Settlers attack citizens south and east of Hebron

Hebron-Ma’an- Groups of settlers, under the protection of occupation soldiers, attacked citizens in the village of Umm al-Khair in Masafer Yatta, and in the Bani Na’im desert, in the West Bank. The occupation army also confiscated two bulldozers.

The coordinator of the Popular and National Committees to Resist the Wall and Settlements in South Hebron, Ratib al-Jabour, explained that groups of settlers from the ‘Karmiel’ settlement attacked, today, Saturday, under the protection of occupation soldiers, citizens in the village of Umm al-Khair and sprayed them with pepper gas, causing a number of them to suffer from suffocation.

Al-Jabour added that settlers attacked the house of citizen Adel Nassar, pointed their machine guns at his children, and broke the interior doors of the house, causing terror among the children. They also destroyed the contents of the house of citizen Atiya Salem Abu Shkhidem in the Masafer Bani Naim wilderness.

He pointed out that the settlers were wearing occupation army uniforms du
ring the attack.

In a related context, the occupation army confiscated two bulldozers, belonging to citizens Ismail Al-Jabbarin and Jalal Hoshiyeh, while they were working to reclaim citizens’ lands in Mankat Al-Buwaib, northeast of Yatta, south of Hebron.

Source: Maan News Agency

A citizen was killed during a quarrel in the city of Dura

HEBRON – Ma’an – Police spokesman Colonel Louay Erziqat said that a 49-year-old citizen was killed as a result of being shot during a quarrel that took place in the city of Dura, south of Hebron.

Arziqat added that the police and security services are beginning search and investigation procedures and deploying large forces in the city to maintain security and public order.

Local sources reported that citizen Naim Al-Nammoura was killed and others were injured during the fight in which firearms were used.

There is a state of extreme tension in the city, after the announcement of the killing of the tiger.

Source: Maan News Agency

Suspected of shooting at the occupation army south of Hebron

HEBRON – Ma’an – Local sources said that the occupation army closed the Khirbet Qalqas junction south of Hebron after Saturday afternoon, and occupation soldiers were deployed heavily in the area. The western entrance to Hebron – Farsh al-Hawa – and several entrances to streets and roads south of Hebron were also closed.

The sources reported that the occupation army is suspected of shooting at the soldiers stationed at the Khirbet Qalqas junction.

The bypass streets, south, east and north of Hebron, are witnessing a stifling traffic crisis due to the closure of roads and the deployment of occupation soldiers.

Source: Maan News Agency

The organization’s executive committee calls for escalation in the face of the occupation due to the continuation of war and settlement

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization held a meeting on Saturday to follow up on its decisions to confront the escalating Israeli measures against our people in Gaza and the West Bank, represented by the continuation of the war of extermination in the Gaza Strip and the invasions and attacks in the West Bank.

The meeting discussed the recent decisions of the occupation government related to the legalization of so-called colonial outposts, the construction of thousands of colonial settlement units, the imposition of more sieges on Palestinian cities, towns, villages and camps in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the seizure of more Palestinian lands.

The Executive Committee decided to confront and confront all these measures, and to call on all Palestinian forces and the masses of our people to stand together and with all comprehensive popular and political means to confront these policies and measures.

The Executive Committee affirmed that the Palestinian
people will remain in their land, and all the occupation’s efforts to liquidate our national cause and the ongoing displacement and Judaization projects will fail, affirming its adherence to their legitimate rights to independence, freedom and return.

She stressed the need to protect the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the continuation of its mandate and work in its five areas of operation, in light of the occupation’s positions aimed at ending its work and eliminating the right of return of refugees based on Resolution 194.

The Executive Committee discussed the unjust decisions taken by the Commissioner of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees to dismiss four members of the Union of Workers in the West Bank region, including the president of the Union, and punitive measures towards seven other members.

It called on the Commissioner-General to immediately stop these escalatory measures that contradict the understandings that took place between the
Executive Committee and UNRWA.

The Executive Committee also approved the speed of action at all international and regional levels, including heading to the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly, and the International Court of Justice, which confirms its role as the highest judicial body affiliated with the United Nations, and continuing to push the decisions of the International Criminal Court in order to arrest and prosecute war criminals. From the occupation leaders and officials.

The Executive Committee confirmed a number of decisions and measures to strengthen and preserve the organization as the sole legitimate representative of our Palestinian people, and adherence to Palestinian national unity, which constitutes a safety valve to protect our people.

