Emirati-Hungarian artwork displayed during Arab Cultural Day in Budapest


The Embassy of the UAE in Budapest celebrated Arab Cultural Day, which was organized by Arab embassies accredited to Hungary at the Museum of Ethnography in the capital, Budapest.

The guest of honor, His Excellency Dr. Laszlo Cofer, President of the Parliament of the Republic of Hungary, inaugurated the exhibition in the presence of Arab ambassadors, parliamentarians, government representatives, and notable Hungarian and Arab individuals.

In his speech during the opening, His Excellency Cofer referred to his country’s historical relations with the Arab world, explaining that Hungary has established relations with all Arab countries over the years. He added that Hungary maintains a significant diplomatic presence in Arab countries and continues to engage in growing trade exchange.

Arab embassies participating in the event displayed their heritage, from antiques, collectibles, and popular foods. For its part, the UAE unveiled artwork that combined the cultures of the UAE and Hungary. The piece was made by Hungarian artists specializing in fine porcelain and will be displayed at the UAE Embassy in Budapest.

His Excellency Saud Al Shamsi, UAE Ambassador to Hungary, said during the unveiling ceremony of the masterpiece: “Our aim was to display the connection between the peoples and cultures of the UAE and Hungary. Part of Emirati culture is believing that the ‘impossible’ is possible, and we always look to the future to overcome challenges. Part of Hungarian culture is their pride in history and the arts and their enduring craftsmanship in this field.”

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation