‫انطلق نحو عالم لا حدود له من الألعاب الرائعة مع هاتف رينو6 برو 5G من أوبو

  • بفضل ميزات الألعاب الغامرة، لا يمكن أن تصبح تجربة الألعاب على هاتف رينو6 برو 5G من أوبو أفضل من الآن
  • احظَ بتجربة ألعاب مليئة بالتفاصيل المذهلة معمحرك خطي على المحور X من أوبو الذي يوفر اهتزازات مُفصّلة وحيوية لمنح المستخدم إحساساً أكبر باللعبة وكأنه جزءاً منها
  • يوفر هاتف رينو6 5G أفضل تجربة صوتية محيطية للألعاب مع مكبر صوت ستيريو بتقنية ألترا لينر Ultra-Linear والمدعومة بميزات دولبي أتموس Dolby Atmos
  • لن تفوت لحظة واحدة من استمتاعك باللعب بفضل تقنية الشحن فائقة السرعة سوبو ڤووك SuperVOOC 2.0  بقوة 65 وات والتي ستمنحك 100 دقيقة من اللعب بدون انقطاع عند الشحن لمدة 5 دقائق فقط

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 15  نوفمبر  2021
 – مع استمرار تطوّر ألعاب الهاتف المحمول فيما يتعلق بالتفاصيل والألوان والرسومات، فإن أوبو -العلامة التجارية العالمية في مجال التكنولوجيا-  تفتخر بريادتها في تصنيع هواتف ذكية تنافس الكمبيوتر والأجهزة اللوحية وحتى الأجهزة المخصصة للألعاب عندما يتعلق الأمر بإمكانيات الألعاب.

OPPO Reno6 Pro 5G

مدعوماً بمعالجكوالكوم سنابدراغون 870 5G ووحدة معالجة مركزية Kryo 585، فإن هاتف رينو6 برو5G يمكن أن يعمل بسرعات تصل إلى 3.2 غيغاهرتز، مما يمنحك تجربة لعب فائقة السرعة دون أي تقطيع، وبفضل نظام تبريد الشاشة بالسائل متعدد الأبعاد بحجم 3168 مم2 فإنك لن تنزعج أبداً من ارتفاع سخونة الهاتف في يديك. يظل رينو6 برو 5G مُريحاً عند الإمساك به لفترة طويلة، مع الحفاظ على تصميمه الأنيق خفيف الوزن. علاوة على ذلك، سيمنحك الشحن لمدة 5 دقائق باستخدام الشاحن فائق السرعة  SuperVOOC 2.0 بقوة 65 وات الاستمتاع بلعبة ببجي موبايل PUBG MOBILE لمدة تصل إلى 100 دقيقة.

لم يعد اللاعبون المحترفون بحاجة إلى القلق بشأن تأخّر استجابة هواتفهم أو تباطؤها بسبب الحمل الثقيل للألعاب؛ إذ يأتي هاتف رينو6 برو 5G مزوداً بذاكرة وصول عشوائي (RAM) كبيرة بسعة 12 غيغابايت + ذاكرة داخلية (ROM) بسعة 256 غيغابايت وتقنية توسيع ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي المُطورة حصرياً من أوبو، والتي تتيح إمكانية معالجة البيانات بشكل محسّن وتقليل تجزئتها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تضمن كلاً من خاصية تعزيز أداء النظام وخاصية الأداء فائق السرعة من الجيل الرابع تجربة تشغيل مستقرة ومستدامة من قبل النظام.

وبالإضافة إلى كل هذه المميزات الخارقة، فإن معدّلي تحديث الشاشة السريعين 90 هرتز و180 هرتز يجعلان من اللعب تجربةً سلسة دون أي إلهاء أو تقطيع، كما يتم تعطيل جميع أشرطة الحالة والأزرار والنوافذ العائمة وتنبيهات الإشعارات أثناء اللعب لضمان منحك إحساساً يغمرك كلياً بأجواء اللعبة.

تأخذ ميزة الألعاب الغامرة اللاعبين إلى عالم من الواقع الافتراضي مع اهتزازات قوية وحيوية تحاكي أحداث الحياة مدعومةً بمحرك خطي من المحور X من الطراز الأول. يدعم هذا المحرك العديد من أشكال موجات الاهتزاز المختلفة لمحاكاة ردود الفعل الحقيقية، مما يعطي اهتزازاً أكثر سلاسةً وواقعيةً يحاكي مواقف الحياة الحقيقية أثناء اللعب.

تم تحسين تجربة الألعاب وإثرائها من خلال تقنية الصوت المحيطي الديناميكي لسلسلة هواتف رينو6 المدعومة بتقنية دولبي أتموس Dolby Atmos ومكبر الصوت الستيريو ألترا لينر Ultra-linear، مما يأخذ صوت الألعاب المفضّلة لديك وتجربة الاستماع الواقعية إلى مستوى جديد غير مسبوق على الإطلاق.

ترتقي سلسلة هواتف رينو6 من أوبو بعالم الألعاب الغامرة إلى مستويات خيالية من خلال التعاون مع ببجي موبايل PUBG MOBILE لمنح اللاعبين مزايا إضافية أثناء اللعب، مثل فقاعة إرجاع سريعة مُخصصة لمساعدة اللاعبين على مراقبة تقدم اللعبة بينما يبدلون بين الشاشات لاستخدام التطبيقات الأخرى بسهولة دون إيقاف اللعبة مؤقتاً أو قطع سير اللعبة.

لم تعد الهواتف المحمولة مُخصصة للقيام بالاتصالات والمكالمات فحسب، بل وتطورت بشكل ملحوظ خلال الأعوام الماضية لتكون قادرة على تشغيل الألعاب المتطوّرة تدريجياً، لتصبح طريقة جديدة ومبتكرة للتواصل الاجتماعي مع الأصدقاء وكهواية حسنة لدى الكثيرين. كل يوم، ينضم عدد متزايد من الأشخاص حول العالم إلى عالم الألعاب سواء من أجل المتعة أو الترفيه أو حتى كوسيلة للاسترخاء، بالإضافة إلى إعادة إحياء روح المغامرة والتحدّي من خلال المشاركة الاجتماعية.

