‫كافالان تطلق “برميل شيري بالخليط الثلاثي”

مزيج نادر من 3 براميل رائعة من براميل خشب البلوط بشراب شيري

تايبيه، 9 نوفمبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ — أطلقت كافالان منتجها Triple Sherry Cask (برميل شيري بالخليط الثلاثي)، وهو مزيج نادر من براميل أولوروزو (Oloroso) و بيدرو زيمينيز (Pedro Ximénez – PX) و موسكات (Moscatel) مع قوام Kavalan المخملي والحلاوة المميزة.

 يُعرف بيدرو زيمينيز بملك شيري الحلو وموسكات بملكة شيري الحلو.

صرح، السيد يو تو لي، الرئيس التنفيذي، قائلًا: “هذه هي المرة الأولى التي نجمع فيها الويسكي في ثلاثة براميل شيري مختلفة. إن الأمر كله يتعلق بمضاعفة وإثراء نكهات الشيري لصنع ويسكي مميز يحتوي على الفواكه المجففة والكراميل الغني والمالتوز الحلو والفواكه الاستوائية كملف تعريف خاص به”.

بعد تحقيق النضج الكامل بالمزج في ثلاثة براميل شيري، تعرض Triple Sherry Cask صناعة موازنة من ثلاث مراحل في مزيج من البراميل. تسمح هذه العملية لثلاثة أنواع من الويسكي، كل منها ناضج تمامًا في براميل شيري الثلاثة المختلفة للراحة والاندماج معًا في اندماج مثالي، مما يحافظ على النعومة المثلى.

صرح كبير متخصصي خلط النكهات زيروس يانغ، قائلًا: “خلال هذه العملية، تتعارض النكهات من خلال مجموعة لا تعد ولا تحصى من أنواع الويسكي براميل شيري الثلاثة، مما يخلق ما يصل إلى 9 أبعاد شيري مميزة. مزيج شيري الثلاثي بميزته الخاصة الرئيسية هي الفواكه المجففة لبرميل أولوروزو، وهو مزين بحلاوة براميل بيدرو زيمينيز و موسكات”.

مثل رقصة الفلامنكو السلسة، فإن مكوناتها من القرفة، والبرقوق المدخن المسكر، والحمضيات، مع طبقات من التوت، والفاكهة الاستوائية، ونكهات اللونجان، مع مقدار ضئيل من العسل والشوكولاتة والتوفي تداعب براعم التذوق.

تصميم العبوة يخرج عن المألوف في الماضي، ويربط بصريًا طعم ورائحة السائل لأول مرة. تتشابك اللوحة السائلة مع الألوان البيضاء والذهبية والحمراء، والتي ترمز إلى المذاق متعدد الطبقات والسلس لويسكي براميل شيري الثلاثي. كما يقدم مزيجًا من لون النوع الجديد والويسكي ونبيذ الشيري. يوجد خط فضي مزدوج يظهر على كبسولة القصدير، يرمز إلى سلاسل جبال Central Mountain و Snow Mountain المحيطة بمعمل تقطير كافالان (Kavalan Distillery).

سيظهر منتج ABV Kavalan سعة 700 مل الجديد بنسبة 40% أولاً على الأرفف في فرنسا وكندا واليابان وسنغافورة والصين وأستراليا ونيوزيلندا وغوام بسعر البيع بالتجزئة المقترح بقيمة 2,300 دولار تايواني جديد.

خصائص المنتج

 منتج Kavalan Triple Sherry Cask Single Malt Whisky هو مزيج نادر من ثلاثة براميل رائعة من شيري المعتق؛ أولوروزو (Oloroso) و بيدرو زيمينيز (Pedro Ximénez – PX) و موسكات (Moscatel) مع الفواكه المجففة من أولوروزو كمكون رئيسي. يتم وضع الكراميل الدسم وحلاوة المالتوز في طبقات من الفواكه الاستوائية الفريدة من نوعها في معمل التقطير لصنع ويسكي دقيق ولكن مميز يمكن الاستمتاع به في المناسبات التي يسهل شربها مع الأصدقاء.

اللون │ قرمزي غامق

الشم │ تملأ التوت الناضج والفواكه المجففة الأنف برائحة العنب والحمضيات الطازجة مع حلوى الشوكولاتة وحلاوة التوفي. مقدار ضئيل من القرفة والنفل والبهارات، ممزوجة بالبلوط اللذيذ وإكليل الجبل العطري.

المذاق│ النكهات الباقية من فواكه شيري المجففة. مشروب دافئ وناعم مع ملمس ناعم. مع رقصة الفلامنكو المفعمة بالحيوية في شكل مزيج من الفاكهة المسكرة والكراميل وحلاوة العسل على براعم التذوق. مزيج متعدد الطبقات ومتوازن تمامًا، ومذاق لا تُنسى.

