Journalists Syndicate: 105 crimes and violations in March, including 6 martyrs and 9 bloody injuries


Ramallah – Ma’an – A statement issued by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate confirmed the continuation of the occupation’s crimes against Palestinian journalists by killing 6 colleagues as martyrs by Israeli occupation army fire, as well as increasing the pace of targeting of journalists in their institutions, homes, and in the field of work and press coverage.

The statement issued by the Freedoms Committee of the Syndicate indicated that the occupation army is expanding its targeting in various forms against journalists, specifically in the Gaza Strip, when it continued to target and kill, where 3 of our colleagues became martyrs by targeting their homes with bombing, and 3 of our colleagues with bullets and missile fragments. While 9 journalists sustained bloody wounds as a result of being hit by shrapnel from missiles and bullets, which led to the amputation of some of their limbs, while others are still in serious and difficult condition as a result of their injuries.

The statement stated that the Is
raeli occupation forces committed about 105 crimes, violations, and assaults over the course of last March, including the destruction of about 12 institutions and homes for journalists, all in the Gaza Strip, as well as the arrest of 8 journalists, while 24 cases of smashing and confiscating work equipment were recorded, and 22 incidents were recorded. Crews detained and prevented from working.

The statement added that the occupation forces stormed 4 homes and media institutions, and 3 cases of direct shooting were observed towards where the journalists were covering, while about 10 male and female colleagues were beaten, while the settlers carried out an attack, destruction, and death threat.

There were 2 cases of summons and 3 cases of being brought before the courts.

The statement explained that the pace of targeting of the journalistic situation is escalating, including the continued targeting and closure of press institutions in Jerusalem, as the decision to ban the Palestine TV satellite channel from
operating in Jerusalem was renewed, and decisions were made to remove some journalists from working and covering in Jerusalem and the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The statement concluded by emphasizing that the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate continues its tireless efforts to prosecute the occupation for its crimes against the Palestinian journalistic situation at all local, Arab and international levels, by working with high professionalism in monitoring and documenting its crimes and adapting them to the legal requirements of war crimes courts and international courts.

Source: Maan News Agency