Palestinian Injured by Occupation Forces’ Bullets, North of Hebron


A Palestinian was injured by Israeli occupation forces bullets, along with dozens of suffocation cases, during clashes in Al-Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron in the West Bank.

Security sources said that the occupation forces fired bullets, stun grenades, and gas bombs at citizens’ homes during clashes that erupted at the entrance to the camp. As a result, a young man was wounded with a bullet in the foot, and dozens suffocated.

In the context, the occupation forces arrested a young man from the town of Beit Fajjar, south of Bethlehem.

Palestinian News Agency reported that the occupation forces arrested a young man while he was crossing the Hamra military checkpoint, which links the cities of the West Bank and the Palestinian Jordan Valley.The blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Gaza Strip, and many other towns and cities in the West Bank have been exposed, for two days, to a dangerous escalation by the occupation forces, amid international calls for calm, and not to drag the region into more tension.

Source: Qatar News Agency