلك من خلال حجز باقات العمرة عبر المنصات الإلكترونية التي تساهم في تذليل العقبات لإثراء رحلات الحج والعمرة.

وهدفت المشاركة في توطيد وتعزيز العلاقات التجارية والاستراتيجية وتبادل الخبرات مع كبرى الشركات في جمهورية مصر العربية التي تعد من أهم الأسواق في العالم العربي والإسلامي، ولمناقشة سبل زيادة أعداد المعتمرين وتقديم أفضل وأرقى الخدمات.

زار جناح شركة (عمرة مي) مجموعة من كبار الشخصيات على رأسهم معالي سفير خادم الحرمين الشريفين الأستاذ أسامة نقلي، وسعادة الأستاذ مروان شعبان نائب رئيس الغرفة التجارية والصناعية بمنطقة مكة المكرمة، وعدد من المسئولين وممثلي الشركات والفنادق.

يظهر في الصورة من اليمين إلى اليسار، السيد مروان حفظي نائب المدير التنفيذي لفندق المدينة أوبروي – معالي سفير خادم الحرمين الشريفين بجمهورية مصر العربية السيد أسامة بن أحمد نقلي – السيد محمد بن محفوظ الشريك المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لعمرة مي – وأخيراً السيد محمد هباش مالك شركة الهباش لخدمات المعتمرين

ونظمت (عمرة مي) جلستين للتعريف بالشركة، منتجاتها وأحدث الخدمات التي تعمل بها عبر منصتها الإلكترونية، كما استعرضت آخر تحديثات إصدار تأشيرات العمرة والإجراءات التي ترعاها وزارة الحج والعمرة لأمن وسلامة الحجاج والمعتمرين.

وشهدت الجلسات حضور كثيف وتفاعل كبير من قبل المشاركين في الملتقى، وتم فتح النقاش وتوجيه الأسئلة لممثلي الشركة وتم التفاعل والتجاوب مع جميع الاقتراحات والتساؤلات وشرح آلية عمليات حجز الحج والعمرة وذلك في أجواء سادها الود والمحبة.

حضر الملتقى الشريك المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة (عمرة مي) الأستاذ محمد بن محفوظ وعدد من أعضاء فريق العمل بالشركة إضافة إلى فريق عمل فرع الشركة بجمهورية مصر العربية، وأجرى بن محفوظ عدد من اللقاءات الصحفية مع كوكبة متميزة من ممثلي الفنادق العالمية العاملة بقطاع الحج والعمرة لمناقشة آخر مستجدات موسم عمرة 1443هـ والتي سوف يتم الاعلان عنها قريباً في المنصة الإعلامية للشركة (مدونةعمرةمي).

وصرح بن محفوظ، إن مشاركة (عمرة مي) في الملتقى تأتي ضمن مجموعة من المشاركات بعدد من المعارض العالمية والجولات التسويقية التي نقوم بها في موسم العمرة هذا العام للتعريف باستراتيجيات الشركة التي تعتبر أحد أكبر وأهم منصات السفر الإلكترونية في العالم، والجهود التي تبذلها في خدمة ضيوف الرحمن لتسهيل رحلات الحج العمرة، وأضاف بأن الشركة تسخر كافة مواردها نحو التحول التكنولوجي لابتكار المزيد من الحلول التقنية، الأمر الذي جعل من حجز باقات العمرة أسرع من أي وقت مضى.

وأضاف، نجحنا في تحويل عملية الحجوزات المعقدة التي كانت تستغرق ساعات إلى عملية سهلة تتم من خلال خطوات بسيطة لتوفير الوقت والجهد ليستطيع وكيل العمرة بدء وإنهاء إجراءات الحجوزات خلال دقائق معدودة، وبأسعار متفاوتة تناسب جميع الشركات لتلائم جميع فئات المعتمرين وبأعلى معايير الجودة.

وأكد محمد بن محفوظ أن طموح (عمرة مي) هو إتاحة الفرصة لأكبر عدد من المسلمين لأداء فريضة الحج والعمرة وإبراز دور المملكة العربية السعودية المشرف في خدمة حجاج ضيوف بيت الله الحرام ومسجد نبيه محمد صل الله عليه وسلم.

لمشاهدة مقتطفات من مشاركة (عمرة مي) بالملتقى يمكنكم زيارة هذا الرابط:  umrah.me/masr

نبذةعنعمرة مي

تأسست عمرة مي في عام 2017 كواحدة ضمن أسرع المنصات الإلكترونية نموًا في سوق منتجات العمرة والحج عربياً وعالمياً والتي تعمل تحت مظلة وزارة الحج والعمرة ولديها عضوية رسمية بمحرك البحث المركزي “مقام”. كما أنها تتمتع بخبرات عريقة بقطاع السياحة والضيافة ضمن مجموعة ترافيزي الشهيرة والتي تضم أيضاً العلامة التجارية هوليداي مي. وتنفرد عمرة مي بمجموعة من الشراكات الاستراتيجية واتفاقيات التعاون مع كبار مقدمي خدمات العمرة في المملكة العربية السعودية.

صورة فوتوغرافية – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1730638/Umrahme_Egypt_Exhibition.jpg



Exclusive Digital Collectible  Experience will Feature Iconic Moments and Thrilling Video Highlights from Epic UFC Fights

First Pack to Drop on Sunday, January 23

VANCOUVER, BC and LAS VEGAS, Jan. 20, 2022 /CNW/ – UFC®, the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization, and Dapper Labs, makers of NBA Top Shot and NFL ALL DAY, today announced the official launch of their highly anticipated NFT collectible product, UFC Strike.  The all-new collectible experience, available to fans starting at 2 pm ET/ 11 am PT on Sunday, January 23, will for the first time give MMA fans the opportunity to own the most epic, talked-about fight moments in the history of UFC.

