شركة كوهلر ودانييل أرشام يأتيان بفن تجريبي لأسبوع التصميم في ميلانو

كوهلر، ويسكونسن، 5 أيار/مايو، 2022 / PRNewswire / — تعود شركة كوهلر، شركة أسلوب الحياة العالمية والشركة الرائدة في منتجات المطبخ والحمام، إلى أسبوع ميلانو للتصميم بعرض عالمي لتجربة فنية غامرة بالشراكة مع المصمم الفنان دانييل أرشام .

Kohler, a global lifestyle brand and leader in kitchen and bath products, returns to Milan Design Week with the world premiere of an immersive art experience in partnership with artist-designer, Daniel Arsham. Kohler’s FuoriSalone exhibition features a large-scale immersive art experience, entitled “Divided Layers,” a site-specific installation that builds upon the duo’s release of Rock.01 – a 3D printed sink Daniel Arsham designed in collaboration with Kohler in 2021.

يمكن للضيوف تجربة معروضات كوهلر  في قاعة بالازو ديل سناتو (عبر سناتو 10) يوميًا من الساعة 12:00 ظهرًا إلى 10:00 مساءً من الثلاثاء 7 حزيران/يونيو حتى الأحد 12 حزيران/يونيو.

يتضمن معرض “فوريو صالون” لكوهلر بتجربة فنية غامرة واسعة النطاق، بعنوان “طبقات مقسمة”، وهو تركيب خاص بالموقع يبني على الإصدار الثنائي Rock.01 –  وهو حوض مطبوع ثلاثي الأبعاد صممه دانييل أرشام بالتعاون مع كوهلر في العام 2021.

يتكون التركيب الغامر من سلسلة من الألواح المكدسة مجتمعة لتشكيل نفق يمكن السير عبره.  عند تطوير Rock.01 ، استلهم أرشام لإنشاء “طبقات مقسمة” لمنح الضيوف القدرة على التحرك عبر الحوض.  تشير كل لوحة إلى مستوى واحد من الصلصال المطبوع ثلاثي الأبعاد والذي يتراكم معًا لتشكيل الحوض.  الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد هي عملية بناء مضافة؛ في المقابل، يكشف النفق عن الطرح في أخذ الأجزاء لإفساح المجال للحجم الذي يمكن للزائر المشي خلاله.

ضمن التركيب، تعمل البركة كسطح معكوس لمضاعفة وعكس فتحة الحجم الكهفي.  يريد أرشام للزوار التفكير في قبول الفضاء وقابليته للتطويع، وفهم العلاقة بين الأحجام.  يحاكي إيقاع الجدران إيقاع الأعمدة داخل مبنى بالازو، مما يساهم في جو كامل يمثل الحركة أو التدفق.

يقول دانيال أرشام: “يتم اختبار تدفق المياه في كل من الفضائين السالب والموجب، بغض النظر عن” وظيفة “النموذج”.  “في الطبقات المقسمة، يختبر الزائرون التواجد داخلالحوض، بدلاً من كونهم مستخدمين لقطعة وظيفية.”

استفاد كوهلر وأرشام من لحظة التصميم والاحتفال بالفن هذه للإعلان عن شراكة متعددة السنوات بينهما، ومواصلة استكشاف الفن من خلال الشكل والوظيفة.  تتشرف كوهلر بمواصلة إرث العلامة التجارية في الدفاع عن الفن.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، وتكريماً لأسبوع ميلانو للتصميم، تبرعت كوهلر لمشاريع المياه والصرف الصحي والنظافة الصحية التابعة لووتر ميشن في إندونيسيا، مما ساعد على توفير المياه المأمونة والصرف الصحي لما يصل إلى 10000 شخص من خلال 15 مشروعًا في العام 2022.  ومن خلال المنتجات المؤثرة والشراكات الملهمة، فإن حملة كوهلر “الإيمان بالمنصة الأفضل” تسعى إلى تحسين جودة الحياة للأجيال الحالية والمستقبلية من خلال التصميم والحرفية والابتكار.

ستعرض كوهلر أيضًا أحدث ابتكاراتها العالمية في معرض صالون ديل موبايل، القاعة 22 – جناح H15 H19

 يمكن لوسائل الإعلام المهتمة بفرص حصرية إعلامية في أي من الموقعين الاتصال بـ  العلاقات العامة لكوهلر .
يمكن لوسائل الإعلام الوصول لكتيب الصحافة الخاص بكوهلر في أسبوع التصميم في ميلانو  هنا .

 نُبذة عن شركة كوهلر

تأسّست شركة كوهلر في عام 1873، وهي شركة عالمية رائدة في تصميم وابتكار وتصنيع منتجات المطابخ والحمّامات، وأثاث المطابخ والبلاط الفاخر ومنتجات الإضاءة، والمحرّكات والمولّدات وحلول الطاقة النظيفة؛ وتمتلك الشركة وتدير اثنين من أفخم الفنادق ومنتجعات الجولف من فئة الخمس نجوم في كوهلر بولاية ويسكونسن، وبلدة سانت أندروز في اسكتلندا. كما تطور الشركة حلولا لمعالجة القضايا الملحة، مثل المياه النظيفة والصرف الصحي، للمجتمعات المحرومة في جميع أنحاء العالم لتحسين نوعية الحياة للأجيال الحالية والمستقبلية.

للتواصل الإعلامي:

فيكي هافنشتاين

جيليان روزون

 الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1809204/KOHLER_DividedLayers_Front_RT_0502.jpg 


Kohler and Daniel Arsham Bring Experiential Art to Milan Design Week

KOHLER, Wis., May 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Kohler, a global lifestyle brand and leader in kitchen and bath products, returns to Milan Design Week with the world premiere of an immersive art experience in partnership with artist-designer, Daniel Arsham.

Kohler, a global lifestyle brand and leader in kitchen and bath products, returns to Milan Design Week with the world premiere of an immersive art experience in partnership with artist-designer, Daniel Arsham. Kohler’s FuoriSalone exhibition features a large-scale immersive art experience, entitled “Divided Layers,” a site-specific installation that builds upon the duo’s release of Rock.01 – a 3D printed sink Daniel Arsham designed in collaboration with Kohler in 2021.

Guests can experience Kohler in the Palazzo del Senato (Via Senato 10) daily from 12:00pm to 10:00pm from Tuesday, June 7 through Sunday, June 12.

Kohler’s FuoriSalone exhibition features a large-scale immersive art experience, entitled “Divided Layers,” a site-specific installation that builds upon the duo’s release of Rock.01 – a 3D printed sink Daniel Arsham designed in collaboration with Kohler in 2021.

The immersive installation is made of a series of stacked panels combined to form a walkable tunnel. When developing Rock.01, Arsham was inspired to create Divided Layers to give guests the ability to move through the sink. Each panel references a single plane of the 3D printed clay that layers together to form the sink. 3D printing is a process of additive construction; in contrast, the tunnel is revealing the subtractive in taking away portions to give way to the volume the visitor can walk through.

Within the installation, a pond acts as a mirrored surface to double and reflect the opening of the cavernous volume. Arsham intends for visitors to contemplate the acceptance of space and its malleability, understanding the relationship between volumes. The cadence of the walls mimics the rhythm of the columns within the Palazzo, contributing to an entire atmosphere that represents movement or flow.

“The flow of water is experienced in both negative and positive space, regardless of a form’s ‘function’,” says Daniel Arsham. “In Divided Layers, visitors experience being within the sink, rather than a user of a functional piece.”

Kohler and Arsham leverage this moment of design and art celebration to announce a multi-year partnership, continuing the exploration of art through form and function. Kohler is honored to continue the brand’s legacy of championing art.

Additionally, in honor of Milan Design Week, Kohler has made a donation to Water Mission’s WASH projects in Indonesia, helping to bring safe water and sanitation to up to 10,000 people through 15 projects in 2022. Through impactful products and inspiring partnerships, Kohler’s Believing in Better platform strives to enhance the quality of life for current and future generations through design, craftsmanship, and innovation.

Kohler will also display its newest global product innovations at the Salone del Mobile Fair, Hall 22 – Stand H15 H19.

Media interested in exclusive opportunities at either location can contact Kohler PR.
Media can access the Kohler Milan Design Week Press Kit HERE.

About Kohler Co.

Founded in 1873, Kohler Co. has more than 50 manufacturing locations worldwide, Kohler is a global leader in the design, innovation and manufacture of kitchen and bath products; luxury cabinetry, tile and lighting; engines, generators, and clean energy solutions; and owner/operator of two, five-star hospitality and golf resort destinations in Kohler, Wisconsin, and St. Andrews, Scotland. The company also develops solutions to address pressing issues, such as clean water and sanitation, for underserved communities around the world to enhance the quality of life for current and future generations.

Media Contact

Vicki Hafenstein

Jillian Rosone

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1809204/KOHLER_DividedLayers_Front_RT_0502.jpg

Petal Maps Unveils AR Walking Navigation Feature for Today’s Explorers

SHENZHEN, China, May 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The recently-released version of Petal Maps comes with a treasure trove of innovative features, including AR walking navigation, new favorite location icons, a new and improved navigation interface, as well as support for Android and iOS downloads. Petal Maps is designed as a new way for smart device users to explore their world, and is chock full of groundbreaking interactions and cutting-edge technology. The app already covers more than 160 countries/regions, and reaches a global user base of over 20 million. Longstanding features like lane-level guidance and medals, among others, have drawn widespread acclaim, and contributed to the platform’s rapid growth.

Seamless AR technology, to make walks more intuitive and immersive

Walking-based navigation has long suffered from the “last kilometer” issue. Even when the location and direction are displayed in traditional navigation apps, most users will still struggle to correctly orient themselves when encountering intricate networks of lanes and alleys. Petal Maps has introduced an all-new AR technology into its navigation feature, which uses the mobile camera as a sensor, and overlays the navigation instructions on the real world environment, with the help of smart visual recognition technology. By distinguishing between the current location and myriad of environmental data, Petal Maps can bring the direction of the arrow, road names, and other key info into perfect sync with what your eyes tell you, for seamless cohesion between virtual maps and the real environments that they represent.

On the walking navigation page, Start has been replaced with [AR] Start. When you lift your phone vertically, and the camera permission authorized, instructions such as straight, turning, approaching/reaching the destination will be overlaid on the real world setting, which is shown onscreen. These intuitive visuals make it easy to reach your destination in as little time as possible, and with minimal effort. You can also switch between plane navigation and panoramic navigation, according to your specific route and real time needs.

