CGTN: China vows ‘lasting stability, high-quality development’ in Tibet Autonomous Region

BEIJING, July 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, known as “the world’s last piece of pure land” and “the roof of the world,” celebrates its 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation this year, and the plans for its future development are becoming clearer.

At last year’s high-level meeting on Tibet, China mapped out policy directions for building a new modern socialist region that is united, prosperous, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful.

Tibet’s long-lasting peace and stability, as well as developing an ecological civilization and achieving high-quality development, were among the issues highlighted during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s three-day inspection tour of the region, which began on Wednesday, to mark the 70th anniversary of peaceful liberation.

The development of Tibet, an inseparable part of China, is a priority for the central government. Since taking the helm of the country in 2013, President Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has paid close attention to the development of the region. Arrangements have been made to promote social stability, border development, ecological protection and ethnic unity in Tibet, opening a new chapter of improved governance, stability and people’s well-being.

Adherence to building ecological civilization

On Wednesday, President Xi arrived at Nyingchi Mainling Airport and was warmly welcomed by local people and officials of various ethnic groups before visiting the Nyang River Bridge to inspect ecological preservation in the basin of the Yarlung Zangbo River and its tributary Nyang River.

Tibet maintained stable environmental quality in 2020, according to a report by the region’s ecology and environment department.

Speaking at a meeting wrapping up his inspection tour on Friday, Xi reiterated his belief that “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” as he called for greater promotion of biodiversity conservation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

“We should unswervingly give priority to ecology and pursue green development, strive for modernization focusing harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and protect the third pole environment,” he said.

By the end of 2020, Tibet had built 47 nature reserves spanning 412,200 square kilometers, accounting for over one-third of the region’s total.

Pursuing high-quality development

“High-quality” is another keyword in the plan for Tibet’s development. President Xi outlined critical elements of the process: ensuring national security and enduring peace and stability, steadily improving people’s lives, maintaining a good environment, solidifying border defense and ensuring frontier security.

The process of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way has begun and Tibet has now reached a new historical starting point in its development, the president said on Friday, stressing the importance of consolidating and expanding China’s achievements in poverty alleviation and guaranteeing a smooth transition into rural vitalization.

During his stay, Xi visited a local city planning hall, a village and a park in Nyingchi, to learn more about the city’s development planning, rural vitalization plans and park building.

As transportation is critical to the economic development, he also visited Nyingchi Railway Station to see the design of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway and the operation of Lhasa-Nyingchi Railway section, and then took a train to the regional capital, Lhasa.

Officially put into operation last month, the Lhasa-Nyingchi Railway is Tibet’s first electrified railway.

Xi stressed the importance of blazing a path of high-quality development that suits Tibet’s actual conditions, and said the reform and opening-up process should be deepened, and the construction of railways, highways and other major infrastructure accelerated. He also urged the development of industries with local characteristics and a national base for clean energy.

Given that Tibet’s security and stability are closely related to the overall development of the whole nation, Xi also stressed that work related to Tibet must focus on safeguarding national unity and strengthening ethnic solidarity.

President Xi was briefed on work related to ethnic and religious affairs at the Drepung Monastery, Barkhor Street and the Potala Palace Square in Lhasa, and he emphasized the importance of protecting freedom of religious belief, managing religious affairs in accordance with the law and guiding Tibetan Buddhism in adapting to the socialist society.

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GAC MOTOR Brand Values | Quality, Durability, Reliability, and Connection

GUANGZHOU, China, July 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Aside from the two GAC MOTOR core brand values examined in previous articles: craftsmanship and technological innovation, a third concept at the core of the GAC MOTOR brand is “QDR”, or “quality, durability, reliability”.

Intelligent robots to manufacture high-quality cars

Quality: Cutting Edge Tech, Superior Materials

Since its inception, GAC MOTOR has been committed to building cars of the highest quality.

As of 2020, the GAC Group has applied for over 8000 patents and taken part in hundreds of science and technology projects.  This emphasis on research means that GAC MOTOR vehicle technology is some of the highest quality technology in the industry: MegaWave Power engine technology, superfast battery charging, and other innovations like the G-Health cabin project, which integrates environment-friendly materials into interior design.

Materials are also of superior standards: from Harmon-Kardon surround sound speaker systems, to air conditioners from the same suppliers used by Toyota and Honda, GAC MOTOR cuts no corners. This is reflected in well-earned accolades for GAC MOTOR models: for example, the GS8 was awarded a 5-star safety rating in the China-New Car Assessment Program (C-NCAP) crash test, outperforming many counterparts with a score of 57.7.