Launching first as an open drop of 200,000 total packs, UFC Strike will start with a first round of 100,000Fully Loaded” packs, consisting of three NFT Moments capturing incredible finishes and amazing displays of striking and grappling from UFC fighters like Francis Ngannou, Amanda Nunes, Kamaru Usman, Rose Namajunas, Derrick Lewis, Justin Gaethje and more. These NFT Moments will include the best action shots from multiple camera angles, announcer commentary and crowd response from actual fights – a Dapper Labs first – to further bring the experience to life. With robust audio and video content, each UFC Strike Moment NFT is designed to capture, memorialize and celebrate a specific instance of UFC history.

“Dapper Labs is an innovator in this field, creating an industry that didn’t exist a few years ago,” said UFC Senior Vice President of Global Consumer Products Tracey Bleczinski.  “Their vision for the potential of these products is the reason UFC chose Dapper Labs as its first NFT partner.  We’re thrilled to finally be able to offer these amazing digital collectibles to enrich the UFC experience for our fans.”

To access the initial open drop, fans simply visit ufcstrike.com where they will be able to join the queue for a chance to buy a pack (while supplies last) at $50.00USD.  As UFC Strike continues to evolve in the coming months, the experience will include additional drops closely aligned with the UFC event calendar. It will also include additional features like a peer-to-peer marketplace for fans to connect, buy, and sell their Moments.

Following the initial drop on January 23, a second round of “Fully LoadedUFC Strike packs priced at $50.00 USD will be available to fans (while supplies last) starting at 2 pm ET/ 11 am PT on Monday, January 31.

“Dapper Labs has accelerated the move to Web3 by building new apps and platforms that enable great user experiences for millions of fans. Partnering with UFC, one of the fastest growing sports in the world with a global fan base of more than 625 million people, is the next step to bringing even more into experiencing the benefits of decentralization while also delivering a meaningful experience for die-hard UFC fans to collect and own the moments that matter to them,” said Caty Tedman, Head of Partnerships at Dapper Labs.

For more information about the launch of UFC Strike and how to purchase packs, please visit: ufcstrike.com.

About UFC®

UFC® is the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization (MMA), with more than 625 million fans and 178 million social media followers. The organization produces more than 40 live events annually in some of the most prestigious arenas around the world, while broadcasting to approximately 900M TV households across more than 175 countries. UFC’s athlete roster features the world’s best MMA athletes representing more than 70 countries. The organization’s digital offerings include UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading streaming services for combat sports. UFC was acquired in 2016 by global sports and entertainment company Endeavor, along with strategic investors Silver Lake Partners and KKR.  UFC is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information, visit UFC.com and follow UFC at Facebook.com/UFC, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok: @UFC.

‍About Dapper Labs

Dapper Labs, the company behind NBA Top Shot and the Flow blockchain, uses blockchain technology to bring NFTs and new forms of digital engagement to fans around the world. Since it was founded in 2018, Dapper Labs has given consumer enthusiasts a real stake in the game by bringing them closer to the brands they love, building engaged and exciting communities for them to contribute to, and producing new pathways for them to become creators themselves. Dapper Labs’ current studio partners include the NBA, NBPA, WNBA, WNBPA, LaLiga, NFL, NFLPA, Warner Music Group, Ubisoft, Genies and UFC. Notable investors in Dapper Labs include Andreessen Horowitz, Coatue, Union Square Ventures, Venrock, Google Ventures (GV), Samsung, and the founders of Dreamworks, Reddit, Coinbase, Zynga, and AngelList, among others. For more about Dapper Labs’ products and mission, visit dapperlabs.com.

‫شركة STL تعلن تحقيق مكاسب قوية في أسواق جديدة وتسرّع استثماراتها في شبكات الجيل الخامس

 –  إنشاء قاعدة جديدة لشبكات الألياف البصرية في الولايات المتحدة بطلبات بلغت حوالي 3 مليارات روبية

–  تحقيق إيرادات جديدة من منتجات الربط البصري (Optical Interconnect) بطلبات بلغت حوالي 7 مليارات روبية

مومباي، الهند، 20 يناير 2022 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت شركة STL (رمز التداول في البورصة الوطنية الهندية: STLTECH)، وهي شركة رائدة في مجال تكامل خدمات الشبكات الرقمية، عن نتائجها المالية عن الربع المنتهي في 31 ديسمبر 2021؛ حيث نجحت الشركة من خلال إستراتيجيتها التي تركز على التوسع عالميًا في تلقي حجوزات وطلبات قوية بقيمة 117 مليار روبية وسجّلت عائدات بلغت 13.6 مليار روبية.


خلال الأرباع القليلة الماضية، اتخذت شركة STL عدة قرارات استثمارية جريئة من أجل تحقيق نمو كبير خلال هذا العقد الذي يشهد نموًا متزايدًا في تركيب الشبكات. وأكدت الشركة أنّ الكثير من استثماراتها الإستراتيجية قد حققت إيرادات كبيرة، وأنّ تقنياتها الجديدة قد أصبحت جاهزة لإطلاقها في الأسواق. وفي هذه المرحلة بالغة الأهمية من رحلة الشركة نحو التوسّع، عينت STL رواد أعمال عالميين في مناصب رؤساء تنفيذيين للشركات التابعة لها، وهي شركة المنتجات البصرية (Optical)، وشركة الشبكات اللاسلكية (Wireless)، والخدمات (Services)، والبرمجيات (Software). كما رسمت STL مسارها للتحول نحو الاستدامة لتصبح شركة عديمة الانبعاثات الكربونية بحلول عام 2030، وأطلقت عروضًا على منتجات الجيل الخامس المتكاملة لتلبية الطلب العالمي.