The executive stressed the importance of continuing to support our heroic prisoners and detainees languishing in the occupation’s cells, and rejecting the occupation policy aimed at breaking their steadfastness, especially our male and female pris
oners from the Gaza Strip, who number in the thousands, in light of killing and forced disappearance, leading to assaults, sexual crimes, and rape, which requires rapid intervention to protect our male and female prisoners. Rejecting the policy of torture, isolation, and killing through all institutions of the international community that talk about democracy and human rights, and when it comes to the occupation, double standards and double standards are used.

The Executive Committee called for more mass movements and activities to support our prisoners in all governorates of the country, all refugee camps, the diaspora, and the various capitals of the world.

Source: Maan News Agency

Abu Rudeina: All settlement is illegal and is part of the aggression

Ramallah – Ma’an – The official spokesman for the presidency, Nabil Abu Rudeina, said today, Saturday, that the approval of the so-called “Israeli Ministerial Council for Political and Security Affairs (Cabinet)” to legitimize 5 colonial outposts in the West Bank, and advance plans to build thousands of new colonial units, comes… Within the framework of the comprehensive war waged by the Israeli occupation state against the Palestinian people, their land and their sanctities.

Abu Rudeina added that all Israeli decisions are rejected and condemned, and will not give legitimacy to the settlements, which the international community has confirmed are illegal and must be removed from all Palestinian lands, including East Jerusalem.

He said that the extremist efforts of the occupation government to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state will fail, and that the occupying state is defying the will of the international community as a result of blind American support by providing weapons, money and politi
cal cover that makes the occupation continue its crimes of genocide against our people.

Abu Rudeineh held the US administration responsible for these Israeli decisions that have ignited the region and are pushing things towards a comprehensive explosion. He called on it to take immediate action to force the occupying state to stop the war of extermination it is waging against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and to stop its crimes and colonization.

The official presidential spokesman confirmed that the Israeli government’s extremist decisions will not succeed in imposing a new fait accompli on the ground, stressing that there will be no security or stability without the establishment of a Palestinian state free of colonialism and colonizers.

Abu Rudeina called on the UN Security Council to implement its Resolution No. 2334, adopted on December 23, 2016, which calls on Israel, the occupying power, to stop settlement in the West Bank, including East Jerusa
lem, and to denounce the illegality of Israel’s establishment of settlements in the land occupied since 1967.

Source: Maan News Agency

Al-Quds Brigades: We detonated two ground devices in a number of occupation vehicles in Tal Al-Hawa

Gaza – Ma’an – Al-Quds Brigades announced, on Saturday, that a Nimir military vehicle was targeted with a Tandom shell in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, noting that its crew was killed and wounded.

In another statement, it indicated that two landmines were detonated in a number of occupation vehicles near the Issa site in Tal al-Hawa, southwest of Gaza City.

Source: Maan News Agency

3 martyrs in an occupation bombing northwest of Rafah city

Gaza – Ma’an – Three citizens were martyred this Saturday evening, in a bombing by occupation aircraft northwest of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

The official agency reported that 3 martyrs arrived at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, after being targeted by a missile from an Israeli reconnaissance plane in the Al-Shakoush area in Al-Mawasi, northwest of Rafah.

The occupation forces have continued their aggression on land, sea and air against the Gaza Strip since the 7th of last October, resulting in the martyrdom of 37,834 citizens, the majority of whom were children and women, and the injury of 86,858 others, while thousands of victims remain under rubble and on the roads, as the occupation prevents access to… Ambulance and civil defense crews to them.

Source: Maan News Agency

Half of them are children – 10,000 disabled cases in Gaza due to the aggression

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities Sector in the Palestinian NGO Network warned of the serious repercussions of the escalating and continuing Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip on the reality and lives of persons with disabilities, in light of the unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe at all levels.

The sector indicated in a statement, issued today, Saturday, that hundreds of people with disabilities were martyred, thousands of them were injured, and ten thousand citizens were injured with various disabilities as a result of the Israeli aggression, in addition to the displacement of tens of thousands of people with disabilities and their exposure to difficult conditions of displacement, in addition to The difficult psychological traumas they are exposed to.

He stressed that the occupation’s destruction of infrastructure and main roads, and the destruction of accommodations and the headquarters of organizations working in the field of rehabilitation, caused a limitation in
the ability of people with disabilities to move and access services, and thus limit the opportunities for movement and evacuation, which exposed and is exposing their lives to extreme danger, in addition to their loss of their tools. Assistance, because they had to leave their aids behind due to the bombing.