Durability, Reliability: A Brand You Can Trust

GAC MOTOR strives to be a brand that car owners can rely on for long distances and challenging terrains. All new models go through 4 million km of durability testing, facing extreme conditions down to -40 degrees Celsius as well as desert and mountain terrain to ensure that it can perform in any environment owners wish to explore.

GAC MOTOR’s brand message, at its core, represents a commitment to providing customers with strong, long-lasting, reliable vehicles.


The final pillar of the GAC MOTOR brand value system is the connection built both with customers and with distribution partners across the world.

Connection means trust. A trust connection is built when global customers have faith in the quality of GAC MOTOR products and services, and when distributors have access to fantastic products to provide to their respective markets.

With a strong connection in place between headquarters and distributors, and between the brand and consumers, great things can be achieved. GAC MOTOR looks forward to a new era of more united, more advanced, and more exciting mobile life for customers across the world.

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‫سينوبك تنتهي من الاتفاق على أول صفقة ضخمة بسوق الكربون الوطني في الصين

بكين، 23 يوليو/تمّوز 2021 / PRNewswire / — انتهت شركة الصين للبتروكيماويات، كود السهم HKG ): (0386, “ Sinopec ” بنجاح من الاتفاق على أول صفقة ضخمة بسوق الكربون الوطني الصيني في 21 يوليو/تمّوز، حيث اشترت 100000 طن من حصة انبعاثات الكربون من مجموعة الموارد الصينية China Resources group. وفقاً لبيانات المعاملات الرسمية التي تم الإفصاح عنها بواسطة بورصة شنغهاي للبيئة والطاقة ( SEEE) ، كانت هذه أول اتفاقية لصفقة ضخمة منذ الإطلاق الرسمي لسوق الكربون الوطني في الصين والمعاملة الوحيدة للاتفاقيات الضخمة في ذلك اليوم.


شركة سينوبك لديها ما مجموعه 17 شركة تابعة، ولديها محطات طاقة ذاتية الإمداد مدرجة في سوق الكربون الوطني، من بينها أربع شركات، وهي حقل نفط سينوبك شانلي، وسينوبك ماومينج للبتروكيماويات، وسينوبك شنغهاي للبتروكيماويات، وزد-تي-أتش-سي للطاقة، وشاركت جميعها في اليوم الأول لتجارة الكربون. يتم تشغيل أعمال تجارة الكربون الخاصة بـسينوبك من قبل شركة فرعية مملوكة بالكامل لها وهي الصينية الدولية المتحدة للبتروكيماويات ( UNIPEC ) باعتبارها الهيئة الرئيسية للعمليات، والتي تجري بشكل موحد معاملات الشركات في منظومة سينوبك بسوق الكربون الوطني.

تشارك سينوبك بنشاط في إنشاء أسواق الكربون التجريبية وسوق الكربون الوطني في الصين، ونفذت عمليات تفتيش لانبعاثات الكربون على مستوى النظام وأنشأت نظام لمعالجة بيانات انبعاثات الكربون في عام 2012، وبدأت في إنشاء نظام معلومات لإدارة أصول الكربون في عام 2015 من أجل تحسين كفاءة حساب انبعاثات الكربون ودقة البيانات بشكل فعال.. لقد أوفت جميع الشركات الرائدة التابعة لسينوبك بمهام الامتثال لحصص الكربون الخاصة بها بالكامل، وتراكمت لديها خبرة واسعة لدخول سوق الكربون الوطنية.

تعمل شركة سينوبك بثبات نحو تحقيق هدف صافي الصفر (معدوم).  تعد صناعة الطاقة والكيماويات مجال عمل رئيسي للصين للوصول إلى ذروة انبعاثات الكربون وبناء سوق الكربون. في عام 2020، اقترحت شركة سينوبك بناء شركة كيميائية رائدة في مجال الطاقة النظيفة، ولأول مرة، تم دمج “النظيفة” في رؤية الشركة وأهدافها.

تقوم الشركة ببناء مخطط صناعي من “مؤسسة واحدة وجناحين وثلاثة محاور واقعية” بجهود كبيرة، وإرساء أسس متينة لموارد الطاقة، وتقوية “الجناحين” لتحسين جودة النفط النظيف والتنمية الصناعية الحديثة، وتوسيع ” ثلاثة محاور واقعية”- باستكشاف طاقة جديدة ومواد جديدة واقتصاد جديد.