بفضل الإمكانيات الجبارة والميزات الاستثنائية المدمجة في سلسلة هواتف رينو6، سيكون المستخدمون مستعدين دائماً للاستمتاع بتجربة اللعب المطلقة والغامرة دون أي عناء. والآن، أخبرنا عن الميّزة المفضّلة لك في سلسلة هواتف رينو6 من أوبو التي تجعّل من تجربة اللعب أكثر مرحاً وحماسةً؟

لمحة عن أوبو

تأسست أوبو في عام 2004، وتعد من أبرز الأسماء الرائدة عالمياً في مجال التكنولوجيا، حيث تشتهر بتركيزها على التقنيات المبتكرة واللمسات الفنية المتميزة في التصميم.

وتهدف أوبو إلى بناء منظومة متعددة المستويات من الأجهزة الذكية، تواكب من خلالها عصر الاتصالات الذكية الذي نعيشه. وتعتبر الهواتف الذكية التي تنتجها أوبو منصةً لتقديم محفظة متنوعة من الحلول الذكية والرائدة، على مستوى الأجهزة والنظام والبرمجيات. ولتحقيق هذا الهدف، أطلقت أوبو في عام 2019 خطة على مدى ثلاثة أعوام، لاستثمار 7 مليار دولار أمريكي في مجال الأبحاث والتطوير، لابتكار تقنيات تسهم في تعزيز إمكانيات التصميم.

وتبذل أوبو جهوداً دائمةً لوضع منتجات تتميز بأعلى مستويات التطور التكنولوجي ضمن تصاميم جمالية مميزة وفريدة في متناول المستخدمين في مختلف أرجاء العالم، استناداً إلى فلسفة العلامة التي تتمحور حول الريادة والشباب والقيم الجمالية، حيث تلتزم أوبو بتحقيق هدفها في منح المستخدمين الاستثنائيين إمكانية الإحساس بجمال التكنولوجيا.

وركزت أوبو، خلال العقد الماضي، على تصنيع هواتف ذكية تتميز بإمكانيات تصوير غير مسبوقة، حيث أطلقت أول هواتفها في 2008، وأطلقت عليه اسم سمايل فون، وكان بداية انطلاقها في سعيها الدائم نحو الريادة والابتكار. ووجهت العلامة اهتمامها على الدوام على احتلال مركز الصدارة، وهو ما نجحت في تحقيقه عبر تقديم أول هاتف ذكي مزود بكاميرا دوارة في عام 2013، فضلاً عن إطلاق أنحف هاتف ذكي في عام 2014، كما كانت أول شركة تقدم تكنولوجيا بيريسكوب في كاميرا الموبايل، أتاحت لها تقديم خاصية التقريب خمس مرات وتطوير أو هاتف ذكي تجاري متوافق مع شبكات اتصالات الجيل الخامس في أوروبا.

وتحتل أوبو اليوم المرتبة الرابعة بين علامات الهواتف الذكية، عبر الأجهزة الذكية وواجهة المستخدم ColorOS وخدماتها الإلكترونية مثل أوبو كلاود وأوبو+.

وتقدم أوبو خدماتها ومنتجاتها في أكثر من 40 دولة، كما تدير ستة معاهد للأبحاث وخمسة مراكز للبحث والتطوير موزعة في مختلف أنحاء العالم، من سان فرانسيسكو غرباً وصولاً إلى شنجن شرقاً. كما افتتحت الشركة مركزاً دولياً للتصميم في لندن، وتلعب هذه المراكز كافة دوراً محورياً في ابتكار أحدث الحلول التقنية التي تسهم في رسم ملامح مستقبل الهواتف الذكية وقطاع الاتصالات الذكية.

لمحة عن أوبو الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا

OPPO_Logoدخلت أوبو سوق منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا في عام 2015، عبر تأسيس مكتب إقليمي لها في العاصمة المصرية، القاهرة. وبعد النجاح الكبير الذي حققته مبيعات الشركة خلال عامها الأول من وجودها في القاهرة، أطلقت أوبو خطط توسع طموحة في المنطقة، حيث أطلقت عملياتها في البحرين في عام 2019. تتمتع أوبو حالياً بحضور فعلي في أكثر من 12 سوقاً في المنطقة، بما فيها مصر، والجزائر، وتونس، والمغرب، والمملكة العربية السعودية، والإمارات العربية المتحدة، وسلطنة عُمان، والكويت، وكينيا، ونيجيريا وشرق المتوسط.

وسعياً لتعزيز حضورها في المنطقة وتماشياً مع استراتيجيتها لتكييف منتجاتها مع متطلبات الأسواق المحلية، زادت أوبو من استثماراتها في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا عبر تأسيس معمل في الجزائر في عام 2017. وأصبحت الشركة بذلك أول علامة تجارية صينية تؤسس منشأة صناعية في منطقة شمال أفريقيا. وعملت أوبو على تطوير وتحسين منتجاتها بناء على متطلبات الجمهور المستهدف وآرائه في كل منطقة، كما حرصت دوماً على تخصيص حملاتها الترويجية وفقاً للثقافة المحلية، وما يناسب فئة المستهلكين الشباب في كل دولة. كما تحرص الشركة على الدوام على العمل مع فرق محلية للتعرف بشكل أفضل على المستهلكين المحليين وتوفير خدمات على أعلى مستوى من الجودة.

وبدأت أوبو خلال العام الماضي بتعديل خط منتجاتها بما يتلاءم مع منطقة الشرق الأوسط تحديداً، حيث أطلقت هاتفها الذكي الرائد ضمن سلسلة أوبو فايند X وطرحت سلسلة هواتف أوبو رينو. وستواصل أوبو تطوير خط منتجاتها المحلية لتوفير المزيد من سلاسل الهواتف الممتازة للمستهلكين في المنطقة.

وتعمل أوبو، انطلاقاً من مكانتها كشركة عالمية رائدة في مجال الابتكار والتكنولوجيا، على اتباع أعلى معايير الاستدامة للحفاظ على البيئة لأجيال المستقبل، وسعت إلى إحداث تغييرات إيجابية عبر إطلاق مبادرات اجتماعية وإنسانية محلية، فضلاً عن الحملات الخيرية.

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Oracle for Research Introduces New Cloud Service and Awards to Accelerate Scientific Innovation

AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Oracle for Research, Oracle’s global community that uses cloud computing to accelerate scientific discovery, today announced new resources that enable researchers, scientists, and developers to solve the world’s most complex problems. Oracle Open Data is a newly created cloud service that curates information – spatial images, protein sequences, and annotated text files – from the world’s leading scientific databases. The repository connects researchers, developers, students and educators with petabytes of open data from trusted resources. Oracle for Research also unveiled two award programs that offer new pathways to advance science and support global research communities in the Oracle Cloud ecosystem.

