‫شركة Digimarc ترحب بقائد التحول الرقمي رافي كومار في مجلس إدارتها

بيفيرتون، أوريغون، 7 يوليو 2021 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت شركة Digimarc Corporation (المُدرجة في مؤشر ناسداك المركب بـ: DMRC)، وهى المبتكرة لعلامات Digimarc المائية التي تقود الجيل القادم من الهوية الرقمية والتحري الرقمي، عن انتخاب رافي كومار، الرائد الفكري والتنفيذي المعروف عالميًا، عضوًا في مجلس إدارتها اعتبارًا من 28 يونيو 2021. سيسهم تعيينه في تعزيز خبرة مجلس إدارة الشركة الحالية وتوسيع نطاقها فيما يتعلق بالاضطراب الرقمي في الشركات العالمية، وبناء النظام البيئي من خلال التحالفات والشراكات العالمية والذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة والبيانات والتحليلات ذات الصلة ببين مجالات أخرى، ويدعم التركيز الاستراتيجي لشركة Digimarc على مساعدة الشركات على احتواء التحول الرقمي لتقديم قيمة أكبر لعملائها.

Ravi Kumar

 كومار رئيس شركة إنفوسيس، وهى شركة استشارات وخدمات عالمية رائدة في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات، حيث يقود تنظيم الخدمات العالمية في شتى قطاعات الصناعة. يقدم كومار خدمات التحول الرقمي، والاستشارات، والتكنولوجيا التقليدية والهندسة بالإضافة إلى خدمات البيانات والتحليلات، والحوسبة السحابية والبنية التحتية، وخطوط خدمة حزمة تطبيقات الشركات. كما يشغل منصب رئيس مجلس إدارة إنفوسيس لإدارة الأعمال (BPM). ويشرف كومار أيضًا على الخدمات العامة والخدمات الاستشارية التابعة لشركة إنفوسيس. بالإضافة إلى أنه يترأس مجالس إدارة الشركات الرقمية التي استحوذت عليها شركة إنفوسيس وتتمثل في: شركة Kaleidoscope، وشركة Guidevision، وشركة Wongdoody، وشركة Simplus. كما يشرف أيضًا على أعمال شركة إنفوسيس في أمريكا اللاتينية، واليابان، والصين.

ويشغل منصب عضوًا في مجلس محافظي أكاديمية نيويورك للعلوم ومجلس إدارة شركة AdvanceCT – مجلس التنمية الاقتصادية لولاية كونيتيكت.

 صرَّح كومار: “يسعدني الانضمام إلى مجلس إدارة شركة Digimarc والمساهمة في نجاح الشركة في دفع التحول والتحديث الرقميين لعملائها”. وذكر رايلي مكورمارك، رئيس شركة Digimarc ورئيسها التنفيذي: “تحظى شركة Digimarc بمكانةٍ جيدة تتيح لها مساعدة الشركات على إعادة اكتشاف نفسها وابتكارها مرة أخرى من خلال تقديم حلول تسمح لها بتسريع وتيرة التقدم في المجالات المهمة مثل: تحسين ممارسات الاستدامة والحفاظ على صحة المستهلك وسلامته”.

وأضاف: ” رافي هو قائد فكري محترم في مجال التحول التكنولوجي، وأنه سيجلب خبرة لا مثيل لها إلى مجلس إدارة الشركة، وسيكون بلا شك إلهامًا حقيقيًا لجميع أصحاب المصالح في شركة Digimarc“. وأردف قائلًا: ” تتمثل فلسفته في أن ” التكنولوجيا تحول العالم” بالإضافة إلى خبرته المباشرة التي تساعد الشركات الرائدة على إدارة الاضطراب الرقمي، وستكون ثروة لا تقدر بثمن بالنسبة لمجلس إدارة الشركة. نحن ممتنون للغاية للترحيب به في فريقنا”.

يعد كومار سلطة عالمية معنية بمستقبل العمل، وأماكن العمل، والقوى العاملة، وتدعوه دائمًا وسائل الإعلام في مجال الأعمال والمشهورة للتحدث عن هذه المواضيع.


نبذة عن شركة Digimarc

تُعد شركة Digimarc (المُدرجة في مؤشر ناسداك المركب بـ: DMRC) رائدة وقائدة في تقديم حلول العلامات المائية الرقمية والتعريف التلقائي لوسائل الإعلام بما في ذلك التغليف، والطباعة التجارية، والصور الرقمية، ومقاطع الصوت والفيديو. تساعد شركة Digimarc العملاء على تعزيز الكفاءة، والدقة، والأمن من خلال سلاسل إمداد مادية ورقمية. تفضل بزيارة الموقع التالي:digimarc.com وتابعنا على لينكدإن وتويتر @digimarc للتعرف على المزيد من المعلومات.

Digimarc The Barcode of Everything(TM)

الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1556903/DIGIMARC___Ravi_Kumar.jpg

 الشعار – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/461519/digimarc_logo.jpg

Hisense Hero Products Sales Revenue Soars by 209%, Showcasing Technologies and Brand Success in Europe

QINGDAO, China, July 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — UEFA EURO 2020 final match is kicking off soon. Even though the tournament was postponed because of Covid-19, but football fans’ excitement has not diminished. As the official global sponsor of UEFA EURO 2020, Hisense has launched several marketing campaigns and received many praises from football fans, which successfully strengthened Hisense’s brand power and influence.

According to Hisense, from January to June 2021, the total sales revenue of ULED TV U7 and U8 in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Russia increased by 209% YoY, and the sales volume increased by 145% YoY. As a result, Hisense 2021 Q1 revenue reached $5.366 billion, with 66.65% YoY growth; overseas revenues from January to March was $2.26 billion, accounting for 42.1% of total revenue.

EURO 2020 Fan-zones enhanced the match viewing experience

As the official sponsor, Hisense has secured exclusive brand exposure opportunities by featuring on Fan-zones’ Festival Towers, which helped Hisense raised its brand awareness. Also, Hisense built several commercial displays in Fan-zones to showcase Hero products.

The number of users watched matches through UEFA.tv app on Hisense Smart TV VIDAA Platform had experience major growths, the number of users have doubled in just three months.

Social media campaign to enhance the EURO 2020’s experience

Hisense created many interactive and interesting social media campaigns to increase football fans’ engagement for EURO 2020. For example, Hisense and global ambassador Dwyane Wade’s #UpgradeYourHome campaign video, reached over 1.69m views on YouTube and 176k views on Instagram.

From July 4 to July 12, Hisense launched a special giveaway on Twitter for German consumers to win a €50 Amazon gift card and €150 cashback when making purchases on the Amazon Germany website.

Qualified products and technology innovation are keys to success

Through sponsoring world’s top events, Hisense’s technology and products received many recognitions.

Hisense launched ULED TV U7 and U8 as EURO 2020’s hero products to provide a perfect match viewing experience for football fans. Both TVs are well-designed, with slim, feature-packed models combining AI image processing, Dolby Vision HDR and a full hamper of streaming services. Furthermore, both TVs come with Sport Mode that optimizes sound and vision for the match. Also, with the UEFA.tv app, users can share exciting matches with close friends, all with just a finger-click.

Throughout the years, sports marketing has been a significant tactic of Hisense globalization strategy. As a result, from January to May 2021, Hisense Group’s TV production (Hisense and Toshiba) was ranked the 1st in Japan, and Hisense TV was ranked the 2nd in Australia in terms of sales volume. In addition, benefits from social media and global marketing campaigns, Hisense’s global brand recognitions have dramatic increase. Moving forward, Hisense will continue focusing on technology innovations and product development, further strengthening brand’s reputation and competitiveness.

Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKhFIimrrPU
Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3q3lY8VEKI
Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpTl5NeIcPU

‫”الصدفية مشكلة عالمية خطيرة”دبي ديرما –

منظمة الصحة العالمية: يبلغ معدل انتشار الصدفية في العالم بين 0.09 ٪ و11.43 ٪

ونسبة إصابته تبلغ أكثر من 100 مليون فرد

دبي – الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 7 يوليو /PRNewswire/ 2021: يواصل مؤتمر ومعرض دبي العالمي لأمراض الجلد والليزر” دبي ديرما” أعماله لليوم الثاني على التوالي مع إجماع جميع المشاركين والحضور على نجاح هذه الدورة من الحدث من حيث عدد المشاركين وتنوع الفعاليات وغنى الأجندة العلمية الخاصة بالمؤتمر، حيث يحظى الحدث لهذا العام باهتمام كبرى الشركات العالمية المتخصصة في قطاع طب الجلد والتجميل والليزر.

Dubai Derma 2021 conference

هذا ويقام مؤتمر ومعرض “دبي ديرما” بحضور فعلي في دبي بمشاركة أكثر من 350 شركة عارضة تمثل أكثر من 500 علامة تجارية دولية، وأكثر من 180 متحدث مشارك في أكثر من 200 محاضرة وورشة عمل. هذا وفي حين أنه في الوقت الذي لا تزال كبرى الفعاليات العالمية التي تعنى بصحة الجلد والتجميل تتنحى عن العودة إلى تنظيم الفعاليات الفعلية مع اكتفاءها بتنظيم بعض الفعاليات الافتراضية، إلا أن إمارة دبي حرصت منذ مطلع العام الحالي على توفير بيئة آمنة ومريحة لتنظيم المؤتمرات والمعارض من خلال منظومة من القوانين والقواعد الخاصة بالسلامة العامة والتي تسمح بإقامة كافة أنواع المعارض والمؤتمرات في بيئة آمنة ومريحة.

هذا وأبدى كافة المشاركين عن امتننانهم لما توفره إمارة دبي ومركز دبي التجاري العالمي من قوانين وتدابير احترازية من شأنها أن تحافظ على سلامتهم، وتطبيقها لأعلى المعايير العالمية لضمان سلامة المشاركين والزوار والمنظمين على حد سواء.

هذا وتصدرت مواضيع اليوم الثاني من مؤتمر دبي ديرما أبرز العناوين الملحة مثل: أمراض الأظافر، و إكزيما اليد المزمنة، ومعالجة الندبات والخطوط، وعلاج الثعلبة، والسيطرة على الكلف، وحب الشباب المقاوم، وغيرها الكثير.

ومن أبرز المحاضرات التي لاقت اقبالاً كبيراً من قبل المشاركين اليوم، هي محاضرة بعنوان “الشرى والحالات ذات الصلة” والتي ألقاها الدكتور أشرف رضا، استشاري الأمراض الجلدية في مستشفى ويلكير، والأستاذ المساعد في الأمراض الجلدية السريرية، جامعة محمد بن راشد، كلية الطب- دبي.

حيث أكّد د. رضا على أن “دبي ديرما” يعتبر منصة استثنائية تقدم أحدث المعلومات العلمية والابتكارات في مجال الأمراض الجلدية والأدوية والعناية بالبشرة وتقنية الليزر، وقال: “إن الهدف من المؤتمر هو تمكين أطباء الأمراض الجلدية في دولة الإمارات والعالم من تقديم أفضل رعاية ممكنة لمرضاهم. ومن أجل تحقيق هذا الهدف، يحتاج أطباء الأمراض الجلدية إلى مواكبة أحدث التطورات وانتهاج أسلوب التعليم المتطور والمستمر. ومن الواضح حالياً أن مجال الأمراض الجلدية يمر بتحول كبير وقد حدثت تطورات كبيرة في السنوات القليلة الماضية في مجال الأدوية البيولوجية والأدوية الجديدة الأخرى التي تعالج العديد من الأمراض المزمنة والصعبة مثل “الصدفية” و”التهاب الجلد التأتبي” على سبيل المثال لا الحصر.”