بينما تقترح الصين الوصول إلى ذروة انبعاثات الكربون في عام 2030 وتحقيق حياد الكربون بحلول عام 2060، تعمل شركة سينوبك على تسريع بناء نظام إمداد طاقة نظيف ومنخفض الكربون، وزيادة تعديلات الهيكل الصناعي والطاقة ومواصلة الحد من انبعاثات غازات المسببة للاحتباس الحراري. ستعمل سينوبك على خفض كثافة انبعاثات الميثان السنوية بنسبة 50٪ بحلول عام 2025، مع تطوير غابات خالية من الكربون ومحطات غاز خالية من الكربون ونماذج مميزة أخرى لتحقيق الحياد الكربوني قبل موعد هدف الصين والمساهمة في تقديم مساهمات جديدة في معالجة التغير المناخي العالمي.

سوق الكربون هو سوق يتم فيه تداول حقوق انبعاث ثاني أكسيد الكربون والغازات الدفيئة الأخرى كسلعة من أجل تحقيق الهدف العام المتمثل في التحكم في انبعاثات الغازات المسببة للاحتباس الحراري. تتبنى آليات السوق للتحكم في الانبعاثات وتقليلها وتعزيز التطور الاقتصادي، وهي ابتكار مؤسسي مهم للتحول الأخضر ومنخفض الكربون.

يرجى زيارة سينوبك  لمزيد من المعلومات.

حول شركة سينوبك

شركة سينوبك “. Sinopec Corp ” هي واحدة من أكبر شركات الطاقة والكيماويات المتكاملة في الصين. وتشمل عملياتها الرئيسية التنقيب والإنتاج والنقل عن طريق خطوط الأنابيب وبيع النفط والغاز الطبيعي؛ وبيع وتخزين ونقل المنتجات البترولية والمنتجات البتروكيماوية ومنتجات الفحم الكيماوية والألياف الاصطناعية والأسمدة وغيرها من المنتجات الكيماوية؛ والاستيراد والتصدير، بما في ذلك أعمال وكالة الاستيراد والتصدير، للبترول والغاز الطبيعي والمنتجات البترولية والمنتجات البتروكيماوية والكيميائية وغيرها من السلع والتقنيات؛ والبحث والتطوير وتطبيق التقنيات والمعلومات.

وتضع سينوبك “تأجيج الحياة الجميلة” كمهمة مؤسسية لها، وتضع “الأشخاص، والمسؤولية، والنزاهة، والدقة، والابتكار، والفوز المتبادل” كقيم أساسية للشركة، وتتبع استراتيجيات التوجه نحو القيمة، والتطوير المدفوع بالابتكار، والتخصيص المتكامل للموارد، والتعاون المفتوح، والنمو الأخضر وذو انبعاثات الكربون المنخفضة، كما تسعى جاهدة من أجل تحقيق رؤيتها المؤسسية لبناء شركة عالمية رائدة في مجال الطاقة والكيماويات.


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Sinopec Builds World’s Largest Disinfectant Production Base

Sinopec disinfectant products are now sold in more than 80 countries and territories, representing a third of global market share

QIANJIANG, China, July 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Sinopec Jianghan Salt Chemical Hubei Co., Ltd. (the “Company”), a subsidiary of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (HKG: 0386, “Sinopec”), has completed a trial run of its new 12,000 tons/year concentrated bleaching powder batch feeder on July 23. At present, the Company’s annual disinfectant production capacity exceeds 100,000 tons, making it the world’s largest disinfectant production base.

Sinopec Builds World's Largest Disinfectant Production Base in Qianjiang, China.

The Company’s disinfectant products are now exported to more than 80 countries and territories. The construction of the new 12,000-ton/year disinfectant production plant kicked off in June 2020 and is set to enter operation soon, despite multiple challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic and recent floods. The new plant will increase operating efficiency significantly while reducing energy consumption and emissions.

The bleaching powder concentrate produced by the Company is highly recognized for:

  • High calcium hypochlorite content – less than 30 grams of bleaching powder is equivalent to one 500ml bottle of 84 Disinfectant Liquid.
  • Inorganic, high-efficiency germicidal disinfectants can kill pathogenic intestinal bacteria, pyogenic coccus, pathogenic yeasts and spores.
  • It can inactivate poliovirus and has a 99.99 percent antibacterial rate against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Escherichia coli (E. coli).