Oracle for Research launches Oracle Open Data

“Today marks an exciting milestone for Oracle for Research,” said Alison Derbenwick Miller, Vice President, Oracle for Research. “Through our newly launched cloud-focused programs, products, and services, Oracle for Research is realizing our vision to accelerate discovery and results, and help change the world for good through an integrated community of researchers working collaboratively with Oracle and Oracle Cloud.”

Oracle Open Data focuses on data sets spanning genomics and bioinformatics; geospatial data, earth science and climate science; and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Currently, Oracle is the only cloud provider to offer access to the new ZINC 22 dataset, which enables virtual screening of millions of commercially available molecules, each with 3D structure compounds.

“Many researchers in the interactive computing community like me are looking for services that remove burdens associated with data hosting and that also encourage communities to keep these valuable resources available,” said Dr. Hyeokhyen Kwon, Georgia Tech Ph.D. graduate and Oracle for Research recipient. “Platforms like Oracle Open Data can be a big help in this, and an additional benefit of these types of open data platforms is that they allow researchers to gain exposure to research problems in other disciplines. This type of collaboration across disciplines may bring new research opportunities.”

All the datasets in Oracle Open Data are located close to compute resources – including Oracle’s powerful High Performance Computing (HPC) and graphics processing unit (GPU) resources – reducing the cost and time to move and use them. The tool provides important metadata and sample code for each dataset, which simplifies technical complexities and makes it easy for researchers to use.

Oracle Open Data is being offered in an initial limited availability release, and researchers are encouraged to sign up for early access by providing their name and email address. Those using the free service can provide important input into the product roadmap and influence the future addition of more datasets.

Also announced today are new Oracle for Research awards that enable global projects to solve the world’s most complex problems through cloud computing and an open research community.

  • Oracle for Research Cloud Starter Award  – A $1,000 credit towards a variety of cloud storage, database, and service offerings. Researchers can host, process, analyze, share, and store data on Oracle Cloud – with no credit card needed. When credits are used, researchers will have the option to upgrade to a paid environment to access even more services, or remain active with access to Oracle Always Free services.
  • Oracle for Research Project Awards   – Beyond the $1,000 cloud credit from the Oracle for Research Cloud Starter Award, qualified researchers with well-defined projects can receive additional cloud credit benefits, hands-on consultations with Oracle solutions engineers, collaborative opportunities with peers, assistance in co-authoring/publishing papers, and amplification of discoveries.

“In the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech, we embarked on a project to build a very complex human activity recognition model using wearable sensors,” said Dr. Kwon. “Through our participation in Oracle for Research, we were able to process and store large amounts of data in a timely manner, resulting in two publications in less than a year.”

Applicants for Oracle for Research awards will be reviewed based on their project complexity, duration, and scope. Strong consideration will be given to research projects that have the potential to profoundly impact people’s lives within the next five years. Applicants can learn more about the application process and qualifications in the “Supporting Resources” links provided below.

Oracle for Research will be presenting at SuperComputing21 on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 11 a.m. CST.

Supporting Resources

About Oracle for Research

Oracle for Research is a global community that is working to address complex problems and drive meaningful change in the world. The program provides scientists, researchers, and university innovators with high-value, cost-effective Cloud technologies, participation in Oracle research user community, and access to Oracle’s technical support network. Through the program’s free cloud credits, users can leverage Oracle’s proven technology and infrastructure while keeping research-developed IP private and secure. Learn more at www.oracle.com/research.

About Oracle

Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at www.oracle.com.


Oracle, Java, and MySQL are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

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Oracle Academy Launches Global Career Center to Prepare Future Workforce

Offers educators and their students free experiential learning resources, technical certification opportunities

AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Oracle today announced the launch of the Oracle Academy Career Center, a virtual hub where students and educators gain free access to professional training, technical certifications, academic curriculum, and experiential learning resources for the classroom and beyond. Tailored for higher education, the Oracle Academy Career Center offers learning pathways across a range of professions, including engineering and development, human resources, finance, and sales.

Oracle Academy Prepares the Future Workforce

“The need for computing skills spans diverse industries, and as research shows, professionals with those in-demand skills enjoy higher paying jobs,” said Elizabeth Snyder, Oracle’s Vice President of Human Resources and Philanthropy. “The Oracle Academy Career Center provides job-focused learning resources plus free cloud-centered courses built on a foundation of academic, industry-relevant knowledge for a global audience. Today’s announcement aims to empower the emerging generation of innovators and leaders who will define the future of business and technology.”

The new Oracle Academy Career Center is a collaborative effort with Oracle University, Oracle Learning Library, and Oracle developer teams to tailor professional training and cloud-centered courses, normally available only to professionals working in the field, to students whose higher education institutions are members of Oracle Academy. The offering helps learners worldwide make connections between Oracle Academy’s core academic curriculum and career opportunities by providing professional training and a chance to explore Oracle professional certifications.

“There is a universal need for qualified cloud professionals,” said Dr. Wen Pei, Dean of College of Management, Chung Hua University, Taiwan. “The Oracle Academy Career Center enables our graduates to meet that need and be prepared for well-paying jobs. We calibrate our teaching to real-world requirements, and through Oracle Academy resources, our teachers and students gain free Oracle Cloud access to learn and develop industry-leading skills.”

Aligned with Oracle’s focus on cloud, Oracle Academy also released new curriculum, “Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations.” The curriculum introduces students to basic Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) concepts and terminology. The course offers lesson slides, corresponding videos and demonstrations, hands-on labs, and midterm and final exams. Through the Oracle Academy Cloud Program, learners in member institutions also may gain free access to Oracle Cloud.

“In the United States, digital literacy continues to be a challenge,” said Denise Hobbs, Senior Director, Oracle Academy North America. “Colleges in low-income and rural communities often lack the resources to offer computing courses. Our ready-to-use cloud curriculum, teaching materials, and career center make it easy for educators to offers students the foundational technology knowledge and skills that are universally in high demand across jobs.”

Today’s new offerings follow a period of significant growth and reach for Oracle Academy. During the past fiscal year, Oracle Academy worked with more than 16,000 institutions across more than 130 countries to advance computing education, impacting millions of students.

Supporting Resources

About Oracle Academy

As Oracle’s global, philanthropic educational program, Oracle Academy advances computing education around the world to increase knowledge, innovation, skills development, and diversity in technology fields. The program engages with more than 16,000 educational institutions and educators in more than 130 countries, helping millions of students become college and career ready.

About Oracle

Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at www.oracle.com.