Now that there’s no need to try to make sense of maps, you’ll find that it’s so much easier to keep your walks on track, from departure to destination. Features like panoramic navigation, and guided directions, built into Petal Maps’ AR technology, bridge the longstanding divide between real world settings and virtual maps.

New custom icons, to take in your world at a glance

Users have long been able to mark asterisks for their favorite locations, but this standard icon makes it hard to distinguish between different types of places. The new location icons have been greatly enriched, with six colors to choose from, and three new shapes, in addition to the default flag and star icons. You can personalize the icon styles and colors for all of your favorite places, so that your day-to-day life is represented in a highly organized and visually appealing manner.

In addition to its wide array of enriching features, Petal Maps is also broadly compatible with all major smart device systems, which means that Android and iOS users can all enjoy trailblazing technologies like point of interest searches and smart navigation. Petal Maps will continue to expand and enhance its capabilities, in order to provide users with the best possible experience at all times.

Download here: https://petalmaps.dre.agconnect.link/pzyLVy

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1766843/AR.jpg

‫تكشف Petal Maps عن خاصية الملاحة عن طريق المشي بالواقع المعزز(AR) لمستكشفي اليوم

شنجن، الصين، 5 مايو 2022 / PRNewswire / — يأتي الإصدار الأخير لِـ Petal Maps مع كنز من الميزات المبتكرة، بما في ذلك خاصية  الملاحة عن طريق المشي بالواقع المعزز( AR) ، ورموز تحديد المواقع الجديدة المفضلة، وواجهة ملاحة جديدة ومحسّنة، بالإضافة إلى دعم تنزيلات Android و iOS . تم تصميم تطبيق Petal Maps كطريقة جديدة لمستخدمي الأجهزة الذكية لاستكشاف عالمهم، فهي مليئة بالتفاعلات الرائدة والتكنولوجيا المتطورة. يغطي التطبيق أكثر من 160 دولة/منطقة بالفعل، ويصل إلى قاعدة مستخدمين عالمية تزيد عن 20 مليون مستخدم. لقد حظيت الميزات المتواجدة منذ مدة، كَالتوجيه على الممرات والميداليات من بين أمور أخرى، بإشادة واسعة النطاق، كما أنها ساهمت في النمو السريع للمنصة.

تقنية الواقع المعزز ( AR ) السلسة، لجعل المشي غامر وأكثر سهولة

لطالما عانت  الملاحة عن طريق المشي من مشكلة “الكيلومتر الأخير”. حتى عندما يتم عرض الموقع والاتجاه في تطبيقات الملاحة التقليدية، سيظل معظم المستخدمين يكافحون لتوجيه أنفسهم بشكل صحيح عند مواجهة شبكات معقدة من الممرات والأزقة. أدخلت Petal Maps تقنية الواقع المعزز الجديدة كليا في ميزة الملاحة الخاصة بها، والتي تستخدم الكاميرا المحمولة كمستشعر، وتسقط تعليمات الملاحة على بيئة العالم الحقيقي، بمساعدة تقنية التعرف البصري الذكية. يمكن لتطبيق Petal Maps ، من خلال التمييز بين الموقع الحالي وعدد لا يحصى من البيانات البيئية، أن يزامن اتجاه السهم وأسماء الطرق والمعلومات الرئيسية الأخرى  مع ما تراه عيناك بشكل مثالي، من أجل الترابط السلس بين الخرائط الافتراضية والبيئات الحقيقية التي تمثلها.

في صفحة الملاحة عن طريق المشي، تم استبدال Start بِـ [AR] Start . عندما ترفع هاتفك عموديا، وتعطي الإذن للكاميرا بالتصوير، فإن التعليمات مثل: بشكل مستقيم، الانعطاف، والاقتراب/الوصول إلى الوجهة سيتم إسقاطها على إعداد العالم الحقيقي الذي يظهر على الشاشة. هذه المرئيات البديهية تسهل من الوصول إلى وجهتك في أقل وقت وجهد ممكنين. يمكنك أيضًا التبديل بين الملاحة بالطائرة والملاحة البانورامية، وفقا لمسارك المحدد واحتياجاتك في الوقت الفعلي.

 بعد أن لم تعد هناك حاجة لمحاولة فهم الخرائط الآن، ستجد أنه من الأسهل كثيرا الحفاظ المسار الصحيح، من المغادرة إلى الوجهة. تعمل الميزات كَالملاحة البانورامية  والتوجيهات، المضمنة في تقنية الواقع المعزز ( AR ) لِـ Petal Maps ، على سد الفجوة طويلة الأمد بين إعدادات العالم الحقيقي والخرائط الافتراضية.

أيقونات مخصصة جديدة، لتأخذها إلى عالمك في لمح البصر

لطالما تمكن المستخدمون من تعليم مواقعهم المفضلة بعلامة النجمة، ولكن هذا الرمز يجعل من الصعب التمييز بين أنواع مختلفة من الأماكن. تم تحسين رموز الموقع الجديدة بشكل كبير، حيث يمكن الاختيارمن بين ستة ألوان، وثلاثة أشكال جديدة، بالإضافة إلى أيقونات العلم والنجمة الافتراضية. يمكنك إضفاء طابعك الشخصي على أنماط الرموز والألوان لجميع الأماكن المفضلة لديك، بحيث يتم تمثيل حياتك اليومية بطريقة منظمة للغاية وجذابة بصريا.