كما ذكر الدكتور سمير حنتيرة، استشاري طب الأمراض الجلدية والأمراض التناسلية في المستشفى الأمريكي في دبي وعضو الأكاديمية الأمريكية للأمراض الجلدية (AAD)، أنه وفقاً لمنظمة الصحة العالمية، يتراوح معدل انتشار الصدفية المُبلغ عنه في العالم بين 0.09 ٪ و11.43 ٪، مما يجعل الصدفية مشكلة عالمية خطيرة مع إصابة ما لا يقل عن 100 مليون فرد في جميع أنحاء العالم.

وأضاف قائلاً “تعتبر الصدفية اللويحية واحدة من أكثر الأنواع شيوعاً التي تسبب بقعاً جلدية بارزة وجافة وحمراء مغطاة بقشور فضية. وعلى الرغم من كونه مرضاً مزمناً ليس له علاج، إلا أنه نظراً للتطور والتحديثات الجديدة في العلاج، يتوفر الآن دواء جديد يُسمى “مثبط IL-23” لعلاج الصدفية المتوسطة إلى الشديدة عند البالغين المرشحون للعلاج الجهازي أو العلاج بالضوء.

كما أعرب السيد محمد أبو بكر، المدير العام لشركة “AbbVie“الخليج، عن إعتزازه بالمشاركة في هذا المؤتمر الرائع الذي يعتبر أكبر تجمع علمي للعناية بالبشرة، والذي يضم نخبة من الاستشاريين وأطباء الأمراض الجلدية المتخصصين في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا وشبه القارة الهندية. وأكد أنه لطالما عُقد مؤتمر “دبي ديرما” تحت شعار “صحة البشرة أولوليتنا” على مدار السنوات الماضية، حيث جمع بين المتخصصين في العناية بالبشرة، ورواد الصناعة، وصناع القرار في المنطقة وجميع أنحاء العالم.

وتابع السيد أبو بكر قائلاً: “تم إعداد البرنامج العلمي لدبي ديرما بشكل جيد من خلال محاضرات رائعة تناولت المواضيع الأكثر شيوعاً في صحة الجلد مثل أدوات التشخيص وطرق العلاج الجديدة، وعلاج الصدفية لدى البالغين، والحشو والريولوجيا، وأكزيما اليد المزمنة وذلك بهدف استكشاف التطورات الجديدة في علاج اضطرابات الجلد المختلفة.

واختتم السيد أبو بكر قائلاً: “نحن في “AbbVie” نؤمن بالمسؤولية الكبيرة تجاه زيادة وعي المرضى الذين يعانون من الأمراض الجلدية المختلفة، ونؤكد على بذل الجهود المستمرة في البحث والتطوير للتوصل إلى أفضل العلاجات التي تساهم في تخفيف معاناة المرضى.”

علاوة على ذلك، تضمن معرض “دبي ديرما” أحدث التقنيات والمنتجات والأجهزة، وأتاح فرصاً كثيرة للتعاون والتواصل فيما بين العارضين والزوار على حدٍ سواء. كما استقطبت منطقة المعرض عدداً كبيراً من الحضور الذين تمكنوا من تجربة المنتجات المعروضة مباشرة، وتعرّفوا على أحدث ابتكارات الشركات والعلامات التجارية العالمية.

إضافة لذلك، شهد اليوم الثاني من “دبي ديرما” العديد من العروض التقديمية للملصقات الرقمية، حيث أتيحت الفرصة للباحثين لتقديم أبحاثهم والمشاركة في مناقشات تدور حول مواضيع عروضهم التقديمية مع اللجنة العلمية للحدث.

هذا ويحظى مؤتمر ومعرض دبي ديرما بدعم من الرابطة العربية للأمراض الجلدية، والأكاديمية العربية للأمراض الجلدية والتجميل، ورابطة أطباء الجلد لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي وبدعم من حكومة دبي وهيئة الصحة بدبي ومكتب “فعاليات دبي للأعمال” شريك الوجهة السياحية لمؤتمر ومعرض دبي ديرما. إضافةً إلى الأكاديمية الأمريكية للأمراض الجلدية، وجمعية الجراحة الجلدية التجميلية في الهند، والأكاديمية الأوروبية لأمراض الجلد والأمراض التناسلية، والجمعية المصرية لجراحي التجميل والترميم، والجمعية الهندية لأطباء الأمراض الجلدية والتناسلية وأطباء الجذام (IADVL)، والجمعية الباكستانية للأمراض الجلدية، وكلية سريلانكا لأطباء الأمراض الجلدية.

ويجدر بالذكر أن مؤتمر ومعرض دبي ديرما ينظم سنوياً من قبل مؤسسة اندكس لتنظيم المؤتمرات والمعارض-عضو في اندكس القابضة، بالتعاون مع الأكاديمية العربية للأمراض الجلدية والتجميل.

Nada Saaydeh, nada.saaydeh@index.ae +971 50 155 6519

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1559314/Dubai_Derma.jpg

GWM Plans to Invest RMB 100 billion in R&D Targeting New Energy and Intelligent Fields in the Coming Five Years

BAODING, China, July 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Recently, GWM held the 8th Technology Festival in Baoding at its headquarters. At the opening ceremony, GWM Chairman Jack Wei emphasized the next-generation clean energy-driven smart cars would constitute the new pattern in future automobile industry development. GWM plans to invest RMB 100 billion in R&D in the coming five years for NEVS and smart vehicles, offering more environment-friendly, smarter and safer products for global users.

Official reports show that, in the new energy field, the “Dayu” power battery unveiled by GWM eradicates fire and explosion once the cells of different chemical systems come across thermal runaway, dispelling users’ anxiety about the safety of electric vehicles. In the hybrid power field, the world’s first L.E.M.O.N. hybrid DHT launched by GWM enables oil-to-electricity switching based on scene intelligence, allowing a fuel-saving rate as high as over 50% in urban running conditions. The higher the vehicle’s speed in highway running conditions, the larger the fuel-saving rate. In the hydrogen energy field, GWM has developed the cathode air cleaner with 4 air filter elements including activated carbon and synthetic fibre to protect fuel cells, which can strongly adsorb and filter harmful substances and effectively protect the service life of the fuel power system. Its independently developed hydrogen management system actively monitors the system’s safety to guarantee the all-around security of vehicles and people, while optimizing the valve and pipeline structure of the hydrogen storage system.

GWM promotes the upgrading of “COFIS Intelligence” 1.0 to 2.0. It adopts the brand-new GEEP electronic and electrical architecture and intelligent wire-controlled chassis supporting L4 level automatic driving and promotes the integration and upgrades of intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving and intelligent services, which facilitates GWM vehicles to be smart travel terminals providing services covering more than 40 scenarios. For example, the steering wheel of the GWM iNest 2.0 intelligent cockpit can be switched to the left-hand, center or right-hand side corresponding to the dashboard, and the seat can be rotated 360 degrees, allowing the meeting mode at any time. The pioneering in-car collagen beauty system supports skincare. The vehicle-mounted oxygen generator meets the oxygen generation needs for both household and medical use. The GWM IOT interconnection capability also enables car-home interconnection, voice control of intelligent devices at home, etc., bringing a richer “car-life” to users.

Vehicle-home appliance interconnection, 360-degree rotating seat

GWM has always adhered to the R&D concept of “excessive investment, precise R&D”. Up to now, it has won over 10,000 technical patents. Moreover, it vigorously introduces R&D talent and has established a team consisting of experts in various fields from many countries, with nearly 15,000 R&D staff members.

The R&D investment of RMB 100 billion will enable GWM to recruit more global talent, continuously exert its strength on new energy and intelligent fields and realize GWM 2025 Strategy facilitating “environmental-friendly, intelligent, updated and collective” development.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1558934/1.jpg

SCENTAIR® Announces Global Partnership with Snap Fitness

Snap Fitness, partners with ScentAir to elevate member experience.

CHARLOTTE, N.C., July 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ScentAir, the global leader in scent marketing, announced today its partnership with leading fitness franchise Snap Fitness.

ScentAir + Snap Fitness launch global partnership!

Rated among the Best 10 Gym Franchises in the US for 2021 according to TopFranchise.com, Snap Fitness has nearly 2,000 locations open or under development worldwide. Together, Snap Fitness and ScentAir designed a scent initiative to inspire members to level up their training with a new ambient scent. The ScentAir fragrance team developed the Snap Fitness signature scent with notes that create an invigorating sensory experience.

Andy Peat, Chief Product Officer of Snap Fitness, believes that the fragrance will elevate the feeling of welcome for members, describing it as “a positive scent to uplift their mood,” which “starts the moment a member walks into the club.”

“It’s great to have a well-known and reliable partner in ScentAir to ensure our franchisees are receiving the best product and service available,” he continues.

With dedicated local teams across seven worldwide offices, ScentAir is proud to offer Snap Fitness high-quality fragrance solutions on a global scale. For more than 25 years, ScentAir has paved the way as a champion of intelligent ambient scenting. Their diverse global team delivers powerful customer experience solutions that speak to the needs of local businesses, while meeting them with world-class service.

ScentAir President, Brian Edwards, says of the partnership, “it is always exciting to work with other global brands, where we can do what we do best—serve a business on a worldwide scale. We’re confident that the new Snap Fitness signature scent will quickly become an integral part of their brand.”

To learn how scent marketing can transform your business please visit ScentAir.com.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1558382/ScentAir_Snap_Fitness.jpg

GES Appoints New Management Positions for Event Intelligence in Europe and the Middle East

Daryl Burgess will lead the Customer Support team for the UK, and Ali Shah for the Middle East

COVENTRY, United Kingdom, July 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — GES has expanded their client service team for their Event Intelligence business and appointed Daryl Burgess and Ali Shah to Customer Support Managers for the UK and Middle East, respectively. Both individuals bring multifaceted experience to the company’s exhibition clients, and their contributions were critical in the successful delivery of the UK government pilot required to restart the live events industry.

GES logo

“The last year has been an extremely challenging time for our industry. We are delighted to expand our team and helping our valued clients deliver more events, and even larger shows. The news of these recent appointments highlights GES’ commitment to excellent client service, and our belief that attendees are ready to return to live events. Ali and Daryl are talented and experienced professionals that are consistently putting their clients first.  I know their regions will benefit greatly under their leadership,” said Gerard Conway, Director, Event Intelligence.

Ali Shah joined GES in 2016 and has recently relocated to Dubai after working as a Support Engineer. His wealth of product knowledge and attention to client satisfaction made him the ideal candidate for the position. Daryl Burgess is a highly experienced professional that has worked in the live-events industry for over 12 years. He was promoted to the role after working for GES as a Support Engineer out of the Coventry office. His ability to curate the right culture and working environment, coupled with his fantastic client care, will provide a solid foundation as GES scales its client support team across EMEA.

