Kuwait Condemns Storming of Saudi Cultural Attache’s Building in Sudan


The State of Kuwait has strongly condemned the storming of the Saudi Cultural Attache’s building by an armed group in the Republic of Sudan that destroyed equipment and seized its property.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement today that this criminal act is a flagrant violation of international law and the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, under which “the receiving State is under special duty to protect the premises of the mission of intrusion, damage, disturbance of the peace and impairment of its dignity”.

The ministry called on authorities and all concerned parties in the Republic of Sudan to immediately take all necessary measures to provide full protection to the headquarters of diplomatic missions, ensure the safety of their buildings and staff, and punish perpetrators of violations.

The ministry also said the State of Kuwait stands in solidarity with the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and supports all security and legal measures it takes to maintain the security of its diplomatic missions.

Source: Saudi Press Agency