نبذة عن مرفق تقطير كافالان 

مرفق تقطير الويسكي كافالان الواقع في مقاطعة ييلان في تايوان يتصدر الريادة في فن صناعة ويسكي الشعير المنفرد منذ عام 2005. ويتم تعتيق ويسكي كافلان الخاص بنا في درجات رطوبة وحرارة شديدة وفي أجواء مصادر المياه الذائبة الريستالية في سلاسل جبال Snow Mountain وبذلك فهو يستفيد أيضًا من نسائم البحر والجبل. وكل هذه الظروف يتجمع لإنتاج المذاق الكريمي الدسم المميز لويسكي كافلان. ويأخذ مرفق تقطير كافلان اسمه من الاسم القديم لمقاطعة ييلان مدعومًا بقرابة 40 عامًا من الخبرة في مجال صناعة المشروبات، بفضل الشركة الأم، شركة مجموعة كينج كار، وقد فازت منتجاتها بأكثر من 600 جائزة ذهبية أو أكثر في مسابقات تنافسية كبيرة في هذا المجال. تفضل بزيارة www.kavalanwhisky.com

تواصل وسائل الإعلام:
كايتلين تساي، kaitlyn@kingcar.com.tw؛
ساندرا تساي، sandratsai@kingcar.com.tw

 الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1681325/3__________100________Oloroso____________PX__________Moscatel.jpg

Buy and Sell Bitcoin and USDT in Dubai Made Simple by Pallapay

DUBAI, UAE / ACCESSWIRE / November 9, 2021 / One should know of Pallapay if they want to buy and sell bitcoin or any crypto in Dubai with cash, accept crypto payment for his business and get fiat in his bank account or spend in crypto.Acces-

It is almost unavoidable not to hear about cryptocurrencies during the day.

As the talks grow, so does the FOMO making people trying to find their way into the crypto world, whether by trading or by creating their own digital asset. The number of new coins is increasing by day, and for ordinary people it may be overwhelming. There are different recommendations, projects, advices and questions in any crypto related conversation.

Which coin is a good investment? Which coin is good to hold? What is the project behind a coin? How to cash out crypto? Is it possible to buy crypto with cash?

Pallapay is the answer to all the aforementioned questions and much more.

Pallapay is the only legal cryptocurrency OTC in Dubai, UAE, providing variety of crypto related services. Operating since 2018, Pallapay was awarded The Most Trusted Crypto Projected 2021 in Crypto Expo Dubai.

The Cryptocurrency OTC exchange provided by Pallapay makes buy and sell of bitcoin or any cryptocurrencies very simple and reliable.

Whether buying or selling Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC or any other cryptocurrency in Dubai With Cash, Pallapay provides it with a small fee.

It is possible to buy with any amount of cash or sell and get cash in any of Pallapay branches in Dubai, with AED, USD, EUR and GBP. The process is easy few steps.

customers can always check the prices on Pallapay website, walk in to any of the branches with a valid ID or Passport and buy or sell their crypto. Pallapay also provides cash delivery for crypto sold on www.pallapay.com.

A close look into the top coins in the market with solid and innovative fundamentals reveals that most of them are providing technologies within the infrastructure of the crypto world, making it quite hard for the end users to understand why they should invest in them. There are very few cryptocurrencies which their projects serve the end users directly.

Pallapay is one of the few companies that is constantly bringing new technologies to the world with their main focus on payment services. A deep investigation into Pallapay and its projects shows that their creative team has a high knowledge of the blockchain technology and at the same time are very well aware of end user needs.

Open an Account with Pallapay and Apply for Any of Its Services

Pallapay (PALLA) Token is their digital asset created in May, 2021 with the purpose of using it in transactions. It is already available for trading in many exchanges such as Coinsbit, Dex-Trade, Vindax, CatEx, etc. Live price and information on PALLA can be checked through Coinmarketcap and Coingecko.

Pay with Cryptocurrency Anywhere Anytime

Pallapay has designed a crypto payment gateway and a crypto POS machine for the first time in the world that supports any coin on any network, supporting 100+ currencies. It is available for E-commerce and retail businesses all over the globe with 0% fee. Merchants get paid in crypto and they can receive the crypto in their wallet or fiat in their bank account on the spot.

Spend Crypto on The Go

Customers can apply for a physical or virtual Pallapay Prepaid MasterCard or UnionPay card on www.pallapay.com and top up their card with PALLA, and use their card for every day spending.

Crypto Management and Access

Pallapay Decentralized Wallet App provides store, swap, buy and sell of any crypto on Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tron blockchain including Crypto-to-Crypto, Crypto-to-Fiat and Fiat-to-Crypto. When users sell their crypto using the Pallapay Wallet App, they can transfer their balance to local or international bank accounts and cash out at Pallapay branches.

Pallapay Is a Good Investment

With just a few of Pallapay services mentioned above, and by visiting their website and reading more about Pallapay projects and forecast, one can be rest assured that Pallapay is one of the solid investments that one can have for a very near future.



Company Name: Pallapay
Email: info@pallapay.com
Phone: +971 4 426 4781
Address: Office P402, The Binary by Omniyat, Business Bay, Dubai, UAE

SOURCE: Pallapay


Hyundai Motor Group announces the formation of Supernal to lead the Group’s progress in Advanced Air Mobility

  • Supernal, an evolution of the Group’s Urban Air Mobility Division, is developing an eVTOL vehicle for 2028 entry-into-service and convening diverse stakeholders to responsibly shape the Advanced Air Mobility market
  • Supernal will use the Group’s scaled manufacturing, and mobility technologies and innovations to revolutionize air travel
  • Supernal will take mobility to the next dimension, with an aim to offer seamlessly integrated intermodal mobility solutions
  • Watch the Supernal brand film to learn more

SEOUL, South Korea and WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Hyundai Motor Group (the Group) is announcing today a new company called Supernal, LLC to take its future mobility vision forward. An evolution of its Urban Air Mobility Division, Supernal (the Company), will be the binding component of the Group’s future mobility vision. The Company is developing a family of electric air vehicles and convening public and private stakeholders to responsibly shape the emerging Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) industry. It plans to launch its first commercial flight in 2028 and scale operations, leveraging the Group’s manufacturing expertise, as the AAM market and public acceptance begin to grow in the 2030s.

Supernal Logo

“In adding a new dimension to mobility, we are on a mission to transform how people and society move, connect, and live,” said Jaiwon Shin, Chief Executive Officer of Supernal and President, of Hyundai Motor Group. “We have bold ambitions at Supernal but being first to market is not one of them. We are working to build the right product and the right integrated market, and we will leverage Hyundai Motor Group’s scaled manufacturing expertise to ensure AAM reaches the right price point and is accessible to the masses.”

Borne out of the Group’s strategic transition from automaker to Smart Mobility Solution Provider, Supernal is one of more than 50 pioneering companies in the Group’s network collaborating to make mobility a service, not just a product. The Company is working to integrate AAM into existing transit networks and to shape a seamless intermodal passenger experience. The vision is for passengers to use a single app – like current rideshare platforms – to plan their journey, which could include taking a car or rail from home to an AAM “vertiport,” an eVTOL across town, and an e-scooter for the last mile.

Engineering and commercializing a new mobility product

Supernal, launched as the Urban Air Mobility Division of Hyundai Motor Group at CES 2020, where it introduced its initial concept vehicle, the S-A1. The Company continues to develop and enhance the eVTOL vehicle it will bring to market first and plans to begin certification with U.S. regulatory agencies in 2024. Supernal’s first air vehicle will be electric-powered and autonomous-capable and is planned to accommodate four to five passengers on initial urban and urban-adjacent routes.

“We’re developing a commercially viable Advanced Air Mobility product from the start, designing and manufacturing our vehicle to the highest safety, noise, efficiency, and affordability standards,” said Ben Diachun, Chief Technology Officer, Supernal. “Our growing team, which includes veterans of aerospace, automotive, and other deep-tech industries, is engineering sustainable vehicles that have the potential to evolve how we live, work, and play.”

The Company is leveraging advanced technologies, systems, and airframe materials – including artificial intelligence, autonomous control, and electric powertrain – to develop its vehicles and will harness the Group’s mass production capabilities to scale production, affordably. Supernal is also establishing a bench of academic partners to expand the AAM industry’s research frontier and talent pipeline.

Developing and integrating a new mobility market

In tandem with its electric air vehicle development, Supernal is working to co-create the AAM industry and supporting ecosystem by collaborating with a variety of stakeholders – across public and private entities, other modes of mobility, academia, and startups – to address market entry challenges, cultivate public acceptance, and ensure AAM is economically accessible and environmentally sustainable.

“As an industry disruptor, we have a responsibility to ensure AAM integrates with and augments existing transit options and effectively serves local community needs. Developing the market – from the vehicle to critical infrastructure networks and public acceptance – takes thoughtful and strategic coordination; everything needs to align at the same time for AAM to reach its full promise,” Shin said.