إن تطبيق Petal Maps متوافق مع جميع أنظمة الأجهزة الذكية الرئيسية على نطاق واسع، مما يعني أن مستخدمي Android و iOS يمكنهم جميعًا الاستمتاع بالتقنيات الرائدة مثل عمليات البحث عن نقاط الاهتمام والملاحة الذكية،  بالإضافة إلى مجموعة واسعة من ميزاته الغنية. ستستمر Petal Maps في توسيع وتعزيز قدراتها من أجل تزويد المستخدمين بأفضل تجربة ممكنة طوال الوقت.

للتحميل: https://petalmaps.dre.agconnect.link/pzyLVy

رابط الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1766843/AR.jpg

Cellebrite to Showcase Advanced Access as a Service at the Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference

The availability of Cellebrite’s advanced access capability as a cloud-based service is intended to enable a broader base of law enforcement agencies to benefit from the most cutting-edge technology

PETAH TIKVA, Israel and TYSONS CORNER, Va., May 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cellebrite DI Ltd. (NASDAQ: CLBT), a global leader in Digital Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced the upcoming release of the SaaS-based version of Cellebrite Premium. Cellebrite Premium is an industry leading advanced access solution, providing unlock and extract capabilities for most iOS as well as the leading Android devices. The new offering, which is part of Cellebrite’s industry-leading DI suite of Solutions, will be previewed at the upcoming Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, from May 9th to May 12th, 2022.

The solution aims to allow law enforcement agencies to benefit from flexible licensing options and reduce ongoing hardware and maintenance costs. In addition, the SaaS-based version of Premium aims to provide agencies immediate access to the most up-to-date capabilities, allowing more law enforcement organizations to decentralize device access and data collection efforts as they work to expedite digital investigations and reduce case backlogs.

Ronnen Armon, Cellebrite’s Chief Products & Technologies Officer, commented: “Law enforcement agencies of all sizes should have access to solutions that can help them combat continuously growing digital evidence challenges. We are committed to addressing our customer needs in the face of the ever-growing quantity, variety, and complexity of digital evidence, and enabling a flexible consumption of our most advanced capability is our latest innovation to achieve this goal. We look forward to continuing to partner with our customers to enable them to protect and save lives, accelerate justice, and preserve privacy in communities around the world.”

For more information on Cellebrite Premium, please visit https://cellebrite.com/en/premium/

About Cellebrite
Cellebrite’s (NASDAQ: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice, and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Intelligence solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes. Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite’s Digital Intelligence platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more visit us at www.cellebrite.comhttps://investors.cellebrite.com, or follow us on Twitter at @Cellebrite.

Caution Regarding Forward Looking Statements

This document includes “forward looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “forecast,” “intend,” “seek,” “target,” “anticipate,” “will,” “appear,” “approximate,” “foresee,” “might,” “possible,” “potential,” “believe,” “could,” “predict,” “should,” “could,” “continue,” “expect,” “estimate,” “may,” “plan,” “outlook,” “future” and “project” and other similar expressions that predict, project or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. Such forward looking statements include estimated financial information. Such forward looking statements with respect to revenues, earnings, performance, strategies, prospects, and other aspects of Cellebrite’s business are based on current expectations that are subject to risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those indicated by such forward looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to: Cellebrite’s ability to keep pace with technological advances and evolving industry standards; Cellebrite’s material dependence on the acceptance of its solutions by law enforcement and government agencies; real or perceived errors, failures, defects or bugs in Cellebrite’s DI solutions; Cellebrite’s failure to maintain the productivity of sales and marketing personnel, including relating to hiring, integrating and retaining personnel; uncertainties regarding the impact of macroeconomic and/or global conditions, including COVID-19 and military actions involving Russia and Ukraine; intense competition in all of Cellebrite’s markets; the inadvertent or deliberate misuse of Cellebrite’s solutions; political and reputational factors related to Cellebrite’s business or operations; risks relating to estimates of market opportunity and forecasts of market growth; Cellebrite’s ability to properly manage its growth; risks associated with Cellebrite’s credit facilities and liquidity; Cellebrite’s reliance on third-party suppliers for certain components, products, or services; challenges associated with large transactions and long sales cycle; risks that Cellebrite’s customers may fail to honor contractual or payment obligations; risks associated with a significant amount of Cellebrite’s business coming from government customers around the world; risks related to Cellebrite’s intellectual property; security vulnerabilities or defects, including cyber-attacks, information technology system breaches, failures or disruptions; the mishandling or perceived mishandling of sensitive or confidential information; the complex and changing regulatory environments relating to Cellebrite’s operations and solutions; the regulatory constraints to which we are subject; risks associated with different corporate governance requirements applicable to Israeli companies and risks associated with being a foreign private issuer and an emerging growth company; market volatility in the price of Cellebrite’s shares; changing tax laws and regulations; risks associated with joint, ventures, partnerships and strategic initiatives; risks associated with Cellebrite’s significant international operations; risks associated with Cellebrite’s failure to comply with anti-corruption, trade compliance, anti-money-laundering and economic sanctions laws and regulations; risks relating to the adequacy of Cellebrite’s existing systems, processes, policies, procedures, internal controls and personnel for Cellebrite’s current and future operations and reporting needs; and other factors, risks and uncertainties set forth in the section titled “Risk Factors” in Cellebrite’s annual report on form 20-F filed with the SEC on March 29, 2022 and in other documents filed by Cellebrite with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), which are available free of charge at www.sec.gov. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward looking statements, which speak only as of the date made, in this communication or elsewhere. Cellebrite undertakes no obligation to update its forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws.


