Egypt Announces Embassy Employee Sustained Injury in Sudan


The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced today that a member of the Egyptian embassy to Sudan was shot, without providing further details.

Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid urged Egyptians in Sudan to exercise the utmost caution for the sake of the safety of Egyptian nationals and diplomatic mission staff.

Abu Zeid added that evacuating a number like 10,000 Egyptians in Sudan requires careful planning to ensure the safety and efficiency of the operation.

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also urged Egyptian nationals outside Khartoum to head to the nearest point to them be it Port Sudan or Wadi Halfa in preparation for evacuation by the Egyptian authorities.

The Ministry urged Egyptians currently in Khartoum to remain in their homes until the security situation and violence in the capital abate. It added that the situation in Khartoum is being reassessed in coordination with the Sudanese authorities to allow for the evacuation of Egyptians in Khartoum as part of the evacuation strategy for all Egyptians in Sudan.

Source: Qatar News Agency