With this aim, Supernal is forging partnerships at the local and state level across the United States. Last year, the Company launched a partnership with the City of Los Angeles and Urban Movement Labs to develop a public engagement roadmap and policy toolkit other cities and municipalities can use to inform their AAM efforts and timelines. Supernal also serves as an industry resource for policymakers interested in understanding how AAM can address their communities’ transportation needs.

At the national and international level, Supernal is collaborating with stakeholders to explore concepts for physical and digital infrastructure. Last year, the Company entered a partnership with Urban-Air Port, a participant in the U.K. government’s Future Flight Challenge, to explore new, multifunctional and scalable AAM infrastructure and will showcase a full-scale “vertiport” prototype in the United Kingdom next year. Supernal is also supporting CAAM (the Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium) in developing a framework for the Canadian AAM National Master Plan. Additionally, the Company recently announced the expansion of its Airspace Management Consortium, which is working to shape a concept of operations for the consideration of policymakers.

The Supernal business: Bright minds and dreamers welcomed

Supernal means “of exceptional quality or extent” and speaks to how the Company plans to revolutionize travel and enhance the passenger experience. Supernal has offices and facilities in Washington, D.C., and throughout California. The Company is actively recruiting for open positions across its technology, business, and core operations teams – learn more here.

For more information about Supernal, please visit www.supernal.aero and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

More information about Hyundai Motor Group, please see: www.hyundaimotorgroup.com

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1682937/Photo_1.jpg
Video – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1683155/video.mp4

Xinhua Silk Road: Shanghai to crank up efforts to build world-class int’l shipping center, official

BEIJING, Nov. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Shanghai, a coastal metropolis located in east China, is accelerating its paces to build a world-class international shipping center, said an official on the 2021 North Bund Forum on November 3.

Aerial photo taken on Oct. 13, 2021 shows the container ship Libra of China's COSCO Shipping at Shanghai Yangshan Port, east China. (Xinhua/Fang Zhe)

The city, as one of the most stable growth poles in the global shipping network, demonstrated great resilience in fending off risks together with China’s shipping industry amid the repeated resurgences of the COVID-19 epidemic worldwide.

In 2020, Shanghai port saw its container throughput ranking the first globally for 11 years in a row and Yangshan port, a highly automated container terminal, ran busily with its annual throughput exceeding 20 million TEUs for the first time last year.

In spite of the unprecedented shocks from the global COVID-19 pandemic, Shanghai has gained more and more attention and acknowledgement from the international shipping sector.

On November 4, eight achievements of the 2021 North Bund Forum approached the public, including the cooperation consensus reached between Shanghai Municipal People’s Government and International Maritime Organization, and completion of the standard auditing of Shanghai (Export) Containerized Freight Index based on Settled Rates by International Organization of Securities Commissions.

It is also noteworthy that the global air transport industry carbon emission reduction cooperation initiative was released on the forum as one of its eight achievements, dedicated to boosting green development of the whole air transportation industry.

By far this year, Shanghai has comprehensively completed its international shipping center construction, with continuous efforts poured into improving its modern shipping services such as shipping transactions, shipping financial insurances, maritime arbitration, shipping and legal information service.

As a local official introduced, global influences of the city as an international shipping center has been growing as a host of reputed global shipping organizations have established regional headquarters, branches or other project companies in Shanghai.

According to the city’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) on international shipping center construction, its annual container throughput will reach at least 47 million TEUs by 2025, the annual throughput of air-passenger travel will reach at least 130 million, and the annual throughput of cargo ships will reach 4.1 million tonnes or above.

Original link: https://en.imsilkroad.com/p/324700.html

Traka launches inaugural Experience Centres in Australia and South Africa; aims to drive continuous collaboration and innovation

The Experience Centres will be accessible to customers across APACMEA

DUBAI, UAE, Nov. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Traka, the global leader in intelligent management solutions in key and equipment, today launched its first Experience Centres, located in two key strategic locations within the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (APACMEA) division – Brisbane, Australia, and Johannesburg, South Africa. The Centres will serve as an environment for technology partners, end-users and Traka employees to immerse, educate, empower and innovate through industry trends, best practices, and product updates.

All visitors will be able to immerse themselves in Traka’s complete value proposition in the industry, as they will have unprecedented access to the company’s full suite of key and equipment management solutions. Within the Centres are also training facilities equipped with Traka’s innovative technologies to enable partners to create product prototypes and communicate with each other regardless of where they are around the world.

The Centres will also serve as sandboxes to enable technology partners to create new technologies, develop new ideas and build new processes to add continued value, thereby empowering them to streamline efficiencies and save on costs, time and resources.