Renee Soto
+1 212-433-4606

Anat Earon-Heilborn
VP Investor Relations
+972 73 394 8440


Sales and business expectations of USD 18 million, some of the results of Bogota’s participation in Expo Dubai 2020

BOGOTÁ, Colombia, May 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — As a result of its participation in Expo Dubai, Bogota identified new business opportunities in strategic sectors such as health services, pharmaceuticals, fintech, service outsourcing, infrastructure, and city projects.

“Colombia is one of Dubai’s preferred destinations for developing new foreign investment and expansion projects in Latin America, with more than USD 44 million of investment in the last 10 years. For this reason, in the framework of Expo Dubai, we focused on presenting all the business opportunities that exist in Bogota, to generate new business alliances and promote the capital’s export and tourism offer,” said Maria Isabella Muñoz, executive director of Invest in Bogota, one of the entities that represented the city at the fair.

During the visit, investment agendas were set with the Emirates of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah through working meetings with more than fifty capital funds, venture capital, entrepreneurs, and government entities.

For its part, the District Secretariat of Economic Development promoted the participation of 37 companies from the Bogota Region from sectors such as agri-food, fashion, metal mechanics, industries 4.0, chemicals, and life sciences in the Macro Business Roundtable in Dubai. At this event, sales and business expectations were reached in the order of USD 18 million. Countries such as the State of Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore were the most interested.

“The participation of the city and particularly of the Economic Development sector in this type of event is another way of strengthening our business fabric by connecting it with new markets while promoting the attraction of foreign investment, particularly for the major city projects proposed in the POT, which, in the long term, will allow us to increase productivity and generate employment opportunities for all,” said Alfredo Bateman, Secretary of Economic Development of Bogota.

Bogota was also present at the Global Business Forum Latam, an event that brought together thousands of businessmen from all over the world to learn about business opportunities in Latin America.

On the other hand, a new commercial route was opened with the airlines Fly Emirates and Etihad: Dubai – Miami – Bogota, to enter a market of more than 2 billion people and position Bogota as a gateway to the region with approximately seven frequencies of these airlines.

Accor introduces ground-breaking Health to Wealth series


PARIS, France, May 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Accor, a world-leading hospitality group, today announced the launch of Health to Wealth, a new series exploring the current state of well-being and the defining issues of our time. Health to Wealth, which engages some of the leading thinkers of our era, kicks off today with a thought-provoking and informative podcast series, soon to be followed by an entrepreneurial start-up challenge in Paris in collaboration with VivaTech, and an insightful white paper later this year exploring the latest research in the areas of psychological and physiological health, societal structure and responsibility, global shifts, responses and predictions.

“The goal of hospitality is to provide a warm welcome, a spirit of caring, and a sense of well-being,” said Emlyn Brown, Global Vice President, Well-Being, Accor. “As a global leader of hospitality, Accor has led the industry in moving wellness matters beyond the traditional walls of spas and fitness centers into everything we do – from hotel operations to food & beverage, room design and so much more. We are excited to debut Health to Wealth and take our mission of care to the next level, convening a diverse group of innovative minds to act as a positive force for change that we hope will inspire mental and physical wholeness and a greater sense of well-being in what is a very complex and ever-changing world.”

The Health to Wealth podcast series was created by the Accor well-being team and curated by Well Intelligence. Well Intelligence is a UK-based international business advisory group that champions the relevance and cultural lifeblood that wellbeing investment brings; providing corporations and enterprise with insight and guidance in their quest to establish impactful wellbeing programs, transform company ethos and create healthier more sustainable communities.

“Accor is taking a powerful step forward to lead a global discourse among some of the world’s boldest thinkers, at a time when the collective wellness of the world has never felt more shaken,” said Anni Hood, CEO, Well Intelligence. “At Well Intelligence, we believe that sometimes a more radical approach is necessary to inspire a revolutionary shift, in perspective and beyond.”

The first four Health to Wealth podcast episodes are now available, featuring Wim Hof discussing democratic access to health and the power of the breath (Putting Mind Over Matter). Kate Cook will address the impact of nutritional health on business performance (Super Powered Through Strategic Nutrition); Saasha Celestial-One will outline her grassroots, real-world response to waste (Sharing A Recipe To Reduce Food Waste); and Manuel Muniz on the subject of technology, its impacts and strategic possibilities (Turning The Digital Tide).

“We’re all on this planet together, and when part of us isn’t doing well or isn’t properly nurtured, then it affects our entire collective organism. And that, to me, felt like a very natural way to think about the social and human and planetary interconnectedness that is coming to light in this Health to Wealth series,” said Saasha Celestial-One, founder of OLIO, the global food sharing app that is revolutionizing food waste and community service, and one of the Health to Wealth contributors.