استثمارات إستراتيجية تحقق إيرادات كبيرة:

·  منتجات الربط البصري (Optical Interconnect) تحقق إيرادات ضخمة: أحرزت STL تقدمًا كبيرًا في خط منتجات الربط البصري الجديد، وظفرت بعقود تمتد لسنوات في أوروبا بقيمة متراكمة تبلغ حوالي 7 مليارات روبية. كما وسّعت الشركة من استثماراتها في الولايات المتحدة من خلال المنتجات البصرية المتوافقة مع منتجات الجيل الخامس، وتلقت طلبات جديدة بلغت قيمتها حوالي 3 مليارات روبية.

·  التوسع في أعمال تكامل الأنظمة في المملكة المتحدة: اتخذت الشركة بعض الخطوات فيما يخص أعمال تكامل الشبكات؛ حيث وسّعت قاعدتها من قاعدة المتعاونين معها في المملكة المتحدة لتشمل تعيين 150 موظفًا و20 شريكًا إستراتيجيًا؛ وهو ما يعزز قدرات الشركة على نشر شبكات الألياف الضوئية في المملكة المتحدة.

·  الأسواق الجديدة تحقق زخمًا أكبر: استطاعت STL من خلال إستراتيجيتها للتوسع عالميًا أن تزيد من أعمالها في الأسواق المستهدفة بنسبة تبلغ حوالي 41% في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط، وحوالي 12% في الأمريكتين.

مشروعات تقنية جديدة جاهزة للتوسّع:

·  مجموعة منتجات الجيل الخامس أصبحت جاهزة للإطلاق في الأسواق: حققت حلول الجيل الخامس اللاسلكية -التي فتحت أمام الشركة سوقًا مستهدفة يمكن الاستثمار فيه بقيمة 5 مليارات روبية- تقدمًا كبيرًا خلال هذا الربع من العام لتقترب أكثر من تحقيق إيرادات. كما شهد هذا الربع إعلان الشركة عن إتاحة الخلايا الصغيرة الداخلية (Garuda) وشبكات الألياف الضوئية (FTTx) القابلة للبرمجة. كما حصلت STL أيضًا على طلب تجريبي لخلاياها الصغيرة الداخلية من شركة ASOCS، ورفعت عدد موظفيها الموهوبين في قطاع الهندسة اللاسلكية إلى 300 موظف.

على مدار الأرباع العديدة الماضية، اتجهت STL أكثر نحو نموذج الحلول المتكاملة، وقد بدأت هذه الإستراتيجية تؤتي ثمارها؛ حيث حصلت الشركة على طلبات متكاملة على الحلول البصرية ونشرها من شركات أساسية في المملكة المتحدة والهند. كما تواصل الشركة -أثناء تنفيذها لهذه المحاور الإستراتيجية- السعي للحصول على حقوق الملكية الفكرية لجميع أعمالها؛ حيث قامت بإيداع 41 براءة اختراع جديدة هذا الربع من العام، وبذلك ارتفع رصيدها من براءات الاختراعات إلى 678 براءة اختراع على مستوى العالم.

المؤشرات المالية الرئيسية خلال الربع الثالث للسنة المالية 22 (بالمليار روبية)

·  قيمة الطلبات المحجوزة: 117

·  الإيرادات: 13.6

·  الأرباح قبل خصم الفوائد والضرائب والإهلاك واستهلاك الدين: (0.35)

·  الأرباح بعد خصم الضرائب: (1.37)

وقد عبّر أنكيت أجاروال، العضو المنتدب لشركة STL، عن حماسته لهذا العقد الذي يشهد نموًا متزايدًا في تركيب الشبكات، حيث قال: “بفضل بعض التحولات الإستراتيجية الأساسية، أحرزت STL تقدمًا سريعًا نحو تحقيق طموحها في بناء شبكات رقمية مستقبلية جاهزة للاستخدام على الصعيد العالمي. وقد جمعنا بين القيادة الطموحة للغاية وذات المصداقية، وبين الخبرة التقنية العميقة في مجال الشبكات البصرية واللاسلكية. ونحن على ثقة بأننا سنتمكّن في المستقبل القريب من توفير أكثر الحلول تقدمًا في منتجات الجيل الخامس، والألياف الضوئية FTTx، وشبكات الربط في المناطق الريفية ممّا سيسهم في تحويل حياة المليارات من خلال الشبكات الرقمية”.

عن شركة STL

STL هي شركة رائدة في مجال تكامل خدمات الشبكات الرقمية، تساعد شركات الاتصالات، والشركات السحابية، وشبكات المواطنين الرقمية، والشركات الكبيرة على تحسين تجارب عملائها.

لمزيد من المعلومات عن شركة STL ، للتواصل الإعلامي.

موقع STL الإلكتروني حساب الشركة على تويتر  | لينكد إن |يوتيوب


رابط الصورة:https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1729613/5G_Portfolio.jpg 

شعار الشركة: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/876464/Sterlite_Technologies_STL_New_Logo 


Madison Realty Capital Completes Record 2021 with $6.4 Billion in Transaction Volume Across 72 Deals and Raises Largest Debt Fund Ever at $2.08 Billion

Additional Highlights Include Launch of New $500 Million Hospitality Lending Platform

New York, Jan. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Madison Realty Capital, a vertically integrated real estate private equity firm focused on debt and equity investment strategies, today announced the completion of one of the most active years in the firm’s 17-year history.  2021’s notable highlights include:

  • Closing a record $6.4 billion in total deal volume in 2021 across 72 transactions. The firm executed deals ranging from $10 million to $485 million in all major U.S. metropolitan markets.  Throughout 2021, Madison originated and acquired loans across asset classes including multifamily, mixed use, retail, office, industrial, land and hotel and invested in transitional and special situation loans as well as provided financing for ground-up development and construction.  In the last two months of 2021 alone, the firm closed 26 new deals representing nearly $2.7 billion.
  • Raising $2.08 billion in equity commitments for Madison Realty Capital Debt Fund V LP (“Fund V”), exceeding the fund’s $1.75 billion target. Fund V, the firm’s largest debt fund ever, received significant support from existing investors as approximately 70% of the institutional LPs in Madison’s prior fund re-upped into Fund V.  Additionally, 52% of the capital committed for Fund V came from new limited partners, both domestically and abroad.
  • Originating over $1 billion in loan-on-loan financing for twelve alternative lenders as part of its lender financing strategy. The firm provided financing solutions to alternative real estate lenders for projects in California, Florida, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, and Oregon through its income-oriented debt investment vehicle, which targets lighter value-add and core-plus real estate transactions with a greater focus on income generation with rates of approximately 4% to 6%.
  • Launching an institutional hospitality lending platform, Madison Newbond, with $500 million of initial lending capacity in partnership with Newbond Holdings.  Madison Newbond offers unique financing programs to new and existing borrowers across the hospitality spectrum from limited-service hotels and developers to ultra-luxury resorts and targets opportunities including transitional lending and ground up developments, as well as first mortgages, mezzanine loans and preferred equity, across major metropolitan markets.
  • Attracting and retaining executive talent.  In April 2021, Madison announced seasoned executive Urian Yap joined the firm as Chief Financial Officer from The Blackstone Group, where he led the global loan operations team for Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies and the financial reporting team for Blackstone Mortgage Trust Inc.  Madison expanded its team with 12 new professionals, further building-out multiple real estate investment disciplines and capabilities. Additionally, Madison, which first opened its Los Angeles offices in 2018, continued to grow its presence on the west coast with the opening of its new Los Angeles office in Century City.

Josh Zegen, Managing Principal and Co-Founder of Madison Realty Capital, said, “Madison Realty Capital further distinguished itself in 2021 by providing single-source, customized financing solutions for borrowers’ unique needs and delivered speed, certainty of execution, and strong underwriting, despite a highly dynamic market environment.  I am proud of what we were able to accomplish, which is a testament to our team as well as the culture and expertise we have developed over the past 17 years. We look forward to continuing to execute on behalf of our borrowers, investors, and communities we serve in 2022 and beyond.”

Noteworthy transactions for the firm in 2021 include:

  • Breaking ground for a mixed use residential and public school development in Woodside, Queens in a public-private partnership with the NYC School Construction Authority and Department of Education;
  • A $34 million loan-on-loan financing for the redevelopment of a multifamily property in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles;
  • A $106 million construction loan to Arch Companies and AB Capstone for the ground-up development of Myrtle Point, a mixed-use residence in New York City;
  • A $450 million construction loan to The Rabsky Group for a 1,098-unit mixed-use development in Downtown Brooklyn;
  • A $278.5 million construction loan to Reger Holdings, LLC for a portfolio of 734 multifamily apartments, 1,264 multifamily units, and 117 luxury condominium residences across three projects in Austin, Texas;
  • A $30 million first mortgage loan to Metropica Development for a luxury condominium tower and ten acre development site in Sunrise, Florida;
  • A $79 million loan to Vella Group for a portfolio of five industrial and flexible office properties in Los Angeles, California;
  • A $395 million loan for a portfolio of 1,161 units across three multifamily projects in Bayonne, Raritan and Linden, New Jersey as well as a land site at the former Bears Stadium with plans for 4,200 residential units;
  • A $110 million loan to Harridge Development, Silverpeak Real Estate Partners, and an affiliate of Cerberus Capital Management for single-family homes in a master-planned housing development in Historic San Pedro, Los Angeles.

About Madison Realty Capital 

Madison Realty Capital is a vertically integrated real estate private equity firm that, as of December 31, 2021, manages approximately $8 billion in total assets on behalf of a global institutional investor base. Since 2004, Madison Realty Capital has completed approximately $20 billion in transactions providing borrowers with flexible and highly customized financing solutions, strong underwriting capabilities, and certainty of execution. Headquartered in New York City, with an office in Los Angeles, the firm has approximately 70 employees across all real estate investment, development, and property management disciplines. Madison Realty Capital has been frequently named to the Commercial Observer’s prestigious “Power 100” list of New York City real estate players and is consistently cited as a top construction lender, among other industry recognitions. To learn more, follow us on LinkedIn and visit www.madisonrealtycapital.com.

Nathaniel Garnick/Grace Cartwright
Gasthalter & Co.
+1 (212) 257 4170

‫شنغهاى إليكتريك تطلق برنامجًا لتعليم اللغة الصينية للموظفين الباكستانيين في مشروع Thar Block-1

شنغهاي، 20 يناير 2022 /PRNewswire/ — أبرمت شركة شنغهاى إليكتريك شراكة مع معهد كونفوشيوس بجامعة كراتشي (CIUK) لبدء برنامج تعليمي جديد يخدم الموظفين الباكستانيين في مشروع Thar Block-1 المتكامل لاستخراج الفحم وتوليد الطاقة، ويخدم كذلك المجتمعات المحلية المحيطة؛ وذلك في إطار مبادرة مشتركة لتنمية مهارات موظفي المشروع وفتح آفاق مهنية أفضل للطلاب القاطنين بإقليم السند جنوب باكستان.

Shanghai Electric has launched a Chinese language training program for Pakistan's personnel on Thar Block-1 Integrated Coal Mine and Power Project.

وتتيح المبادرة لعمّال المشروعات الباكستانيين والطلاب من إسلامكوت والبلدات والقرى المجاورة تلقي دروس اللغة الصينية والمواد التعليمية مجانًا، إضافة إلى الموارد الأخرى لتعلم اللغة التي يوفرها أعضاء هيئة التدريس بجامعة كراتشي. وقد سجل في هذا البرنامج حتى الآن 40 عاملًا و60 طالبًا.