The disinfectant also leaves no residue after use and can be widely used for food and drinking water disinfection, water purification, environmental disinfection, animal husbandry, aquaculture, among others.

The product is recognized as a national essential new product by five ministries and commissions, including the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China.


In 2020, when Wuhan ran out of disinfectant supplies to prevent and control the novel coronavirus, Sinopec imminently instructed the Company to adjust production and ensure a sufficient supply.

On January 24, 2020, Chinese New Year’s Eve, Sinopec-SK Wuhan Petrochemical Company dispatched eight 30-ton platform trucks to transport 200 tons of donated disinfectant supplies in 500-kilometre roundtrips from Jianghan Oilfield to Wuhan.

Entrusted by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and other departments, the Company donated a further 951 tons of bleaching powder disinfectant across the country and has been included in the list of manufacturers of epidemic prevention disinfection materials by Hubei Province.

The Company has also exported more than 10,000 tons of disinfectants in March 2020 to more than ten countries, including Italy and France, supporting the fight against the pandemic.

Please visit Sinopec for more information.

About Sinopec

Sinopec Corp. is one of the largest integrated energy and chemical companies in China. Its principal operations include the exploration and production, pipeline transportation and sale of petroleum and natural gas; the sale, storage and transportation of petroleum products, petrochemical products, coal chemical products, synthetic fibre, fertilizer and other chemical products; the import and export, including an import and export agency business, of petroleum, natural gas, petroleum products, petrochemical and chemical products, and other commodities and technologies; and research, development and application of technologies and information.

Sinopec sets ‘fueling beautiful life’ as its corporate mission, puts’ people, responsibility, integrity, precision, innovation and win-win’ as its corporate core values, pursue strategies of value-orientation, innovation-driven development, integrated resource allocation, open cooperation, and green and low-carbon growth, and strives to achieve its corporate vision of building a world-leading energy and chemical company.

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CGTN: CPC sets example for global development

BEIJING, July 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech at the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrations reflected the great achievements of the Party in leading China’s socio-economic development.

CPC sets example for global development

In this anniversary year, it will certainly be remembered how reform and people-oriented policies promoted by the CPC have transformed China, lifting 740 million people out of poverty in the last 40 years, reducing the poverty headcount ratio by 94.4 percentage points.

Mainstream Western economic thought and theory alone cannot explain the range of achievements China has made over the past 50 years, such as how it has grown from a poor and backward country to a global leader in manufacturing technical products today.

China’s infrastructure development, rapid urbanization, and ability to improve the well-being and happiness of its people are unmatched by other countries. China owes its economic miracle to the leadership of the CPC.

However, China cares about not only its own development. China has been making tireless efforts to promote multilateralism and solve global climate problems.

As former Prime Minister of Greece and President of the Socialist International George A. Papandreou said, China’s commitment to openness and multilateralism is of key importance not only for China’s prosperity but also for tackling effectively common global challenges. Common challenges ask for common solutions. Shared goals and embracing diversity is the path.

The current pandemic has shown how important the harmony between man and nature is. It has shown us in the cruelest way how there is a link between environment, nutrition, animal welfare and zoonotic diseases. We have become aware that policies for addressing climate change must go hand in hand with policies aiming to protect biodiversity.

China believes that addressing climate change is not simply a problem to be eradicated, but also an opportunity for sustainable economic growth. It can become a driving force for modernization with the potential to benefit the developing world as much as the developed along the lines of the UN SDGs (sustainable development goals).

All countries have a huge responsibility for mitigation in order to lower global emissions per capita. Of course, the richer nations must bear the heaviest burden and take into account the differences between the developed and the developing world.

“Decode the Real China” is a 13-episode series which invites 13 high-profile politicians, including former prime ministers and ambassadors to China, to interpret President Xi’s July 1 speech from the perspective of the development miracle created by China under the CPC, multilateral cooperation, the prospects of BRI cooperation and the response to global climate change.

The series focuses on the effectiveness of the leadership of the CPC and China’s development achievements through the eyes of other countries, with the aim of showing the world a real, three-dimensional and comprehensive China.

View the series to download multimedia:

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GWM POER Lure International Championship Closes, Creating All-scenario Life

BAODING, China, July 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On July 16, the first match of the 2021 GWM POER Lure International Championship closed successfully. The Championship attracted many highly-skilled Lure contestants and audiences from various circles of interest. Covered by more than 350 media and live-streamed across the Internet, the Championship became a hit.