Collectively, these Centres will provide a bespoke environment for Traka to virtually showcase its best-in-class capability.

Jason Van der Meer, Technical Director, APACMEA, Traka, commented: “We are very excited to officially open Traka’s first Experience Centres in two of our focus markets in the region. They were built as a result of years of listening to our stakeholders about the need for a place where they can share and create together. These hubs are the ideal environments for them to access the latest Traka technology and tools that would empower them to take that step further. We hope that the Centres become the heart of knowledge sharing, training, support and most importantly, collaboration among external and internal stakeholders. We can’t wait to start bringing people together and embarking on this journey towards innovation together.”

In the Middle East, Traka has seen exponential growth for the past few years. The company has established a growing customer base and a strong partner network, especially in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE. There is a growing demand for Traka’s process control solutions in the banking, utilities, and critical infrastructure market sectors. The Experience Centres will enable customers and technology partners to understand and appreciate the latest innovations from Traka, and how they can future proof their investment with its continuous investment in R&D.

Founded in 1995, Traka is a leading global provider of intelligent key management systems and lockers solutions to help customers secure, manage and audit the use of almost any physical asset, including premises, devices, secure areas, equipment, machinery, and vehicles. With Traka’s systems, customers enjoy improved efficiency, reduced downtime, minor damage, and fewer losses, which means less administration and lower operating costs. The company was acquired by ASSA ABLOY, the world leader in door locking solutions, in 2012.

Martin Woodhouse, Head OF APACMEA, Traka, shares: “Traka is a business that continually invests in our people, our technologies, and our customers. For the past 30 years, we have developed our solutions and services to address and exceed the ever-changing needs of our customers and market sectors. In the near future, we plan on opening two more centres, in Singapore and the Middle East to further develop our support and education capability around Traka’s real value proposition. We will continue to invest in each of our regions to uphold our position as the trusted advisor to all our stakeholders at every step of the way.”

For more information about the Experience Centres, please visit https://systems.traka.com/experience-centre.

Traka will be exhibiting at Intersec 2022 on 16-18 January 2022. Visit Stand S2-E11 at Dubai World Trade Centre to find out more or take a virtual tour of the new Experience Centre.


Traka is the global leader in intelligent management solutions for keys and equipment. Through the continuous development of our technology, our experts help organisations in different industries and size better control their important assets, improving productivity and accountability, and reducing risk in critical processes.

For more information about Traka, please visit https://www.traka.com/.

OANDA partners with CONVRS to revolutionise account opening process

LONDON, Nov. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A global leader in online multi-asset trading services, currency data and analytics, OANDA has partnered with personalised customer engagement platform, CONVRS to enhance the account opening process and better engage with clients.

Under the partnership, prospective traders in the emerging markets can now open a demo account direct from a wide range of messaging apps, making the process simpler than ever. The new integration also enables OANDA to converse with prospects and clients through Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, LINE, Telegram and SMS in 53 languages.

Kurt vom Scheidt, Chief Operating Officer with OANDA, remarked, “In today’s world, people are increasingly using instant messaging apps in every aspect of their daily lives. As such, we wanted to upgrade our onboarding protocols to better reflect this, extending our channels of communication to include the world’s most popular social media and mobile messaging apps, ushering our client engagement activities into the 21st century in the process.”

“Combining deep-seated expertise in the retail trading industry with a comprehensive plug-and-play solution, CONVRS was a natural choice. It’s exciting for OANDA to be able to increase engagement with our clients in a way that’s easiest for them by using their choice of tools and methods rather than those that might otherwise be imposed upon them. We look forward to introducing our new messaging capabilities to other jurisdictions around the world in the coming months,” he continued.

Further commenting, Enis Mehmet, Cofounder at CONVRS, said, “A FinTech firm at heart, OANDA has earned a reputation for using cutting-edge technology to connect with their clients’ ever-changing needs. Given the 85% open rate for messaging apps, OANDA is now meeting its clients where they are. Being able to support them in a variety of available channels, we look forward to working with how they engage clients in the other stages of the customer journey.”


Founded in 1996, OANDA was the first company to share exchange rate data free of charge on the Internet, launching an FX trading platform that helped pioneer the development of web-based currency trading five years later. Today, the group provides online multi-asset trading, currency data and analytics to retail and corporate clients, demonstrating an unrivalled expertise in foreign exchange. With regulated entities in nine of the world’s most active financial markets, OANDA remains dedicated to transforming the business of foreign exchange. For more information, please visit oanda.com or follow us on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube.