وقال منغ دونغهاي، نائب المدير العام لشركة هندسة محطات الطاقة التابعة لمجموعة شنغهاي إليكتريك: «تدرك شركة شنغهاى إليكتريك، باعتبارها أحد الشركات الرائدة في تطوير حلول الطاقة، أهمية دورها في تعليم الأجيال القادمة من المهندسين والفنّيين الكهربائيين وتدريبهم، فضلًا عن مساعدة المزيد من الطلاب على بدء حياتهم المهنية في قطاع الطاقة. ولقد شهدت مبادراتنا السابقة إعداد دورات تدريبية تأهيلية بمشروع Thar Block-1 لمساعدة العمّال المحليين على تنمية مهاراتهم، وتشجيع كبار الفنّيين على نقل خبراتهم إلى العمّال الجدد».

وأضاف: «وقد أتاحت العلاقات الاقتصادية الوثيقة بين الصين وباكستان توفير المزيد من فرص العمل للأفراد من كلا البلدين، ونأمل أن يتمكن برنامج تعليم اللغة الصينية من إكساب العمّال والطلاب المحليين مهارات تفيدهم في تحقيق أهدافهم المهنية في المستقبل، علاوةً على دوره كنافذة تواصل بين الثقافتين؛ وهو ما يعمل على تقوية أواصر الصداقة بين الصين وباكستان وتعزيز التفاهم المتبادل».

وصرّح محمد ناصر الدين خان، العميد الباكستاني لمعهد كونفوشيوس بجامعة كراتشي قائلًا: «إنّ برنامج تعليم اللغة الصينية الذي أطلقته شركة شنغهاى إليكتريك سيفيد الطلاب القاطنين بمنطقة نائية مثل إسلامكوت؛ حيث إنّه يوفر لهم فرصة تعليمية فريدة وقيّمة تفتح لهم الباب أمام تعلم المزيد عن الثقافة الصينية وتمكّنهم من الالتحاق بوظائف أفضل في المستقبل».

وقال أحد الطلاب المنضمين إلى البرنامج: «لقد تنامى شغفي كثيرًا بتعلم اللغة الصينية أثناء العمل مع الموظفين الصينيين في مشروع Thar Block-1 المتكامل لاستخراج الفحم وتوليد الطاقة. وأنا سعيد للغاية بهذه الفرصة التي أتاحتها لي شركة شنغهاى إليكتريك لتعلم اللغة الصينية، والتي ستفتح لي بابًا لفرص عمل أفضل في المستقبل، نظرًا لوجود عدد كبير من مشروعات التعاون الصيني الباكستاني في باكستان. لذا، سأسعى بجد لإجادة التحدّث باللغة الصينية لأنّ ذلك سيساعدني على تحقيق أهدافي».

وقد أدى انضمام باكستان رسميًا إلى منظمة شنغهاي للتعاون (SCO) في عام 2017، وزيادة التعاون الصيني الباكستاني إلى وجود طلب على تعلم اللغة الصينية للراغبين في العمل لدى الشركات الصينية العاملة في باكستان. وساعدت برامج تعليم اللغة الصينية في باكستان على سد فجوة التواصل بين الدولتين، كما مكّنت المزيد من السكان المحليين من الالتحاق بوظائفهم المنشودة.

وكانت شركة شنغهاى إليكتريك قد ساعدت باكستان في السنوات الأخيرة على تشييد العديد من مشروعات البنى التحتية الخاصّة بالطاقة باستخدام تقنيات طاقة رائدة؛ وذلك من خلال مبادرة الحزام والطريق (BRI) ومشروع الممر الاقتصادي الصيني الباكستاني (CPEC). وقد أُبرمت عقود الهندسة والمشتريات والبناء لمشروع Thar Block-1 لاستخراج الفحم وتوليد الطاقة، والذي يضم محطتين لتوليد الطاقة تعملان بالفحم بقدرة إنتاجية 660 ميجاواط، ومنجمًا للفحم بطاقة إنتاجية سنوية قدرها 7.8 مليون طن، في أبريل 2019. وسيسهم هذا المشروع في تحسين كفاءة الطاقة في باكستان، ويزيد من أمن الطاقة فيها زيادة كبيرة.

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Yutong Bus Shows Steady Growth with Expected Net Profit to Grow US$7.87 Million to $23.61 Million for 2021, A 10% to 30% YoY Increase

ZHENGZHOU, China, Jan. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Yutong Bus Co., Ltd. (“Yutong”, SHA: 600066), a world leading commercial vehicle manufacturer, has bucked China’s bus market trend by completing its self-challenge achievement of 0.17% revenue growth for 2021. The company made 42,065 buses last year, a slight 0.2% increase from the previous year, while bus sales reached 41,828 recording a 0.17% YoY increase, with 2021 net profit predicted to grow US$ 7.87 million to $23.61 million.

McGill’s and Pelican partner with Yutong to offer zero-emission shuttle service starting from day one of COP26 in Glasgow.

Compared with 2020, the global bus industry is experiencing a slow recovery with the overall business performance of major bus companies in China remaining fatigued and weak. Under these difficult circumstances, Yutong has consistently held the top spot in the industry, driving the market forward and pushing innovation.

In 2021, Yutong has made significant breakthroughs in the fields of intelligent connectivityautonomous drivingfuel cell technology, and new material applications. Yutong reached several milestones along its path of providing an improved public travel experience including:

  • Launch A6, a small autonomous bus, with L4 autonomous driving capabilities, which has been tested in Qatar and Kazakhstan.
  • Winning two Red Dot Awards.
  • Achieving mass commercial operation of its hydrogen fuel cell bus.
  • Launching Yutong’s next-generation design principle of its electric bus safety standard, “YESS”.

