Exchange Rates Announced by Qatar National Bank Reflect Market Trends.

DOHA: Exchange rates for foreign currencies in Qatar have been updated as of Tuesday, as reported by Qatar National Bank (QNB). The latest rates display the buying and selling values of various currencies, highlighting shifts in the foreign exchange market relevant to both local and international economic activities.

According to Qatar News Agency, the QNB has released the following exchange rates: The A.E. Dirham is listed with a buying rate of 0.97800 and a selling rate of 1.00100. The Australian Dollar is valued at 2.36790 for buying and 2.48480 for selling. The Bahraini Dinar stands at 9.45000 for buying and 9.81200 for selling. Meanwhile, the Canadian Dollar shows a buying rate of 2.59580 and a selling rate of 2.72110.

The Swiss Franc is comparatively priced at 4.14250 for buying and 4.32990 for selling, while the Chinese Yuan is available for buying at 0.48510 and selling at 0.52710. The Danish Kroner has been recorded with a buying rate of 0.49810 and a selling rate of 0.57870. In contrast, the Egypt
ian Pound is listed at 0.06510 for buying and 0.07900 for selling.

Euro transactions are priced at 3.87340 for buying and 4.08730 for selling. The Sterling Pound holds a buying rate of 4.60900 and a selling rate of 4.87220. The Hong Kong Dollar is available with a buying rate of 0.44590 and a selling rate of 0.49810. The Indian Rupee’s buying rate stands at 0.04230, with the selling rate at 0.04490.

The Jordanian Dinar is listed at 5.08700 for buying and 5.22000 for selling. The Japanese Yen shows a buying price of 0.02330 and a selling price of 0.02470. The Korean Won, while not available for buying, has a selling rate of 0.00310. Finally, the Kuwaiti Dinar is quoted with a buying rate of 11.73700 and a selling rate of 12.14500.