Minister of Municipality: The State of Qatar succeeded in managing the crisis and shocks in food supply


H. E. Dr./ Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz bin Turki Al Subaie , the Minister of Municipality that the food system in the State of Qatar became a model and it represents a unique status worthy of studying for the policy makers and experts, after the State succeeded in managing the great crisis and shocks in food supply, due to the concerned efforts of the trading partners and the stakeholders in both the Public and private sectors in addition to implementing several initiatives that guaranteed realizing almost 100% of supplying the necessary food items on a daily basis and in emergencies and crisis.

H. E. added in a recorded speech before the Food Security Forum organized by the General Secretariat of the Islamic Organization for Food Security on 8-9 June in the Republic of Kazakhstan, that the State of Qatar has established specialized companies for the agricultural, livestock and fish production to achieve self- sufficiency, securing the food supplies and ensuring its safety, noting that these efforts were crowned by the State of Qatar ranking first for the Gulf and Arab countries and (24) internationally in the Global Food Security Index GFSI 2021.

He indicated that the State of Qatar funds several research, development and innovation projects in the field of food security annually, to facilitate the use of the scientific innovations in the field of the national production, strategic storage and food supply chains as these initiatives aim at ensuring a flexible and safe food system that increase and preserve the natural resources of the State of Qatar for the sake of the future generations.

Source: Ministry of Municipality