CONVRS (conv.rs) was established in 2018 and is presently used by over 25 financial intermediaries including leading FX/CFD brokers and digital banking solutions. The technology integrates messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger, LINE together with SMS and website chat in an API-driven omnichannel platform, streamlining the company and customer conversations. Founded by two financial markets industry veterans, CONVRS is now the leading partner for financial intermediaries looking to engage their clients in conversational experiences, from opening demo accounts, chatting with business agents or receiving personalised curated content.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1581985/OANDA_colour_logo_Logo.jpg

Billups’ latest EMEA expansion welcomes Massimiliano Del Grosso as business lead

MILAN, Italy, Nov. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Billups, the largest privately held out-of-home (OOH) technology and managed services company in the U.S., has continued its offense in EMEA with the appointment of Massimiliano Del Grosso as Business Director, EMEA, working closely with Andrew Brunton, Regional Director, EMEA. Based in Milan, Massimiliano is tasked with expanding Billups business in the EMEA region with focus on Southern Europe and the Middle East by showcasing its service offerings through innovative technology, deeper audience understanding and creative media solutions.

Billups’ latest EMEA expansion welcomes Massimiliano Del Grosso as business lead

With over 15 years of experience, Massimiliano brings a passion for OOH alongside his deep knowledge across the media industry, holding roles across a number of high-profile Italian media businesses. Most recently, Massimiliano founded Piuma Comunicazione per Immagini, a creative and media boutique agency, in Italy. He delivered exceptional campaigns through his strategic and curious mind, exciting clients and consumers alike.

“We are excited to have Massimiliano joining Billups as we continue the expansion in the region. He will be instrumental in delighting clients through the out-of-home channel supported by technology, data science, and knowledge” said Andrew Brunton. “His hunger and want to listen to the clients’ needs will further enhance our offering, as we deliver amazing and move the world.”


About Billups
Billups is revolutionizing the out-of-home (OOH) media experience. Blending art and science with advanced technology, we lead the industry with scientific targeting, accurate out-of-home measurement and an innovative AI-powered recommendation engine. Founded in 2003, Billups is the largest domestic, privately held technology and managed services company specializing in OOH, offering strategic planning, buying, production and brand experiences. Billups helps the world’s leading brands navigate and optimize their out-of-home investment. Billups is headquartered in Portland, Oregon, with 19 offices spanning the U.S. and 3 European offices. To learn more, visit us at www.billups.com.

Media Contact
Jeff Jan
Head of Growth

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1681123/Massimiliano_Del_Grosso.jpg
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‫التوسع الأخير لشركة Billups في منطقة أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا ترحب بماسيميليانو ديل جروسو كقائد للأعمال التجارية

ميلان، إيطاليا, 9 نوفمبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ — واصلت شركة Billups وهي أكبر شركة خاصة للتكنولوجيا وإدارة الخدمات بالخارج في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، انتهازها في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا بتعيين ماسيميليانو ديل جروسو مديرًا للأعمال التجارية في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا والذي يعمل عن كثب مع أندرو برونتون، المدير الإقليمي في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا. ومن مقرها في ميلان، يُكَلَّف ماسيميليانو بتوسيع نطاق الأعمال التجارية لشركة Billups في منطقة أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا والتركيز على جنوب أوروبا والشرق الأوسط بعرض خدماتها من خلال التكنولوجيا المبتكرة، وزيادة فهم الجمهور، والحلول المبتكرة لوسائل الإعلام.

Billups’ latest EMEA expansion welcomes Massimiliano Del Grosso as business lead

أصبح ماسيميليانو متعطشًّا للعمل خارج الوطن بسبب خبرته التي تزيد عن 15 عامًا بجانب معرفته العميقة عن قطاع الإعلام، وتنظيم الأدوار بين عدد من شركات الإعلام الإيطالية البارزة. وفي الآونة الأخيرة، أنشأ ماسيميليانو Piuma Comunicazione per Immagini، وهي وكالة ملابس إعلامية ومبتكرة في إيطاليا. وقام بحملات استثنائية من خلال عقله الاستراتيجي والفضولي، والعملاء المتحمسين، والمستهلكين على حد سواء.

وصرح أندرو برونتون قائلًا: “ويسعدنا انضمام ماسيميليانو إلى بيلوبس بينما نحن نواصل التوسع في المنطقة. سيكون له دورًا فعالًا في إرضاء العملاء من خلال القناة الخارجية المدعومة بالتكنولوجيا، وعلم البيانات، والمعرفة  وستزيد رغبته وإرادته في الاستماع إلى احتياجات العملاء من تعزيز عروضنا، حيث نقدم خدمات مذهلة ونحرك العالم”.