Lure fishing started in North America and has become a global popular competitive sport after 40 years’ development. It is loved by fishing enthusiasts. Lure enthusiasts have to carry professional equipment and Lure boats and trek over mountains and water. Therefore, pickups that can go off-road, tow and load should be a must-have for them. GWM POER’s independent and open trunk is perfect for placing items and can easily tow a Lure boat anywhere. Able to be placed steadily in 700mm of water, GWM POER is a considerate product in the eyes of Lure enthusiasts. GWM POER has sponsored the Lure International Championship for two consecutive years. Its vehicle support for Lure contestants has been highly recognized.

GWM POER Lure International Championship Closes, Creating All-scenario Life

As the NEXT-Gen Smart Safety Pickup, GWM POER adopts a user-centric approach and explores different circles to make its product an intimate all-scenario companion. Besides Lure, GWM POER has also probed into eight outdoor circles around the world, including cross-country activities, expeditions and camping, showing its all-scenario hardcore performance, and bringing infinite possibilities of diversified lifestyles to global users.

Equipped with three differential locks, crawling mode, tank U-turn, 7 all-terrain driving modes and other comprehensive off-road devices, GWM POER beat bad road conditions with ease during the Mount Everest Elevation Survey. The journey was tested by rain, snow, fog and other complicated weather. GWM POER crossed the snow-and-ice roads on the Kya Wu Lha Pass at 5,200 meters above sea level with 108 turns in Mount Everest National Park, paying tribute to the climber’s spirit. GWM POER invited well-known commentators Ahmed Al Shehri and Hani Daghustani to drive across oases, deserts and castles in Saudi Arabia to highlight its powerful trafficability, extrication and loading power under the exotic charm. GWM POER, combining muscular vehicle body, smart technology, hardcore performance and high safety, restored the multiple dimensions of life with tents and motorcycles in South Africa and linked user emotions through the integration of scenario-based activities and life. In the future, GWM POER will also be fully integrated into the South African pickup culture through a series of sponsored joint activities across the sea fishing, cycling and camping circles.

Since its launch, GWM POER has accumulated tens of thousands of users and is highly recognized by the market. It has won the Chilean “Best Pickup of the Year”, “The Car of the Year” issued by media authorities in Australia and New Zealand and other authoritative awards in succession. In the future, GWM POER will continue to optimize its products, innovate its usage scenarios, and create a cooler product experience for global users.

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Geekvape and Paris Saint-Germain Announce Official Partnership

SHENZHEN, China, July 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On July 23rd (GMT+8), before the new Ligue 1 season kicks off, Geekvape, the world-renowned vape brand, and Paris Saint-Germain, the European football powerhouse, announced together the official partnership starting from the 2021-2022 season. It is the first time in history that a football giant partners with a vape brand. Both sides will work together on campaigns, TV commercials and co-branded products in authorized countries. Geekvape fans around the world will also have the opportunity to see the team in real life.


Elegance, and Excellence

“Geekvape has always followed a brand concept of ‘Love of Life’ and building an excellent life experience, while Paris Saint-Germain is known for playing elegant football ” said Allen Yang, the CEO of Geekvape Technology. “In their own sectors, Geekvape and Paris Saint-Germain are sharing the same passion for ‘Excellence’ and ‘Elegance.’ And based on this common idea, we have come together today. Six years after its creation, Geekvape has grown into an international brand serving millions of users around the globe. The partnership with Paris Saint-Germain is an essential step in its brand strategic upgrade and will, at the same time, attract more users to feel the positive energy brought by football through Paris Saint-Germain’s football magic.”

Marc Armstrong, Paris Saint-Germain’s Chief Partnerships Officer, said: “We are delighted to welcome Geekvape to the Paris Saint-Germain family. Geekvape is an innovative Chinese brand with worldwide ambition. We both share the same determination to ally excellence and elegance. We are looking forward to working together to develop creative campaigns.”

About Geekvape

Geekvape, founded in 2015, is an innovative technology company headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Geekvape’s mission is to build a creative life experience and provide a reliable product experience. For a long time, Geekvape continuously creates and thinks differently, aiming to positively impact society.