“The macro well-being perspective that Health to Wealth is examining is essential,” added Manuel Muniz, Provost of the IE University in Madrid, former Secretary of State for Global Spain, and contributor to Health to Wealth. “I’m glad these discussions are taking place now, given the general state-of-affairs of the world. I believe this is the right time to address these matters.”

Additional podcast episodes will be released throughout May and June 2022, featuring such mind-opening discussions as:

  • Thierry Malleret on well-being, changing values and global macro forces
  • Oli Patrick & Harry Jameson on fitness, resilience and countering stress
  • Olaf Blanke on how our body sense is governed by neuroscience
  • Julian Ranger on why everyone should look after their own personal data
  • Allie Burns on investing in the entrepreneurs who can make a social impact
  • Ali Parsa on virtual doctors and the AI revolution in healthcare

The Health to Wealth podcast series is available on all major podcast platforms, healthtowealthbyaccor.com and Accor’s website.


Accor is a world leading hospitality group consisting of more than 5,300 properties and 10,000 food and beverage venues throughout 110 countries. The group has one of the industry’s most diverse and fully-integrated hospitality ecosystems encompassing more than 40 luxury, premium, midscale and economy hotel brands, entertainment and nightlife venues, restaurants and bars, branded private residences, shared accommodation properties, concierge services, co-working spaces and more. Accor’s unmatched position in lifestyle hospitality – one of the fastest growing categories in the industry – is led by Ennismore, a joint venture, which Accor holds a majority shareholding. Ennismore is a creative hospitality company with a global collective of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Accor boasts an unrivalled portfolio of distinctive brands and approximately 260,000 team members worldwide. Members benefit from the company’s comprehensive loyalty program – ALL – Accor Live Limitless – a daily lifestyle companion that provides access to a wide variety of rewards, services and experiences. Through its Planet 21 – Acting Here, Accor Solidarity, RiiSE and ALL Heartist Fund initiatives, the Group is focused on driving positive action through business ethics, responsible tourism, environmental sustainability, community engagement, diversity and inclusivity. Founded in 1967, Accor SA is headquartered in France and publicly listed on the Euronext Paris Stock Exchange (ISIN code: FR0000120404) and on the OTC Market (Ticker: ACCYY) in the United States. For more information visit group.accor.com, or follow Accor on Twitter, FacebookLinkedIn, and Instagram.

Press Contacts: Charlotte Thouvard, charlotte.thouvard@accor.com; Mike Taylor, mike.taylor@accor.com

LONGi releases its annual report for 2021 and Q1 2022 

XI’AN, China, May 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — LONGi has released its 2021 and Q1 2022 annual report to global shareholders, revealing that the company has maintained stable operations and achieved significant global shipments of products throughout the period.

LONGi's headquarters in Xi'an, China

The report put LONGi’s operating revenue for 2021 at CNY 80.932 billion, a year-on-year increase of 48.27%. Net profit attributable to the parent company during the period was CNY 9.086 billion, including CNY 8.826 billion of net profit deducted from non-recurring gains and losses attributable to shareholders of listed companies. The consolidated gross margin was 20.19% and the asset-liability ratio 51.31%, down 8.07% from the previous year.

In terms of results for Q1 2022, the company achieved an operating revenue of CNY 18.595 billion, up 17.29% compared to the same period in the previous year, and continues to lead the PV industry. LONGi sees significant potential for global energy transition and opportunities linked to the pursuit of worldwide carbon neutrality and has set itself the goal of achieving operating revenue of more than CNY 100 billion in 2022.

Wafer & Module production sees rapid growth and shipments remain No.1 globally

In 2021, LONGi achieved wafer shipments of 70.01GW, split between external sales of 33.92GW and 36.09GW for internal use and shipped 38.52GW of mono-crystalline modules, of which external sales accounted for 37.24GW and internal use 1.28GW. During the reporting period, the company’s global sales performance, market share and brand influence ranked it 1st in the world, with its total shipment volume of domestic and exported modules exceeding 2nd place by more than 10GW.

In Q1 2022, LONGi achieved 18.36GW in mono-crystalline silicon wafer shipments, split between external sales of 8.42GW and 9.94GW for internal use and shipped 6.44GW of mono-crystalline modules, of which external sales accounted for 6.35GW and internal use 0.09GW.

As of the end of 2021, the company’s production capacity for wafers, cells and modules had reached 105GW, 37GW and 60GW respectively, with 2022 capacity targets increased to 150GW, 60GW and 85GW.

LONGi has issued 2022 shipment targets of 90GW-100GW (including internal use) for wafers and 50GW-60GW (including internal use) for modules.

Globalization and localization strategy enables the business market to enter a new phase

   As a key player in implementing a globalization and localization strategy, LONGi has achieved a leading position in market share for Greater China, Asia-Pacific, Europe, the U.S., the Middle East & Africa, module sales reaching overall leadership globally in 2020 with the status consolidated in 2021. The company has now established manufacturing facilities and sales networks in more than 150 countries and regions worldwide, employing 49,967 full-time corporate staff, with 9,827 employees outside China’s mainland accounting for 7.59% of the overall total.

With trade disputes (WRO) and other ad-hoc issues having an impact on China’s photovoltaic industry, LONGi’s advantage in not relying on a single market allows it to perform consistently well and meet growth expectations. The completion of the technical transformation of existing production lines will strengthen the overall coordination of global sales in various regions, shorten in-transit time of products and further increase product shipment levels.