Oracle, Java, and MySQL are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

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Huawei Builds an iSuperSite Showcase in Collaboration with China Mobile Zhejiang and the China Mobile Design Institute

SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Huawei’s iSuperSite showcase, a joint venture with China Mobile Zhejiang and the China Mobile Design Institute in Hangzhou, has recently been accepted.

The site has been upgraded with the Huawei iSuperSite solution since August of this year. The original six cabinets were replaced by just one, minimizing grid power consumption. The site was then selected as a green and energy-saving demo site by China Mobile Zhejiang as part of its carbon emission reduction campaign. The upgraded site not only halves electricity fees and cuts O&M costs by 75%, it also reduces carbon emissions by eight tons per year.

50%+ Savings

Before reconstruction, the site had six cabinets and six separate cooling systems with individual installation space and power supply systems. However, this resulted in a large footprint, low power system efficiency, and significant power consumption.

Following implementation of the Huawei iSuperSite solution, the power supplies, devices, and batteries from the existing six cabinets have been integrated into just one. 80% of floor space is reclaimed in this manner, allowing for the installation of a Huawei iPV power generation system to supply solar energy. Compared with traditional PV power generation system, Huawei’s iPV boasts 20% more energy yield and electricity cost savings of US$2,000 per year, equivalent to a carbon emissions reduction of 8 tons. Prior to the upgrade, the site’s annual electricity fee was approximately US$3,500.

Comparison before and after the "1 for 6" reconstruction

The upgraded site echoes the carbon peak and carbon neutrality campaign launched by China Mobile on July 15 of this year in terms of energy saving, consumption reduction, and carbon emissions reduction. Regarding the campaign, China Mobile summed up its future development goals as energy saving, clean energy, and enablement, and determined the following six paths: build a green network, promote green energy, build a green supply chain, advocate green offices, enhance green enablement, and create a green culture.

One Lithium Battery, Two Roles

To ensure that network transmission is not interrupted in the case of incidents such as lightning strikes and power outages, a communication base station requires backup battery strings of different sizes.

Huawei iSuperSite replaces lead-acid batteries with CloudLi smart lithium batteries, doubling the power density and upgrading the traditional backup power unit to an intelligent energy storage system. More importantly, the AI intelligent self-staggering feature can store power during off-peak periods and discharge power during peak hours. The electricity cost savings over the course of one year may exceed US$1.5 billion if all communication sites in Hangzhou use this feature (calculated based on the residential electricity price with the smallest difference between peak and off-peak periods).

In addition, Huawei innovatively achieves intelligent power management through four functions: intelligent metering, backup power slicing, software-defined, and power audit to improve management efficiency, accelerate the realization of carbon emission reduction goals, and reduce maintenance costs.

The intelligent power system also supports remote and intelligent O&M, reducing O&M costs by 75%, deploying 5G without increasing OPEX, and helping carriers embark on a sustainable development path involving energy saving, consumption reduction, and carbon reduction.

The convergence of 5G, cloud computing, edge computing, and AI technologies in the context of “new infrastructure” has presented a diverse range of possibilities for digital transformation. Energy, as the cornerstone of a digital society, will inject momentum into the development of the digital economy. In the context of China’s national goals, which involve reaching a carbon peak by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, various industries are about to undergo a broad and profound systematic transformation. Energy conservation, consumption reduction, and carbon emission reduction are essential to ensuring sustainable development of the communications industry.

The Huawei iSuperSite solution integrates digital, power electronics, and ICT technologies, helping carriers to upgrade and reconstruct existing sites while saving power and space. This solution not only meets the requirements for the rapid coverage of communications networks in the 5G era, but also minimizes energy consumption, enabling carriers to achieve their carbon emission goals and build a green future together.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1688140/image.jpg

An Outstanding Enterprise Case for Digital Transformation 2020–2021: China Mobile’s FusionDC Data Center

SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — At the 2021 Information Technology (IT) Market Annual Conference, hosted by CCID Consulting, the China Mobile (Shaanxi) FusionDC Data Center — constructed using Huawei’s next generation prefabricated modular data center solution — has been named an Outstanding Enterprise Case for Digital Transformation 2020–2021. Included on the 2020–2021 Next Generation Information Technology List released by CCID Consulting, this award was one of the four that Huawei data center facility products, solutions, and deployments received, given the company’s advantages in technical architecture and business models.

As an intelligent foundation for digital transformation, the new China Mobile (Shaanxi) FusionDC Data Center promotes the development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Shaanxi Province and the wider Northwest China region, supporting further advancements in science and technology as well as the development of the wider economy and culture.

China Mobile (Shaanxi) FusionDC Data Center

Huawei’s next generation prefabricated modular data center solution integrates a full range of innovative technologies, including the wide use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a prefabricated modular design, and fully digital lifecycle management. All core subsystems, from IT and power modules to temperature control and smart management platforms, are pre-integrated and tested in the factory, achieving full-stack convergence. This style of construction significantly shortens construction times, reducing the full process from kickoff to go-live delivery, to just six months. Benefiting from Huawei’s unique approach to data center construction, combining intelligence and prefabrication — often coined as intelligent + prefabricated — the China Mobile (Shaanxi) FusionDC Data Center is not only a smart but also green: power consumption is kept to a minimum and Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is improved by 8%. This translates into significant energy savings — 57.6 million kWh of electricity — over the data center’s full lifecycle, reducing carbon emissions by 27,000 tones, equivalent to planting 37,000 trees.

In addition, an indirect evaporative cooling solution maximizes the use of natural, free cooling sources, bringing down annual PUE to under 1.25, saving energy compared to a traditional chilled water solution. Elsewhere, an integrated power module solution improves power supply and distribution efficiency by over 3%, reducing costs, improving efficiency, and optimizing processes.

The China Mobile (Shaanxi) FusionDC Data Center also integrates multiple AI features, including predictive maintenance, real-time energy efficiency optimization, and improved Operations and Maintenance (O&M) efficiency and resource utilization.

Together with partners, Huawei is committed to innovating and constructing data centers that are simple, green, smart, and reliable.

About Huawei

Founded in 1987, Huawei is a leading global provider of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. We have more than 197,000 employees, and we operate in more than 170 countries and regions, serving more than three billion people around the world.

