Capgemini: Organizations report a four-fold increase in the deployment of generative AI since 2023

SINGAPORE – Media OutReach Newswire – 29 July 2024 – Organizations are rapidly embracing generative AI, spurred by an uptick in investment and the value of this transformative technology. It has permeated across sectors and various functions within organizations, driving a shift in operations and business models. That’s according to the Capgemini Research Institute’s latest report, “Harnessing the value of generative AI 2nd edition: Use cases across sectors,” which shows the adoption curve has increased with utilization of use cases across the spectrum. For all organizations, there has been a notable rise, with nearly one quarter currently integrating generative AI into some of their locations or functions, an increase from 6% in 2023.

Early adopters have already begun reaping benefits, ranging from improved operational efficiency to enhanced customer experience and increased sales. For example, on average, organizations realized a 6.7% improvement in customer engagement and satisfaction over the past year in the areas in which the technology has been piloted or deployed.

“Generative AI is starting to transform business and organizations are already seeing concrete growth in revenue, whilst also accelerating innovation. As a result, rather than solely focusing on cost optimization, businesses are actively exploring new avenues to leverage its capabilities and drive value creation,” comments Pascal Brier, Chief Innovation Officer at Capgemini and Member of the Group Executive Committee. “As investment increases, the rise of more complex, autonomous AI systems signals a new era of generative AI that could impact the way companies operate. To propel their AI journeys forward, organizations should establish strong data foundations with clear processes to manage siloed data and enable data integration across functions. Trust, transparency, and accountability will continue to play a central role whilst embracing this next frontier of AI that has the potential to deliver significant value over time.”

AI chatbots are evolving to multi-agent systems [1] that are set to accelerate value creation

Almost three quarters of organizations (74%) agree that generative AI is helping them drive revenue and innovation. As AI technology progresses, it will transition from the role of supportive tool to that of independent agent with increased execution capability, allowing organizations to reimagine the way they do business and create greater value from their AI investments. This potential for value creation has contributed to the emergence of multi-agent systems – a quickly evolving technology with potential to drive increased innovation. The report indicates high levels of trust in AI agents for specific tasks such as generating professional emails, coding, and data analysis. However, it also reveals that leaders are conscious of the need to maintain this trust and ethical transparency in its development and deployment.

Increase in generative AI adoption across all domains includes the use of public tools

The acceleration of generative AI over the past 12 months is not limited to a business level, as recent technological developments have made public tools more accessible to non-experts. As a result, while there has been an increase in its adoption, only 3% of organizations have imposed a ban on the use of public generative AI tools in the workplace. Almost all organizations (97%) allow employees to use generative AI in some capacity, with over half enforcing specific guidelines for employees to follow.

Faced with the fast-paced uptake of generative AI, the report notes that organizations should proceed with a sense of responsibility. Clear guardrails to validate decisions made by multi-agent systems are essential to ensure transparency and accountability in operations and to mitigate the future risks that public tools may pose to their organization.

To access the full report:

The Capgemini Research Institute surveyed 1,100 executives employed at organizations with more than $1 billion in annual revenue across 14 countries including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the UK, and the US. Organizations operate across 11 sectors; nearly all (96%) of these organizations have started to explore generative AI. The global survey took place in May and June 2024. Executives surveyed are at director-level and above and represent diverse functions.

[1] Multi-agent systems are defined as technology designed to function independently, plan, reflect, pursue higher-level goals, and execute complex workflows with minimal or limited direct human oversight. Such systems exhibit characteristics traditionally found exclusively in human operators, including decision-making, planning, and adapting execution techniques based on inputs, predefined goals, and environmental considerations.

About Capgemini

Capgemini is a global business and technology transformation partner, helping organizations to accelerate their dual transition to a digital and sustainable world, while creating tangible impact for enterprises and society. It is a responsible and diverse group of 340,000 team members in more than 50 countries. With its strong over 55-year heritage, Capgemini is trusted by its clients to unlock the value of technology to address the entire breadth of their business needs. It delivers end-to-end services and solutions leveraging strengths from strategy and design to engineering, all fueled by its market leading capabilities in AI, cloud and data, combined with its deep industry expertise and partner ecosystem. The Group reported 2023 global revenues of €22.5 billion.

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About the Capgemini Research Institute

The Capgemini Research Institute is Capgemini’s in-house think-tank on all things digital. The Institute publishes research on the impact of digital technologies on large traditional businesses. The team draws on the worldwide network of Capgemini experts and works closely with academic and technology partners. The Institute has dedicated research centers in India, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. It was recently ranked #1 in the world for the quality of its research by independent analysts.

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‫تصور شرق أوسط أكثر اخضرارًا مع مركبات VinFast الكهربائية

هانوي، فيتنام – Media OutReach Newswire– 29 يوليو 2024 –منطقة الشرق الأوسط المرتبطة تقليديًا باحتياطيات النفط الضخمة والاقتصاد كثيف الكربون تشهد حاليًا تغيرًا ملحوظًا حيث إن هناك تصورًا جديدًا للاستدامة البيئية والتنويع الاقتصادي، وتؤدي شركات مثل VinFast دورًا رئيسيًا في دفع هذا التغير. يتجلى هذا التغير في تزايد الاهتمام بالمركبات الكهربائية في جميع أنحاء المنطقة بسبب المخاوف بشأن جودة الهواء وتغير المناخ والحاجة إلى تقليل الاعتماد على الوقود الأحفوري.

مجمع VinFast لتصنيع المركبات الكهربائية في هاي فونج، فيتنام

تعمل الحكومات في مختلف بلاد الشرق الأوسط بحماس على تحفيز استخدام المركبات الكهربائية من خلال اتباع مجموعة تدابير، مثل الإعفاءات الضريبية ودعم البنية التحتية للشحن. على سبيل المثال، تهدف دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة إلى أن تكون 50% من سياراتها كهربائية بحلول عام 2050، فيما تمكن خطة رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030 من إنشاء نظام بيئي مزدهر للمركبات الكهربائية، ولا تهدف هذه المبادرات إلى الحد من الانبعاثات فحسب، بل تهدف أيضًا إلى تهيئة المنطقة لتَبوُء الريادة في مجال التحول العالمي نحو النقل المستدام.

يُعد تزايد الوعي البيئي بين المستهلكين في الشرق الأوسط من العوامل الرئيسية للسعي لاستخدام المركبات الكهربائية. كما أن تزايد وضوح الآثار السلبية لتغير المناخ يدفع الأفراد والشركات للبحث عن طرق للحد من انبعاثاتهم الكربونية. تتميز المركبات الكهربائية بانعدام انبعاثات العوادم وانخفاض تأثيرها على البيئة إجماليًا، ولذلك تُعد بديلاً مغريًا للمركبات التقليدية التي تعمل بالبنزين. علاوة على ذلك، فإن ارتفاع تكلفة الوقود والرغبة في تقليل الاعتماد على الوقود الأحفوري يعملان على زيادة الطلب على المركبات الكهربائية.

كما تقدم الخصائص الفريدة التي تتمتع بها منطقة الشرق الأوسط فرصًا كبيرة لاستخدام المركبات الكهربائية؛ فموارد الطاقة الشمسية الوفيرة في المنطقة تجعلها موقعًا مثاليًا لمحطات الشحن التي تعمل بالطاقة الشمسية، مما يقلل من الاعتماد على شبكات الكهرباء ويعزز استدامة المركبات الكهربائية. علاوة على ذلك، فإن المسافات القصيرة نسبيًا بين المدن الكبرى وانتشار القيادة في المناطق الحضرية تجعل المركبات الكهربائية خيارًا عمليًا ومريحًا للعديد من المسافرين.

نظرًا لكل هذه العوامل، فمن المتوقع أن تشهد سوق المركبات الكهربائية في الشرق الأوسط نموًا هائلاً في السنوات المقبلة. طبقًا لبعض التقديرات، من المتوقع أن يصل حجم سوق المركبات الكهربائية في الشرق الأوسط إلى 7.65 مليار دولار أمريكي بحلول عام 2028، مقارنةً بـ2.7 مليار دولار أمريكي فقط في عام 2023، ووفقًا لتقرير صادر عن مؤسسة 6Wresearch، فقد نما حجم سوق المركبات الكهربائية في الشرق الأوسط بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب بلغ 28.9% خلال الفترة ما بين عامي 2022 و2028.

إن اتجاه الزيادة في الطلب على المركبات الكهربائية في الشرق الأوسط يُعد فرصة ذهبية لكل من مصنعي السيارات الكهربائية الراسخين والناشئين، وشركة VinFast الفيتنامية الناشئة المتخصصة في تصنيع السيارات ومركز صناعة السيارات في مجموعة Vingroup، أكبر تكتل شركات خاص في فيتنام، تهيأت تمامًا للاستفادة من هذا الاتجاه، ويتماشى توسع VinFast في الشرق الأوسط بسلاسة مع مهمتها لتسريع التحول العالمي نحو الطاقة المستدامة والتنقل الذكي.

بعد توسعها في أمريكا الشمالية وأوروبا وآسيا، خطت VinFast خطوات كبيرة في سوق المركبات الكهربائية في الشرق الأوسط، مستفيدةً من خبرتها في أسواق عالمية أخرى والتزامها بالجودة، وتلبي منتجاتها المتنوعة وسياسة اشتراكات البطاريات المبتكرة وخدمات ما بعد البيع الشاملة مختلف متطلبات المستهلكين.

أنشات شركة VinFast مقرًا إقليميًا لها في دبي وعقدت اتفاقيات توزيع حصرية مع مجموعات شركات تصنيع السيارات الكبرى، وبذلك تمهد الشركة طريقها لتحظى بحضور قوي في الشرق الأوسط. تتعاون الشركة أيضًا بنشاط مع أصحاب المصلحة لتعزيز التنقل المستدام وتشارك في فعاليات مثل مؤثمر COP28 لإثبات التزامها بالمسؤولية البيئية.

تجتمع المخاوف البيئية والحوافز الحكومية وتفضيلات المستهلكين المتغيرة على إعادة تشكيل ملامح مجال تصنيع السيارات في الشرق الأوسط، ومن المقرر أن تؤدي VinFast دورًا محوريًا في هذه المرحلة الحيوية الجديدة، مما يسرع التحول نحو مستقبل أكثر اعتمادًا على الاستدامة والكهرباء في المنطقة.

Investigation into Sharurah Power Outage Leads to Immediate Corrective Measures and Accountability for Those Responsible

In accordance with the directives from the Board of Directors of the Saudi Electricity Regulatory Authority (SERA) to the Board of Directors of the Saudi Electricity Company regarding the power outage in Sharurah on Friday, July 12, 2024, which included instructions to conduct an urgent investigation into the causes of the outage and the delay in restoring electrical service, and following the company’s statement issued on Sunday, July 14, 2024, the company’s Board of Directors held an emergency meeting to review the investigation results.

The investigation, conducted under the supervision of SERA and with the assistance of independent technical consultancy firms, identified the root causes of the complete outage and the negligence and shortcomings that led to it. The main issues included a malfunction in one of the circuit breakers due to lack of necessary maintenance and failure of protection devices, which contributed to the extensive impact and resulted in a complete power outage. This led to the company
‘s failure to deliver electrical service to all consumers in Sharurah efficiently and reliably.

Based on the investigation results and with direct oversight from SERA, the company’s board has taken several urgent decisions, which include:

First: Dismissing a senior executive and three managers from their leadership positions within the company due to their negligence and failure to fulfill their responsibilities related to their assigned duties.

Second: Assigning the following individuals:

Eng. Abdulrahman bin Ahmed Al-Amoudi to carry out the duties of the Executive Vice President of ,Generation Activities

Eng. Saad bin Dheeb Al Shahrani to carry out the duties of the Head of the Southern Power Generation ,Operations Sector

Eng. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Shahrani to carry out the duties of the Director of the Department of Gas Stations for Power Generation in the ,Southern Sector

Eng. Ali bin Taleb Al Kathiri to carry out the duties of the Director of the Sharurah Power Plant

Third: Approving the imple
mentation of technical measures to address the shortcomings that led to the power outage for consumers in Sharurah, including carrying out necessary maintenance programs and reviewing the calibration of protection devices at the plant.

The Board also emphasized its full commitment to implementing all directives from the Board of Directors of SERA. This includes continuing to monitor the readiness of all power generation stations and electricity transmission and distribution networks across the Kingdom, with the assistance of independent technical consultancy firms in coordination with and under the supervision of SERA. The Board stated that it would also oversee the implementation of recommendations resulting from the review of the company’s plan for the summer of 2024 across all regions, approve necessary measures to address any deficiencies in power service delivery, and ensure accountability and penalties for those at fault according to the company’s regulations and policies. Additionally, the board will
provide urgent updates to SERA on these matters.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

KSrelief Mobile Clinics in Yemen Provide Medical Services to 167 Beneficiaries in a Week

The mobile medical clinics of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) continued to provide treatment services in the Yemeni Hajjah Governorate’s Abs District.

According to the clinics’ weekly report, 167 beneficiaries visited the clinics between July 10th and 16th, 2024. This included 28 individuals at the Epidemic Diseases Clinic; 79 at the Emergency Cases Clinic; 57 at the Internal Medicine Clinic; 1 at the Reproductive Health Clinic, while 2 individuals visited the Awareness and Education Clinic.

In terms of accompanying services, 60 beneficiaries visited the Nursing Services Clinic. Additionally, two waste disposal activities were conducted; medications were dispensed to 156 patients, and 11 beneficiaries attended the Surgery and Dressing Clinic.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Red Sea Global Hosts Celebratory Mangrove Planting Initiative

the developer behind the regenerative tourism destinations The Red Sea and Amaala, hosted a celebratory planting initiative on International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem.

More than 100 volunteers from the local community, plus representatives from the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA) and students in RSG’s English for Tourism program, took part in the planting initiative, organized in collaboration with Green Umluj, a local NGO.

Group Chief Environment and Sustainability Officer at RSG, Raed Albasseet, emphasized the importance of mangrove trees as powerful tools for carbon sequestration, noting their capability to absorb up to 5-10 times more carbon than other plants. He added that establishing a sustainable mangrove ecosystem is crucial to RSG’s commitment to safeguarding and enriching the natural environment of their destinations.

Last year, RSG opened the Red Sea Mangrove Nursery and has transplanted one million seedlings across its destination areas to date. T
his year, it expects to grow a further two million.

This latest initiative is part of a larger-scale program called ‘From People to Planet,’ where members of the local community, RSG partners, and visitors to The Red Sea destination can participate in future planting initiatives.

“Through meticulous site selection, we have achieved a remarkable survival rate of 99% among the transplanted mangroves across our destination areas. But beyond the brains needed to achieve this feat, it takes incredible people power. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the partners and local community members who have volunteered to help in our planting efforts to date. Our hope is that through our ‘From People to Planet’ program, others will support our environmental regeneration efforts,” Albasseet added.

Last year, The Red Sea welcomed its first guests, with three of its hotels now open. Red Sea International (RSI) has been receiving a regular schedule of domestic flights since September 2023, and international flights began in
April 2024, with a twice-weekly route between The Red Sea and Dubai International.

Upon full completion in 2030, the destination will comprise 50 resorts, offering up to 8,000 hotel rooms and more than 1,000 residential properties across 22 islands and six inland sites. The destination will also include luxury marinas, golf courses, entertainment, food and beverage, and leisure facilities.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Saudi Arabia to Host Global Health Exhibition 2024 in October, Featuring Over 1,200 Companies and 500 Speakers

The Ministry of Health is preparing for the seventh edition of the Global Health Exhibition 2024 under the theme “Invest in Health,” organized by Tahaluf Company and supported by the Health Sector Transformation Program. The exhibition will take place at the Riyadh Convention and Exhibition Center in Malham, north of Riyadh, from October 21 to 23, 2024.

More than 1,200 global and local companies and brands from over 70 countries, and more than 500 experts and speakers will participate to discuss the latest developments and investments in the health sector, showcasing the latest technologies with innovators and investors in the field. The upcoming edition of the Global Health Exhibition, one of the three most attended health forums and one of the fastest-growing health forums worldwide, aims to encourage individuals to invest in their health for better well-being and to promote investment in the health sector.

It will feature numerous health innovations and technologies that contribute to enhancing public he
alth. Moreover, there will be announcements of significant investment launches and agreements in various promising investment opportunities within the health sector. The event will also feature more than 100 panel discussions where experts in medical and health fields will discuss key aspects of the healthcare system and investment in the Kingdom within the context of the Health Sector Transformation Program.

In addition, there will be numerous innovations and products showcased across more than nine health sectors: biotechnology, healthcare and public services, imaging and diagnostics, laboratory equipment and devices, as well as pharmaceuticals, nutrition, and IT systems and solutions. The Ministry of Health has provided an opportunity for interested individuals to register for the conference, attend its events, and benefit from the expertise of health professionals via the following link:

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Saudi Arabia Advances Globally in Several Indicators Per WEF Reports

According to reports released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) for 2024, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has achieved significant global progress in indicators of flexible working arrangements, ease of finding skilled employees in the labor market, and equal pay for equal work.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (HRSD) has worked tirelessly to enhance the Kingdom’s global position in its field. Since 2021, the Kingdom has risen seven places in the flexible work arrangements index, now ranking 14th globally for 2024. The Ministry has bolstered the traditional labor market by introducing new work patterns, including flexible work, freelance work, and telework programs, creating more job opportunities for Saudis.

Regarding the ease of finding skilled employees index, Saudi Arabia has also made great strides, advancing three places since 2021 and now ranking 4th globally in 2024. The Ministry has launched several initiatives and programs to support the training and qualification of national wor
kers, including the “Skill Verification Program” in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, covering 128 countries to verify the qualifications and skills of expatriate workers.

The Ministry has also supported job seekers through the parallel training initiative, which aims to empower women and increase their participation in the labor market by providing training programs focused on fundamental and technical skills, career guidance, and employer-provided tasks to ensure graduates’ success in the labor market.

The Ministry has launched the “Wa’ad” National Training Campaign initiative to provide 1,155,000 training opportunities by the end of 2025. This initiative is part of the Ministry’s strategy to support and train national cadres in partnership with the private sector. The campaign aims to achieve several targets, including training 12% of Saudis annually, establishing 12 sectoral councils for skills in collaboration with the private sector, and creating national professional standards for ove
r 300 professions. Another initiative, the Skills Accelerator Initiative, targets 162,000 employees in the private sector to develop high-level skills and improve their productivity.

In the Global Gender Gap Report, Saudi Arabia has advanced two places in the equal pay for equal work ranking since 2023, placing 13th globally in 2024. The share of women in the labor market has increased, reaching 34.1% in the first quarter of 2024, with the economic participation rate of Saudi women over the age of 15 at 35.8% during the same period. Efforts to promote women’s empowerment in the labor market have increased the percentage of women in senior and middle management positions to 43.8% in the first quarter of 2024. The Ministry aims to raise the target of women’s participation to 40% in the coming period.

These efforts, among others, have contributed to strengthening the Kingdom’s global position and demonstrating its ability to influence the labor market. The Kingdom has achieved a record number of Saudis working
in the private sector, increasing from 1.7 million in 2019 to over 2.3 million in 2024. Additionally, the unemployment rate has declined to 7.6% in the first quarter of 2024.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Alpha7 Esports Crowned Champions of PUBG Mobile World Cup with US$487,000 Prize

Brazil’s Alpha7 Esports players secured the title in the PUBG Mobile World Cup in Riyadh, taking home a whopping prize of US$487,000.

The event was held as part of the Esports World Cup, which is the largest in the history of global electronic gaming and sports.

The team emerged victorious after a series of intense confrontations over 10 days, breaking a streak of defeats in the last four finals of the popular game, where they had come close to victory but fell short.

Alpha7 Esports claimed first place with a total of 153 points, earning them the championship cup and the US$487,000 prize. The Japanese team REJECT secured the second spot, receiving a significant US$254,000, while China’s Tianba Esports took third place with US$207,000 in winnings.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

KSrelief Distributes 276 Food Baskets in Yemen’s Aden

he King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) on Saturday distributed food baskets to 276 families in Al-Mansoora district of Yemen’s Aden Governorate, benefiting 1,932 individuals 276 families. The assistance is part of the food aid distribution project in Yemen for 2024.

The food distribution comes within the framework of Saudi Arabia’s efforts, represented by the KSrelief, to meet the basic food needs of displaced and the most vulnerable families in Yemen.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

SFD Boosts Development in Kosovo, Supports Transportation Sector with $14 Million

Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) Chief Executive Sultan bin Abdulrahman Al-Marshad today signed an additional $14.13 million development soft loan agreement with Kosovar Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers Hekuran Murati.

The funding is to support the Pristina-Mitrovica highway project. Kosovar Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Liburn Aliu and the Kingdom’s non-resident ambassador to Kosovo, Faisal bin Ghazi Hifzi, attended the signing ceremony.

The agreement extends a project that was initially funded by SFD in 2013. It is aimed at contributing to the development and rehabilitation of the highway, including enhancing drainage services and expanding the road to cover a distance of 27 km. The main objectives are to improve safety, reduce accidents, and facilitate traffic flow.

The highway is expected to accommodate up to 27,000 vehicles per day. The project will promote social and economic growth between regions, create job opportunities, and significantly contribute to sustainable d
evelopment goals such as sustainable cities and local communities, instilling optimism about its long-term benefits.

The agreement reflects SFD’s commitment to supporting the growth of vital opportunities in developing countries worldwide and emphasizes the importance of international cooperation and solidarity to achieve sustainable development goals. Since its establishment in 1975, SFD has funded over 800 development projects and programs, totaling more than $20 billion across more than 100 developing countries. The projects have covered a wide range of sectors, directly impacting communities.

Source: Saudi Press Agency