Sustainable investment in technology R&D leads industry innovation

LONGi maintains a long-term commitment to R&D in technology. From the company’s listing in 2012 to 2021, the compound annual growth rate of operating revenue reached 53.52% and its total revenue increased from CNY 1.71 billion to more than CNY 80 billion, a 47-fold increase. The growth rate of R&D investment over the period is almost synchronous, totalling over CNY 10 billion.

As of 2021, LONGi had secured a total of 1,387 authorized patents and invested CNY 4.394 billion in technology R&D, accounting for 5.43% of revenue, a year-on-year increase of 69.55%. In the past year alone, LONGi has broken the world record for cell conversion efficiency 7 times across various technical disciplines and laid claim to overall leadership in new high-efficiency cell technologies including n-type and p-type TOPCon and n-type and p-type HJT. The company’s new solar cell technology will be put into production during the third quarter of 2022.

International organisations validate LONGi’s renowned brand and product quality

In 2021, the U.S. Renewable Energy Testing Center (RETC) recognized LONGi as a “High Achiever” for the third consecutive year in its PV Module Index (PVMI) report and LONGi also earned Top Performer status in PVEL’s PV Module Reliability Scorecard.

At Intersolar 2021, LONGi was recognized as the winner in the Photovoltaics category for its high-efficiency Hi-MO 5 (182mm) series module, the  award given to companies making a significant contribution to the industry via technological innovation.

In 2021, LONGi was once again recognised at the TÜV Rheinland “All Quality Matters” Solar Congress, with its Hi-MO 4 and Hi-MO 5 high-efficiency modules winning awards for Outdoor Energy Yield (Monofacial Group) and Energy Yield Simulation (Bifacial monocrystalline group) respectively.

Promoting the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concept to achieve sustainability

LONGi actively implements sustainable development efforts. In 2021, the company announced an ambitious pledge at the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) to convert the company’s Baoshan production base in Yunnan Province into its first “Net-zero Plant” by 2023. The announcement of the pledge will see the beginning of “Net-zero LONGi” and the establishment of a test field for the company’s “Solar for Solar” sustainable development concept.

2021 also saw LONGi issue its first White Paper on Climate Action at the COP26 summit. According to the document, the company will continue to actively fulfil its commitment to promote the implementation of the four international initiatives, RE100, EV100, EP100 and SBTi.

The 2021 annual report additionally states that LONGi has now reached 40.19% of renewable electricity use in its global operations and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 1,687,933 tons, via the three disciplines of self-owned power generation facilities, procurement of third-party power generation facilities and contract procurement of green power.

As a socially responsible company headquartered in Xi’an, capital of northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, LONGi donated CNY 10 million to the local government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The company also donated CNY 15 million to the people of Henan Province to provide disaster relief following extensive flooding.

Moving forward, LONGi will continue to enhance its product leadership strategy, taking the creation of value for customers as its starting point. The company will drive technological innovation with ambitious goals and continuously work toward the reduction of product cost and improvement in efficiency and quality, continuing to support high-intensity R&D investment and delivery of high-value results to global customers.

Note: The financial figures in the report are quoted in Chinese Yuan (CNY).

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1811364/LONGi_headquarters_in_Xi_an_China.jpg

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1606520/LONGi_Logo.jpg

Triggerise and Elton John AIDS Foundation Partner to Expand Mental Health Care for Youth in Kenya

The new partnership will make mental health screenings and services accessible to thousands of young people in Kenya

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Triggerise is pleased to announce a new partnership with Elton John AIDS Foundation to empower young people in Kenya to take control of their mental and physical health. The $1 million grant from Elton John AIDS Foundation will ensure all Triggerise associated clinics in Mombasa, Kenya provide mental health screening and services, ranging from individual and group counselling to trauma-based care, over the next three years. These crucial mental health offerings will be fully integrated with Triggerise’s pre-existing sexual and reproductive health services (SRH) for young people between the ages of 15 and 24.

The partnership is also ensuring pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and antiretroviral therapy (ART) services are a part of Triggerise’s established offerings in Mombasa, as seamless access to SRH is crucial for this age group. Triggerise will, for the first time, work across both its existing private sector network of clinics and expand its platform coverage to include public sector clinics providing HIV services, as it is essential to support young people who test positive for HIV throughout their care journey. They will then be enrolled onto Triggerise’s mobile-powered platform, connecting them to appropriate services at no cost. The platform will anonymously track their HIV care journey with the goal of keeping them on treatment and accessing services. The Triggerise platform also allows for youth feedback on service experience so improvements can be made to meet young people’s ever-evolving needs.

“We are honoured to partner on this important initiative with Elton John AIDS Foundation,” said Richard Matikanya, Chief Operating Officer of Triggerise. “The timing of this investment is particularly exciting, as the growing mental health burden among young people in their diversity – particularly those living with HIV – has largely been overlooked. Our partnership will allow us to contribute to the evidence base on how to ensure that young people have access to mental health services that respond to their needs on their terms.”

“The Elton John AIDS Foundation is very excited to have the opportunity to partner with the innovative team at Triggerise to expand its existing programme for young people to include services to support their mental health,” said Anne Aslett, Chief Executive Officer of Elton John AIDS Foundation. “We know that mental health and physical health are syndemic and therefore critical to address simultaneously.”