Out-of-home company Billups announces newest executive hire, Shabnam Irilian

نبذة عن شركةBillups
تُحدث شركة Billups ثورة في وسائل الإعلام خارج الوطن. ونقود هذه الصناعة مع الاستهداف العلمي، والقياس الدقيق خارج الوطن ومحرك توصية مبتكر يعمل ببطاقة منظمة العفو الدولية بمزج الفن والعلوم مع التكنولوجيا المتقدمة. تأسست شركة Billups في 2003، وهي أكبر شركة محلية خاصة للتكنولوجيا والخدمات المدارة المتخصصة خارج الوطن، وتقدم التخطيط الاستراتيجي والشراء والإنتاج وتجارب العلامة التجارية. وتساعد شركة Billups العلامات التجارية الرائدة في العالم على التنقل والاستفادة المثلى من استثماراتها في الخارج. يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Billups في بورتلاند، أوريغون، مع 19 مكتبًا في الولايات المتحدة و3 مكاتب أوروبية. لمعرفة المزيد، تفضل بزيارتنا على www.billups.com.

للتواصل مع وسائل الإعلام
جيف جان
رئيس النمو

الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1681123/Massimiliano_Del_Grosso.jpg
الشعار – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1575372/Billups_Logo_Logo.jpg

Nyxoah appoints new CFO

Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium – November 8, 2021, 10:30pm CET / 4:30pm ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH)(“Nyxoah” or the “Company”), a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), today announced that Loïc Moreau will join Nyxoah as CFO as of January 1, 2022.

Loïc will join Nyxoah from GSK, where he held leadership roles in Finance across various geographies. Prior to GSK, Loïc built his career at EY and PwC. Loïc holds an executive master in Finance. He will replace current CFO, Fabian Suarez, who will leave Nyxoah at the end of 2021 to pursue a new opportunity as CEO of a startup MedTech company.

Olivier Taelman, CEO, commented: “We are very grateful to Fabian for his hard work, dedication and leadership over the last seven years. During his time at Nyxoah, Fabian led the Finance department and served as a valued and trusted member of the management team. He was instrumental in securing the successful Euronext Brussels and Nasdaq IPOs during the last year, and we wish him all the best in his new endeavor. We look forward to a smooth transition.”

Fabian Suarez added: “After seven years at Nyxoah, which I profoundly enjoyed, it is time for the next step in my career development.  I am proud to have been part of Nyxoah and its exciting journey, and I look forward to Nyxoah’s many future successes.”

About Nyxoah
Nyxoah is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Nyxoah’s lead solution is the Genio® system, a patient-centered, leadless and battery-free hypoglossal neurostimulation therapy for OSA, the world’s most common sleep disordered breathing condition that is associated with increased mortality risk and cardiovascular comorbidities. Nyxoah is driven by the vision that OSA patients should enjoy restful nights and feel enabled to live their life to its fullest.

Following the successful completion of the BLAST OSA study, the Genio® system received its European CE Mark in 2019. Nyxoah completed two successful IPOs: on Euronext in September 2020 and NASDAQ in July 2021. Following the positive outcomes of the BETTER SLEEP study, Nyxoah received CE-Mark indication approval to treat Complete Concentric Collapse (CCC) patients, currently contraindicated in competitors’ therapy. Additionally, the Company is currently conducting the DREAM IDE pivotal study for FDA and US commercialization approval.

For more information, please visit http://www.nyxoah.com/.

Caution – CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal law to investigational use in the United States.


Jeremy Feffer, VP IR and Corporate Communications
+1 917 749 1494

Gilmartin Group 
Vivian Cervantes


‫”كوجنيتيف كوربوريشن” تُعلِن عن تعيين المونتالفو في منصب نائب الرئيس التنفيذي لتطوير الأعمال العالمية

نائب الرئيس التنفيذي يجلب تاريخ شراكة عميق لمزود التجارة التعاوني.

 تورنتو، 9 نوفمبر 2021 — /PRNewswire/ أعلنت شركة كوجنيتيف (Kognitiv) -الشركة العالمية الرائدة في سوق التجارة التعاونية الآخذ في التوسع السريع- عن تعيين المونتالفو في منصب نائب الرئيس التنفيذي لتطوير الأعمال العالمية فورًا.

Al Montalvo EVP of Global Business Development

ينضم مونتالفو إلى شركة التكنولوجيا B2B (شركة إلى شركة) التي تتخذ من كندا مقرًا لها بعد مسيرة مهنية تقدمية في مناصب قيادية لتطوير وتنفيذ تحالفات استراتيجية معقدة وفرص نمو مع شركات قائمة فورتشن 500 في قطاعات متنوعة، تشمل السلع الاستهلاكية المعبأة، ومنتجات الجمال، والبيع بالتجزئة، والترفيه، والضيافة.

قال الرئيس والرئيس التنفيذي شون بيرسون، “بينما ننمو دوليًا، وتصبح احتياجات الأعمال لعملائنا أكثر تعقيدًا، كان من الأهمية بمكان أن نجد نائبًا للرئيس التنفيذي يتمتع بخبرة عميقة في تطوير الشراكات والتحالفات الاستراتيجية وتقديم هذه الخبرة إلى كوجنيتيف.  لقد أُتيحت لي الفرصة للعمل مع المونتالفو سابقًا، ورأيته ينسق ببراعة تحالفات استراتيجية تؤدي إلى تحقيق النتائج لجميع المؤسسات المشاركة.  تُعَد خبرة المونتالفو ضرورية، حيث أن جوهر نموذج التجارة التعاوني لـ كوجنيتيف هو الشراكات وقدرة المؤسسات على العمل بسلاسة من نظير إلى نظير من أجل إنشاء حوار قائم على البيانات وأكثر شفافية مع المستهلكين، وتقديم برامج أكثر إقناعًا، واستعادة المزيد من السيطرة على تلك العلاقات الحيوية للمستهلكين مع أصحاب الأعمال.  وتُمكِّن التجارة التعاونية الشركات من إقامة شراكات أكثر خفة ومرونة وتنفيذها بخفة ومرونة أكبر مما كان ممكنًا في السابق.  واستنادًا إلى تاريخنا الناجح معًا، فأنا متحمس لعمق الخبرة والريادة التي سيجلبها المونتالفو إلى فريقنا الأول بينما نقوم بتشغيل هذه المرحلة التالية من نمو كوجنيتيف”.

قال السيد مونتالفو، “لقد طورت كوجنيتيف شيئًا فريدًا حقًا لم أره في تجربتي في تطوير الأعمال الدولية”.  “يمكن أن تكون الشراكات والتحالفات الاستراتيجية شريان الحياة لنمو المؤسسة، ولكن التعاون الناجح عادة ما يكون معقدًا في التطوير والتنفيذ.  وتتعامل منصة كوجنيتيف التكنولوجية ونموذج الأعمال بذكاء مع تلك التحديات الرئيسية.  وتبحث المؤسسات في جميع أنحاء العالم عن طرق لتنمية ولاء المستهلك، وتسريع اكتساب العملاء، وبناء قيمة مدى الحياة، وزيادة فرص الشراكة مع العلامة التجارية.  تُزوِّد كوجنيتيف الشركات بالقدرة على الوفاء بمتطلبات العمل الرئيسية هذه والشراكة مع أقرانهم بسرعة وفعالية وبخفة ومرونة أكبر.  وأنا أُومن بأن حل كوجنيتيف مؤهل للتعامل مع الأعمال التجارية والمسائل التنظيمية والتكنولوجية المعقدة بشكل متزايد اليوم”.

Kognitiv Logo

حول شركة كوجنيتيف

كوجنيتيف كوربوريشن هي شركة تكنولوجيا B2B (شركة إلى شركة) تقوم بتمكين التجارة التعاونية لعملائها العالميين في قطاعات مثل البيع بالتجزئة، والخدمات المالية، والإعلام، والاتصالات، والضيافة، والنقل، والترفيه.  وبالتركيز على مستقبل الولاء واللامركزية في “ويب 3.0″، تُمكِّن كوجنيتيف العملاء من استخدام منصتها لزيادة التعاون مع شركائهم الأكثر قيمة، وتقليل الاعتماد على الوسطاء، وبالتالي خلق قيمة كبيرة للمستهلكين، وزيادة السيطرة على بياناتهم وتجاربهم.  ومع ظهور اقتصاد الاشتراك، والتركيز على نماذج (مباشرة إلى المستهلك) والتخصيص الفائق، يمكن للعملاء الاستفادة من أن يصبحوا أكثر كفاءة في كيفية تخطيط شراكاتهم وتوسيع نطاقها وتنفيذها، وخلق قيمة لمستهلكيهم ودفع النمو.  ويقع مقرها الرئيسي في كندا، ويعمل بها أكثر من 450 شخصًا في 50 دولة، ومن بين أكبر مستثمري كوجنيتيف شركة أيميا إنك (Aimia Inc.). ، وهي شركة قابضة مدرَجة في بورصة تورونتو. (TSX: AIM)  اكتشف المزيد على www.kognitiv.com.

لمزيد من المعلومات، تَواصَل مع:  هيلتون بربور (Hilton.barbour@kognitiv.com)

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