Yutong continues to explore overseas markets. Up to now, Yutong has exported more than 80,000 units and built the global sales and service network, covering Europe, America, Asia Pacific, CIS, Middle East, and Africa. In its main target markets, Yutong has become one of the major bus suppliers.

While paying attention to its own development, Yutong is active in its corporate social responsibility. Responding to the call for green and low-carbon travel, Yutong has worked hard in the field of new energy buses, mastered the three new energy technologies of pure electrichybrid, and hydrogen fuel cells, as well as the autonomous driving technology for commercial vehicles. The cumulative sales of more than 160,000 new energy buses have reduced fuel consumption by 2.133 billion liters each year, saving the consumption of 335 million cubic meters of natural gas, and achieving a cumulative reduction of carbon emissions of about 23.25 million tons.

For more information, please visit Yutong Bus.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1730542/image_1.jpg

UAB announces first clinical-grade transplant of gene-edited pig kidneys into brain-dead human

UAB announces the first clinical-grade transplant of gene-edited pig kidneys into brain-dead human

A doppler probe is used to assess blood flow inside the right porcine (pig) kidney after transplantation into the brain-dead recipient.Hands left to right: Katie Stegner, Dr. Babak Orandi, M.D., Ph.D. (holding the probe), Jayme Locke, M.D. (holding the kidney)Photo taken by Jeff Myers, UAB


UAB researchers have achieved several world’s firsts with pig-to-human kidney transplant:

  • First peer-reviewed/published study of a genetically modified pig kidney transplanted into the body of a brain-dead human recipient
  • First such study on a pig-to-human kidney transplant using genetically modified kidneys with 10 key gene edits that may make the kidneys suitable for direct clinical-grade therapeutic use in humans
  • First validation of a UAB-developed test for compatibility before xenotransplant
  • First peer-reviewed/published study to establish brain death as a viable preclinical human model

Notably, the study was designed and conducted to meet standards directly comparable to those that would apply to a Phase I clinical trial and mirrored — as much as possible — every step of a conventional transplant between humans. Importantly, this study included removing the human brain-dead recipient’s native kidneys before replacing them with genetically modified pig kidneys.

UAB announces first clinical-grade transplant of gene-edited pig kidneys into brain-dead human

BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The University of Alabama at Birmingham Marnix E. Heersink School of Medicine announces today the first peer-reviewed research outlining the successful transplant of genetically modified, clinical-grade pig kidneys into a brain-dead human individual, replacing the recipient’s native kidneys. These positive results demonstrate how xenotransplantation could address the worldwide organ shortage crisis.

In the study published in the American Journal of Transplantation, UAB researchers tested the first human preclinical model for transplanting genetically modified pig kidneys into humans. The study recipient had two genetically modified pig kidneys transplanted in his abdomen after his native kidneys were removed. The organs were procured from a genetically modified pig at a pathogen-free facility.

“Along with our partners, we have made significant investments in xenotransplantation for almost a decade hoping for the kinds of results published today,” said Selwyn Vickers, M.D., dean of the UAB Heersink School of Medicine and CEO of the UAB Health System and UAB/Ascension St. Vincent’s Alliance. “Today’s results are a remarkable achievement for humanity and advance xenotransplant into the clinical realm. With this study, our research teams have also demonstrated that the decedent model has significant potential to propel the xenotransplantation field forward.”

For the first time, the pig kidneys transplanted were taken from pigs that had been genetically modified with 10 key gene edits that may make the kidneys suitable for transplant into humans. This process demonstrates the long-term viability of the procedure and how such a transplant might work in the real world. The transplanted kidneys filtered blood, produced urine and, importantly, were not immediately rejected. The kidneys remained viable until the study was ended, 77 hours after transplant.

“This game-changing moment in the history of medicine represents a paradigm shift and a major milestone in the field of xenotransplantation, which is arguably the best solution to the organ shortage crisis,” said Jayme Locke, M.D., director of the Comprehensive Transplant Institute in UAB’s Department of Surgery and lead surgeon for the study. “We have bridged critical knowledge gaps and obtained the safety and feasibility data necessary to begin a clinical trial in living humans with end-stage kidney failure disease.”

Gene editing in pigs to reduce immune rejection has made organ transplants from pigs to humans possible, which could offer help to thousands of people who face organ failure, disease or injury. The natural lifespan of a pig is 30 years, they are easily bred and can have organs of similar size to humans.

Genetically modified pig kidneys have been extensively tested in non-human primates. In addition to testing in non-human primates, evaluating genetically modified pig kidneys in a human preclinical model research may provide important information about the potential safety and efficacy of kidneys in human transplant recipients, including in clinical trials.

“This human preclinical model is a way to evaluate the safety and feasibility of the pig-to-non-human primate model, without risk to a living human,” Locke added. “Our study demonstrates that major barriers to human xenotransplantation have been surmounted, identifies where new knowledge is needed to optimize xenotransplantation outcomes in humans, and lays the foundation for the establishment of a novel preclinical human model for further study.”

This effort is supported by biotechnology pioneer United Therapeutics Corporation, which awarded a grant to UAB to launch the innovative xenotransplantation program. Revivicor, Inc., a subsidiary of United Therapeutics, provided the genetically modified pig that was the source of the investigational xenotransplant kidneys called UKidney™.

“All of us at Revivicor are in awe of the historic achievements at UAB with our investigational 10-gene xenokidney, or UKidney,” said David Ayares, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer of Revivicor and a trailblazing genetic engineer since his early work cloning the world’s first pigs and the first alpha-Gal knockout pigs. “We feel confident that this UKidney may turn out to be a life-saving solution for thousands of people on dialysis, subject to successful completion of our clinical trials and achievement of FDA approval in the next several years.”

