Shura committee fully supports Foreign Minister’s statement on Bahrain’s inalienable historical rights


Manama, The Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee at the Shura Council has expressed its full-fledged support for the statement of the Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zyani, regarding the kingdom’s inalienable historical rights, based on the principle of uti possidetis juris, and in accordance with Decree-Law 8 of 1993 with respect to the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The committee affirmed that under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Kingdom of Bahrain believes in the importance of commitment to international laws and resolutions, given their importance in safeguarding the rights of all international actors.

The panel also affirmed the Kingdom’s unwavering commitment to and full respect for all decisions issued by the institutions of international legitimacy, out of its full belief in their integrity and transparency, in the light of the legitimate international system and its institutions.

In this regard, the committee emphasised that the Kingdom reserves its sovereign right to demand a just and equitable recovery of all its historical rights, within the paths and channels of international legitimacy, as a means to regain its historical and national rights at the time and in the manner it deems appropriate, in a way that preserves all its historical, national and sovereign interests and rights without the slightest negligence.

Commenting on the legal report published by the French magazine, “Le Point”, entitled “Has Qatar robbed Bahrain of billions of cubic metres of gas?”, the committee asserted that the report has come up with nothing new regarding the issue, stressing that Bahrain does not give up its rights and sovereignty over all its land, sea and air borders.

“It is a matter of historical and sovereign national right in the first place, and not an issue of wealth or billions of cubic metres of gas,” the panel affirmed.

In this context, the Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee at the Shura Council called on the State of Qatar to respond to Bahrain’s successive calls to engage in bilateral talks, in accordance with the communiqué of the GCC Summit in Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia, in order to address all pending issues.

Source: Bahrain News Agency