Our vision and mission is to bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world. To this end, we will drive ubiquitous connectivity and promote equal access to networks; bring cloud and artificial intelligence to all four corners of the earth to provide superior computing power where you need it, when you need it; build digital platforms to help all industries and organizations become more agile, efficient, and dynamic; redefine user experience with AI, making it more personalized for people in all aspects of their life, whether they’re at home, in the office, or on the go. For more information, please visit Huawei online at www.huawei.com or follow us on:


Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1688132/image_1.jpg

On a roll, remittances post growth in September

Published by
Philippine Star

Ian Nicolas Cigaral – Philstar.com November 15, 2021 | 6:35pm MANILA, Philippines — Money sent home by Filipinos abroad continued its growth in September, helping fuel household spending in an economy starved of consumption by the pandemic. What’s newCash remittances coursed through banks grew 5.2% year-on-year to $2.73 billion in September, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas reported Monday. This was due to the increase in receipts from land-based and sea-based workers, which rose by 6.2% and 1.9%, respectively. In the first nine months, remittances amounted to $23.1 billion, up 5.6% compared wi… Continue reading “On a roll, remittances post growth in September”

Adagio Therapeutics Provides Update for ADG20 COVID-19 Antibody Program and Reports Third Quarter 2021 Financial Results

FDA Feedback Supports Planned Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Submission for ADG20 for Prevention of COVID-19; Interim Clinical Data Package from EVADE Prevention Trial to Support EUA Submission Expected in Second Quarter 2022

Enrollment Progressing in ADG20 STAMP Trial for Treatment of COVID-19; Planned Interim Efficacy Analysis Expected in Second Quarter 2022 to Support Potential EUA Submission

WALTHAM, Mass., Nov. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adagio Therapeutics, Inc., (Nasdaq: ADGI) a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of antibody-based solutions for infectious diseases with pandemic potential, today provided an update on its lead COVID-19 antibody program, ADG20, and reported third quarter 2021 financial results. ADG20 is an investigational monoclonal antibody product candidate designed to provide broad and potent neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2, including variants of concern, for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

“ADG20 continues to be the only monoclonal antibody in late-stage development that has the potential to offer a unique combination of potency, breadth of neutralization across known SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern as well as additional SARS-like viruses with pandemic potential, and durable protection against COVID-19 for up to one year. Further, our single injection delivery avoids the inconveniences associated with IV administration or multiple injections,” said Lynn Connolly, M.D., Ph.D., chief medical officer of Adagio. “The world continues to face a host of challenges in fully addressing the COVID-19 crisis. Alternatives or supplements to vaccines for the prevention of COVID-19 are needed for immunocompromised individuals and those who remain hesitant to receive a vaccine or to vaccinate their children. Certain patient populations may not be ideal candidates for emerging oral treatment options due to adherence concerns, comorbidities or possible drug interactions. Based on its combined attributes, ADG20 has the potential to be a differentiated alternative for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 that may address the needs of these populations, and our commitment to its advancement is unwavering.”

“We’ve made significant progress over the course of 2021, and 2022 is set to be a landmark year for Adagio as we prepare for potential EUA submissions for ADG20 for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19,” said Tillman Gerngross, Ph.D., co-founder and chief executive officer of Adagio. “We recently received clear feedback from the FDA on a strategy to submit an EUA for ADG20 for the prevention of COVID-19, and have initiated efforts to expand our clinical program to additional patient subsets, including immunocompromised individuals and children. Our commercial-readiness efforts are well underway and with a strong balance sheet, we are ready to move quickly to enable access to individuals in need of COVID-19 prevention and treatment options, if authorization and/or approval is granted.”

ADG20 COVID-19 Program Updates

Adagio continues to enroll adult and adolescent participants in its ongoing, global Phase 3 EVADE clinical trial evaluating ADG20 as a prevention for COVID-19 in both the pre-exposure and recent exposure settings.

  • Adagio has received feedback from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on a data package needed and a pathway for an EUA submission for the pre-exposure prevention of COVID-19
  • Adagio anticipates that the data package to support an EUA for ADG20 will be available in the second quarter of 2022 followed by expected submission to the FDA in the third quarter of 2022
  • Adagio plans to add a new cohort in EVADE to evaluate ADG20 as a preventative option in immunocompromised individuals, with enrollment expected to begin in the first quarter of 2022
  • Adagio also plans to initiate a trial evaluating ADG20 as a vaccine supplement
  • Following discussion with the FDA, Adagio has aligned on a plan to evaluate ADG20 as a preventative option in the pediatric population, with a trial in individuals between two and 11 years of age expected to be initiated by mid-year 2022

Adagio continues to enroll patients in its ongoing, global Phase 2/3 STAMP clinical trial evaluating ADG20 as a treatment for COVID-19.

  • Adagio is planning to modify the trial design in order to expand the at-risk patient population eligible for enrollment in STAMP
  • Based on current enrollment, Adagio anticipates reaching the Phase 2 independent data monitoring committee evaluation in the first quarter of 2022 and the interim efficacy analysis in the second quarter of 2022 to potentially support a subsequent EUA submission

Recent ADG20 Data Presentations at ISIRV-WHO and IDWeek2021

  • New in vitro data demonstrated retained neutralizing activity of ADG20 against a diverse panel of circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants, including the newly emerged Lambda, Mu and Delta plus variants. Notably, findings showed that ADG20 demonstrated potent neutralizing activity against all SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern tested, including those with reduced susceptibility to mAb products currently available under EUA or in late-stage development.
  • Data from a six-month evaluation in Adagio’s Phase 1 healthy volunteer trial of ADG20 confirmed the extended half-life of ADG20, which approached 100 days based on data from the 300 mg intramuscular dose that was given as a single injection. In addition, an exploratory analysis showed that 50% serum virus neutralization titers at six months after a 300 mg intramuscular dose of ADG20 were similar to observed peak titers with the mRNA-1273 vaccine and exceeded those achieved with the AZD1222 vaccine series. ADG20 was well-tolerated with no study drug-related adverse events (AEs), serious AEs, or injection-site or hypersensitivity reactions reported through a minimum of three months follow-up across all cohorts.
  • To support dose selection for Adagio’s global Phase 2/3 STAMP and EVADE clinical trials, the company modified an existing quantitative systems pharmacology whole-body physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (QSP/PBPK) model to better characterize the PK of extended half-life mAbs in serum and key sites of viral replication in the respiratory tract. Adagio’s model adequately a priori predicted the observed ADG20 serum PK in non-human primates (NHPs) and humans. The model was further optimized based on data from Adagio’s Phase 1 clinical trial and then applied for dose selection for STAMP and EVADE, ultimately informing selection of the 300 mg intramuscular dose for the trials.

Intellectual Property

On October 29, 2021, the United States Patent and Trademark Office mailed a notice of allowance to the company for a patent application that will provide patent protection for ADG20 in the U.S.