Event Intelligence along with Visit by GES™ is an event platform offering integrated registration, data capture and an insight platform. The platform delivers a 360-degree view of interactions between visitors, exhibitors, and organizers throughout the event lifecycle – from audience acquisition to at-show engagement, lead generation and real-time data intelligence. Visit GO! by GES℠, a recently launched access-control technology, provides contactless tools to support the safe reopening of live events, which is critical in helping drive and rebuild the event industry.

About GES
GES, a Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI) company, is a global experiential marketing partner for the exhibition and convention industry. GES offers the right blend of experience, fresh ideas, and deep industry knowledge along with strategic insight. GES’ award-winning service coupled with accommodations, event technology and innovative tools help you optimize your event – making all aspects of planning and execution simple and worry free. Our passionate team of highly skilled experts work side-by-side with you to deliver impactful, creative, and data-driven solutions across experiential marketing to capture the full value of your shows. GES partners with leading brands and shows and has been recognized with many prestigious industry awards. For more information visit www.ges.com.

Otilia Ayats-Mas

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‘Falcon’s Beyond Global’ Launches as Fully Integrated Development Enterprise for IP-Driven Parks, Resorts, Media, & Merchandise

Falcon’s Beyond Global

Scott Demerau, Executive Chairman of the Board, Falcon’s Beyond and Cecil Magpuri, Chief Executive Officer, Falcon’s Beyond.

New enterprise brings proprietary ‘Katmandu’ and partner IPs to global markets through theme parks, resorts, feature films, episodic series, consumer products, and beyond.

Joint venture with Meliá Hotels International brings access to prime real estate and a global operating presence in major tourist destinations in 40 countries.

ORLANDO Fla., July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — With proven theme park success in Europe, an award-winning creative team, patented technologies, and access to global real estate in prime tourist destinations, Falcon’s Beyond Global, LLC has launched as a fully integrated enterprise to propel story-driven, experiential entertainment around the world.

Until now, it has proven almost impossible for most IP franchises to rapidly deploy across media content, consumer products, and hardest of all, themed location-based entertainment, all at once.

The new enterprise, supercharged by a joint venture with Meliá Hotels International, will be the only vertically-integrated entertainment powerhouse able to simultaneously activate an intellectual property across the full transmedia spectrum — with the potential to transform the $440 billion hospitality and entertainment category.

Meliá, the world’s #1 leisure hotel group with 390+ properties in 40 countries, many in prime beach destinations, is jointly developing theme park + resort combos with Falcon’s Beyond at flagship properties on multiple continents.

Falcon’s Beyond was formalized this May when leading attraction design & master-planning firm Falcon’s Creative Group united with themed-entertainment company Katmandu Group.

This powerful combination has instantly created the only fully integrated source for simultaneous entertainment IP activations—from streaming media development to theme park site acquisition; master planning to brick-and-mortar projects; immersive ride & attraction design to merchandise creation; right through world-class park & resort operation.

Expanding and Evolving the Katmandu IP

A first major focus of Falcon’s Beyond will be to apply its IP Expandermodel to the rapid evolution of its original and wholly-owned “Katmandu” IP—already popular with the millions of Europeans who have visited Sol Katmandu Park & Resort in Mallorca, Spain, and a growing list of Katmandu-branded kids camps in Meliá’s Sol Hotels.

Audiences resonate with the Katmandu universe’s timeless, intertwined tales—where mythical characters come to life in wild adventures, inspiring wonder with imaginative, immersive realms, elusive yetis, and a multicultural cast of adventurers.

Along with new characters, a streaming video series, and merchandise, the proven Katmandu IP will undergo a brick-and-mortar expansion. Through unique technological capabilities, Falcon’s Beyond will establish Katmandu as the first world-class theme park to have every ride and attraction customized to a centralized story “like chapters in the same legend,” and digitally tied to individual guest experiences.

Development is moving forward on additional Katmandu parks on the grounds of Meliá resorts in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, Tenerife, Spain and other key tourist destinations.

Enabling the Impossible

“Falcon’s Beyond Global represents the ultimate combination of unlimited storytelling potential, agile and flexible real estate scalability, and imaginative expansion into a multitude of categories,” said Cecil D. Magpuri, CEO of Falcon’s Beyond Global and founder of the original Falcon’s Creative Group. “We develop inclusive, story-driven experiences that we can bring to market with unprecedented speed, removing all the massive challenges IP franchises and developers face when attempting this feat on their own.”

“We are truly enabling the impossible,” said Scott Demerau, Executive Chairman of Falcon’s Beyond Global and co-founder of Katmandu Group. “Through our partnership with Meliá, we have created a new playbook for building cost-effective, ‘Big-Experience, Small-Footprint’ theme parks, from beach resort communities to mixed-use entertainment spaces. Falcon’s Beyond Global brings a full complement of technology, design, and media expertise to the equation. Together, we are offering something that’s simply never been accessible to companies before. This is a huge benefit to developers, emerging IPs, and even entertainment giants.”

Creating “Big-Experience, Small-Footprint” Parks

Meliá Hotels and Katmandu Group originally came together in a 2012 joint venture to launch the themed Sol Katmandu Park & Resort in Mallorca and complement the beach holiday experience by providing “entertainment with rooms.” Their proof-of-concept rocketed to the top of the Meliá Sol portfolio and was named in the European Hospitality Awards as the #1 hotel in Europe for innovation in service, out of more than 100,000 hotels. Trivago Global named the park + resort as the #1 Hotel in Spain for Traveling with Kids. TripAdvisor named Katmandu Park in the top 3 parks in Spain three years in a row, and as a Travelers’ Choice Best of the Best 2020.

