Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition: A Global Gateway for Luxury Brands

Doha: The gold and jewelry sector in the State of Qatar occupies a distinguished position, derived from several factors related to its economic role and its significant contributions to developing the national income and providing job opportunities, in addition to its social and cultural role and its connection to the desire to acquire jewelry as a symbol of heritage and investment.

According to Qatar News Agency, businessmen in the jewelry sector stressed the importance of its sector in relation to the national economy, as well as its role in the Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition, which begins on Thursday and will last until Feb. 5. Through its successive editions, it has become one of the most important regional and international events that attracts the largest brands specialized in the industry at the international level.

Chairman and Managing Director of Darwish Holding Bader Abdullah Al Darwish confirmed in a statement to QNA that the continuous increase in the number of international companies specialized in the manufacture of jewelry and watches at the Doha Exhibition in each edition confirms the importance of the exhibition in its international participation programs, and its success in attracting the most luxurious international brands in the field.

Al Darwish added that the large numbers of transactions achieved by these international companies during the days of the Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition make them keen to change their direction towards Qatar and its exhibition, and to present their best products and brand during its events.

He explained the importance of the tourism sector and its organizers in supporting the exhibition through tourists’ interest in the exhibition’s products, estimating the contribution of the tourism sector in increasing the sales rate throughout the period in which the events are held by a percentage ranging between 8%-10%.

In this context, Chairman and Managing Director of Darwish Holding noted the facilities provided by the relevant authorities to tourists wishing to visit the exhibition, especially since a significant number of them head to Doha to see the latest developments in the sector and enjoy the infrastructure established by the State to advance the tourism and hotel sector.

Al Darwish pointed out that the Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition is the appropriate space for companies to reveal their latest ideas and visions for developing the sector in the country.

He expressed hope that in the coming period, especially after the success of the exhibition, international companies will take Doha as a platform for innovation and renewal in the sector and launch into regional and global markets, especially since all the capabilities are available and provided to achieve this goal.

In turn, First Deputy to the Chairman at Qatari Businessmen Association (QBA) Hussain Ibrahim Al Fardan said that Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition has become a global landmark, as it is the largest in the history of jewelry and watch brands, stressing that Qatar is celebrating its 21st edition this year, with its value estimated at more than QR 15 billion.

In an exclusive statement to QNA, Al Fardan said that owning jewelry in Qatar goes beyond the material dimension, as it is a safe asset, as many prefer it as a means of preserving value, to the symbolic dimension and its consistency with the identity and culture of society, as jewelry often symbolizes wealth, status and cultural identity in general.