Egyptian Ambassador stresses importance of Bahrain-Egypt coordination


Manama, Riham Abdelhamid Mahmoud Khalil, the Ambassador of Egypt to Bahrain, has stated that His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s visit to Egypt is within the framework of the two countries’ close coordination to develop unified Arab stances and strengthen Arab solidarity.

She indicated that HM King Hamad and HE President Abdel Fattah El Sisi of Egypt had discussed the most important proposals and Arab efforts to reduce the escalations in the region and stop the flagrant violations and collective punishment of the Palestinians, as well as ensure the safe delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

The two leaders also discussed scenarios for comprehensive political solution aimed at reaching comprehensive, all-inclusive peace in the Middle East, leading necessarily to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967 borders, she said.

The ambassador emphasised that the kingdom’s hosting of the 33rd Arab Summit at an important time and under delicate circumstances require
d stepping up coordination and consultation to ensure coming up with outcomes that would meet the aspirations of Arab peoples.

She noted that the two leaders had discussed the latest developments in the region and strategies to deal with them, and emphasised the importance of creating a stable and secure environment within the framework of a shared Arab security priority, which Bahrain and Egypt consider indivisible.

Source: Bahrain News Agency