Falcon’s Beyond will elevate this unique, proven model of “Big-Experience, Small-Footprint” theme parks for Katmandu and other IPs around the world, leveraging the joint venture with Meliá, whose global operating presence enables growth in any tourism destination across the Americas, Europe, Asia, and beyond. The rights to additional important IPs have already been secured, and Falcon’s Beyond is in discussions with others to deploy complete transmedia expressions at unheard-of speeds. The company has worked on master planning and design projects totaling over $100 billion and won numerous design awards for its world-class attractions and experiences.

Revolutionary Alternative to Mega Parks

Traditional “mega theme parks” require at least 6-8 years of planning, billions in investment, difficult real estate acquisition, new transportation infrastructures, urban planning, and 5-7 years of construction.

Falcon’s Beyond delivers a revolutionary alternative.

Falcon’s proprietary rides and attractions are world-class, cutting-edge, story-driven, and the first of their kind. Its patented technologies are uniquely able to create mega-park experiences in “Big-Experience, Small-Footprint” parks — which leverage underused land on existing resorts in dense tourist hotspots. Falcon’s Beyond parks can be deployed in as little as a 24-36 month window at a tiny fraction of the cost of a mega park, with Falcon’s providing expert, ongoing operations.

A True Disruptor

“Meliá is committed to bringing extraordinary experiences to our guests around the world,” said André Gerondeau, Chief Operating Officer of Meliá Hotels International. “Katmandu-themed parks and resorts will be a vital part of our story moving forward, and we feel this initiative puts us five years ahead of the rest of the hospitality industry in delivering ‘entertainment with rooms.’ Everyone at Meliá is thrilled to be working with the creative minds and experienced development experts at Falcon’s Beyond.”

“Falcon’s Beyond and its unprecedented, imaginative, and already-deployed IP activation model completely shifts the established entertainment industry paradigm,”  said industry leader Ken Faier, founder of Epic Story Media, a full-service, creator-driven kids entertainment company.  “We have seen first-hand what Falcon’s is creating and we are really excited to explore an epic collaboration. There is a big demand for families looking for exciting experiences around great IP.”

With its expertise in intellectual property expansion, licensing, and immersive experiences, Falcon’s Beyond Global has unprecedented power to turn imagined worlds into reality — inspiring wonder in audiences and guests, with memories to last a lifetime.

About Falcon’s Beyond Global LLC
Headquartered in Orlando, Florida, Falcon’s Beyond Global, LLC is a fully integrated, top-tier experiential entertainment development enterprise specializing in intellectual property expansion. The company brings its own proprietary and partner IPs to global markets through owned and operated theme parks, resorts, attractions, patented technologies, feature films, episodic series, consumer products, licensing, and beyond. The company has won numerous design awards and provided design services in 39 countries around the world. It is composed of four core divisions: Falcon’s Treehouse (master planning & design), Falcon’s Digital Media, Falcon’s Licensing, and Falcon’s Parks & Resorts. Storytelling is the guiding force behind all Falcon’s Beyond projects—which turn imagined worlds into reality. For more information, visit www.falconsbeyondglobal.com

About Meliá Hotels International
Founded in 1956 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Meliá Hotels International (MHI) has more than 390 hotels open, or in the process of opening, in more than 40 countries. They operate under the brands Gran Meliá Hotels & Resorts, Paradisus by Meliá, ME by Meliá, Meliá Hotels & Resorts, INNSiDE by Meliá, Sol by Meliá, and TRYP by Wyndham. The company is a global leader in resort hotels, and its resort experience has allowed it to become a leader in the growing market of urban hotels inspired by leisure. The Sustainability Yearbook 2020, published by S&P Global, named Meliá among the Most Sustainable Hotel Companies in the World (Silver Medal), and it has been included among Europe’s Climate Leaders 2021 by the Financial Times & Statista. Meliá Hotels International is also a member of the IBEX 35 and is the Spanish hotel company with the best corporate reputation, per Merco Ranking. For more information, visit www.meliahotelsinternational.com


Joel Moore
Praytell Strategy

María Umbert
Meliá Hotels International

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/77a4b0cf-859f-4c92-b5c4-8e95f66ea4f6

GT Biopharma Announces Sponsored Research Agreement With Dr. Jeffrey S. Miller Of The University Of Minnesota

Deepening relationship between GT Biopharma and Dr. Jeffrey Miller

TriKE™ improves FT538 iPSC NK cells from Fate Therapeutics in prostate cancer model

GTB-3550 continues to demonstrate clinical success without significant toxicities

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., July 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — GT Biopharma, Inc. (NASDAQ: GTBP), a clinical stage immuno-oncology company focused on developing innovative therapeutics based on the Company’s proprietary NK cell engager (TriKE™) protein biologic technology platform, announced it has entered into a sponsored research agreement (SRA) with Jeffrey S. Miller, M.D., Deputy Director of the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center and Consulting Chief Scientific Officer of GT Biopharma.

GT Biopharma Logo

The SRA is focused on supporting GT Biopharma’s continued clinical develop of TriKE™ therapeutic product candidates, and to gain an increased understanding of changes in the patient’s native NK cell population as a result of TriKE™ therapy. The SRA is a fixed sum contract worth Two Million Seventy-Four Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-Six dollars ($2,074,686) payable over the next two years in equal quarterly payments. GT Biopharma has early termination rights without financial penalty, and will receive an exclusive worldwide license to any patentable inventions which arise under the SRA.