About the study
The peer-reviewed research is a study of ambitious scope and great significance, given that more than 800,000 Americans are living with kidney failure. Most never make it to the waiting list, and far too few human organs are available to put a dent in that number. Although dialysis can sustain life for some time, transplantation offers a better quality of life and a longer life for the few individuals who can gain access to transplantation. Each stage of this decedent xenotransplant study approximated the steps that might be taken in a Phase I xenotransplant clinical trial:

  • The kidneys were removed from a donor pig housed at a pathogen-free, surgically clean facility. The kidneys were then stored, transported and processed for implantation, just as human kidneys are.
  • Before surgery, the brain-dead recipient and donor animal underwent a crossmatch compatibility test to determine whether the genetically modified pig kidney and its intended recipient were a good tissue match. A crossmatch is done for every human-to-human kidney transplant; however, this pig-to-human tissue-match test was developed at UAB and marked the first time a prospective crossmatch has been validated between the two species.
  • The pig kidneys were placed in the exact anatomic locations used for human donor kidneys, with the same attachments to the renal artery, renal vein and the ureter that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.
  • The brain-dead recipient received standard immune-suppression therapy used in human-to-human kidney allotransplantation.

The study was conducted to meet the standards directly comparable to those that would apply to a Phase I human clinical trial, mirroring every step of a standard transplant between humans. It included Institutional Review Board and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approval, a tissue compatibility confirmation before starting the operations, using the standard procedures of human-to-human transplants to remove, preserve, transport and transplant the kidneys into a human, and giving the standard immunosuppression therapy to the recipient.

Transplant recipient Jim Parsons helps open doors to the future of organ transplantation
This scientific and medical breakthrough would not have been possible without Jim Parsons, the recipient, or his family.

Parsons, 57, was a registered organ donor through Legacy of Hope, Alabama’s organ procurement organization, and he had longed to have his organs help others upon his death; but his organs were not suitable for donation. His family permitted UAB to maintain Parsons on a ventilator to keep his body functioning during the study. His native kidneys were removed, and two genetically modified pig kidneys were transplanted.

“Mr. Parsons and his family allowed us to replicate precisely how we would perform this transplant in a living human. Their powerful contribution will save thousands of lives, and that could begin in the very near future,” Locke said. “Mr. Parsons’ gift honors his legacy and firmly establishes the viability, safety and feasibility of this preclinical model. Because of his gift, we have proposed this to be known as ‘The Parsons Model.’”

Parsons’ ex-wife, Julie O’Hara, and their children, Ally, David and Cole, made the decision (along with Jim’s sisters and mother) to take part in the study after they were approached by Alan Spriggs with Legacy of Hope and Locke.

“Jim was a never-met-a-stranger kind of guy who would talk to anyone and had no enemies — none,” O’Hara said. “Jim would have wanted to save as many people as he could with his death, and if he knew he could potentially save thousands and thousands of people by doing this, he would have had no hesitation. Our dream is that no other person dies waiting for a kidney, and we know that Jim is very proud that his death could potentially bring so much hope to others.”

The critical need for other organ donation options
Kidney disease kills more people each year than breast or prostate cancer, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Although transplantation is the gold standard treatment for end-stage kidney disease, fewer than 25,000 kidney transplants are performed each year in the United States and 240 Americans on dialysis die every day. Many of these deaths could be prevented if an unlimited supply of kidneys were available for transplant.

The wait for a deceased donor kidney can be as long as five years, and in many states, it is closer to 10 years. Almost 5,000 people per year die waiting on a kidney transplant.

About UAB transplant and the xenotransplant team
UAB Medicine is a world leader in organ transplantation and has performed 9,055 kidney transplants from Jan. 1, 1988, to Dec. 31, 2021 — the second-most kidney transplants in the United States during that time. The focus of UAB’s xenotransplantation program is to address the organ shortage by safely transplanting genetically modified pig kidneys into humans with kidney failure. Learn more.

About UAB
Known for its innovative and interdisciplinary approach to education at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, the University of Alabama at Birmingham, a part of the University of Alabama System, is an internationally renowned research university and academic medical center. UAB consistently exceeds $600 million in annual research awards and totaled almost $850 million last year, including one-time COVID-related funding. UAB is Alabama’s largest single employer, with more than 26,000 employees, and was named America’s Best Large Employer by Forbes in 2021. The institution’s annual economic impact on the state exceeds $7 billion each year. The pillars of UAB’s mission include education, research, innovation and economic development, community engagement, and patient care. Learn more at www.uab.edu.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The University of Alabama at Birmingham is one of three doctoral research universities in the University of Alabama System. In your first reference to our institution, please use University of Alabama at Birmingham and UAB on subsequent references.

FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/UAB.edu TEXT: www.uab.edu/news
TWEETS: www.twitter.com/uabnews VIDEO: www.youtube.com/uabnews

Media Contacts:
Tyler Greer, 205-934-2041
Nicolas Kressmann, 732-532-5318

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JWA Dubai unveils inaugural panel of judges

HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 20 January 2022 – In line with its goal of recognising the growing importance of the gemstone and jewellery trade in the Middle East, JWA Dubai has named the judges for its inaugural edition. 

Nirupa Bhatt, a Business Coach and Strategic Advisor to the gems and jewellery industry, has served as managing director of GIA India and the Middle East. “The Middle East is a very unique and interesting region that caters to local and international consumers. I would like to extend my compliments to the JWA team for launching JWA Dubai in recognition of these outstanding businesses,” said Bhatt.

While DMCC Executive Chairman and CEO Ahmed Bin Sulayem, has grown a business that currently has over 20,000 member companies from 180 countries since 2003. “It is a tremendous honour to have been invited into the judging panel of JWA Dubai, which trains the spotlight on the UAE and the opportunities its world-class jewellery sector brings,” added Bin Sulayem, also the Chairman of the Dubai Diamond Exchange (DDE) and the DGCX.

