
Dr. Carl Fagerstrom writes: “No smoking… less harmful”

Together – The Swedish experience in using alternative nicotine products to combat the dangers of traditional smoking revealed a strange paradox. Although the Swedes consume nicotine at the same rates as the rest of the European countries, the Swedes …

King Fahad Medical City Accredited by IASIOS

Riyadh, King Fahad Medical City has become the first institution in Saudi Arabia to earn accreditation in interventional oncology from the International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services (IASIOS).

The accreditation is proof of…

Thousands of cholera cases recorded worldwide

Geneva – Ma’an – The World Health Organization announced that thousands of cholera cases were recorded during the month of June, and that at least 160 people died due to the disease.

According to the organization’s statement, infections and deaths we…

US declares deadly disease outbreak in 12 states

Washington – Ma’an – The US Centers for Disease Control announced the spread of listeriosis, or what is known as Listeria, in 12 states at the same time.

The center stated in its statement that two people died due to the disease, and 28 others were t…