TriKE™ is a robust and versatile protein biologic therapeutic platform which facilitates NK recognition and killing of cancer cells. TriKE™ is a tri-specific recombinant protein biologic composed of an NK cell engaging domain targeting CD16 on the NK cell, an NK cell activating domain consisting Interleukin IL-15, and a cancer cell targeting domain. The natural killer (NK) cell-stimulating cytokine human IL-15 portion of the molecule provides a self-sustaining signal that activates the patient’s endogenous, exhausted/inhibited NK cells enhancing their ability to kill and proliferate without the need for the supplemental addition of ex vivo engineered NK cells. TriKE™ does not require costly or specialized manufacturing facilities nor is pretreatment of the patient required prior to its administration. TriKE™ is also significantly less expensive than iPSC NK cell therapies and autologous/allogenic NK cell therapies.

Recently published data at the November 2020 meeting of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) by researchers at Fate Therapeutics and the University of Minnesota (see https://jitc.bmj.com/content/8/Suppl_3/A287) demonstrates TriKE™ is able to activate and target direct Fate Therapeutics’ ex vivo engineered iPSC NK cells (FT538), and turn those cells into more effective killers resulting in the complete eradication of the prostate cancer cells. Without the assistance of TriKE™, the FT538 iPSC NK cells were unable to eradicate the prostate cancer cells.

TriKE™ monotherapy has demonstrated in its first-in-class clinical trial the ability to revive the patient’s exhausted/inhibited NK cells, significantly reduce cancer cell numbers, and to do so without any toxicities including no cytokine release syndrome (CRS). Highlights to date from patients treated with GTB-3550 TriKE™ monotherapy in the dose escalation Phase 1 clinical trial for the treatment of high-risk MDS and refractory/relapsed AML:

  • 57% of patients experienced significant reduction in AML/MDS cancer cell burden when treated with doses of GTB-3550 ranging from 25mcg/kg/day to 150mcg/kg/day.
  • Up to 63.7% reduction in bone marrow blast levels observed in some patients.
  • GTB-3550 was well tolerated by all patients with no cytokine release syndrome observed.
  • Restoration of patient’s endogenous NK cell function, proliferation and immune surveillance observed in all patients – No progenitor-derived or autologous/allogenic cell therapy required.

“We have now completed treatment of eleven patients.  In addition to strong safety results, we have seen significant reductions in CD33+ cancer cells,” stated Anthony Cataldo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of GT Biopharma. “We are pleased to sponsor additional TriKE™ research in Dr. Miller’s laboratory in support of our TriKE™ clinical development programs,” Mr. Cataldo further stated.

About GTB-3550 TriKE™ Clinical Trial

Patients with CD33+ malignancies (primary induction failure or relapsed AML with failure of one reinduction attempt or high-risk MDS progressed on two lines of therapy) age 18 and older are eligible (NCT03214666). The primary endpoint is to identify the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of GTB-3550 TriKE™. Correlative objectives include the number, phenotype, activation status and function of NK cells and T cells.

About GT Biopharma, Inc.

GT Biopharma, Inc. is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of immuno-oncology therapeutic products based our proprietary TriKE™ NK cell engager platform. Our TriKE™ platform is designed to harness and enhance the cancer killing abilities of a patient’s immune system natural killer cells (NK cells). GT Biopharma has an exclusive worldwide license agreement with the University of Minnesota to further develop and commercialize therapies using TriKE™ technology. For more information, please visit gtbiopharma.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict, including statements regarding the potential acquisition, the likelihood of closing the potential transaction, our clinical focus, and our current and proposed trials. Words and expressions reflecting optimism, satisfaction or disappointment with current prospects, as well as words such as “believes”, “hopes”, “intends”, “estimates”, “expects”, “projects”, “plans”, “anticipates” and variations thereof, or the use of future tense, identify forward-looking statements, but their absence does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Our forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of performance, and actual results could differ materially from those contained in or expressed by such statements. In evaluating all such statements, we urge you to specifically consider the various risk factors identified in our Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 in the section titled “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A and in our subsequent Form 10Q Quarterly filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, any of which could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by our forward-looking statements.

Our forward-looking statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are based on currently available financial, economic, scientific, and competitive data and information on current business plans. You should not place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements, which are subject to risks and uncertainties relating to, among other things:  (i) the sufficiency of our cash position and our ongoing ability to raise additional capital to fund our operations, (ii) our ability to complete our contemplated clinical trials, or to meet the FDA’s requirements with respect to safety and efficacy, (iii) our ability to identify patients to enroll in our clinical trials in a timely fashion, (iv) our ability to achieve approval of a marketable product, (v) design, implementation and conduct of clinical trials, (vii) the results of our clinical trials, including the possibility of unfavorable clinical trial results, (vii) the market for, and marketability of, any product that is approved, (viii) the existence or development of treatments that are viewed by medical professionals or patients as superior to our products, (ix) regulatory initiatives, compliance with governmental regulations and the regulatory approval process, and social conditions, and (x) various other matters, many of which are beyond our control. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties develop, or should underlying assumptions prove to be incorrect, actual results may vary materially and adversely from those anticipated, believed, estimated, or otherwise indicated by our forward-looking statements.

We intend that all forward-looking statements made in this press release will be subject to the safe harbor protection of the federal securities laws pursuant to Section 27A of the Securities Act, to the extent applicable. Except as required by law, we do not undertake any responsibility to update these forward-looking statements to take into account events or circumstances that occur after the date of this press release. Additionally, we do not undertake any responsibility to update you on the occurrence of any unanticipated events which may cause actual results to differ from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.

TriKE™ is a trademark of GT Biopharma, Inc.