Third Quarter 2021 Financial Results

  • As of September 30, 2021, Adagio had cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities of $666.3 million, which are expected to support the company’s current operating plans into 2023.
  • Research & development expenses including in-process research and development for the third quarter of 2021 were $49.4 million.
  • Selling, general & administrative expenses for the third quarter of 2021 were $11.1 million.
  • Net loss for the third quarter was $60.4 million, or $0.98 per share.

About ADG20
ADG20, an investigational monoclonal antibody targeting the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses, is advancing through global clinical trials for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. ADG20 was designed and engineered to possess high potency and broad neutralization activity against SARS-CoV-2 and additional clade 1 sarbecoviruses by targeting a highly conserved epitope in the receptor binding domain. ADG20 was further engineered to provide an extended half-life for durable protection. ADG20 has demonstrated potent neutralizing activity against the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, all known SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and additional SARS-like viruses in preclinical studies. ADG20 is administered in clinical trials by a single intramuscular injection. To date, ADG20 has been well-tolerated in a Phase 1 trial with no safety signals identified through a minimum of three months follow-up across all cohorts. ADG20 has not been approved for use in any country, and safety and efficacy have not yet been established.

About Adagio Therapeutics
Adagio (Nasdaq: ADGI) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of antibody-based solutions for infectious diseases with pandemic potential, including COVID-19 and influenza. The company’s portfolio of antibodies has been optimized using Adimab’s industry-leading antibody engineering capabilities and is designed to provide patients and clinicians with the potential for a powerful combination of potency, breadth, durable protection (via half-life extension), manufacturability and affordability. Adagio’s portfolio of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies includes multiple non-competing, broadly neutralizing antibodies with distinct binding epitopes, led by ADG20. Adagio has secured manufacturing capacity for the production of ADG20 with third-party contract manufacturers to support the completion of clinical trials and initial commercial launch, ensuring the potential for broad accessibility to people around the world. For more information, please visit www.adagiotx.com.

Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “anticipates,” “believes,” “expects,” “intends,” “projects,” and “future” or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning, among other things, the timing, progress and results of our preclinical studies and clinical trials of ADG20, including the timing of our planned EUA submissions, initiation, modification and completion of studies or trials and related preparatory work, the period during which the results of the trials will become available and our research and development programs; our ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approvals for, our product candidates; our ability to identify patients, including in specific populations, with the diseases treated by our product candidates and to enroll these patients in our clinical trials; our expectations regarding the scope of any approved indication for ADG20; and the benefits of our product candidates to patients; our manufacturing capabilities and strategy; and our ability to successfully commercialize our product candidates. We may not actually achieve the plans, intentions or expectations disclosed in our forward-looking statements and you should not place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from the results described in or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business, clinical trials and financial position, unexpected safety or efficacy data observed during preclinical studies or clinical trials, clinical trial site activation or enrollment rates that are lower than expected, changes in expected or existing competition, changes in the regulatory environment, and the uncertainties and timing of the regulatory approval process. Other factors that may cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements in this press release are described under the heading “Risk Factors” in Adagio’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 and in Adagio’s future reports to be filed with the SEC, including Adagio’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2021. Such risks may be amplified by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of this date, and Adagio undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable law.

Media Contact:
Dan Budwick, 1AB

Investor Contact:
Monique Allaire, THRUST Strategic Communications

(In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

September 30,
December 31,
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 478,269 $ 114,988
Marketable securities 188,053
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 13,833 2,394
Total current assets 680,155 117,382
Other non-current assets 6,115
Total assets $ 686,270 $ 117,382
Liabilities, Convertible Preferred Stock and Stockholders’ Equity (Deficit)
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable $ 17,564 $ 8,153
Accrued expenses 35,485 4,919
Total current liabilities 53,049 13,072
Early-exercise liability 8 11
Total liabilities 53,057 13,083
Commitments and contingencies
Convertible preferred stock (Series A, B and C) $0.0001 par value; no shares authorized, issued and outstanding at September 30, 2021; 12,647,934 shares authorized, issued and outstanding at December 31, 2020; aggregate liquidation preference of $0 and $169,900 at September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020, respectively 169,548
Stockholders’ equity (deficit):
Preferred stock:
Undesignated preferred stock, $0.0001 par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized at September 30, 2021; no shares authorized at December 31, 2020; no shares issued and outstanding at September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020
Common stock, $0.0001 par value; 1,000,000,000 shares authorized at September 30, 2021; 150,000,000 shares authorized at December 31, 2020; 111,251,660 shares issued and outstanding at September 30, 2021; 28,193,240 shares issued and 5,593,240 shares outstanding at December 31, 2020 5 1
Treasury stock, at cost; no shares and 22,600,000 shares at September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020, respectively (85 )
Additional paid-in capital 842,272 154
Accumulated other comprehensive income 3
Accumulated deficit (209,067 ) (65,319 )
Total stockholders’ equity (deficit) 633,213 (65,249 )
Total liabilities, convertible preferred stock and stockholders’ equity (deficit) $ 686,270 $ 117,382

(In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

Three Months
September 30,
Three Months
September 30,
Nine Months
September 30,
Period from
June 3, 2020
(Inception) to
September 30,
2021 2020 2021 2020
Operating expenses:
Research and development(1) $ 45,366 $ 7,251 $ 114,465 $ 7,299
Acquired in-process research and development(2) 4,000 39,915 7,500 39,915
Selling, general and administrative 11,052 842 21,853 892
Total operating expenses 60,418 48,008 143,818 48,106
Loss from operations (60,418 ) (48,008 ) (143,818 ) (48,106 )
Other income (expense):
Interest income 48 80
Other expense (5 ) (10 )
Total other income (expense), net 43 70
Net loss (60,375 ) (48,008 ) (143,748 ) (48,106 )
Other comprehensive income (loss)
Unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities, net of tax 3 3
Comprehensive loss $ (60,372 ) $ (48,008 ) $ (143,745 ) $ (48,106 )
Net loss per share attributable to common stockholders, basic and diluted $ (0.98 ) $ (25.98 ) $ (7.06 ) $ (7.55 )
Weighted-average common shares outstanding, basic and diluted 61,297,086 1,847,826 20,346,771 6,375,000

(1)   Includes related-party amounts of $1,826 and $2,261 for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021, respectively, and $291 for both the three months ended September 30, 2020 and for the period from June 3, 2020 (inception) to September 30, 2020.
(2)   Includes related-party amounts of $4,000 and $7,500 for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021, respectively, and $39,915 for both the three months ended September 30, 2020 and for the period from June 3, 2020 (inception) to September 30, 2020.

