President of Swiss Confederation receives UAE Minister of Education


President Guy Parmelin of the Swiss Confederation has praised the close and distinguished bilateral relations between the UAE and Switzerland at various levels, while welcoming Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, UAE Minister of Education.

In his remarks at the Federal Council in Berne today, President Parmelin expressed the hope of advancing cooperation in a way that furthers prosperity, progress, and benefits their peoples.

Al Hammadi, who is currently on a working visit to the Swiss Confederation, commended the Swiss leader’s sincere desire to further solidify ties in the best interests of their people.

The meeting comes within the framework of strengthening the strategic partnership that brings the two countries together, exchanging views and mechanisms for joint action to consolidate the bilateral relations in several fields, especially in the education sector, and to support international efforts for a more constructive cooperative stage for the advancement of education in light of the current developments.

Later, Al Hammadi met with Martina Hirayama, State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation in the Swiss Confederation. They discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the scientific field between the two countries. They also discussed educational projects and ways to exchange experiences between academic institutions in the UAE and the Swiss Confederation.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation