Municipalities Minister inspects municipal preparations for rainfall accumulations


Manama, Wael bin Nasser Al Mubarak, Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture Minister, visited and inspected a number of areas to review the development of rainwater drainage networks and other solutions for rainfall accumulation across the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The inspection visits included Muharraq Municipality and Capital Municipality.

The minister said that the Capital Municipality and municipal councils have increased their preparations to deal with rainwater accumulations, in anticipation of weather forecasts indicating the possibility of heavy rainfall over the coming two days.

The mechanisms used to deal with rainfall were reviewed, as well as cleaning roads promptly after suction operations are completed to ensure the accessibility of roads.

Al Mubarak said that the ministry had developed an integrated plan in the event of heavy rainfall. An emergency team and a joint operations room have been set up to carry out necessary procedures to drain rainwater pools in coordination with the Ministry of Work
s, Civil Defense and municipal councils.

He urged citizens, residents and visitors to report any emergency regarding rainwater accumulation via the municipal hotline 80008188.

Source: Bahrain News Agency