Bhatt and Bin Sulayem lead the judging panel as principal judges.

CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri is also a judge. “In less than two decades, Dubai has evolved into a key innovator in the industry as a city whose name has become synonymous with design excellence — just as the Middle East has become one of the most important markets in the global trade,” said Cavalieri.

Italian Exhibition Group S.P.A (IEG) Global Exhibition Director Marco Carniello, who has also worked in strategy consultancy with Accenture and Bain & Co, also joins the panel. “Dubai continues to grow as a strategic gateway for jewellery businesses in the Middle East and beyond. Hosting the trade events further affirms its role in the industry today,” he shared.

Rounding off the panel is Chairperson and Founder of JWA at Informa Markets Jewellery (IMJ) Letitia Chow. “It is our honour to have the support of various industry experts to join the judging panel of JWA Dubai. We are ready to recognise individuals and companies who contribute immensely to the region’s burgeoning trade,” added Chow, who also chairs JWA Dubai’s judging panel.

Organised by IMJ and IEG, the first edition of JWA Dubai is supported by Official Partner DMCC, along with Title Sponsors Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group and Jawhara Jewellery. The awards ceremony will be held at JGT Dubai on Monday, 21 February.

Media Contact: info@JWADubai.com

Qatar defeat UAE in Asian Men’s Handball Championship

Dammam: Four-time champions Qatar defeated United Arab Emirates 22-17 to notch up their third straight victory at the Asian Men’s Handball Championship in Dammam, Saudi Arabia on Thursday.

After recording another dominating victory at Prince Nayef Sports City Hall, Al Annabi topped Group C with six points as they cruised into the main round, which will consist of eight teams.

The Valero Rivera-coached side has been placed in Group 1 in main group where they will face nine-time winners South Korea, hosts Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan. Al Annabi will play their first match of the main round against hosts Saudi Arabia in Dammam, tomorrow.

Qatar have won the 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2020 editions and can match South Korea’s record of five straight titles with a crown in Saudi Arabia.

Since winning their first Championship in 2014, Qatar have been unstoppable in the continental tournament, beating Bahrain in three finals and South Korea in the last edition two years ago in Kuwait.
The 2015 world silver medallists could match the record for most title victories in a row, currently held by South Korea from 1983 to 1993.

South Korea is the most successful team in history with nine titles, but the last of these came in 2012. Their best performance since then was at the last tournament, losing 33-21 in the final. However, they are down to sixth on the continent in the world rankings, sitting 49th worldwide.

Meanwhile, Iraq became the second team from Group C to advance in the tournament after beating Oman 31-29 in their final game of the preliminary round yesterday. Iraq are placed in Group 2 along with Kuwait, Iran and Bahrain.

South Korea won Group A after they edged Kuwait 27-26 in a battle to top group. In other match of the group, Jordan defeated Singapore 40-19 but both teams went out of the title race.

Iran emerged on top of Group B after a 24-20 victory over the home side while Australia defeated India 27-26 to register their maiden win in the event.

The Group D was won by Bahrain, who thrashed Hong Kong 46-20 for their third consecutive win. Uzbekistan finished runner-up in the group to enter the main round as they outclassed Vietnam 30-23 for their second win.

Top two teams from each group will book berths in the semi-finals of the event, which will be played on January 29. The final will be played on January 31.

The top five teams from the Championship will directly qualify for the 2023 World Men’s Handball Championship, to be held jointly by Poland and Sweden. Saudi Arabia was awarded the tournament after the Championship was moved in September by the Asian Handball Federation due to the spread of Covid-19 in the initial host country, Iran.


Source: Qatar Olympic Committee

Abu Dhabi leads most Gulf markets higher

Abu Dhabi, Most stock markets in the Gulf ended higher on Wednesday, supported by strong oil prices, with the Abu Dhabi index outperforming the region.


Crude prices, a key catalyst for the Gulf’s financial markets, rose for a fourth day after a fire on a pipeline from Iraq to Turkey briefly stopped flows, increasing concerns about an already tight supply outlook.


The Abu Dhabi index advanced 1.6%, buoyed by a 3.9% rise in the country’s largest lender First Abu Dhabi Bank.


Credit ratings agency S&P Global said its AA score of Abu Dhabi already factored in geopolitical risks after Yemen’s Houthi group launched drone and missile strikes in the emirate which set off explosions in fuel trucks and killed three people.


The United Arab Emirates called for a meeting of the UN Security Council to condemn the attack on Abu Dhabi, capital of the region’s commercial and tourism hub, state news agency WAM reported on Tuesday, according to Reuters.


Saudi Arabia’s benchmark index gained 0.5%, with Al Rajhi Bank rising 1.5%, while petrochemical maker Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) advanced 1.8%.


SABIC plans to build a petrochemicals plant in the city of Jubail on the gulf coast in the Eastern Province, after a similar plant in South Korea starts production by year-end, CEO Yousef Abdullah al-Benyan told Asharq TV on Tuesday.


The kingdom issued 2.833 billion riyal ($755.20 million) domestic sukuk, or Islamic bonds, for the month of January, the kingdom’s National Debt Management Center said on Tuesday.


Dubai’s main share index eased 0.3%, hit by a 1.2% fall in its top lender Emirates NBD and a 0.2% decrease in blue-chip developer Emaar Properties.


Dubai’s stocks recorded some price corrections as investors moved to secure their gains, said Wael Makarem, senior market strategist at Exness.


The Qatari benchmark added 0.3%, led by a 1.5% gain in petrochemical firm Industries Qatar.


Outside the Gulf, Egypt’s blue-chip index dropped 1.4%, as most of the stocks on the index were in negative territory including Commercial International Bank.


Source: Bahrain News Agency