BIPD launches new leadership training programme


Manama, The Bahrain Institute for Political Development (BIPD) launched ‘National Paths’, a new programme offering training for public and private sectors’ employees. The training will focus on a range of political and constitutional topics and personal skills, with the aim of enhancing national participation and driving up performance.

Eman Faisal Janahi, Executive Director of the Bahrain Institute for Political Development (BIPD) said the programme comes to build on the success of the ‘Political Skills’ programme, which has been conducted over the previous years.

She explained that the institute worked on offering participants the necessary knowledge-based tools and skills that contribute to efficiency and national policies.

Director Janahi highlighted that the BIPD has identified several main areas that align with the institution’s vision and the development of the Kingdom of Bahrain in various sectors, especially with the advancement of government performance in line with the comprehensive development
process and the Bahrain Economic Vision. She added that this edition of the programme will offer the opportunity for private sector employees and executive level employees, in fulfilment of the BIPD’s objective of offering training to all segments of the Bahraini community.

In addition to focusing on building awareness of the constitutional and parliamentary framework and bolstering personal skills, the programme will cover topics related to foreign policy, democracy, and mechanisms for the development of programmes and ideas which contribute to enhancing performance in the government and the private sector.

Bahraini specialists, academics and officials in different areas will contribute to the programme.

Janahi called on public and private sector employees to enroll in the programme by coordinating with their departments to nominate their names. She said that the institute will extend invitations to executive level staff, explaining that participants will be categorised based on their professional ranks.

Source: Bahrain News Agency