Palestinian Foreign Ministry Condemns Raising Occupation’s Flag on Ibrahimi Mosque


The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the acts of the Israeli occupation forces and a group of far-right settlers who raised the occupation flag on the surface and walls of the Holy Ibrahimi Mosque, which is a blatant violation against the international law, Geneva Conventions, and an outright provocation against the feelings of citizens and Muslims.

Such aggression is a part and parcel of the occupation schemes that aim to entrench the theft of the Holy Ibrahimi Mosque and Judaize it through altering its landmarks, including its historic and civilized identity, the ministry said in a statement Sunday. It added that such an act reflects the mentality of the occupation and its policies in targeting the worshipping, historic and heritage places in occupied Palestine, in addition to falsifying their reality in the service of the occupation’s narratives and colonial schemes.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), along with the relevant UN organizations called for speaking out and condemning these measures, activating the fact-finding missions to investigate the details of Judaization operations of these worshipping and historic places, in addition to taking measures to ramp up pressure on the Israeli government to stop them immediately.

They reaffirmed that such violations and other forms of constant aggression against Islamic and Christian sacred places, with Al-Aqsa Mosque coming at the forefront, are new proof of the intentions of the occupation government to escalate the situation and its rejection of the calls of pacification efforts.

Source: Qatar News Agency