“Triggerise’s easy-to-use youth centric platform has the potential to reach underserved, and often discriminated against young people, many of whom are LGBTQ+,” says Dr. Lindsay Hayden, who leads the young people portfolio at Elton John AIDS Foundation. “We’re eager to empower them with the information, support and services they need to live holistically healthy lives.”

About The Elton John AIDS Foundation:

The Elton John AIDS Foundation was established in 1992 and is one of the leading independent AIDS organisations in the world. The Foundation’s mission is simple: an end to the AIDS epidemic. The Elton John AIDS Foundation is committed to overcome the stigma, discrimination and neglect that keeps us from ending AIDS. With the mobilisation of our network of generous supporters and partners, we fund local experts across four continents to challenge discrimination, prevent infections and provide treatment as well as influencing governments to end AIDS. www.eltonjohnaidsfoundation.org

About Triggerise:

We use data-driven insights to positively disrupt delivery of health and wellness services. By fusing tech and behavioural economics, we motivate people to adopt and maintain positive behaviours.

Let’s connect for change. Find us here: www.triggerise.org

Media Contact: Mary Pavlu, mary.pavlu@eltonjohnaidsfoundation.org

‫ Giift، تحصل على ملكية الأغلبية في Loyolink، وهو كيان رائد في الولاء، وامتيازات نمط الحياة، ومساحة توفير الحوافز

سنغافورة، 5 مايو 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت Giift ، المزود الرائد لحلول إدارة الولاء في جميع أنحاء العالم، اليوم أنها حصلت على ملكية الأغلبية في Loyolink Marketing ، وهي كيان رائد في الولاء، وامتيازات نمط الحياة، ومساحة توفير الحوافز.  

Giift Logo

ستوسع جهود Giift و Loyolink المشتركة عروض خدماتها عبر قاعدة عملاء Giift وشبكة Giift التابعة لها، في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي ولكن أيضًا في مناطق جغرافية أخرى وتزيد بشكل مشترك من قيمة الولاء المضافة.

وقال لوران كساتارت، المؤسس المشارك لشركة Giift : “ستؤدي إضافة Loyolink إلى النظام البيئي ل Giift إلى إثراء عرضنا بشكل استراتيجي والسماح لنا بالاستفادة من منتجات وخدمات Giift الحالية، مما يفتح إمكانيات جديدة لعملائنا الفريدين في السوق”.

“ستمكن Loyolink عملاء Giift من المشاركة بشكل أكثر فعالية وشخصي مع عملائهم. وقال باسكال كساتارت، المؤسس المشارك لـ Giift ، إن تعزيز محفظة تجارب عملاء Giift مع Loyolink سيخلق نموذجًا جديدًا لكيفية إدارة التجارة رقميًا لأنها ستوفر تخصيصًا أعلى، مما يساعد المؤسسات على ضمان أن كل مشاركة ذات صلة ومؤثرة”.

قال ناريش هاندا، المؤسس المشارك والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Loyolink Marketing : “أنا شخصياً متحمس للغاية لرؤية مجموعة معارف Loyolink وأفضل ممارسات الصناعة والفروق الدقيقة للشركاء التجاريين يمكن مشاركتها الآن عبر الوجود العالمي لـ Giift في دول مثل الأمريكتين و APEC والشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا وأوروبا “. 

لمحة عن Loyolink

تأسست Loyolink في عام 2011 وتعمل من مكاتبها في دبي. على مدى العقد الماضي، أنشأت Loyolink مجموعة كبيرة من حوالي 3000 علاقة تجارية تخدم أكثر من 16 عميلًا رئيسيًا، في المقام الأول في القطاع المصرفي.

Loyolink هي مزود محتوى في المقام الأول للبنوك التي تتطلع إلى تحفيز قاعدة عملائها من خلال عروض المطاعم والمنتجعات الصحية والإقامة في الفنادق والترفيه والمزيد. إلى جانب البنوك، توفر Loyolink أيضًا خدمات للشركات الأخرى من قطاعات الصناعة مثل الاتصالات والنفط والغاز وكيانات الاتصالات الإلكترونية، الراغبة في استكمال برامج المكافآت والاحتفاظ بالعملاء. تدير Loyolink أيضًا برامج استحواذ العملاء الجدد وشراء الدفع الفوري لاحقًا نيابة عن بعض بنوك عملائها.

لمحة عن Giift

تخدم Giift صناعة الولاء متعددة الأوجه عبر ثلاث وظائف رئيسية بما في ذلك استحقاق الولاء، واسترداد الولاء والدفع، ومشاركة الولاء. تأسست Giift في عام 2013، وتدير اليوم أكثر من 50 ألف برنامج في أكثر من 55 دولة وأكثر من 110 مليون مستخدم. يقع مقر الشركة في سنغافورة ولديها مكاتب في نيويورك ولندن ودبلن ودبي والدوحة ونيروبي وبنغالور ومومباي ولاغوس وجاكرتا وداكا وكولومبو ووهان. www.giift.com

للتواصل الاعلامي 

Loyolink – ناريش هاندا:  nareshhanda@loyo-link.com , ‎+97150 6244105

Giift  – أماوري بيرثيت:  amaury.berthet@giift.com , ‎+337 82 01 31 99

الشعار –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1809825/Giift_Logo.jpg