Seegene Opens New Subsidiary in Bogotá, Colombia, to Advance Regional COVID-19 Testing

Company’s eighth global subsidiary will also support regional HPV screening

SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), a leading biotechnology firm specializing in molecular diagnostics (MDx), has announced the opening of an eighth global subsidiary, strategically located in Bogotá, Colombia. The new entity, known as ‘Seegene Colombia S.A.S,’ began operations in mid-October. While the immediate need is for more rapid and accessible COVID-19 testing throughout the region, the subsidiary will also support screening for other viruses such as human papillomaviruses (HPVs).


Seegene has seven other subsidiaries in the U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, and the Middle East, which work closely with the company’s headquarters in Seoul, South Korea.

“Geographically, Colombia is located in a really pivotal position at the top of South America, which has struggled immensely with both COVID-19 cases and the emergence of novel SARS-CoV-2 variants,” said Dr. Jong-Yoon Chun, Seegene Founder and CEO. “This makes testing and surveillance even more important from a public health perspective. We believe we’re uniquely placed to address this need, delivering more rapid and accurate assays to Colombia and neighboring countries.”

To date, Colombia has reported nearly five million COVID-19 infections and more than 125,000 related deaths. Tests are typically imported, which can cause delays and restricted access when they’re needed most. Seegene’s Colombian subsidiary, located in Bogotá,-to be staffed with local experts––will provide greater flexibility and supply chain security.

As one of the major SARS-CoV-2 assay providers in Colombia, Seegene will continue to strengthen its position as a key MDx solution provider with a broad product portfolio including HPV, STI, TB and GI assays. The assays detect multiple target pathogens in a single reaction, helping to rapidly identify the cause of an infection. This role in screening infectious diseases will continue with more local resources.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1357790/Seegene_logo_Logo.jpg

Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. Announces Launch Of Global Fund Placement And Advisory Group

Team Led by Experienced Fund Placement Professionals to Leverage Oppenheimer’s Scale, Thought Leadership and Resources to Further Deepen Service Offerings for Alternative Investment Firms

Expanded Service Offerings Expected to Drive Incremental Investment Banking & Capital Markets Opportunities in Technology & Healthcare, Real Assets-Focused Industries and Others

NEW YORK, Nov. 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. (“Oppenheimer”) – a leading investment bank, wealth manager, and a subsidiary of Oppenheimer Holdings (NYSE: OPY) – today announced the launch of its new Global Fund Placement and Advisory Group (“FPA Group”). The FPA Group will provide services to leading alternative investment firms to help them fulfil their fundraising ambitions and strategic plans. Services will include strategic and tactical advice as well as fundraising services, both for primary funds and transactions.

Robert Lowenthal, Oppenheimer’s Senior Managing Director and Head of Investment Banking, said, “The Investment Banking Division is expanding its efforts around private capital formation with a focus on institutional private market investors. The FPA Group will provide the Division with enhanced capabilities to offer alternative investment firms an even broader and deeper portfolio of value-added services that complements the resources, relationships and thought leadership of the global Oppenheimer platform. The service the FPA group will provide includes a specialized level of expertise in advising global alternative investment firms. We are excited to launch this new Group as we establish a greater presence in the rapidly-growing global fundraising market.”

The Global Fund Placement and Advisory Group will be led by Tanya McHale, Managing Director, who will be based in London. Ms. McHale will report to Mr. Lowenthal, Head of Investment Banking in North America, and Max Lami, Oppenheimer EMEA Chief Executive and Head of Investment Banking.

Ms. McHale will be joined by Managing Director Andrew Roberts, Director Marcus Klasse and Associate Curran Gaur, who all join Oppenheimer from MVision Private Equity Advisers (“MVision”), a widely-respected independent international alternative assets advisory firm. The team will operate globally with further hires in process in the US and Asia.

Max Lami said, “It is a pleasure to welcome Tanya and the team to Oppenheimer. This team brings over 30 years of combined experience in successfully advising alternative investment firms and raising private equity funds. This talented and entrepreneurial group brings a proven track record of developing long-term relationships with private equity firms and institutional investors on a global basis. Adding this new dimension to our service platform is an important step toward strengthening our private capital markets business and will provide powerful growth opportunities for many of our clients.”

Prior to joining Oppenheimer, Ms. McHale served as a Managing Director at MVision, which she first joined at its founding in 2001. At MVision, Ms. McHale was a member of the firm’s leadership team and played a prominent role in global origination, execution and strategic advisory work for leading alternative investment firms, as well as distribution to institutional investors. Prior to MVision, she held positions at Credit Suisse First Boston and DLJ in London.

At MVision, Mr. Roberts played a leading role in origination, fundraising execution and strategic advisory work, as well as distribution, with a focus on investors in the UK and DACH region. Prior to MVision, Mr. Roberts worked at Cebile Capital in London for five years. Mr. Klasse spent five years at MVision, working on a number of leading fundraisings in EMEA as well as distribution, with a focus on investors in the Nordic region. Mr. Gaur focused on origination and research during his four years at MVision, as well as distribution to investors in the UK and Gulf Cooperation Council.

Ms. McHale said, “With Oppenheimer’s depth of expertise, global scale and prominent relationships, our new FPA Group will be ideally positioned to play a leading role in the global funds placement market. On behalf of my team, we are very pleased to be joining such a strong international platform, and we are excited about the synergies the FPA Group can bring to complement the services already offered by Oppenheimer while contributing to its further growth and success.”

Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.
Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. (Oppenheimer), a principal subsidiary of Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. (OPY on the New York Stock Exchange), and its affiliates provide a full range of wealth management, securities brokerage and investment banking services to high net-worth individuals, families, corporate executives, local governments, businesses and institutions.

Media Contacts:
Joseph Kuo / Chris Clemens
Haven Tower Group
424 317 4851 or 424 317 4854
jkuo@haventower.com or cclemens@haventower.com

شركة أوبنهايمر أند كو تعلن عن إطلاق مجموعة توظيف الصناديق العالمية والمجوعة الاستشارية

يقود فريق من المتخصصين ذوي الخبرة في توظيف الأموال للاستفادة من نطاق أعمال أوبنهايمر والقيادة الفكرية والموارد لتعميق عروض الخدمات لشركات الاستثمار البديلة

من المتوقع أن تؤدي عروض الخدمات الموسعة إلى زيادة فرص الاستثمار المصرفي وأسواق رأس المال في التكنولوجيا والرعاية الصحية والصناعات التي تركز على الأصول الحقيقية وغيرها

 نيويورك، 15 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت شركة أوبنهايمر أند كو  (“أوبنهايمر”) – وهي بنك استثماري رائد وشركة متخصصة في إدارة الثروة وشركة تابعة لشركة أوبنهايمر القابضة (NYSE: OPY) اليوم عن إطلاق مجموعتها العالمية لتوظيف الصناديق والمجموعة الاستشارية (“مجموعة FPA“).  ستقدم مجموعة أف بي أيه الخدمات لشركات الاستثمار البديلة الرائدة لمساعدتها على تحقيق طموحاتها في جمع الأموال وخططها الإستراتيجية.  ستشمل الخدمات الاستشارات الاستراتيجية والتكتيكية بالإضافة إلى خدمات جمع الأموال، للصناديق والتعاملات الأولية.

وقال روبرت لوينثال، المدير الإداري الأول ورئيس الخدمات المصرفية الاستثمارية في شركة أوبنهايمر: “يقوم قسم الخدمات المصرفية الاستثمارية بتوسيع جهوده حول تكوين رأس المال الخاص مع التركيز على المستثمرين المؤسسيين في السوق الخاص.  وستزود مجموعة FPA قسم الاستثمارات البنكية بقدرات معززة لتقدم للشركات الخدمات الاستثمارية البديلة حافظة أوسع وأعمق من الخدمات ذات القيمة المضافة التي تكمل الموارد والعلاقات والقيادة الفكرية لمنصة أوبنهايمر العالمية.    تتضمن الخدمة التي ستوفرها مجموعة FPA مستوى متخصصًا من الخبرة في تقديم المشورة لشركات الاستثمار العالمية البديلة.  نحن متحمسون لإطلاق هذه المجموعة الجديدة فيما نقوم بتأسيس وجود أكبر في سوق جمع الأموال العالمي سريع النمو “.

وستتولى تانيا ماكهيل، المدير العام، التي سيكون مقرها في لندن، رئاسة مجموعة صناديق التوظيف والمجموعة الاستشارية العالمية.    وستكون السيدة ماكهيل مسؤولة أمام السيد لوينثال، رئيس الخدمات المصرفية الاستثمارية في أميركا الشمالية، وماكس لامي، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة أوبنهايمر في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا ورئيس الخدمات المصرفية الاستثمارية.

سينضم إلى السيدة ماكهيل المدير الإداري أندرو روبرتس، والمدير ماركوس كلاس والمساعد كوران غور، الذين ينضمون جميعًا إلى أوبنهايمر من شركة ماكفيجن لاستشارات الأسهم الخاصة، وهي شركة استشارية دولية مستقلة للأصول البديلة تحظى باحترام كبير.  سيعمل الفريق على مستوى العالم مع إجراء المزيد من التعيينات في الولايات المتحدة وآسيا.

وقال ماكس لامي: “إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن أرحب بتانيا وفريقها للعمل في أوبنهايمر.   يتمتع هذا الفريق بخبرة مشتركة تزيد عن 30 عامًا في تقديم المشورة الناجحة لشركات الاستثمار البديلة وجمع أموال الأسهم الخاصة.  هذه المجموعة التي تتمتع بالموهبة والخبرة في ريادة الأعال تأتي بسجل حافل من تطوير علاقات طويلة الأمد مع شركات الأسهم الخاصة والمستثمرين المؤسسيين على أساس عالمي.  تعد إضافة هذا البعد الجديد إلى منصة خدمتنا خطوة مهمة نحو تعزيز أعمالنا في أسواق رأس المال الخاص وستوفر فرص نمو قوية للعديد من عملائنا “.

قبل انضمامها إلى شركة أوبنهايمر، عملت السيدة ماكهيل كمديرة إدارية في شركة ماكفيجن، التي انضمت إليها عند تأسيسها في العام 2001. في ماكفيجن، كانت السيدة ماكهيل عضوًا في فريق قيادة الشركة ولعبت دورًا بارزًا في الإنشاء والتنفيذ العالمي والعمل الاستشاري الاستراتيجي لشركات الاستثمار البديلة الرائدة، وكذلك التوزيع على المستثمرين المؤسسيين.  قبل انضمامها إلى ماكفيجن، شغلت ماكهيل مناصب في بنك كريديت سويس فيرست بوسطن ودي جي ال في لندن.

في ماكفيجن، لعب السيد روبرتس دورًا رائدًا في إنشاء وتنفيذ جمع الأموال والعمل الاستشاري الاستراتيجي، فضلاً عن التوزيع، مع التركيز على المستثمرين في المملكة المتحدة ومنطقة التنسا وألمانيا وسويسرا.  وقبل ماكفيجن، عمل السيد روبرتس في سيبايل كابيتال في لندن لمدة خمس سنوات.  أمضى السيد كلاس خمس سنوات في ماكفيجن، حيث عمل على عدد من عمليات جمع التبرعات الرائدة في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا بالإضافة إلى التوزيع، مع التركيز على المستثمرين في منطقة الشمال الأوروبي.  ركز السيد غور على الإطلاق والبحث خلال السنوات الأربع التي قضاها في ماكفيجن، وكذلك التوزيع على المستثمرين في المملكة المتحدة ومجلس التعاون الخليجي.

وقالت السيدة ماكهيل: “مع عمق خبرة أوبنهايمر ونطاق عملياتها العالمي وعلاقاتها البارزة، ستكون مجموعتنا FPA الجديدة لدينا في وضع مثالي للعب دور رائد في سوق توظيف الأموال العالمية.  نيابة عن فريقي، يسعدنا جدًا أن نضم إلى هذه المنصة الدولية القوية، ونحن متحمسون بشأن أوجه التآزر التي يمكن أن تقدمها مجموعة FPA لاستكمال الخدمات التي تقدمها بالفعل شركة أوبنهايمر مع المساهمة في نموها ونجاحها “.

شركة أوبنهايمر أند كو
 شركة أوبنهايمر أند كو أوبنهايمر إند كو (أوبنهايمر)، وهي شركة فرعية رئيسية تابعة لشركة أوبنهايمر هولدنغز إنك (OPY في بورصة نيويورك) وتقدم والشركات التابعة لها مجموعة كاملة من خدمات إدارة الثروات والوساطة في الأوراق المالية والخدمات المصرفية الاستثمارية للأفراد والأسر والمديرين التنفيذيين للشركات والحكومات المحلية والشركات والمؤسسات.

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