A Symphony of Feathers: Aseer Region’s Avian Biodiversity

Aseer, a region renowned for its natural beauty, is also a sanctuary for a diverse array of migratory birds. These feathered visitors, some of which have inhabited the region for millennia, contribute significantly to the area’s rich biodiversity. The region’s diverse habitats, from highlands to plains, provide ideal conditions for a variety of bird species to thrive.

In the spring, the forests of Aseer come alive with the vibrant colors and melodious songs of these avian guests. The region’s unique blend of climate and topography attracts birds from around the world, including species from Africa, Europe, and Asia.

The Saudi Press Agency team, accompanied by bird enthusiast Ahmed Niazi, embarked on a journey to witness the natural spectacle of gathered birds.

Niazi said Aseer appeals to migratory birds through its diverse tree species and varying temperatures. The acacia, juniper, and natural flowers provide suitable habitats for different bird species. Aseer is home to a wide range of avian life, incl
uding endemic species like the Aseer magpie (Pica asirensis), a rare bird found only in this region of the Kingdom.

Migratory birds from Africa, such as the African paradise flycatcher, Pied Cuckoo, and gray-headed kingfisher, find suitable breeding grounds in Aseer’s humid southwestern highlands. European species like the European bee-eater also visit the region during the spring and summer.

The book “Birds of Saudi Arabia”, published by Aramco, highlights the Kingdom’s rich avian diversity; 499 species are recorded, including 401 resident or migratory birds and 11 rare species.

The fall and spring seasons are peak migration periods in Saudi Arabia, as birds traverse the region on their journeys between the northern and southern hemispheres.

Source: Saudi Press Agency