Egypt’s Culture Minister Highlights Flourishing Cultural Ties with Qatar

Egypt: Egypt-Qatar cultural cooperation is constantly progressing, demonstrating the two Arab countries’ established historic ties, said HE Egypt’s Minister of Culture Dr. Ahmed Fouad Hano.

According to Qatar News Agency, following the conclusion of the Egyptian Cultural Week in Qatar, His Excellency voiced hopes for further artistic exchange and joint cultural weeks and training programs.

Part of approaches to beef up bilateral cooperation, he added, has been the announcement of the State of Qatar as the guest of honor of the Cairo International Book Fair 2027. He also revealed Cairo’s plans to host Qatari art exhibitions and film and music festivals, boosting understanding and rapprochement between the two peoples.

The Egyptian Cultural Week in Qatar was organized by the Ministry of Culture at the permanent site of Darb Al-Saai in Umm Salal from Jan. 28-31, 2025. It garnered a huge engagement from artisans and art and heritage specialists.

His Excellency hailed the thrilling event as a display of the vital role that artistic performances, traditional crafts, art exhibitions, and literary events could play in fostering Egyptian culture and streamlining contacts with Egyptian communities abroad.

Addressing approaches to beef up pan-Arab cultural cooperation, Hano stressed the need for joint Arab projects and initiatives to overcome the current challenges, primarily the disparate Arab cultural policies.