Institutional Investors: Investor Relations:
Brendan Payne David Castaneda
Stern Investor Relations, Inc. David@gtbiopharma.com
brendan.payne@sternir.com (414) 351-9758
(212) 362-1200

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ISW Holdings Closes on Its 1st phase of over 100MW Georgia Crypto Mining Farm Capable of Driving Over $100M in Annual Gross Revs

LAS VEGAS, July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via InvestorWire — ISW Holdings, Inc. (OTC: ISWH) (“ISW Holdings” or the “Company”), a global brand management holdings company, is excited to announce that it has finalized its land lease development agreement, which grants the Company full use of a 1st phase 7-acre parcel of property in Georgia tailored for cryptocurrency mining operations, complete with access to energy resources capable of powering over 100 MW of cryptocurrency mining capacity.

“This agreement puts us in position to scale up into a top-five global cryptocurrency mining position by volume,” remarked ISW Holdings President and Chairman, Alonzo Pierce. “We control an ideal plot of land, to initiate the 1st phase with additional access to over 100 megawatts of power for use in crypto mining. We also have our close partner Bit5ive, LLC – North America’s largest provider of collective management of renewable, clean energy services and mining equipment – right on premises to manage and develop the mining operations at the site. China is cracking down hard and shutting down its domestic crypto mining industry. This has enormous consequences because more than half of the world’s cryptocurrency mining has been taking place in China. As a result, we are already fielding calls from mining firms seeking a new home. We are now equipped to handle this at scale. We have the power!”

For more details and forward-looking statements, view the entire announcement: https://ibn.fm/ISW100MWAnnouncement

Pierce added, “Our plan is to execute an additional agreement with some of the world’s largest and best-known mining companies seeking additional accommodation for expanded mining operations. We are already beginning to design and plan for this added scalability. Once we deploy the full 100 MW, we see total gross revenue run rate exceeding $100 million on an annualized basis.”

About ISW Holdings
ISW Holdings, Inc. (ISWH), based in Nevada, is a diversified portfolio company comprised of essential business lines that serve consumer product demands. Our expertise lies in strategic brand development, early growth facilitation, as well as brand identity through our proprietary procurement process. Together, with our partners, we seek to provide a structure that meets large scalability demands, as well as anticipated marketplace needs. We are able to meet these needs through a variety of strategic innovative processes. ISWH is creating and managing brands across a spectrum of disruptive industries. It maneuvers its proprietary companies through critical stages of market development, which includes conceptualization, go-to-market strategies, engineering, product integration, and distribution efficiency. The company has also partnered with a well-known software development and consulting company, Bengala Technologies LLC, which is developing significant enhancements in the supply chain management space; and the partnership has a vitally needed patent now pending.

The Company’s cryptocurrency mining segment, established in partnership with industry leader, Bit5ive LLC, is driven by a mission to mine cryptocurrency with a zero carbon footprint. Learn more at www.iswholdings.com.

About Bit5ive

Bit5ive is a leader in crypto currency mining data centers with several projects currently in development in the United States. Bit5ive’s success lies in its commitment to its clients, hailing from a variety of industries and professions. Bit5ive’s corporate headquarters is based in Miami, Florida, from which it operates as a management hub for its data centers, sales and customer service. Learn more at www.Bit5ive.com.

Company Contact:

Public Relations
EDM Media, LLC

Corporate Communications:
InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN)
Los Angeles, California
310.299.1717 Office

Falana & Falana Issues the Following Statement: Alex Saab Challenges Indictment in U.S. Court

WASHINGTON, July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, the legal team of Baker Hostetler, representing Mr. Alex Saab, filed their Opening Brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, challenging a decision by U.S. District Judge in Miami refusing to consider Mr. Saab’s status as a diplomat immune from U.S. proceedings unless and until he personally appears in the United States.

Mr. Saab was unlawfully detained, at the request of U.S. law enforcement authorities, in Cabo Verde, where his aircraft had stopped to refuel. He was, in fact, traveling from Venezuela to Iran on a diplomatic mission, seeking humanitarian assistance in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a well established rule of international law that diplomats, traveling from their country of origin to an overseas post, whether as a special envoy like Mr. Saab or as part of a permanent mission, are entitled to diplomatic immunity from arrest or detention. Accordingly, at the instruction of his own government, he has vigorously opposed his extradition to the United States.

Mr. Saab, the subject of a U.S. indictment for alleged wrongdoing in Venezuela and neighboring countries, sought to raise this point with the Miami district judge, who refused to consider his immunity until he agreed to personally appear before the judge in the United States. The judge grounded his decision in the “fugitive disentitlement” doctrine, which is a judge-made rule stating that individuals who have fled the court’s authority cannot raise legal arguments until they have been physically brought before the court.

However, this doctrine does not apply in Mr. Saab’s case because he has never fled the United States or U.S. law enforcement authorities, and has opposed his extradition to the United States because he is a diplomat on mission entitled to immunity. Accordingly, Mr. Saab has appealed the District Judge’s ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. In his Opening Brief, Mr. Saab has made plain that he is not a fugitive from the United States and that, as Venezuela’s Special Envoy to Iran, he is a diplomatic Head of Mission under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the United States Diplomatic Relations Act, which implements U.S. treaty obligations under that Convention. In fact, the Eleventh Circuit concluded that Special Envoy’s like Mr. Saab are entitled to immunity in a case decided in 1984, Abdulaziz v. Meto. Dade County, 741 F.2d 1328 (11th Cir. 1984). This case constitutes binding precedent on both the District Judge and the Court of Appeals.

Accordingly, Mr. Saab has asked the Court of Appeals to reject the District Court’s application of the Fugitive Disentitlement Doctrine and to rule that he is entitled to immunity from arrest, detention, and extradition to the United States, dismissing the case against him.


José Manuel Pinto Monteiro
+234 803 300 4903
Falana & Falana Chambers