Palestinian Prime Minister Stresses Importance of Reviving Arab Peace Initiative


Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh stressed the importance of reviving the Arab Peace Initiative to end the occupation and establish a Palestinian state on the pre-1967 borders, with Jerusalem as its capital.

Speaking during a meeting today with a delegation from the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), Shtayyeh said: “Israel is waging wars against our geography, demography, money and narrative. Through its occupation, Israel aims to control all aspects of life in Palestine, especially through murder and daily arrest campaigns, seizure of lands in favor of settlement expansion, controlling and stealing most of our water resources, and placing restrictions on the freedom of movement of individuals and merchandise.” The Palestinian Prime Minister urged the IUSY to press the Israeli occupation authorities to abide by the signed agreements and allow the Palestinian elections to be held in all of the Palestinian territories, including in Jerusalem.

During the meeting, Shtayyeh briefed the delegation of the latest political developments in Palestine, including the ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people. (QNA)

Source: Qatar News Agency