About Paris Saint-Germain

Paris Saint-Germain football club was created in 1970 and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020. Since QSI’s purchase of the club in 2011, it has transformed to become one of the top football clubs and global sports brands in the world. The club has since then won 27 trophies in only ten years, 43 in its history, becoming the most successful football club in France. Paris Saint-Germain has attracted many great players including Ronaldinho, Beckham, Ibrahimovic, and currently Neymar Jr and Mbappé, both ranked amongst the top players in the world. The international popularity of the club never stops growing. It is now the one of the most followed club in the world, expanding from zero to a community over 100 million social media followers in just ten years. The pioneering sports club which now includes men’s football, women’s football, handball and judo added esports in 2016. Giving back to the community is fundamental to the club who has drastically increased the capacity of its Foundation to develop large programs for underprivileged youths.

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BrandSafway Announces New EVP and Chief Legal Officer

Imran Hayat brings global strategic general counsel experience to leading access and industrial services company

Kennesaw, Georgia, USA, July 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BrandSafway, a global leader in access and industrial services, has announced that Imran Hayat has joined the company as executive vice president (EVP) and chief legal officer (CLO), effective July 19, 2021.

“Imran has an excellent track record as a global strategic general counsel,” said Karl Fessenden, president and CEO of BrandSafway. “He has extensive experience building and managing legal, risk, compliance and governance teams, and developing strong partnerships internally and externally to drive enterprise and shareholder success. His strategic mindset coupled with his deep domain expertise makes him a great addition to our team.”

Most recently, Hayat served as EVP, general counsel and chief strategy officer for CHC Helicopter Corporation. Prior to CHC, Hayat was in private practice where he advised some of the world’s preeminent public and private companies.

Hayat is looking forward to working with the BrandSafway leadership and legal teams. “I’m excited to join the BrandSafway team,” said Hayat. “BrandSafway is a dynamic and growing company with a strong executive team and a great internal legal and risk team. The company is well-positioned for continued success.”

Hayat earned his law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco and holds a bachelor’s degree in both economics and diplomacy and world affairs from Occidental College in Los Angeles.

About BrandSafway
With a commitment to safety as its foremost value, BrandSafway provides the broadest range of solutions with the greatest depth of expertise to the industrial, commercial and infrastructure markets. Through a network of 360 strategic locations across 30 countries and more than 38,000 employees, BrandSafway delivers a full range of forming, shoring, scaffolding, work access and industrial service solutions. BrandSafway supports maintenance and refurbishment projects as well as new construction and expansion plans with unmatched service from expert local labor and management. Today’s BrandSafway is At Work For You® — leveraging innovation and economies of scale to increase safety and productivity, while remaining nimble and responsive. For more information about BrandSafway, visit


Karla Cuculi

‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (‏CGTN): مناشدات Peng Liyuan من أجل تعليم المرأة والحد من الفقر

بيكين, 23 يوليو / تموز 2021 PRNewswire/، وجهت Peng Liyuan زوجة الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينج يوم الثلاثاء خطابًا عن طريق الفيديو لمنتدى منظمة تعاون شنجهاي بشأن تعليم المرأة والحد من الفقر

وقالت بينج التي تعمل أيضا مبعوثة خاصة لوكالة اليونيسكو  بشأن تحسين تعليم النساء والفتيات أن جميع النساء يتطلعن إلى تخفيف الفقر  وتحقيق السعادة، وتستطيع المرأة التخلص من الفقر من خلال الحصول على االتعليم والمعرفة واكتساب المهارات،

وذكرت أنه بفضل الجهود الصينية المتواصلة حققت الدولة انتصارًا في الحرب ضد الفقر الحاد، وتمكنت من تخليص مئات الملايين من النساء الصينيات من الفقر، مضيفة أن الصين تبنت سلسلة من الإجراءات لضمان وصول النساء إلى التعليم بشكل مكافئ للرجل وجعلهم مستفيدين ومشاركين ومساهمين في الحد من الفقر.

وقالت بينج سيمثل تقليل الفقر من خلال تعليم المرأة حافًا قويًا في حال أولته الدولة الاهتمام المطلوب، ودعمته المنظات الاجتماعية دعما فعالًا، وساهم الأشخاص باختلاف توجهاتهم في هذا المضمار منكرين مصلحتهم الشخصية،

وذكرت كيف حفزت حكومة مقاطعة قويتشو أكثر من 500.000 امرأة للعمل من المنزل بتطوير صناعة الحرف اليدوية المصممة خصيصًا للنساء، وكيف تمكن ما يزيد عن 3 مليون فتاة فقيرة من إكمال تعليمهن تحت مظلة مشروع براعم الربيع الممول وطنيًا، وكيف أن معلمة تُدعى زانج جويمي أسست مدرسة ثانوية مجانية في منطقة فقيرة وساعدت ما يقرب من 2000 فتاة  في الالتحاق بالجامعة،

وعلقت بينج أنه مع استمرار تواجد 435 امرأة حول العالم تعيش في ظل الفقر لا تزال الفجوة بين الجنسين بشأن التعليم واضحة، وأضافت أن وباء كوفيد-19 ساهم في خلق تحديات جديدة لتقليل الفقر الذي تعاني منه النساء.

وقالت بينج أنه على مدار 20 عام، ومنذ إنشاء منظمة شنجهاي للتعاون، اتبعت النساء من الدول الأعضاء “روح شنجهاي”، وتبادلت الخبرات بشان تطوير المراة، ودعمت التعاون في المجالات المختلفة، كما ساهمت بنصيبها في تعزيز تعاون المنظمة

وذكرت نحتاج إلى توحيد مشاعرنا وبذل الجهود طويلة الأمد، إلى جانب الاستمرار في تعميق التعاون بشأن تعليم المرأة والحد من الفقر، وجعل التعليم يلوح بنور الأمل للنساء، وإتاحة الفرص للكتير من النساء لعيش حياة كريمة،

وقد نُظم المنتدى تنظيمًا مشتركًا بين اتحاد نساء عموم الصين، ولجنة حسن الجوار والصداقة والتعاون التابعة لمنظمة شنجهاء للتعاون والأمانة العامة لمنظمة شنجهاي للتعاون،

فيديو – 

بينغ ليوان تحث على التضافر لتعليم المرأة والحد من الفقر

بكين، 23 يوليو/ تموز، 2021 / PRNewswire / — تقرير من سي سي تي في+:

دعت بينغ ليوان، زوجة الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ، في يوم الثلاثاء إلى بذل جهود منسقة ومتواصلة لتعميق التعاون في مجال تعليم المرأة والحد من الفقر.

وأدلت السيدة بينغ، المبعوثة الخاصة لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلم والثقافة (اليونسكو) للنهوض بتعليم الفتيات والنساء، بملاحظاتها أثناء خطابها عبر رابط الفيديو للمنتدى المعني بتعليم المرأة والحد من الفقر، الذي شارك في رعايته الاتحاد النسائي لعموم الصين والمؤسسات ذات الصلة في منظمة شنغهاي للتعاون.

مع الإشارة إلى أن القضاء على الفقر وتبني السعادة هما المقصد الأسمى المشترك للمرأة، وأن التعليم سيمكن المرأة من التخلص من الفقر، صرحت بينغ بأن الصين قد حققت انتصارًا كاملًا في الحرب على الفقر، وأن مئات الملايين من النساء في الصين قد تخلصن منه.

كما قالت بينغ أن الصين اتخذت سلسلة من الإجراءات لضمان المساواة في حق المرأة في التعليم، وأن تصبح مستفيدة ومشاركة ومساهمة في مكافحة الفقر.

وذكرت برنامجًا تديره الحكومة المحلية في مقاطعة قويتشو وزانج جويمي، ناظرة مدرسة، لتطوير صناعة متخصصة للحرف اليدوية النسائية، والهادف إلى مساعدة الفتيات في المناطق الجبلية المنكوبة بالفقر على تحقيق حلمهن بدخول الجامعة.

وأشارت بينغ إلى أنه لا تزال هناك حاليًا 435 مليون امرأة تعيش في أوضاع فقيرة على مستوى العالم، وسط فجوات تعليمية بالغة بين الجنسين، والتحديات الجديدة التي تواجه الجهود الرامية إلى الحد من شدة الفقر الناجمة عن جائحة كوفيد-19.

كما أشادت بدور المرأة في تعزيز تنمية منظمة شنغهاي للتعاون على مدار العشرين عامًا المنصرمة منذ تأسيسها، ودعت بينغ إلى التكاتف والاستمرار في تعميق التعاون في مجال تعليم المرأة والحد من الفقر، مضيفة أن ذلك من شأنه أن يرسم طريق الأمل أمام المرأة من خلال توفير التعليم، وأنه سيمنحهن المزيد من الفرص لتحسين حياتهن.

فيديو –