He added that the lives of persons with disabilities are at risk due to the severe shortage of water, food, energy, medicines, medical and rehabilitation treatment. With regard to displacement, many persons with disabilities face great difficulties in overcrowded and inadequate shelters for the displaced, which do not provide the requirements for inclusion, which doubles the difficulty of obtaining humanitarian assistance, using bathrooms, and other essential needs and requirements.

He explained that persons with disabilities are exposed, like other Palestinian citizens, to the crimes of the occupation, but their impact is doubled on them, as the lack of inclusion components in the surrounding environme
nt or the destruction of these components due to the occupation or the destruction of their support tools reduces their chances of survival, as it hinders their ability to evacuate and reach health facilities and shelters. The comprehensive siege and closure of humanitarian crossings also prevents them from obtaining the periodic medications and special foods they need, in addition to rehabilitation services and others.

He stressed that the lack of adaptation of shelter centers, in addition to overcrowding, represents an additional problem that limits the access of persons with disabilities to the few available services, as persons with disabilities suffer more than others from malnutrition, which exposes them to chronic diseases and the possibility of death.

He stressed that women with disabilities face double challenges during the war, especially with the lack of health supplies for them as women with disabilities, in addition to the severe shortage of inclusion requirements, severe overcrowding inside sh
elters, the presence of some women in tents on the sand, and their need to access bathrooms, most of which are not suitable. In addition, women with disabilities face difficulties related to obtaining food, medicine, health and rehabilitation follow-ups, which may greatly affect their health status, and as a result of overcrowding and lack of privacy, they are also vulnerable to violations and violence, which exacerbates their psychological conditions.

The Rehabilitation Sector pointed out that the significant increase in the number of disabilities caused by the war, which is close to ten thousand cases of disability, half of which are children, at a time when the occupation prevents the entry of assistive devices and medical supplies, and prevents them from traveling abroad for treatment in light of the destruction of the health infrastructure and the destruction of most health facilities, hospitals and rehabilitation centers, is likely to put their lives at risk.

The Disability Rehabilitation Sector calle
d for the importance of providing urgent protection for persons with disabilities, and condemned the crimes committed by the occupation against our Palestinian people in all the occupied Palestinian territories, and in particular the massacres and deliberate genocide it is committing against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

He also called for accelerating the provision of the special needs of persons with disabilities, including assistive devices such as wheelchairs, crutches, hearing aids, white canes for the visually impaired, medical mattresses, and others, and supporting institutions working in the field of rehabilitating persons with disabilities, and enhancing their ability to respond to their needs.

Source: Maan News Agency

Suffocation injuries during clashes with the occupation in Qusra

Nablus – Ma’an – A number of citizens suffered from suffocation, this evening, Saturday, during confrontations that broke out with the Israeli occupation forces as they stormed the town of Qasra, south of Nablus.

Local sources reported that the occupation forces stormed the southern area of ??the town, and as a result, confrontations broke out with citizens, during which sound bombs and poisonous gas were fired at them, causing a number of them to suffer from suffocation.

The same sources indicated that areas of agricultural land were burned as a result of the occupation forces throwing sound bombs and toxic gas between homes and agricultural land.

Source: Maan News Agency

UNRWA warns of the spread of more diseases in Gaza as a result of ‘huge piles’ of waste

Washington – Ma’an – A United Nations official said on Friday that piles of rotting garbage are accumulating near shelters for displaced people in the Gaza Strip, raising fears of the spread of more diseases.

Louise Waterridge, an aid worker with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), said piles of garbage estimated to weigh about 100,000 tons were piling up near the tents of displaced people in central Gaza.

She told reporters via video link from Gaza, “Piles of garbage are piled up among the residents and are not being transported anywhere. The situation is getting worse. With the rising temperatures, it is really increasing the misery of the residents as well as the living conditions here.”

She said Israel has repeatedly refused requests to allow UNRWA to empty its main waste collection sites, meaning temporary sites have emerged. She added that even if Israel were to agree to these requests now, UNRWA’s humanitarian missions such as garbage collection would be halted
because of Israel’s refusal to allow fuel imports.

Waterridge, who returned to Gaza on Thursday after an absence of 4 weeks, added that the situation had deteriorated significantly. She described living conditions as “unbearable” with people sweating under plastic sheets and taking shelter in bombed buildings.

WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said the garbage, coupled with rising temperatures and a lack of clean drinking water and sanitation, was increasing the risk of disease.

He added: “This could lead to the emergence of a number of infectious diseases,” noting that about 470,000 cases of diarrhea have been recorded since the beginning of the war.

Source: Maan News Agency