Foreign Ministry Undersecretary affirms Bahrain’s unwaverig support to Palestinian inalienable rights


Manama, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Political Affairs, Dr. Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, affirmed Bahrain’s keenness, led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, to build bridges of peace and coexistence in the region, and to promote its role as an active partner in establishing regional and international security and stability.

In a radio interview with BBC Arabic, Dr. Shaikh Abdullah explained that Bahrain’s diplomatic relations and economic, political, social, security and defense cooperation with Israeld do not affect its unwavering support to the Palestinian people’s cause and inalienable to establish their independent state, on the June 4, 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the basis of the principle of the two-state solution, which is a consistent and uncompromised position that has not and will not change.

He added that relations with Israel will contribute to establishing peace and resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and are not directed against any country in the region, including Iran.

“Iran is a neighboring country geographically, but the historical fact is that over recent decades it has not adhered to the most important principles under international law, which are respect for the sovereignty of states and non-interference in their internal affairs”, he said.

He pointed out that Bahrain has suffered a lot from Iranian interference in its affairs through smuggling weapons and explosives and disturbing internal security, despite the many initiatives and endeavors to seek bridges with it and to ensure that “Iran is safe, stable and prosperous” for the common good.

On the Bahrain-Qatar relations, he stressed that “relations with the brothers in Qatar are important and extend throughout history, and that Qatar is Bahrain and Bahrain is Qatar and their people are one.”.

He stressed Bahrain’s commitment to what was stated in the Al-Ula Declaration – issued by the Gulf summit that was held in the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on January 5, 2021 – as Bahrain has sent several invitations to the brothers in Qatar and is still waiting for this call to be met and to move forward in resolving all outstanding political and security issues.

Commenting on the relations with Syria, the Undersecretary for Political Affairs affirmed that “the Kingdom of Bahrain has not severed its relationship with Syria since 2011.. Syria is a brotherly Arab country, and we are fully aware that the crisis is prolonged and must be addressed, as there is coordination with the brothers in the Arab countries and the brotherly Syrian Arab Republic to resolve this issue.”

He also stated that the Kingdom is proceeding with its initiatives to establish regional and international security and stability in cooperation with its allies and international partners, led by the United States of America as a strategic partner.

He noted that Manama hosts not only the US Fifth Fleet, but also the Combined Task Force of the Combined Maritime Forces, led by the United States, which includes 34 countries, to maintain security and stability in the Arabian Gulf and beyond, through its efforts in combating terrorism, maritime piracy and the illicit trade in weapons and explosives.

He highlighted the commitments of brotherly and friendly countries to support joint efforts in securing freedom of navigation and international trade, whether by posting of liaison officers like Israel and other countries, or sending naval ships, in a way that supports security and stability in the region.

Source: Bahrain News Agency